Played Character Tlaloc Kaheleha

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Nidakk, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Nidakk

    Nidakk Phsycotic Horse Rider

    Sep 22, 2017
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    Name: Tlaloc Kaheleha
    Age: 46
    Race: Nang Allar
    Gender: Male
    Occultism: None
    Main Ambition: To become one of the most prominent Nang Allar in Regalia.
    Proficiency Information
    - STRENGTH - 7
    Technique Parry
    Concussive Blow
    Pinning Throw
    Shrug Off
    Knockback Sweep
    Bruising Strike
    Cheap Shot
    Diving Tackle (Allar Buff II)
    Weapon Throw (Free)

    Rage Counter
    Shield Wall
    Shield Deflect
    Shield Snare
    Shield Slam
    Shield Block (Free)

    Oceanic Pack (Allar Buff I)
    - WISDOM - 2
    Chem Cleanse
    Chem Purge

    - DEXTERITY - 0
    - FAITH - 0
    - MAGIC - 0

    - Pidato
    - Common
    - Vasar
    - Altalar
    Visual Appearance
    Eye Color: Red
    Hair Color: None
    Hair Style: None
    Skin Color: Light blue
    Clothing: Red cloth over his shoulders and a sash right shoulder to thigh for holding tiny bones and other trinkets and bobs he collects, he wears a hide skirt as well.
    Height: 7'
    Body Build: Strongman
    Weapon of Choice: Morning Star
    Core Concept
    • If you ever saw Tlaloc walking down the street your first thought would probably be that he was some sort of savage warrior. You may hear of his exploits on the battlefield which would only feed into that. He doesn't talk much in common typically talking to himself in Pidato.
    • On the inside Tlaloc supports a life of confidence. He thinks he can beat any person on the battlefield if they are smaller than him. This can cause arrogance to some of those that went to agility schools for that is his one weakness. He typically thinks of new ways to expand his fighting skill.
    • Tlaloc's friends and family see Tlaloc as a gentle giant. This could be because they are on his good side. He rarely lets his violent side show to them unless in combat. His friends, in combat, see Tlaloc as some sort of shield typically wanting to go behind him as he swings his weapon. His family sees him as protection from violent Ailors.
    • Tlaloc's morality is not shaped by any religion, rather, coin, if somebody pays him to do something, than he'll more than likely do it. Tlaloc is a Unionist by birth, though he doesn't take it seriously and sometimes resents the religion for reducing him into slavery in his early years. In resentment, he has since turned to Evolism, taking a particular liking to Morrlond.
    Life Story

    Birth/Childhood 266-278 A.C
    Tlaloc was born as a slave to Nupt (Father) and Paku (Mother) Kaheleha. Unlike his father and mother he grew very tall and well muscled. He was too big and clumsy for farm work so his slave owners made him to heavy lifting seeing he was toned at about the age of eight. He did this until age nine when he broke a mirror and his owner decided to whip him. Tlaloc's owner was suppose to give him fifteen lashes but only got to one seeing Tlaloc didn't like the pain and punched him right in the gut causing his spleen to rupture. He died a day later. There was no proof it was Tlaloc even though it was suspected. At the age of ten, while the previous slave owner's daughter took the slaves, she asked a Hitlok Mercenary to inspect Tlaloc to see if he would take him to be trained. The mercenary like Tlaloc and took him off the Sslave owners hands. For the next thirty years Tlaloc would train.

    Teen/Young Adult Years 279-291 A.C
    After the mercenary took Tlaloc under his wing, he trained for ten years with the Morning star. His first one was a wooden one but it gradually got bigger as time went on. He dabbled in the Warpick and Flail but chose to use the Morning Star more. When he reached twenty he graduated from Hitlok and went into a mercenary job until he was twenty-one when word reached out that his previous slave owner had killed his father. This infuriated Tlaloc and he decided to pay his owner a visit. Guards of the manor tried to overwhelm the furious Nang Allar but to no avail. He killed the slave owner and brought back his mother and other extended family. He was almost charged for his crimes, though he fled before that could happen.

    Adult Life 291-306 A.C
    Tlaloc never raised a family on his own. His family moved into a nice village where they became fishers and Tlaloc was enrolled to the mercenaries. He lived a pretty normal lifestyle for about ten years before deciding to leave his family and go back to Regalia. He was not recognized after ten years and so not charged. While he was there he met a young Eronidas wanting to join Hitlok so Tlaloc took him in and trained him until the Orc graduated. Then Tlaloc moved to the slums where he still is today. He joins gangs occasionally for at the moment he does not have a job. He misses his family but would never move back to the small village.

    Regalian Life 306-Present
    Tlaloc was a very volatile figure upon arriving in Regalia, he committed crimes that would land him in the Metropolitan (then called the Hightowers) and took up a life of crime. This culminated when Tlaloc found a young noble in Crookback and kidnapped her for money, though this failed. He was shot in the eye by Urijah Jammeson in 306 A.C, who assumed he'd die. However, due to his superior Allar biology, he survived, narrowly, terrorizing the waters of the sewers. He fell deep into the Meriac layers of the sewers, however, after many years, he's found his way back from the depths, and he is very angry.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 Nidakk, Mar 7, 2018
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  2. Jonificus

    Jonificus Pizza the Hutt

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Claimed for review
  3. Jonificus

    Jonificus Pizza the Hutt

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Looks all good here. Though for future reference, please mark off the proficiency allocation more precisely.
    Ex: +30 Longsword (+10 School of bloodcast, +20 Proficiency points)

  4. Nidakk

    Nidakk Phsycotic Horse Rider

    Sep 22, 2017
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    Hello, this is a super old character who 'died' in the past. This has been retconned, instead, he got banished to the shadow realms of the sewers and is now coming back. I would be actually shocked if this affected literally any played character, that's why I put it here. Thanks!

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