The Golden Heart - Grand Opening

The Golden Heart - Grand Opening
Posted by Anseran
Vampire District Tavern
Monday, September 16, 2024 - 05:00 AM
Until: Monday, September 16, 2024 - 06:30 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia
"Love is the golden thread that weaves hearts into a unified whole."



Down within the caverns of the Vampire District, golden candlelight begins to illuminate a dark room. One by one until the silhouettes of red banners, chairs and tables are revealed from the cloak of shadows that kept them absent from the world for so long.
Good day, good afternoon, good night

At whatever time you read this or wherever you are, you are cordially invited to attend the grand opening of The Golden Heart nestled in the Vampire District on the 16th of this month. Between the conflict and strife that we endure in our day to day lives it is important to come together and remember to show one another compassion, companionship and even love.

This tavern is hereby to be re-opened with the message of Armas of the Golden Order built into the core of its being. This is a place for those of us who do not find easy comfort. Who are cast out. Who find themselves wondering what their next step in life might be. For Armas commands that even the most wretched and downtrodden people in the world ought to have love and are deserving of affection and compassion, and their want for intimacy and passion. The Golden Heart will be a monument to this belief.

So come and be merry. Drink and talk and laugh. Forget the world around you and enjoy the companionship of others as you rightfully deserve in a place where your safety is assured.


This is a tavern in the Vampire District! My character is opening up the tavern to spread the word of Armas from Evolism and it is not required to be of the religion or invested in it. It's just my character being thematic. It's an excuse to open up a cool bar and have fun social rp with the potential to get involved with other characters in all sorts of ways. She hasn't explicitly made it clear but given the locale it can be expected that Sanguine, Argentum and Mystech will not be assailed in this space. Not to mention other individuals. This is with the expectation that they will uphold a certain courtesy to the other characters who show up. Look forward to meeting new characters! I'd like to make this a weekly tavern gathering going forwards unless Staff Events pop up or plotline events.