Shelved Character Imani - The Songbird

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Welcome to White Space.
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
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"I am not good nor evil."
"I'm just using what the Gods gave me."

|| The Lost Idol ||


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"Tied me tight to a cross, I look longing at the sky,"
"Penitence for your crime!"
"If I pray, who will hear? I am drowning in their cheers."
"Penitence, and your life!"
"Let it light, let it burn out bright, and choke on all your spite!"

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  • 《☼|| BASIC INFORMATION || to know one's self .ೃ࿐ 》
    • « CHOSEN NAME » | Imani Kassambara
      • > Nicknames | "Cute, but just Imani is fine!"
        • > Mani | Affectionate Nickname
        • > Sun | Used by Few
        • > Sunshine | Used by Lovers and Friends
    • « RACE » | Dijara Dragonkin
      • > Heritage | Mixed Life Isldar and Ailor
    • « AGE » | Twenty-Three Years
      • > Birthday | June 6th, 290 AC
      • > Astrology | Gemini
    • « GENDER » | Female
      • > Pronouns | She & Her
      • > Preferred Terms | Feminine
    • « OCCULT » | Mage
      • > Alignment | Ordial
  • 《☼|| CORE CONCEPT || to acknowledge one's soul .ೃ࿐
    • IDENTITY |
      • MBTI Type | ENFJ-T | The Protagonist
      • Alignment | Lawful Evil
  • 《☼|| VISUAL INFORMATION || to present one's appearance .ೃ࿐
    • GENERAL APPEARANCE | "At least my horns are real now!"
      • > Oddities | Imani's blood is not the typical blood red, but instead more similar to sunlight. It retains its thick liquid texture. Her hair is typically worn in a loose wave of braids.
      • > At a Glance | Imani stands at six feet with a round and curvy figure. Tawhroon decorates her face, notably swirls trailing from the bottom of her eyes to her jaw and a simplistic sun in the center of her forehead. She has a pair of two black horns that curl back, occasionally decorate with golden chains and flowers. Imani tends to favor shades of red and gold. She avoids blue and green with a passion. The Dragonkin hates shoes. Instead she wears a long type of pantyhose with rubber soles at the bottom for cushion.

"So please remember the word,
I loved through my friends and dearest family
It really seems "Happiness" is such a mystery
I hope no matter what, you love the days to come"
Ayano's Theory of Happiness | Jin


  • 《☼|| PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to show one's talents .ೃ࿐ 》
    • ⎈ 0 STRENGTH
      • > Steady Body Pack (Racial)
    • ⎈ 0 WISDOM
    • ⎈ 0 DEXTERITY
      • > Chem Technique Parry
    • ⎈ 8 MAGIC (7 Attack)
      • > Safeguard (Magical Variant) (Racial)
      • > Magic Shove
      • > Magic Smog
      • > Magic Resist
      • > Magic Snare
      • > Magic Revive
      • > Magic Cleanse
      • > Shapeshift Pack (Magical Variant)
      • > Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
    • ⎈ 5 FAITH (5 Defense)
      • > Divine Savior
      • > Divine Aggro
      • > Divine Smite
      • > Divine Aura
      • > Divine Burn
  • 《☼|| LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to communicate with others .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Free Languages | Common, Sofa
  • 《☼|| ABILITY INFORMATION || to protect one's friends .ೃ࿐ 》
    • > Guidance Mage | Imani has history of managing the dead and the fallen.
      • > Main Themes | Sunlight, Fire, Healing, Ghosts
      • > Main Themes (Sinistral) | Blood and Rot
    • > Race | Dragonkin (Mixed Heritage: Isldar & Ailor)
      • > Free Packs | Safeguard & Steady Body
      • > Mechanics |
        • As a Dijara Dragonkin, Imani can control sand and sunlight. (Dragonkin)
        • While fighting against Mystech, Imani takes only -1HP from Attack Emotes instead of -2HP. (Dragonkin)
        • Inversely, her connection to the Beyond has weakened her against Ordial Foes. She takes -3HP instead of -2HP. (Dragonkin)
        • Imani's family has taught her to be devout even in the face of adversary. While making decisions within the ideology of her faith, she can generate 1 Divinium during Staff Events (Consult with Staff Event DMs). (Ailor)
        • Elisen, Imani's mother, has practiced the Life Song with her before their split. Imani can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture to prevent them from becoming Undead and also granting them guaranteed access to the afterlife (With OOC Consent). (Life Isldar)
        • Imani was raised around diplomats and quick-witted family members. No matter the language, even if it is one she does not understand, Imani will always know when she is insulted. (Ailor)
        • Despite hating all forms of water, Imani tolerates (enjoys) watching the Soul Rivers. She is able to tap into them to feel random memories and emotions. (Life Isldar)
        • Imani can see things from incredibly far away if she squints. She is farsighted as a result. (Isldar)

"All I want is a better life, feel the light in my eyes
Taking the hand at my side, I'll reach and make it mine "
Kick Back | Kenshi Yonezu



aesthetics by rowet​
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Family - Pure
Tra'ore Fa'Salor | @HeyItzAPotato | Father
"You're so warm.. like home. Home is where you are."

Imani is considerably close her father. While she only has vague memories of her childhood inside the Masayan Capital, she recalls some of her happiest moments being spent with her father. She hopes he's the same as she remembers.

Seydou | @Regular_Spud | Uncle

An Ordial Cultist and a Lieutenant of the Metropolitan, connected by the strings of family. Imani holds her Uncle in the highest regard, even higher than her own father due to Seydou's willingness to learn about the deity she worships.

Elisen Darrath | @Hell0There | Mother
"I haven't seen you in years. Let me show you how much I've improved."

Imani thinks very highly of her mother. While she was with Elisen, it was quiet, compared to the general business of the Fa'Salor family. The Songaskia's most treasured possession is the violin and bow her mother gifted her for her twelfth birthday.

Death Cult - Found
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@Azas helloHello! shuffled some points around, added sorcery. changes made in mean girl pink
@Yurs Fareen has been cured, nothing else changed besides changing Cahal stuff to Inactive
@Yurs So this is hard to explain, but Fareen was molded in with another character (somewhat). Now she's a long lost child of another character. Here's what changed (Changes made in ORANGE)
- Backstory changes in the beginning and middle section. End stays the same.
- Removed Exist base for Sorcery and replaced it Void cause Songaskia shit on Exist
- Due to above, Casting Light 1 was removed
- Replaced Genevaud Linguistics with Sofaal
- Nondominant half part changed to Isldar
- A new name is brought up, Imani! huh.
..the Darrath's grow yet again..
@Yurs during my break, decided to shift fareen to be a healer and musician as she travels and learns icly! changes made in red.
Claimed for review! Expect a reply shortly.
@Volaie heyheyprof update! also geist are cool. prof section and abilities changed. Eidolon Form added in Visual Section. no major life story adjustment just added new recent events on how fareen became a geist and priestess.
changes made in gween
Approved, but as a fore-warning, when the next review comes around, I'll request you make a smaller life-story. Can put it in a spoiler and worry about it later.
@ChapterDeath just added bidden theurgy! (and the rest of her points were nuked. ic learning time baby lets go)
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@ChapterDeath charted out imani's prof spread, all being learned icly need a rereview to make sure my numbers are right.