Countirh Valeska von Kalterwald opens the families new estate's doors, inviting friends, colleagues and members of the peerage to join in an evening of celebration!
All noble families are welcomed to join the event, for this is a day to for this is a day to form alliances.
The family makes it known that they are a purist Household. They ask the use of magic be strictly OFF LIMITS. Any usage will result in removal.
The Following Houses have a Special Invite
- House von Rolanthe - @vulnyacura
- House Monterossa - @_TheTheocrat_
- House Sokolov - @Platesy
- House Vasilev - @YoitsKing
- House von Karlilse - @ShipIt
The Following People have a Special Invite
- Erwin Braunschweiger @BeetrootSalad
- Marnix van Giessen @umbralunaelucem
- Mila Braunbecker @Arcanus01134
The event will be located at /TP NobleDistrict. Look for the von Rolanthe / von Kalterwald cluster.
( The house is on the right hand side)
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Please DM @rotAng0re on Discord if you wish to crash the party.
Please also DM me if you have any questions!