House Ravenstad: Expansion Of The Staff

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Mooffins, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    6 - dMuEymd.png


    With increased activity of Ravenstad-blooded gentry in the Holy City, and that of King Percival himself, it is of House Ravenstad's prerogative to heighten the need of the house staff, and particularly the guard. Due to the coffers at House Ravenstad's disposal, and recent investment in the Buerg Eleng Castle here in the City's countryside outskirts, opportunities are afloat for anyone. A more than livable wage will be provided, and is subject for raises depending on performance, as well as the opportunity for housing within Buerg Eleng itself, featuring three square meals for on-site staff and guards. We're in most needs of house guards and general servants/maids, but are also entirely open to specialist positions, you need only apply.
    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands

    OOC - Q&A

    • Q: Are there uniforms?
      • A: For all guards, yes! It is subject to be edited, since legally there can't be metal on the armor and silly me needs to fix that, but the final outcome will still look close to this: Link
      • A: A skin for general servants has yet to be established, though is in the works currently.
    • Q: Info about housing?
      • A: All guards will be afforded housing within the Ravenstad Castle, Buerg Eleng. Servants will be too, but only ones who work in the castle (Staff like scribes and advisors are not needed on hand ICly, so they will not be given housing for example). This is still to be furnished, though is in the works. However, until then, a character may simply say they live there until we work out the furnishings OOCly.
    • Q: What about activity?
      • A: We follow the policy of: Character first, staff second. This means, it's just a job a for your character, and shouldn't be their life. We will expect decent activity from guards, but for other jobs there is a much lower demand, as we will not always be roleplaying at the castle or require a servant, chef, etc. ICly always assume your character maintains a work schedules, but only guards will be held to an activity check, which is still relatively low. Long story short, it's a loose check on activity.
    • Q: What rights do I have as a guard?
      • A: Concealed Carry will be followed by the House Guard, unless said person has some sort of override right themselves (Such as a count or in a charter elsewhere). We like guards not to be trigger happy, your job is to protect in case of a problem, not to usurp the rights the Regalian Guard has. That being said, please familiarize yourself with your character's rights to carry weaponry, and the law's comments about self-defense and violence here.
    • Q: What rights do I have as a servant?
      • A: Nothing special. You'll be afforded pay, potentially housing depending on your work, and meals if you live on site. You'll get a uniform that you can wear while on duty, once the skin is done.
    • Please direct any other questions to this thread, the house page, or directly to me.

    • Winner Winner x 4
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    • Immersive Immersive x 2
  2. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
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    So to apply, do we just write you a letter on this thread.. Or?
  3. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    A letter will suffice just fine, my bad for lacking to mention that!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
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    A letter would arrive, the handwriting decent enough to be legible though it was certainly nothing special.

    To Silvester Scwhienberg III,

    On the behalf of Merina Taliesin, I write to you for an opportunity of a job - more specifically the job as a servant. She has recently (in the last year, I believe,) moved to the city of Regalia from her home in Eriu-Innis. Miss Taliesin is a quick learner and always willing to sacrifice a bit of her time in order to help another. The meals and living arrangements are always needed for her, as often times I believe both are a bit hard to come by. Should you agree to hire her or meet her, it should be added that she lacks confidence and has a occasional stutter but pay it no mind.

    Alexandria H.,
    Writer on the behalf of Merina Taliesin

    Merina Taliesin
    The last time the applicant's name was written, it was in extremely different script; the letters blocky and shaky as well as slightly downhill - it rather similar to that of a child learning to write.
  5. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    Merina Taliesin,

    You've been accepted for a position of servant for House Ravenstad. His Royal Highness expects you at work beginning this week. As aforementioned, servants are afforded living quarters within the castle, which you may move into at your earliest convenience.

    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands
    • Like Like x 1
  6. AlysaPotato

    AlysaPotato Daensquad

    Jun 16, 2016
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    A letter would arrive on a piece of pristine parchment paper, with a lovely design on the front
    Dearest Silvester Scwhienberg III,

    Greetings. My name is Fudail Bashshar, and I'm writing to you regarding a guard position. I'm apart of the Regalian Guard, and I am a Warrior in the school of Lancyon, which should be useful for this job. I have lived in Regalia all my life, and have dedicated my life to training and guarding. That is all I have to offer regarding my skills for this job, thank you for your consideration.

    ~ Spirit Bless, Fudail Bashshar
  7. Varisus

    Varisus Refugee

    Jan 20, 2014
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    To Silvester Scwhienberg III,

    I write to offer my services as a house guard. I've experience experience in guarding work as a sellsword sailor and experience with a blade as a arena combatant for a good portion of my childhood. Also I'm already accepted into the Regalian Sellsword charter and lead my own company, meaning I've access to open carry weapons and armor permits already. Hope you shall consider me-
    Spirit Bless,
    Garret Ames.
  8. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    Fudail Bashshar,

    You've been accepted for a position of guard for House Ravenstad. His Royal Highness expects you at work beginning this week. As aforementioned, guards are afforded living quarters within the castle, which you may move into at your earliest convenience.

    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands
    Garret Ames,

    You've been accepted for a position of guard for House Ravenstad. His Royal Highness expects you at work beginning this week. As aforementioned, guards are afforded living quarters within the castle, which you may move into at your earliest convenience.

    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands​
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  9. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Dear Imperial Scribe Silvester Scwhienberg III,

    Hello there, I am Ambigo Monnier looking for a job as a scribe myself. Surely I'd imagine you'd need some help with all these responses you're putting out; and that is why I am writing to you today for. I look to see myself in a great position as someone who copy's out documents and sorts them for his Royal Highness. I am excited for a response, but until then I bid you farewell.

    With utmost highest regards, Ambigo Monnier II

    #9 TalkChat, Jun 13, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  10. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    Ambigo Monnier,

    You've been accepted for a position of scribe for House Ravenstad. His Royal Highness expects you at work beginning this week. As aforementioned, scribes are a specialty position and are not needed on hand often, so housing will not be provided.

    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands
  11. Ellimairy

    Ellimairy Sophia Du Polignac

    Sep 15, 2013
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    To the Utmost Gracious Ravenstad Family,

    Goodday to you all, as I have noticed you are looking for servants, I thought it might help if you had this book, of course written by one of Ithania's Jewels.

    I jest, goodlock on your search.

    Sophia du Polignac.

    Attached to the letter is a rather thick brown book.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 2
  12. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    To the assuming du Polignac,

    His Royal Highness wishes to relay the following message: "We require no book to advise us how to handle servants, especially not by an Ithanian woman with the same wealth status as the people who we hire."

    Silvester Scwhienberg III,
    Imperial Scribe to House Ravenstad and King Revain Percival Kade-Alltmesiter
    From the Office of Recruitment to His Royal Majesty, Percival Kade-Alltmeister,
    King of Brichauds and Grand Revain of the Hinterlands

    The book would be returned to the sender.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Ellimairy

    Ellimairy Sophia Du Polignac

    Sep 15, 2013
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    "What a pity." Sophia spoke as she looked at the letter. "I always liked anton better."

    The letter was tossed aside as she began writing something down.

    Manners: It is of utmost importance to never return a gift. It shows no gratitude, or is most cases it is that the reciever fears the supriority of the person who gifted it in the first place. Ofcourse some are so uncultured and smallminded they wouldn't even understane this.

    Sophia chuckled, as she placed it upon the stack of papers for her next book. "He's the lover of the empire, the Lampero is a table and those working are screwed. Insane."
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
  14. Pastellanar

    Pastellanar p l a t i n u m   l i z a r d

    Oct 27, 2013
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    To the Imperial Scribe Silvester Scwhienberg the III,

    My name is Silvian Elking and I've had my fair share of being a personal family tool - such as the now defunct Tzavaras family, certain expirience with working with the now commoner Coens, and my last noble family job being with the De Santigos. I've taken down horrific beasts of mutated abominations at least four times with a gardening tool, due to strange, specific circumstances. I'm willing to take on any sort of order given to me as either a servant or anything else you might like to give me. I've also survived through multiple dangerous situations with more then often without any of my limbs being torn off. So with that, I'd like to think I'm more the prepared for the job.

    Spirit bless,
    Silvian Alexy Elking.

    [ Theres a short return address here. ]
  15. StarkFromAway

    StarkFromAway bigge mistake

    Dec 5, 2015
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    To Silvester Scwhienberg III,

    I write to you in application for a position as House Guard to the most noble House Ravenstad. Since my graduation as a Viridian Paladin I have been desperate to show my loyalty to this holy empire by protecting the most prestigious of families that occupy it. I am confident that the noble House Ravenstad shall find my skills both unprecedented and useful. I am certainly not one to show off, so do not expect any unreasonable actions from me. At the end of the day, if you ignore my training, I am just a man looking to serve and protect.

    Spirit be with you,
    Sir Bronn of House Graygor
    First of His Name
    Viridian Paladin

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