Est'sinaii On Ju'oelle.

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Iyyiushi, May 16, 2024.

  1. Iyyiushi

    Iyyiushi Refugee Supremium

    May 21, 2020
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    To those who are not yet aware, The Council Est'Sinaii is a Half-Lanlath and Full Lanlath-run political activism association. While Est'Sinaii is a small organization and fresh from the letterpress, the assorted minds try to speak to Lathan's objective of mutual aid to all good people. Unfortunately, our first meeting included deciding what to do about one of Lathan's children, Ju'oelle. Riding on multiple reports of gross misconduct, associating with Dreadborn, and hiring mercenaries against another Estelley faithful. We are left with one collective decision:

    Est'Sinaii will write home to Lathan to alert The Guardians and the Peace Corps to a severe lapse in character. Lathan's social policy does not condone abuse, and it is saddening that a member of the Peace Corps, even a low-ranking one, has failed its singular message. Typically, the choice is to find ways to correct the behavior, but Ju'oelle is less than receptive to any criticisms to such a degree as to belittle our Ordvaan, including a herald to the gods. Thus, we are left to hope that a corrective course is made the next time they return to Lathan.

    Anyone wishing to learn about or access Lathan is encouraged to write to her representatives to the palace or, for less important matters, approach me or a member of Est'Sinaii. The list includes myself, Ysenya, Blair Vang, Aelintai Antansiön, and more applications to process.

    Satharini Äsovel Antansiön Bel-Vashaäel
    • Informative Informative x 8
  2. vulnyacura

    vulnyacura typomancer Supremium

    Dec 25, 2023
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    A freshly pressed sheet of parchment, indicative of the Lothar Order is placed below the above notice, near seconds after it is posted.

    The imperfect referred to above has been connected to the hiring of thugs from the under city, to kidnap Squires of all things. All to supposedly remedy her image in the eyes of her peers.

    - Darkwald von Rolanthe

    • Powerful Powerful x 4
  3. HeyoBiggums

    HeyoBiggums Urlan Advocate Supremium

    Sep 13, 2015
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    A missive would be plastered next to the Darkwald’s notice, with a wax seal of the Lancyon Chapter of the Viridian Order pressed at the bottom of the notice.

    The accused’s behavior against members of a specific faith is unacceptable in a highly developed society like our own. As it is not in line with the Crown’s idea for a diverse yet unified Empire.

    ~ Ser Henrik Osmont
    • Powerful Powerful x 1

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