Harmony Yvline

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Alexfi21, Jul 3, 2022.

  1. Alexfi21


    Jul 2, 2022
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    Character Information

    • Full Name: Luthien calanis

    • Alias: Harmony Yvline

    • Race: Altalar (Suvial)

    • Age: 105

    • Gender: Female (she/they)

    • Eye Color: dark amber
    Core Concept

    • Harmony at their core is as her name suggest, a harmony between kindness and brutality. Even before their curse of vampirism they travelled the lands healing the wounded most of the time out of the pureness of their heart but always having something in return be it a favor or money or anything. Now with their curse they more look at healing as a way to make sure their food is well and healthy, and always asking for something in return, still having that small spark of kindness in them that mostly is shown to the people they are close to (mainly their partner). Being always there to make sure other are healthy and she gets what she wants with words rather than violence, but she will use violence if needed.

    STR - 1

    • Unarmed Pack
    CON - 1

    • physique Pack
    WIS - 1 { Dark Metal }

    • Engineered Medica Pack

    DEX - 5

    • Forgery Skill Pack

    • Marking Pack

    • Backup Pack

    • Brittle Pack
    MAG - 3

    • shadow magic (vamp)

    • nature magic

    • light magic

    • healing magic

    • Afflicted Lair Pack [Vampire]

    • Afflicted Cursemaster Pack [Vampire]

    • Afflicted Evasion Pack [Vampire]

    CHA - 4

    • State Dignitary Pack

    • Distant Speech Pack

    • West Linguist Pack

    • Mount Husbandry Pack


    Blooded Vampire

    Bonded Vampire [Sylus-Harmony]


    Common (Free)

    Altalar (Native)
    Suvial (Native)

    West Linguist Pack (Linguistics)

    Appearance Information

    • She has a few mutations, horns, ears, and a tail similar to that of animals, given to her by her nature magic. And white hair given to her by her light magic.

    • Appearance

    • Vampire form
    Life Story
    • Harmony was born in to a family of healers and diplomat, in the Sundial lands, where from a young age was trained by her parents to be a healer and a diplomat her self. But that proved difficult at the start since Harmony was a mischievous child wanting to do stuff her own way.

    • As Harmony grow up she would start to calm down, still having that rebellious spirit, she would start to show a talent for healing and a deep understanding of nature around her. After some years she would learn how to use the magic of nature but at the cost of her body changing giving her animalistic features like horns of a ram, ears of a goat as well as a tail similar to the one of a lion. At first Harmony was scared and anxious about those changes but as years moved by she started to embrace them.

    • Life was going great for Harmony, After her studies as a healer where complete she decided to start roaming the lands healing all those she could on her travels while also making connections for her self with other people she might need help from in the future. her travels where mostly calm and always ended with someone being healed to the best of her abilities.....

    • But that all changed once the Bone Horror Crisis started, Harmony watched the death, pain and misery that spread around her trying to help those in need by she knew she was not strong enough, she need to grow stronger to be able to help and heal. And so she searched for a source of power that can help her complete her goal. using the connections she her self made to find someone or something that can give her that.... But sadly that brought her to a dark path, getting mixed up with the wrong people that promised her what she wanted harmony accepted but Sadly it was not what she asked for....

      After that she woke up in a cold room, clearly stronger than before but with some hunger she could not explain.

    • After coming to terms and understanding her curse She gave her self a new name "Harmony", Which she used to escape her old life and the people that where close to who she was before as she continued to travel. On her travels she met a Ailor name "Sylus" Which she grew quite font off, since they both shared similar goals. Later she married Sylus and started to travel with him, and now their travels leading her to The Regalian capital
    #1 Alexfi21, Jul 3, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2022
  2. Yurs

    Yurs real life catgirl

    Jun 27, 2019
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  3. Alexfi21


    Jul 2, 2022
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    The changed made because of the new Proficiency upgrades

    State Diplomat pack upgraded to State Dignitary pack
    took away Pinning shot
    changed the extra point buy from vampire from Healing Alchemy pack to the affliction evesion pack
    Added Engineered Medica Pack
    and changed pet husbandry pack to distand Speech pack
  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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