Ali Karim

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Northern_Ireland, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Northern_Ireland

    Northern_Ireland Official Account for the NI Secretary of State

    Aug 14, 2018
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    Full Name | Ali Karim
    ✥ Nicknames: Karim
    Age | Twenty-nine
    Sex | Male
    Gender | Male
    Race | Songaskian
    Eye Colour | Amber

    Core Concepts:
    Ali has little recognition of religious devotion. While he would outwardly label himself as a believer in the Shambala faith, he is not a strong believer. Believing there is ultimately a higher power, he would inwardly consider himself agnostic.

    Presenting himself as the owner of a trading company, Ali understands that the nature of generating true wealth and power requires dubious means. Smuggling, forgery and theft can often times be cleverly disguised with more innocent-looking fronts.​

    60 proficiency points = 50 base points + 10 hobby points

    Core Group Proficiency - 3 points​
    ✥ 3 Fist Combat​
    Talent Group Proficiency - 20 points​
    ✥ 10 Perception Training
    ✥ 10 Strength Training​
    Hobby Group Proficiency - 1o hobby points​
    ✥ 5 Writing Art
    ✥ 5 Painting Art
    Linguistics - 12 points
    Roguery - 15 points

    Body Shape​
    ✥ Body Stat: 3 Fist Combat + 10 Strength Training = 13 Body Stat
    ✥ Body Type: Muscular
    ✥ Body Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
    ✥ Common (Free)
    ✥ Sofaal (Mother tongue)
    ✥ Fraddi
    ✥ Etosian
    ✥ Ithanian
    ✥ Daendroque
    Special Traits

    Roguery Packs​
    ✥ Rogue Gift 3
    ✥ Rogue Gift 4
    ✥ Rogue Gift 5
    ✥ Art Forgery Pack
    ✥ Government Forgery Pack
    Racial Abilities (Songaskian)​
    ✥ Elder Form 1
    ✥ Elder Form 2
    ✥ Elder Form 3
    ✥ Super Self 7
    ✥ Element Control 3
    ✥ Element Brand 3
    ✥ Home Enchant 2
    ✥ Magic Sight 2​

    Eye Color | Amber
    Hair Color | Black
    Hair Style | Exceptionally short and shaved, though his beard is well-groomed and styled
    Skin Color | Dark
    Clothing | An imperial-style black tunic with an ornate burgundy sash. However, with the tightened garb, open chest, and wealth of jewelry adorning him- there were certainly aspects of Songaskian fashion in his outfit.
    Height | 6'6

    Appearance Information
    Ali is a mundane Songaskian.
    Ali is a 6'6 Songaskian with a broad and bulky build. He has a thick black-haired beard and can usually be seen dressed in a tighter-fitting Songaskian styled tunic with a silk sash, marked with a gold earring and eyebrow piercing.

    Character Alignment | Neutral Evil
    ✥ Ali is a man of masks, pleasant masks at that for the associates he entertains, the company that he shares. What lies beneath is more simple, a calculated man who is driven by the promises of power and wealth he has made to himself. He holds no justification for this lust for power, but hides it out of sheer practicality- crowds usually favour a kind face, no? He is pragmatic, self-interested, and ambitious at his core, regardless of what kind of facade he puts on.

    Character Personality | Entrepreneurs
    ✥ Few personality types are as charming and attractive as Entrepreneurs. Known for their ability to improvise and focus completely on the present, Entrepreneurs are great at finding exciting new things to explore and experience. Entrepreneurs’ creativity and down-to-earth attitude are invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.

    Religion | Shambala | 3/10
    Ali is aware of the teachings of Shambala and adheres to its worldview, for this he certainly believes. However, he just does not care terribly for its philosophy any more than the surface level. He considers himself far too materialistic for that.



    - Born in the year 280AC in the bustling capital of the Songaskian Masaya- Korbamakora, Ali was the firstborn of what would become both a large and wealthy guild-house.
    - His childhood was unusual, with his father taking on many successive wives- Ali had little connection to his own father nor his many siblings, which would come to total in the double digits.
    - The wealth of his family would be put to use however, as firstborn, Ali was incentivised to learn language and mathematics so that he may one day take his father's stead in operating the coastal trade company he had come to create.
    - Tensions among his family would continue to grow into his late childhood. An absent father and family of half-siblings had the more cruel and ambitious at each other's throats- even at childhood games. This implanted an early-set coldness in Ali's mannerisms, beating down even his own full-siblings when challenged in order to keep himself atop the pile.
    - As Ali turned twelve, his father- Akmed gave word that Ali was to be sent off to the Masaya Coin Academy as he had before him, to learn the ways of financial and economic theory and receive formal training. This came to great relief to the child as he escaped an atmosphere of competition and coldness among his family to one of the acquaintances and rarely-chosen comrades, this is where he flourished.


    - Ali continued his studies into his early adolescence, coming to also complete studies at a neighboring financial academy- Al-Arraas Hamanh College.
    - During his time abroad he would come to get in close with the children of other wealthy families and trade institutions, establishing himself to be a familiar presence among the peers of his industry- while indirectly giving him insight into trade prospects and how the general system of trade operated around the Horn region.
    - He shadowed a Songaskian banker at the Bank of Korbamakora, giving him more insight into the operation of financial institutions as a whole- alongside the more morally questionable aspects of financial transaction and trade, the banker introduced him to the profitable under-markets of the city, where almost anything could be bought or sold. This experience implanted into Ali the perhaps the more dubious methods of wealth creation ought to be explored.


    - As he matured into adulthood, one major event would come to fully shape the man into what he is- the death of his father. The binding chain that held the family together- comprised from the children of multiple women who were not at all close to each other snapped.
    - The product of this death resulted in infighting among the family, and who would lead the family's trade networks as a result. As the days progressed, the situation only got more deadly. Upon one of his half brothers poisoning another, Ali took matters into his own hands- organising the assassination of one of his father's wives of which had created a faction unit within the family, while also organising the deaths of two of his brothers which fell within it.
    - The killings established Ali as the unquestioned head of the family, while some family members would flee as a result, those who remained dared not challenge his operation as head of the family, and it's trade guild.


    - With his authority in his company established, Ali took the executive (and controversial) decision to set up an branch headquarters in Regalia, believing that in light of the recent vampiric crisis- the markets would crash. As the old saying goes, "When there are graves to be dug, sell them shovels."

    Progression Information
    - Level 3 roguery (forced)
    • Winner Winner x 6
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    #1 Northern_Ireland, Nov 7, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2021
  2. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Claimed for review.​
  3. Northern_Ireland

    Northern_Ireland Official Account for the NI Secretary of State

    Aug 14, 2018
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    @fantuinn Updated to fit the new character application format.
  4. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    @Northern_Ireland Sorry for the extended wait!
    • You've invested one single point above the maximum. Rectify this, and you're gold.
  5. Northern_Ireland

    Northern_Ireland Official Account for the NI Secretary of State

    Aug 14, 2018
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  6. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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