A Declaration Of Intent

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by fantuinn, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Alright, one, two, three.

    From the (charred) desk of the new Militia Commander Harlow Ketch,

    Hello, everyone. I’d like to start, ah... with an apology. Alban used to say I apologized too much, but, well, I’m in charge now. Alban can’t exactly tell me off for that. I haven’t been clear about my intentions, and I think it’s fair that now I act with honesty. My father, resting well, used to say that “One should always be honest, so people can learn to like you instead of the person you pretend to be.” Those are words I try to live by. So, I’ll be blunt with you all.

    I’ve lived in Crookback most of my life. My family lived there when they still resided in the city, and I very often voluntarily made trips during my training. I was forced to watch when it burned, and stayed long after, helping people out of burning buildings and attending to the people that’d lost so much. So, from the deepest part of my heart, I promise to not let our district burn again. I know I’ve fought many of you, and butted heads where it seemed necessary. In spite of this, nearly everything I’ve done was to ensure that Crookback did not find itself burned by outsiders again. So I announce my intent clearly to all of you: I will keep Crookback safe. I’ll keep Crookback free. I will make certain that everyone in Crookback has the opportunity to move forward.

    I’m starting again. I don’t want to make enemies of people that could be friends. I’ll be taking meetings in the Militia Towers. These meetings can be from anyone, Crookback citizen or otherwise. The bell’s there. Give it a ring if you want me to run over, if I’m not sitting there already. For the duration of these meetings, I will have the Militia entirely ignore people wanted for Crookback law violations. I also have a list of people I’d personally like to see there, as to ensure that bridges are rebuilt and we can move forward as a collective rather than a constant war.

    So to Hessolis, Xilthruum, Laurel, the Playero family, Florence Amaya, whoever now leads the Cluster, Mantenette, and Mirabella Wymarc. I invite all of you, at whichever time you please, to come to the Militia Towers and speak. So I can make my intent personally clear, and endeavor to mend the bridges that were burned by my predecessor and myself. The execution of Ayas is something that will never, ever, happen again.

    Additionally, myself and volunteering Militia members and citizens will be personally training any Crookback citizen that believes they are in need of ways to defend themselves. The Militia is always openly hiring, but we’re perfectly willing to teach anyone who comes in instead of just… throwing them into the fold in exchange for learning how to do something as basic as self-defense. Speak to any Militiaman, or myself, if you find teaching or being taught an interesting prospect.

    And finally, all punishments shall be replaced with trial by combat. Gone are the days of beating the unable to fight back. All punishments will be administered while the subject is armed, and fully able to fight back. Traditional punishments rob freedom from the other party, which goes against the intent I’ve stated.

    I don't care to call this damage control. This isn't addressed as a result of recent criticisms. It's addressed because I want to be better, for my home. For the last place I ever saw my family, and the place I found my closest friends. Know that I will keep Crookback safe! Better than Alban, better than Shadowman! I will do everything in my power to grant representation to the people of Crookback! Know I won’t be content with stagnancy! Stagnancy burns too easily! Oh.
    Tone down? Alright, uh--… no, it's alright, I shouldn't shout. You're right. Uh, where was-- yes, alright.

    I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. All I want to do is improve, and mourn. For the death of a Desprince, the death of family, and the departure of a friend.​
    • Powerful Powerful x 23
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. fantuinn

    fantuinn most honest biped in athens Staff Member Lore2

    Jan 20, 2014
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    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. river_essence

    river_essence It's morbin' time.

    Aug 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    "Oh, exactly what I need. Now to find the funny man and ask for training." Viatrix mumbled, making her way to find the funny feather man.
  4. bwmwags3

    bwmwags3 Refugee

    Dec 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    The Wylthar read it over wided eyed, “Shit I’d say give him a chance as naive as it sounds. I should talk to the others about this later. Lloi come read this.” She passes it across the table. @Yoggery
  5. MidnightRey

    MidnightRey Ruler of the Abyss

    Feb 5, 2018
    Likes Received:
    The creature of plant and metal stared at the parchment. Letting out a relieved sigh as they rested back in their seat.
    "Finally, I hope we'll be able to no longer live in either hatred or fear of the Militia... But rather thrive off of eachother as allies."

  6. Gwyndo

    Gwyndo Scottish Egg

    May 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    - Mórrígan
    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Yoggery

    Yoggery Quiet and Falling

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Lloi leaned over, the Haat's eyes scanning over the paper before bursting out laughing, "Ha! I'll give the council a chance....maybe...I'll think it over."

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