
Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by SanguinePacman, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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    Basic Information (Required)
    • Full Name: Fe'Roris
    • Age: 143
    • Gender: Presents Male
      Race: Undead Shenathar Kathar
    • Preferred Weapon: Greatsword (Typically Broadswords)

    Skill Information (Required)

    Total Points: 60 = 50 Base + 10 Hobby

    • 15 Greatsword Combat
    • 5 Fist Combat
    • 5 Vocal Singing (+5 from Hobby Points)
    • 6 Writing Art (+5 From Hobby Points)
    • 5 Perception Training
    • 3 Linguistic Science
    • 15 Metallurgy
      - Weapon Metallurgy
      - Armor Metallurgy
      - Iron Family Metallurgy
      - Daen Family Metallurgy
      - Farad Family Metallurgy
    • 6 Roguery
      - Rogue's Gift 4
      - Wall Climb 3
    Body Shape
    • Greatsword Combat (15 * 1) + Fist Combat (5 * 1) + Metallurgy Science (12 * 0.5) = 25 Physical Stat (Capped)
    • No Body Shape
    • No Body Fat
    • Common (Learned in Travel and Conversation)
    • Modern-Altalar (Learned in Life)
    • Kathar-Elven (Linguistics Science)
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
    • Undeadism
      - Ironclad Titan [Constant Passive]

      Fe'Roris is a Shade bound to a suit of plate armor specially outfitted and forged for the containment of spirits, lined with precise Deathspeech runes. His ‘body’ can still be torn apart like any other undead’s, but he is always considered to be wearing armor. If his ‘body’ is damaged to any point, no matter how severe (before the point of lethality for an undead) he can repair it by collecting scraps of metal and roughly fashioning them into replacements before re-attaching them, after which the Ordial Essence in the Deathspeech runes causes the armor to re-forge itself properly to match. This cannot be done while in combat.
      - Wrath of the Wraith [Aesthetic] Sundered from his once full self, the empty spaces of his soul are filled with the memories and passions of previous shades he had directly made. When emotionally charged, Verdant Flames of the Bintaar spew from the spaces between plates of armor, or cling to an item they are holding, though not able to burn or set objects or places on fire.
      - Forge of The Damned [Aesthetic] Many warriors' presence still follow him, and thus he can have their presence and vigor imbue themselves into the flames around him. While tending to or otherwise creating a mundane flame it instead takes on an Ordial counterpart, only persisting when in emote distance before changing back.

      - Emotion Sense I [Control Power] The user can summon a hologram of the target’s current greatest desire in front of them to show them their inner desire, the target does not need to be willing, but only the target and the user can see the hologram. This hologram must be unmoving and see-through, but can reflect for example a Character sitting on a throne, an object they desire, the death of another person, etc. The desire is based on the Character’s ambitions and hopes, not necessarily their in-the moment wants. If the target has at least 10 Theatre Arts, this Ability does not work on them.
      - Body Scripture I [Toggle Passive] Grants the user the ability to manifest a form of Scripture in any quantity anywhere on their body, which appear like tattoos of glowing lines. Color rules are recorded on the Ability itself. The color will never glow enough to produce light in a dark room.
    Visual Information (Required)
    • Eye Color: Bright Green
    • Hair Color: N/A
    • Hair Style: N/A
    • Skin Color: N/A
    • Clothing: Full Plate
    • Height: 6'6"
    Visual Information (Expansion)

    • No Face, no Flesh, only the wrought Blacksteel Plate they they were shoved within and that skull-like face plate to replace where his face may once have been. Beneath the metal lies only the wisps of green essence to show the fullness of the vessel they now occupy.
    • Blackened soot-colored armor is what makes up his 'physique,' standing at a slightly extended six and a half feet tall, the brief plume of Ordial fire pouring from the opening at the back of the helm made by himself.
    • He has taken to wearing a short verdant fabric cape of sorts to drape over one arm, giving some sort of a knightly appearance with the alterations to his own helm and theoretical plume.
    • This hollow sounding, yet still bassy and grating tone escapes the Armored Wraith when he speaks, this reverberation to his voice that is uncanny in comparison to anything still living.
    Personality (Required with Choice)

    Option One: The Question List

    • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      • Productivity. When he was satisfied or happy with his environment it often resulted in motivation to complete projects he’d been working on, such as writing or physical training.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • Serenity, If he’s in a scenario he is certain to not make it out of it often culminates in a ‘Well, this is it’ sort of manner and disposition. On the other hand should trepidation be his largest task he subscribes to the ‘get it done and over with’ mentality for dealing with such obstacles.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • Indulgence, As of recent he's ascribed to a sort of philosophy completely different of what he had done in his previous life, considering his own wants and when stressed, attempts to of course relax.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • Ignorant. He, in his self-reflection, believes that the governing force is no more pure than an individual to corruption, planar or otherwise. Some may reside with righteous ideals within their ranks, but they are merely the foundation of a larger folly.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • Race does not matter, appearances do not matter, but the judgement of their character in how they present themselves in their honesty is how he judges someone.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • Content, He's come to a sort of conclusion that no faith can grant a salvation in the form of feeling whole in one's purpose, but only oneself can do so. Seek what you want and you'll never feel incomplete.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • It is power one can learn, and can be harnessed if it does not destroy them firstly. Sorcery all draws from planar spaces that will persuade you to join them in their intent, or Faith to a being of their own design.
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • They made him, of this he is sure and grateful for, however their devotion to a god that would not listen nor protect them has put somewhat of a profound sadness in his chest, but that sadness has dwindled to an acceptance. It may be better that a god does not.
    • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • Their Will and Intent. They feel right in protecting those who can bring more to the word through art and artistry. They are what make the world fuller in that sort of fashion than those such as himself.
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • Their own Folly. They can't seek after an evil to smite down every breath they take, they already tried that and it ended them up dead, so might as well find work that they can feel content doing.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • His wasted Life. He spent all of his life attempting to breathe conflict with every breath and now that he's gained some sort of clarity it's only when his heartbeat has already stopped. He wished he could've done more.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • Discontent. If he spend eternity like this, always desperately reaching for a purpose, he doesn't know how much his mind could last in attempting to reason with himself that not everything is simple or altruistic in it's design.

    Life Story (Required)

    Palias was born 165 AC, a little under a century and a half ago from the current date. In his younger years his hair was a raven black and much more color rose in his face, though, this is of his history. He was born in the aftermath of the Cataclysm, his parents being a Fin'Ullen Soldier and a daughter to a Noble house that had been effectively destroyed from both The Wildering upon their taken lands and Slave Uprisings upon their work force and possessions that had lived long and full lives before these events had even occured. During these times after the Cataclysm Altalaran society had struggled with its new predicaments, it's society shattered and driven to war with the Raglian empire in the last decade. Most of his early life consisted of his small family living in a place that not even he can remember by name, only in feeling. Remote, and more importantly a humble space that he began his childhood in, as well as the place that he was first exposed to religious experiences. He and his family began regularly praying to Ulley for guardianship and protection, though later in his years at the ripe age of 20 he'd seen first hand what only praying can do. Void cultists happened upon their home, humble in its construction, and took to burning it to the ground as well as being able to take the lives of his parents in this personal tragedy.

    Many years later he'd been able to join what was a Colony of recovering Altalar from from the Yanar's graces and willingness to rebuild. It having surrounded the ruins of the Allorn empire in the heart of Daendroc's jungle. As Fin'Ullen he ended up joining the remnants of the Empire's martial forces. During this period of his life he also dove into recovering knowledge, such as the histories of Planar Incursions predating the one he was the product of. As he fought off the more predominant Kathar and Void Cults that sought to take over the war-torn continent alongside others his fervor and growing loathing often took over his mind whilst he fought.

    In the midst, however, he began reading and researching a past he had not been a part of. The Void and it's counterpart The Exist. Supposedly the Blooming was when the God's Avatars left, as well as when The Void's Influence began to take hold over the Allorn empire's inhabitants through worship and hedonism among the upper class. The became an epiphany, in that all the gods originate from The Exist as the Void's Counterpart, Estel being a direct descendant from what he perceived to be a plane of divinity. This then went further to become Dogma, some of the remnants who still worshiped Estel thinking this to be heresy at best, and purely heretical at worst in what he suggested to directly worship the energies they had originated from-- not unlike what the Kathar had done with The Void and it's Arken.

    Though some of the gospel he spoke did gain traction in some circles, some even joining him as he still took part in battle against the growing Dread Empire that sought to ravage their Empire and people in their weakened state brought about by the Wildering. This went on though as the Altalar developed further and what some call a Cult and what he calls an Order strayed away from it's Allorn roots. The Lux Order began it's more well known activity in recent years, working as an unknown charter during the Dread War with it's history beforehand consisting of both inquisition of those who may be connected to or The Void and hunting of vampirism and Mages as it's direct spawn and progeny. Though after the conclusion of the Elven War of 302 AC and the Dread War of 307 AC did it begin it's slow trickle of influence into the Regalian Archipelago. Leniency to allow other Non-Nelfin races to join The Order or even those previously associated with The Void a chance to reject their ways should they choose to serve The Exist in its stead.

    Palias, or now better known as 'Luxirae' as his moniker under the Lux Order's Banner, having begun to grow more priestlike as his years have gone on. He goes about constructing The Order as more of a faith than singular murderous directive against The Void despite its eradication from Aloria still being his main priority. In his words The Exist does not change one to enact violence at one's whim, but to be beautiful to behold in abundance of conception and creation, but it is the Order's duty to enact upon such demands for the betterment of Aloria via the Eradication of The Void and it's various consorts that still thrive in the world. His arrival upon the Regalian Archipelago is for his personal role as an Apostle for the Gospel he carries with him, in hopes that he may gather more under his purpose as well as cleanse the archipelago from the tainted clutches still gripping at it from the underbelly of the Ailor Provence.

    He had been stripped of what connected him to his faith in knowledge, and that too had his fate dwindle. He was dragged off by Kaahl Sarnai, now Dzekh'aar, to be forcibly Dread Rebirthed. However, in that instance, he had seen that he could be given the tools for what he desired, what he's always desired, but may potentially be corrupted in such methods. He accepted it, as The Light had abandoned him, and he now seeks Justice as Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

    After all that Judgement and Justice, it winded him up slain but nothing more than a knife, and tossed in a river for all that his assessments had gained him in appreciation of his peers. Now, with the thousands of shades who had inexorably been sent to the Bintaar by his words as leader of the Lux Order did they force him back into the world through the Malefica, as both Penance and Reward for his asked forgiveness.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 SanguinePacman, Oct 22, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    150+ requires a special permission.

    Most of the peer view points of contention where similar to my own. Highlight edits when you're done and tag me by doing @Caelamus
  3. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  5. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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    @Caelamus Undead Perms! Also could you clear out the messages under the app a little bit? :P
  6. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Approved. Also thread cleaned.
  7. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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    @Caelamus Have a funny little Metallurgy rework
  8. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    ok approved.
  9. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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    @Caelamus Have a prof rework ping, as I'm sure you've plenty :P
  10. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  11. SanguinePacman


    Oct 6, 2014
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    @Caelamus Took away roguery skill and placed points into Metallurgy, ability didn't have intended use so just moves the points back.
  12. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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