Excise On Silence

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Lizehrd, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Lizehrd

    Lizehrd Lizard and Chill

    May 31, 2018
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    Across Crookback a dozen-dozen rats of metal and fractured light skitter and scatter through the alleys and the eves, dropping missives across the pavement, posting them on notice-boards with silver quills and rusty nails.
    To the Mayorship of Crookback,

    I exempt myself from following the rules instituted by the Crookback Complaint Association, on the grounds of “I do not care about your stupid rules.” I will not be paying any taxes or fines associated with any of the given rules. I will also be extending this exemption to anybody who is working with me, friends with me, or who has ever shared a drink with me.

    Furthermore, I will be placing a counter-tax upon anybody who I see that works for the Crookback Complaint Association. Anybody who I see that attempts to enforce the CCA’s fines will be fined 500 Regals. I will not be accepting alternative forms of payment.

    If you have any complaints upon this new jurisdiction, I will not be taking it up with you, because I do not care. If you dissent against my ruling against myself or anybody who claims part of this exemption, I will be happy to make use of the current laws of Crookback to make my point expediently clear. If, however, the current Mayorship sees reason, then there won’t be any problems.

    However, I will not care either way. Do not bother me and mine and I won’t bother yours. Easy as.

    Aldon Adeliason

    P.S. Anybody who’s looking to be a little less lonely in Crookback right now, come and find me. Happy to make some new friends.

    “I don’t care who the IRS sends, I am not paying taxes.”
    • Powerful Powerful x 13
    #1 Lizehrd, Oct 13, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
  2. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    From the office of the CCA
    Dear Mr. Aldon,

    For someone who cares so little, you sure seem to care a lot. Congratulations you are now in debt to the CCA.

    Total Amount Owed: 55 Regals.

    • Complaining without a Complaint Pass (50 Regals)
    • Looking like a bird (5 Regals)
    Being in debt is illegal. You have 3 days to pay off your debt before your lively hood and bird like looks are taken from you.

    Thanks for the great annotation,
    Executive Accountant Hy’riss
    • Powerful Powerful x 8
  3. MippyMoo

    MippyMoo Resident Sad Corpse Man

    Jan 31, 2018
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    A hand slaps across a thigh.

    "FINALLY! Makin' some sense!" a Silven cries. "Gotta get him in on some of my shit..."

    ((Let's meet IC :) ))
    • Powerful Powerful x 2

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