Costanzo Dei Fierdo

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Troy, Jul 29, 2022.

  1. Troy

    Troy Vigilante Leader

    Nov 13, 2016
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    “Man is a reed, the weakest of nature, but he is a thinking reed.”



    • Name: Costanzo dei Fierdo
    • Age: 49
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Dressolini Ailor
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Preferred Weapon: Crossbow, Spear

    Core Concept

    Costanzo left a family and life of wealth in Dressalo to seek new purpose in Regalia. Not only did he find a career in medicine, but a life of danger among house guards. Regalia is a dangerous place, and sometimes he fears he is the creator of many of his patients.

    "Hurting and healing are merely opposite ends of the same spectrum. Too often they clash in the center, myself directly in between."


    14/14 Points Used

    Strength: 7
    -Technique Parry
    -Knockback Sweep
    -Concussive Blow
    -Battle Flurry
    -Steady Body Pack
    -Unarmed Expert
    -Pinning Throw

    Constitution: 4
    -Rage Counter
    -Second Wind
    -Shield Block
    -Shield Slam

    Wisdom: 1
    -Affliction Wisdom Pack

    Dexterity: 2
    -Dye Shot Pack
    -Volley Assist


    • Dressalo (Native, Fluent)
    • Common (Taught, Fluent)
    • d'Ithanie (Strong)
    • Daendroquin (Intermediate)
    • High-Anglian (Basic)


    • Eye Color: Green
    • Hair Color: Brown
    • Hair Style: Shaved down at the sides and back with the hair combed upwards
    • Skin Color: Tanned
    • Clothing: Pavisa uniform, formal blue clothing, black night outfit with a gray cape, old set of Kreiguard and Castley armour, old set of armour of the Lord Chancellor's Contingency,
    • Height: 5'11


    • Born to Ricardo and Claudia dei Fierdo in Montania - 272 AC
    • As a child, Costanzo displayed symptoms of autism. While his parents suspected, he was never truly diagnosed. He didn't mind being around other children as long as he could hear himself think, and was actually quite enjoyable to be around as long as the occasion was to his personal standards. Costanzo's sort of emotional detachment from other people made him a perfect fit for the rigors of a combat school called the Academia dei Pavisa, where he was enrolled at the age of 14.
    • Most of his early adulthood was taken up by the Academia dei Pavisa. He eventually grew out of his quiet habits and became more assertive in his thoughts and ideas. His strategic mind developed more, and his skills with the Pavisa quickened and heightened. Once he graduated, Costanzo was sent to Regalia, unaware of who he was being sent to. During his time at the Academia, Costanzo started practicing medicine and physical therapy as a hobby. Costanzo never thought he was good at it, but it was fun to do. His hobby eventually turned into a skill. Once his instructors picked up on his abilities, they immediately moved him to medical and fitness classes. Costanzo arrived in Regalia during the year 296 after graduating from the Academia dei Pavisa.
    • Costanzo joined a Pavisa chapter called Syfierni. After a large war, Costanzo returned home to care for his family. He eventually returned and found work with Theopold Kreiburg as a house guard and quickly rose the ranks to become Theo's right hand man, even being permitted to court and marry Theo's cousin at one point. Costanzo also became a manager at the Burning Bridges Medical Clinic, and held that position until the clinic's close. Now, he works as a medic wherever he can pick up work.
    • Originally, Costanzo came to Regalia to join a chapter of other Dressalos who were also Pavisas. Now, he's come back between visits home for the same reason: To protect the city by whatever means necessary.

    Option One:

    • Fear: Costanzo views fear as an obstacle. If it’s not something he can work his way around with a plan, he just flat out ignores it and presses forward with the situation.

    • Stress: If Costanzo is under stress, then something is very, very wrong. Stress will come upon him if he cannot come up with a plan or if his solutions are failing. When dealing with stress, Costanzo will hole himself up and refuse to speak to others until he can come up with something.

    • Happiness: Happiness is something Costanzo used to be foreign to. In his younger years, the man rarely ever felt a sense of accomplishment big enough to feel happiness. He rarely smiled, and could release a polite chuckle at best. Now he's quick to offer a smile but is still very reserved as far as laughter goes. It took a long time, but dei Fierdo was eventually able to gain an emotional grasp of himself.

    • Law & Authority: Costanzo holds respect for authorities and will obey, but will often question the law and its usefulness in certain situations. However he never verbalizes this. At least not to the point of directly bashing the law. With authority comes loyalty, something that Costanzo values under both his personal morals and as a Pavisa.

    • Other Races: It does not matter to him. As a medical provider and a previous Kreiguard under one of the most accepting nobles there is, Costanzo's mindset heavily shifted from what it used to be. His black and white vision of usefulness and uselessness has entirely gone away, replaced by an understanding that a person is a person. There are good people and bad people, and some in-between, but such basic common sense is not something that should be used to judge someone before actually meeting them.

    • Religions: Costanzo believes in Unionism, though doesn't exactly follow the religion as strongly as he used to. For him, there's a lot of grey area in that he likes to listen to and compare the views between different religions and his own. From his perspective, every religion has some truth, but likely not the fulness of it.

    • Arcane and Magical Abilities: Costanzo views magic as useful in certain situations. If it is evil, he will destroy it under orders. Despite his tolerance of it, he views it with some annoyance as it makes him feel useless in medical situations.

    • Family: Costanzo’s emotional detachment from people did not allow him to truly feel love towards his parents. However, he did appreciate them in the greatest respect for the things they did for him. And as Costanzo underwent a mental and emotional change, he was able to realize a love for his parents and their presence in his life. They were overjoyed the first time he approached them and commented that he loved them. He still occasionally visits his parents merely to thank them for his upbringing.

    • Biggest Insecurity: His scar. Costanzo considers himself a clean man. His scar makes him feel unclean and ugly. This has lead to many off habits such as bathing with clothes, placing paints or make-up over the scar itself, and, when sleeping, always laying on his back. To him, the scar is a sign of failure.

    • Proudest Thing About Themselves: His graduation from Academia dei Pavisa. Costanzo spent ten, hard working years at the Academia, and seeing his peers, his parents, and even his cruelest instructors cheering him on was about as close as he thought he'd ever come to real happiness.

    • Motivation: He held no real motivation. Half the things he does are simply because he saw he could do it. People who spend time around him tend to pick up on this fact and often question him or his actions to see if there was any purpose or intent. His impulsiveness is the exact reason why people either love him or hate him. However, under the guidance of Duke Kreiburg and the influence of the Kreiguard, Costanzo's motivation has begun a mature shift from mere impulse to discipline, loyalty, and a will to serve the Empire and its citizens, to make things better.

    • Biggest Fear: Failure. Costanzo hates failure with a passion. To him, there is no optimism or learning in failure — If the plan didn’t work, then don’t try it again.

    • Other: Costanzo has an ability to remain eerily calm in any situation, even one of crisis. Keeping a level head has done well for him and diffused plenty of situations. His expression and tone do well enough to convey how he's feeling. This makes it unnecessary for him to express them verbally.

    #1 Troy, Jul 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
  2. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Claimed for review.​
  3. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Put this section into a spoiler and I'm good to approve it.
  4. Troy

    Troy Vigilante Leader

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Done and done!
  5. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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