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Played Character Sierra Lleryndel

This character is actively played.


Criminally mad with no batteries
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Here (not Scottland).

◂ | Character Information | ▸

.Name of Choice |▹ Sierra Lleryndel
.Other Aliases |▹ Asmita R. Lleryndel - The "enigmatic Asmita"
.Formerly |▹ Narla Nomëssa, Naaor Laruiiln (Shal. "Lost/Stolen Child") "Narla" Lleryndel
.Race |▹ Maraya
♦ Tierraveran Roamer
.Age |▹ 28
♦ Born 6th of April 286 AC
.Gender |▹ Non-binary (They/them, She/her)
|▹ Daytime secretary and Black Market Merchant
୨✣୧ .Occult |⛧ Exist mage



◂ | Core Concept | ▸

.Concept |▹ Once Narla Nomëssa, Sierra Lleryndel is a Tierraveran thug carving a life for herself in the Regalian undercity. With a past discarded and connections cut loose, it is said that only the upper echelons of the criminal world are left to know who really hides under the mask of the black market merchant, or where Sierra's history had placed her before allegedly hailing from Amontaar

.Faith |▹ Plagued by a troubled past with the faith, Sierra has self-styled as a sole servant of Sapphora for some time. Though after recently meeting her Goddess again, she has begun to try and expand her outlook, and to preach the ideals of the estellian pantheon as a whole - even if only under wraps and behind closed doors.

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◂ | Appearance Information | ▸

.Scars |▹ Sierra does not bare any remarkable scars, beyond a small brand depicting a rose under her left eye, and Nalontech replacing her lower left arm.

.Visual Description |▹ With ravenblack hair and tanned skin, Sierra's appearance of choice is one of an unremarkable, average half-Ailor Selvath. Usually dressed rather humble and conservative, she wears a constant resting frown, and possesses sharp green eyes that glare easily.



◂ | Proficiency Sets | ▸

.Combat Style |▹ Dex + Int

.Strength |▹ 2
♦ Athletics (Overstep, Steady Body)

.Intelligence |▹ 5
♦ Tech (Exhaust)
♦ Adapt (⛧Shapeshift, Oceanic, ⛧Safeguard, Wardrobe)

.Dexterity |▹ 3
♦ Ranger (Fan, Evade)
♦ Roguery (Escape Artist)

୨✣୧ .Magic |▹ 0
⛧ Magic -
.Charisma|▹ 5
♦ Speech (Hosting, Stubborn, Political, Hazard, Fiscal)
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◂ | Ability Information | ▸

.Heritage Traits |▹ Maraya
♦ 2 Free packs
♦ 5 Mechanics

.Faith |▹ Servant of the Lady, worshipper of none
⛧ Despite being most reverend of common sense and good reason, Sierra also holds a loyalty and willingness to serve for Sapphora of the Estellian faith, and her chosen herald.

.Tech Branches |▹ Nalontech, Crystaltech
♦ Sierra knows the basics of marayan tech, yet usually does not use her gifts beyond wielding her prosthetic arm.

୨✣୧ .Exist Magic | ▹ A lingering curse
⛧ Sierra is only a mage by potential of capability, and the face she has chosen for her new life. Formerly blessed with great power as a cult-leader, she now fails to mentally bridge the gap between having to start over from scratch, and having had the world at her fingertips in the past.

୨✣୧ .Vampirism | ▹ Inactive

.Hobbies |▹ Medical
♦ Raised as a backalley doctor and shady medic, Sierra knows nothing about the rules and courtesies a proper education teaches, but how to patch the wounded reliably nonetheless. And by less-than-orthodox means, if that is what it takes.



◂ | Languages | ▸

.Free |▹ Common
.Familial |▹ Shalota
.Cultural |▹ Droque
.Learnt |▹ Altalar
.Allorn Turnkey |▹ Natl
.Allorn Turnkey |▹ Agasi
.Allorn Turnkey |▹ Pannarokh

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◂ | Plot Hooks | ▸

.1 The typical Criminal | Having grown up around a mundane life of crime, Sierra is a pragmatic and often selfish thinker, yet an imperfect criminal due to her sense of compassion, and simple fear of the strong, strange and fantastical.
♦ The thuggish, downtrodden and common-class will find a fast friend, or at least tolerant associate in Sierra. With a tendency to stay quiet and keep her head down, she is a wallflower that the upper class may easily overlook without context.
♦ Sierra avoids the law and state agents like the plague, yet they have no record, history or origin to note. Those looking for an easy target may find one in Sierra, who does not turn to the law to solve her problems, but instead takes it into her own hands to get revenge and payback.
♦ With a rocky history in faith, Sierra was absolved from her status as a black sheep among Estellians, and now reverently serves the Goddess responsible for it.
Sierra favors the Three Empresses of Estelley, serving Sapphora's will primarily.
Sierra favors the Khama faith. She is however not a worshipper, merely an ally in the shadows.

Sierra is neutral towards most other faiths. However, the same cannot always be said about its worshippers.
Sierra holds disdain Artarel of the Estellian faith, and avoids working or associating with her worshippers.

.2 Heart of the undercity | Living a vivid double-life, Sierra plays a common nobody in the daylight, and a foolhardy thug merchant in the shadows.
The enigmatic Asmita is the self-styled de facto "leader" of the sewer's black market, and works as a Fence and Broker on their own. Though beyond the charismatic demeanor lies something very opposite to what they present as.
Any criminal may seek out Asmita in the black market for trade, illegal goods, information, merry-making and orientation in the undercity. Asmita turns almost nobody away, and acts as the head of a neutral and non-aggressive faction of the undercity.

Those who seek themselves a shady criminal, contractor or employer may find one in Asmita, who runs a hard bargain and seems to always have something to do for everyone.
♦ It is said that if Asmita's identity is ever revealed, they will cease to exist. Yet nobody knows what this means, even with her identity as Sierra being an open secret amongst undercity-goers

.3 Ever the pawn | Sierra is a character with a strong focus on interpersonal relationships, present on-goings and the undercity. With a personality and history carefully written and assembled, she can be impressed, changed, swayed and outplayed by others - so long as they know how to get to her, and understand how she ticks.
♦ With a witty mind and basic grasp of the craft, Sierra works in statecraft and trade, and is a servant-advisor by personality. She can be employed for either, an easy connection or a convenient pawn.
♦ Whilst not a fighter by any means, Sierra is nonetheless an effective rogue. For a rather average price, she can be paid to do petty crime and other odd jobs, and is unafraid of getting her hands dirty.
♦ Sympathetic to the underdogs, Sierra has a tendency to take in strays and side with or support the losing side, so long as they are common people like her. Anyone may make use of this, for better or for worse.




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◂ | Additional Information | ▸

.Life Story |▹ Unavailable

.Relationships |▹

Sierra's complicated life
Elamona: Sierra holds disdain for Elamona, yet the reason why remains somewhat unclear. She tends to often jump back and forth about what it is exactly that upsets her about the Herald of Justice, but one thing is certain: they do not seem to get along, and avoid each other whenever possible.
Wisteria Nomëssa: Despite her animosity towards most of the estellian flock, Sierra makes an exception for Wisteria. They bicker like sisters, despite sharing no blood or common name.
Jhavartal Rhuvanya: To Sierra, Jhavartal is a thug as much as she is. Finding herself betrayed and left hanging by him, she now seems unsatisfied with his gestures of caring, be it for one reason or another.
Dante Salvatore: Asmita views Dante in a negative light, but would never act on it for good. A reluctant desk-worker for the House Salvatore, their relationship is strained, but nonetheless she plays the pawn and does the bare minimum for her position. She knows some wasps nests needn't be poked.

Mosheng Ren: Sierra may be Mosheng Ren's criminal flick, or maybe something deeper. The truth is something only the two of them really know.

Asmita's simple days
Vaela Aetris: Whilst valuing Vaela deeply as a friend and ally, Asmita is also oft frustrated with her. Yet a long-time working alliance has kept the two of them in the same meeting rooms and secret schemes, and for both of their faults, they does not mind it.
Sylas Sylphaloor: Despite seeing and thinking quite similarly, Asmita and Sylas still follow different outlooks - and the former is well aware of this. Knowing that they are too selfish to be a hero like him, the thug merchant remains vague when the topic of responsibility, duty, good and evil comes up.
Hekaga: Asmita sees someone self-serving in Hekaga, a quiet man who speaks to push the pieces into place. But that is okay, because Asmita shares that intent and sentiment with him.
Aakhya: Asmita respects Aakhya very much, despite having having messed with them before. They approve of their joining of the undercity, seeing a "better" Jhavartal in them. Their relationship may be built on the disdain of another, but nonetheless the thug merchant would dive into a pond for them - quite literally.
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◂ | Relevant Links | ▸

.Race|▹ Roamer Maraya | Facing as Half-Ailor Maquixtl
.Faith|▹Clandestine servant of Sapphora
.Ranged & Roguery|▹ Light and nimble - The Thug Rifleman
.Charisma|▹ The Negotiator
.Adapt|▹Arcanely assisted skills
.Athletics & Tech|▹ A couple of tricks up her sleeve
.Hobbies|▹The Medic
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◂ | Inventory | ▸

.Acquired |▹ 1351 Regals
.Personal |▹Loon-Solay pendant with 3 gemstones
.Personal |▹Katharic Skull Pendant
.Personal |▹Ornate Qadiriq Lighter
.Personal |▹Ornate Qadiriq Pocketwatch

♦ Metal fan
Sharpened hairpin

♦ Quiver of Arrows
Allar Scale
2 buttons

♦ Puretek pistol
♦ Hunter's keys
♦ Generic knife



.Stolen |▹
♦ Pair of Handcuffs
♦ Medical Kit
♦ Katharic dagger
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@Azas Requesting Re-review. I have decided to be a menace to the afflicted.

Added Curing Knowledge, learned ICly from another character.
Changed, or more like re-phrased Core concept a bit to avoid playing a loli at all costs and to better fit how I play the character better.

In case you didn't see the previous tag, I've left the small prior edit in this bold blue as well, being:
Bumping Fist Combat from 10 up to 15.
Removing 1 point of Warlash Combat, as this combat category is mostly for aesthetic reasons.
Changing Physical stat accordingly.

I have now spent all of my remaining points for the time being, and this likely won't be subject to change anytime soon. Though what may happen is an affliction-arc, but that's still up in the air for now.

ADDENDUM: Read the Maraya update, and I literally have to change nothing, in fact this helps me explain this character even better. Only added a Meraic sub-culture fitting to their background.

ADDENDUM 2: I now have 3 free points again.
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@Azas Heeeeere comes the Cahal arc.

Added Scor abilities
Added Cahal form description; the alias "Nightfish" has suddenly gained a whole new meaning.
ADDENDUM: I forgot to add a funny religion, it is now added.

I was also judged ICly for Narla's short name which made me hella self-concious (lmao) so I gave her a longer flowy name and made Narla a nickname of sorts.
Changes made in this bold blue.

POV you let your friends Puppet Control your character but have a fighting career:
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Character has been cured or is rather in the midst of getting cured rn lmao.
Expecting to revert later, as well as a change in some mutations.

ADDENDUM, after a fight broke out on the crookback bridge YEAH THEY'RE CURED BUT COMING BACK LATER LMAOOO.
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@Volaie Infected at the magic portalt,,, AGAIN...

But also a good time for some prof and appearance updates!
With Honed Skill 3 going bye-bye soon, I removed composition art. Nar only had comp and Wood art for that skill specifically, but wooden art grew on me. writing songs did not.
Followed dreams and upped Fist combat to 20.
Added 3 points to Roguery to keep the prog talents.
Purchased Home Upgrade 1, slapped it on the prioris temple bc Nar lives there.​
Updated both Faith and Core concept to fit the current character better. WOOOO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Updated visual information. Added scars along with a new set of mutations (I found a purger and everything, I did it the proper way ahaha. :w;)
Changed to Rogue 3 in prog talents. This should make to no difference as I haven't prtake in any progressions yet.

All changes are made in this bold blue, happy belated new year's by the way!
Sounds awesome! Everything seems to be in order, but I'm going to make a gentle request not to flip and flop between curing and being infected. I understand sometimes it's just the situation, but if you know you'll be getting re-infected in a few day's time, it's probably alright to leave it on there. Anywho, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

Sounds awesome! Everything seems to be in order, but I'm going to make a gentle request not to flip and flop between curing and being infected. I understand sometimes it's just the situation, but if you know you'll be getting re-infected in a few day's time, it's probably alright to leave it on there. Anywho, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.


Yeahhh sorry about that, it was gonna be another whole arc of being mundane but then they just got hung instead, which, I didn't expect until it happened yk how it is.
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@Volaie Visuals update!
Updated the first Apearance bulletpoint to be up-to-date with Nar's current mutations. We not have cool tattoos. (which I really hope are even possible, I'm too young to die-- I mean apply for enhanced mutations. , _,)
Changed her cahal form a littol bit, the main change will be the transition from a skull helmet to a head for a skull.

I'm trying to go for a vampire arc at some point, but otherwise I think this'll be it for quite a while, changes made in this neat blue.
@Volaie Updated points a little, also added aesthetics (may need some more messing with later.)

Swapped from the Axe pack to Flexible, because I'm too forgetful to roll for axe everytime. Also corrected "short" to "short blades".
Removed State saboteur, replaced it with Vandalism instead. I found out that saboteur only really makes sense if you invested in CHA proper, also vandalism makes more sense.

Das all, hope you have a good one!
Updated to include Greater Cahalism abilities, Nar was picked as Drulailmon's right hand.

Seeing how I've settled on playing this character as a Cahal rogue instead of a Rogue cahal, I've swapped out Empire Linguistics for water magic. Goodbye, mundane status when cured.

Also listing the changes to wording in the backstory + picking a cahalic familiar from above, so I can delete that additional message bc it's driving me crazy.

All changes are marked in this blissful blue.
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Looking for a new reviewer, seeing how both of my previous ones aren't staff anymore.

Added an ICly chosen name to the character information, switched out names accordingly.
Updated character concept.

Switched out the Burglary pack for Space magic. I am mobility ultimate now.

Rephrased some things in appearance information, religion and backstory to make it shorter.
I will be rephrasing the cahal form section tomorrow to also cut it down a little.

That is all, thank you in advance! ^-^
@Caelamus With both IC progression and OOC updates slowly whittling away at my Roguery, I refunded my Vandalism and Slight of Hand points into the following:

Added Thin Blades pack upon consultation to be evil.
Added Fire magic pack to be an immovable object.

Changes made in Blue.
@Caelamus no changes to the point spread, only adjusting to the spell point buy update, here are the following changes (the rest is the same as the old spread);
Picked up Sparkwalking & Arcane Mastery specials, one slot remains unfilled while I'm waiting for a ticket. If the ticket falls through, I'm picking up Sanctum Vessel.
Picked up Arcane Knockback
Invested 4th Commutable point into Cursemaster pack
I may be changing my visual information soon following an IC change. I don't think needs a re-review, this mostly serves as a fair warning.
Approved but I'm locking you into these aliases. Clarify which each are for. No more additional names.

Oh I forgor to remove Nightfish from earlier debating actually, pretend like it doesn't exist shh.
Let me go clarify, as well as update visual information where needed.

Addendum: Done.
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@Caelamus Everyday I wake up and need to update again LMAO.

Turned Healing Alchemy into.. healing alchemy, using the new artificer point buy and medical pack.
Took Healing Patent and Common Patent as specials, to retain being a mundane medic, but also to remain dependent if the character ever gets a biotic. I think that could be fun.
Nvm I'm taking Nalontech. Narla for Nalon.

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@Caelamus EVERYDAY I WAKE UP AND I NEED TO UPDATE MY APP THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP. I also finally fixed the application name.

Replacing the Common Patent Special with Lifegiver. I had a devilish idea for another good intent + gruesome method aesthetic.
Retained 7 STR, chose the following abilities: Duelist pack, Heavy pack, Hunter pack, Skirmisher pack, Unyielding pack, Pursuer pack, Tactician pack. So basically almost nothing changed lmao.
Retained 1 CON, chose the following ability: Block pack.

I decided getting maimed by a god would be funny and totally karma and the time has come for cyberpunk aesthet- I mean, just a biotic, so I made it happen. Expect updates to the Visual information at some point in the coming weeks. Do I need to put the app on re-review for that, or not?
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