Monthly Progression World Progression For August

Discussion in 'Progression Events' started by MonMarty, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    The coming of the Alaru Addir
    Some weeks after the events in the Kingdom of Arlora, the world around Regalia was still in utter chaos, and in many ways, one could argue Regalia itself was also in an uneasy position. Lands around the Empire relied on it for protection, and many opportunities were also created by the power vacuums in distant lands. While in Regalia the sermons and masses kept the people occupied, the government was hardly sitting on its hands. For some years now, since the death of the Ivrae princes in fact, the scholars of the court had been working on secret technology to combat the rising threat of undeadism around the world. The most recent events with the bone horrors had kicked their work into overdrive, and with massively increased government funding, the first few prototypes were created to be tested against captured subjects. Together with a whole host of Qadir clockwork tinkerers and soul mages, the Scholar’s court developed a series of projectile weapons called Alaru Addir, named after a Qadir scholar called Addir who once came up with the idea of using soul essence as a form of magic blocker in a projectile propelling device.

    The first shooting range was set up on the outlying Pack Isle where the weapons were tested with resounding success. The weapon effectively dispersed any magic holding the bone horrors together, while also denying the affected body parts and bones from re-forming. Mass production of the weapon was deemed impractical, but Regalia called upon all locksmiths and clockwork engineers to produce the weapons. Schematics were delivered to many government approved forges for the production of the metal cogs and parts of the weapons, allowing the workers to spend most of their time simply assembling the devices and simply test firing them. Before long, the first battleship was fully stocked and armed for a small rotating expedition, the first ship to set sail beyond the 200 yard barricade was the l'Oiseau, a battleship from Vixhall manned by fervent Calemberger sailors. The ship sailed beyond the purple haze, encountered the bone horror fish and successfully used their weapons to both neutralize and defend the ship as it sailed through the treacherous waters. On its first voyage, the ship managed to reach as far as Etosil and back, bringing news that Etosil was still hanging on. The government had somehow successfully brokered an agreement with the local undead who were just as much at risk of being wiped out by the bone horrors as the living were, and had successfully mounted major defensive positions all across the mountain monasteries and the major Etosian cities. The news of any civilization still existing outside of Regalia was received with jubilant crowds in the streets who now openly and aggressively voiced for more Regalian voyages to the outlying lands to find out if their loved ones and families were still among the living. The Military Governance started drafting plans for military intervention across the world while the clockworks worked day and night to produce more Alaru Addir weapons, and small camps were set up to commence training of skirmishers to teach them how to use the weapons.

    The Snake sets the bar high
    There was a lot of chatter coming from the Imperial palace concerning the state of the charters and the nobility as of late, and increasingly loud voices of concern were heard given the state of the charters going at each other. Many noble members were invited to dine with the Emperor over the course of a week, some reporting that the Emperor was openly discussing the potentiality of a return to the old centralized government, or a compromise situation in between with the current government in mind. It was clear that the Emperor had become dissatisfied with the downright sabotaging nature of the various charters, and had seen reason in the various individuals that had come to him to lament about the day-to-day problems of them aggressively seeking confrontation in the streets and misusing charter rights to their advantages. With the advent of foreign intervention and Regalia needing to focus all its resources on securing foreign lands, the Emperor decided to pass new legislation concerning the city’s crime fighting institutions. The herald of the Imperial Seat announced as followed:

    “The Emperor announces with great pleasure, and after a multitude of consultations with notable members of the administration such as his own brother the Prince Marshal, the Grand Justicar Maedelyn Barlowe and the Lord Ravenstad etc, that he will pass new legislation to improve the status and functioning of the City Authorities. Henceforth, all military charter rights and grants are irrevocably suspended. All military charter bases of operations will be cleared of individual charter possessions and repurposed by the central state. The Emperor has decreed that rather, a new grand Violet Order will be re-established, but under a new leadership and under the guise of compartmentalization. The Emperor is aware that this puts a lot of people out of work and out of the city’s law enforcement, and as such the Emperor has decreed an official period of chapter initiation. Those who wish to establish a chapter, should submit their request to the new Violet Order Council, a Council that will be manned by members chosen by the Emperor. Chapters may be created by any individual of any race, gender and social rank with any members exceeding five. A Chapter House Base will be assigned to the Chapter with a thematic chapter name, after which all chapters will function as if part of the same organization, each with their own Lord commander but owing their obedience to the Violet Order Council which will concert all chapters in one big organization. The Violet Order Council will review the applications based on the merit of the applying Lord Commander and the track record of their members and then choose to reject or accept the applications. The Chapters are then given a standardized codebook of law and practice, after which they may maintain their own leisure activities, meetings, recruitment and events. The Emperor has chosen the following list to become his representatives on the Violet Order Council:”

    -Prince Marshal Cedric Ermlin Kade
    -Grand Justicar Maedelyn Barlowe
    -Brother in Arms Jared Luchs Kade
    -Hinterlands Lord Percy Ravenstad
    -Holy Minister Aethelred Coen

    “As the previous list implies, the Emperor, in consultation with his Holiness the Supreme Reverend, has decided to promote the Reverend Aethelred Coen to Holy Minister to replace the vacancy of Johann von Treppewitz who has recently been deceased. This Council will formally and temporarily be in charge of the chapter initiation until the Emperor deems it sufficiently executed. After this period, a more permanent Council will be elected by the Emperor once more, after which the Emperor will also clarify the future positions and forms of the City Council and the Empire’s upper political offices.”

    With the Emperor’s announcement, carpenters immediately went to work evicting the current Charter head offices, and setting up the various gathering halls for the Violet order Council to begin their reception of new chapter applications.

    The Unexpected
    After such a sequence of events, most Regalians thought they had already gotten their fair share of change around Regalia, but many would not understand the great impact the next event would have, regardless of how insignificant it appeared to be. Deep in the bowels of the Regalian sewers, the massive machine called the Opiraz was still running, and it went into overdrive mode at the hand of two unknown individuals. The machine creaked and bellowed, stones falling down and pieces breaking off as magic started bursting all over the place. With one massive thundering boom, the machine erupted in a massive flow of purple mist, blasting a hole through the ceiling of the sewer and taking a few houses with it. A massive pillar of purple light blasted to the sky and from there, caused a massive ripple wave of energy that flowed all over the world. It did not affect anyone, save for a few Silverts with golden eyes.

    Those with golden eyes when hit with the shock wave, were thrown off their feet with an intense pain in their eyes. Moments would pass, the pain would subside, and when they looked up at the sky again, their eyes had instead become shades of blue, green and brown, whichever was natural to their race. They would find their magical powers diluted, like the thing that gave them power in the past had suddenly drained away from them, and their mind was clearer than ever. Whatever curse had taken hold of the gold eye freaks around the world was suddenly and violently being purged though this shockwave of purple magical essence. It was not only the Silverts that were affected however. Their Attribate elders were more intensely affected. The vast majority of them had been captured by the two unknown individuals and put into stasis. Those not fortunate enough to have been captured had their Attribate soul essence violently ripped from them through the shockwave, turning them into regular mages or warriors. The shockwave eventually flowed back to the machine as if it absorbed the magical essence it had just blasted from the Silverts and Attribate all across the world, before suddenly simply shutting off and collapsing.

    The explosion had another global effect however. While the bone horror apocalypse was still very much underway, the magic that originally caused the bones to rise was no longer forming over once long dead bones. The bone horrors that still shambled and crawled around with the intent to kill were still very much doing that, and could reform when killed with conventional weapons, but new corpses would no longer rise to fill the ranks of the bone horrors. This news escaped the Regalians for quite some time, if ever they would even realize what this Opiraz machine had done, but it would certainly help them and the rest of the world in the time to come, the many battles that had yet to be fought with the bone horrors.

    OOC Notes:
    • The existence of the Addir machines is known. Image here.
    • Addir machines are not acquirable aside from government sanction right now, but they will become purchasable in the future.
    • Addir machines are not guns. They are anti mage and undead projectile weapons.
    • All military and religious Charters have been revoked and Semi-Charters can be applied for under the Violet Order, with many of the same privileges as the Charters had, but with more government control.
    • Anyone wishing to Start a Chapter of the Violet Order must submit a template as followed to MonMarty by Forum PM:
      • Leader: IC name and OOC username.
      • List of 5 members: at least, IC name and OOC username.
      • Past credentials: Been part of a previous charter? State which ones here.
      • Motivation: for becoming a Chapter of the Violet Order.
    • Chapter houses will be assigned based on weekly performance. We expect Chapters to make weekly reports about traceable amount of arrests with arrest logging.
    • The hole produced by the Opiraz is merely rubble now. The government announced that the purple magic pillar was some aberrant mage going on a rampage, and the Azure order has cracked down on them.
    • The fact that the dead no longer rise new, is not known IC yet and probably never will since most Regalians don’t understand the specifics behind the magic of the Bone horrors.
    • We have decided to put a final end to the Attribate and Silvert system. All Attribate bar for Dread and Pride are now gone (in stasis/locked up/dead, whichever you prefer), only Dread and Pride remain as event characters, Dread for sewer events and Pride for zombie NPC invasion events with /mob spawn as a lore canon excuse. All staff privilegia to play Attribate has as such been revoked.
    • All Silverts have had their special permission revoked, though not retconned. All silverts are now free to choose their eye color within their racial spectrum, with the exception of Tristan Lampero who had his eyes acidified.
    • All Silverts who have magical powers have had their magical powers halved where applicable within reason-ability. If a 40 year old silvert was an expert for example, they would now be a mage. If a 30 year old Silvert was a mage however, they can remain a mage or become a caster. As a general first rule, the 200% learning speed is cut in half meaning you simply recalculate the level based on the amount of years trained. This is excused by the fact that the magical explosion ripped away part of their connection to the void.
    • All Silverts who were insane or socially broken on some level might experience sudden clarity and a conscience again. If the player behind the Silvert does not want this, they can simply say their personality remains unchanged because they’ve done so much messed up things in their lives that this more unstable chaotic personality had become their own real personality.
    • On a parting note, all interactions and actions with Silverts and Attribate remains the same. Magic has just been used to target them as fuel rods to fuel the last Opiraz machine operation to purge the world of horror magic. As such the Silvert powers are simply gone, but not from memory.
    • Those with natural gold eyes like Songaskia and Ch'ien'ji are not affected by the Opiraz machine.
    • Winner Winner x 9
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    #1 MonMarty, Aug 10, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  2. krios41

    krios41 Privjet

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Am i the only one that had to think of the Erchius Horror from Starbound when reading about all the flesh zombie thingies?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Ellimairy

    Ellimairy Sophia Du Polignac

    Sep 15, 2013
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  4. TotallyNotRice

    TotallyNotRice just some guy

    May 28, 2015
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    • Agree Agree x 18
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  5. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. HodlinG

    HodlinG owie Supremium

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Mixed Feelings would imply that there is something good in this World Progression. But, no. I don't see anything good here, just Pain.

    R.I.P, All of the Silverts who wanted- And waited. Have fun with your ordinary.. Ex Silveirall.

    I'll try to do the same.. I guess.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Medvekoma

    Medvekoma The Mysterious One

    Apr 22, 2015
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    This pertains the future of guard and religious charters, but will the system remain in place for scholarly ones, or will they be removed all-together?
  8. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    Why not keep a Virtue or two, to balance out the two Vices that are left?
    • Like Like x 2
  9. FeyWitches

    FeyWitches Very very frightening

    Dec 6, 2015
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    What I'm confused about is... Silveraills are basically with vice/virtue... And people whom got these attribates/vice and virtues y sheer force and magic exposition.. How would this affect those whom are not silveraill but still bear a curse of Malice, greed, salvation, etc... @MonMarty
  10. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Does the identity of the individuals even matter at all?

    I have literally 0 clue what you are trying to ask here.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. xSketchedCrystal

    xSketchedCrystal dead

    May 16, 2015
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    I think they meant would this affect possessed individuals.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Does the same rule apply where as oocly you can only be part of one chapter?

    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. Jack_Castle

    Jack_Castle Rage, RAGE Against the Dying of the Light. Supremium

    Mar 29, 2014
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    They are asking about Possessed people.

  14. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I don't think it makes sense for you to be a member of multiple chapters, it's like having two of the same jobs and having two wages. You can probably be a member of a scholar charter and a guard chapter, but that is up to the personal interpretation of the leaders.
  15. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Alright. Thank you.
  16. GoodDreamer

    GoodDreamer The Regalian Nuke

    Dec 29, 2015
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    So, first off, I cri that there are no more attribates ;-;

    Secondly, is there a reason as to why Estel was not messed up in the explosion of the machine?

    Fourthly, Is the machine that exploded the same one that made the purple barrier?
    If so, is the barrier gone now?

    Thirdly.....they are totally guns XD
    • Like Like x 1
  17. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I would assume so, seeing as how they just managed to rip away almost all Attribate from their bodies and dissolved the Silverts' Void connection.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
  19. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Soz fam
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Mooffins

    Mooffins ancient gay

    May 26, 2015
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    Ik mate, but I saw my opportunity to use that video and I'm sure going to take it.
  21. Jouster

    Jouster stutterer

    Sep 17, 2014
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    @Aespair @Squeaker555
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  22. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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  23. CainsTedTalk

    CainsTedTalk Desert Creatures go brrr

    Jun 4, 2015
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    @MonMarty If the Violet order's conning back does that mean the Witch Hunter's are coming back?
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
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  24. Eccetra

    Eccetra Rat Mumther

    Jun 10, 2014
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    Are Voidling/Existling possessions still going to be a thing?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. BahDoctor

    BahDoctor Count Marcel Banastre - Fabian de Blouscheur

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Grand Violet Order. Sweet.
  26. TheLimpet

    TheLimpet In this life it's either bitch or be bitched.

    Apr 19, 2015
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    This entire undead revolution thing seemed very short lived with no real impact of the characters in Regalia (basically everyone). Mostly because its basically over now that they can kill them and they don't come back. These last few events just seems like a way to get rid of Silverts from RP in a lore compliant way. Probably the only reason the machine was written into the story line. That's alright I guess. It just feels like this world event didn't really do much to engage the player base, and didn't intend to. But, that's just me.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Constructive Constructive x 2
  27. Magivore

    Magivore No Rest For The Wicked

    Apr 22, 2013
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    From what the schematic of this gun says, I would hope to never see it in the future in the sewers or casual streets ever, unless a massive group of Charter guards or an approved, really rich person has this. Not only does it cause a lot of damage, but it looks like it either needs a usually below level Caster of only Soul (please correct if I am wrong), or a physical fighter with said soul mage with above Caster standing nearby with a tank of this soul essence, and does utterly nothing to anti-mages and only pushes back physical fighters... Am I right in saying this? And, pardon me for being a smart ass, but this is the exact definition of a gun. It sure does not work like one we would expect and is thankfully a whole lot more balanced than I thought when hearing about this, but it still is a gun, it's just along the lines as you would see a blow gun, dart gun or water gun. A cannon even used to be called a gun, and it was for a long time. In fact, they still are!
    (Please correct me if I am wrong in any of this. Schematic here from MonMarty's post for anyone who didn't see the link or was unable to read it before, countries sometimes having different file types or w/e.)

    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 6
    #27 Magivore, Aug 11, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  28. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    I have some small hope, based on what Monty said about Pride and Undead invasions. Maybe before this is over we will get the grand battle in Regalia we have all been desperate to experience for like... months now... Maybe...
  29. TheLimpet

    TheLimpet In this life it's either bitch or be bitched.

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Even so, I doubt characters will actually participate in this. The most you would probably get is a quick mention of your character in a world progression event. Tis the way it works round here. Not a bad system by any means! But, I can see room for improvement. There's just so much un-tapped potential. I see the staff building up a rich and diverse world that's unbelievably expansive and very unique! I love that to death, but I do believe player involvement should be implemented more. The average player has a very little part and can't really do much (its hard to manage such a large player base to be sure). While building a world is important, so is player involvement. Now, don't get me wrong, Massivecraft does much better than most other servers. But I do see a decline in attention for the sake of building up the world more. Which is more important? No idea. I'll leave that to you. Besides, I've gotten way off track with this and we should shift the focus back to the main thread.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  30. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Im writing a longer more indepth post about this now, so keep eyes on the Roleplay Discussion area I guess. considering so many players seem to share the sentiment I figured it was worth starting a talk on.
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  31. babaMP3

    babaMP3 innocent until proven filthy

    Aug 6, 2012
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    • Immersive Immersive x 1
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  32. babaMP3

    babaMP3 innocent until proven filthy

    Aug 6, 2012
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    With what tentative events and the like we tried to enact initially, namely the curfews, we found we've stepped on toes of a sizable demographic of people or other sort of roleplayers that aren't too interested in world progression posts, usually because people simply want to roleplay casual scenes without the prodding and interruption of strangers or staff. I see what you mean though, and I totally agree, there should definitely be more tangible ways of the world progression to affect roleplayers in Regalia, while also keeping in mind the people who might want to simply opt out of that sort of thing.

    We have certain considerations that we maintain while orchestrating this entire event that kinda tie our hands in certain extents we could pursue interesting plot points and events for people to tie into, though I promise it'll pay off with the upcoming system we're meaning to implement that'll make this progression that much more tangible. Keep an eye out!

    P.S. If you happen to have any specific suggestions regarding how we can open channels of player involvement, please feel free to make a Forum convo with the Lore 3's! We often discuss whatever sort of suggestion or new idea we're faced with, especially where it concerns heightening the fun our players can have.
    • Like Like x 5
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  33. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 2
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  34. BeetrootSalad

    BeetrootSalad the gremlin

    Jun 2, 2015
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  35. Deetrip

    Deetrip Kit Kathar chocolate-covered wafer bar

    Sep 3, 2015
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    *Rubs chin vigorously*
  36. mrninja633

    mrninja633 Refugee

    Apr 17, 2016
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    *sigh* I actually knew this would happen
    • Agree Agree x 1
  37. Parz1vol

    Parz1vol Chicken

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Sit rep on the general Mekett population of Hadar? Or will that be coming a long way down the line due to the fewer number of Mekett players? @MonMarty
  38. _Grimmy_

    _Grimmy_ Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.

    Sep 6, 2013
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    Welp..Just gonna leave this as it perfectly represents staff and any big event that might be fun..

    PS. This event would negatively influence most of the world due to the tons of resuarces lost in the period of time that murder beasts just popped out of nowhere,in other words if you want to buy land,do it now,while the dead are still hot...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  39. Deetrip

    Deetrip Kit Kathar chocolate-covered wafer bar

    Sep 3, 2015
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    We'll see how long the medieval aspect turns to steampunk.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  40. Tra_kad

    Tra_kad Massives biggest Adventurer and Conspiracy Maker

    Oct 9, 2013
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    Magical zombie horrors, magical people being suddenly not magical and battleships be damned:

    I gotta steal me an Alaru Addir and mount it cause damn it's pretty.

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