The Massivecraft Music Project


Former Tavern Keeper in Regalia.
Jun 29, 2012
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I have been working on a project of my own for quite some time now, the project itself is huge and you could expect it to take many many hours, aaaaand sadly i can only work on it a few hours now and then due to well, i have a lot to do okay!

The project is to Make a Musical theme for Massivecraft, not only a song, but a full collection!
It will consist of everything from heavy war marches to easy listening violin songs and dark choir songs of the Agni's and Regalians.

And now, ladies and gents, i have started to get some BETA music ready for you to hear! I have added the link to the soundcloud collection!

The point is to create soundtracks that YOU players can use while playing, for your youtube movies and so on(as long as im credited, ofcourse ;))!
Perhaps the music will even be ingame as own discs in the future. (perhaps!)

It is right now 12 minutes of BETA staged cinematic music, let me know what you think!
Its beautiful!! I love it! :D
Edit: Also, what programs did you use to make it?
I think it's pretty amazing! Are these all your own compositions or pulled from other sources?
All freshly baked in my head ;) (yes! own compositions only)

Program Wise, hm, alot of different samplers and plugins. But i base myself around Kontakt5 and Acoustica Mixcraft6 at the moment.
I hope this doesn't sound rude or disparaging to the server, but.. with a talent like that why are you wasting your time playing Minecraft? You should be sealed in a tower somewhere and forced to create such music for the glory of mankind.

I look forward to hearing more.
I hope this doesn't sound rude or disparaging to the server, but.. with a talent like that why are you wasting your time playing Minecraft? You should be sealed in a tower somewhere and forced to create such music for the glory of mankind.

I look forward to hearing more.

I personally like minecraft better than mankind
Ok, I love the whole thing, but I must give some feedback beyond that. First, I think that the Maiar song doesn't sound very Maiar-ish. The whole drums thing, and the general feel of the song seems like it would be better suited for Regalia or a smaller human city, not an underwater race. Now, that said, I don't know what an underwater race's song would sound like, but the other instruments you have do add a fair bit of water feel to it, so that may be the way to go.
Second, the March of War. My opinion, it is too peaceful. A march of war in my opinion would be like what you have, only more so. It is missing half of what it should be.
Agni mountain is pretty much perfect, maybe a bit more music that suggests fire and lava, but that is it.
The elf forest is missing one key ingredient, I think that it would be improved by having a more rushed part, a feel like racing through a forest, and less the peacefully grand aspect.
Regalia just needs to be longer, but I'm sure you either know that or want it as it is.
That is my personal opinion and feedback on these songs.
Thanks for the opinions! I will take them with me! All the "beta" and "alpha" songs are not done so there are a lot of room for improvements!
Sadly Agni mountain and conserning Maiar are "lost of process". Meaning i have the songs but i have lost the project files during a format of my computer, so i can't work more on those two.

The Regalia song is right now more a test than a song, but yes, it would need to be longer :D
Wow, I was like, about to cry during Agni mountain. It was so, Lord of the Rings. Like, Mount Doom. Shivers went down my back from listening to it. It was so, the hero pulls out a blade as the lava giant comes out from the depths. I was like o_o Wow.
Im not sure, I have developed a bit more, but not put it up on soundcloud yet :)
Now THIS is music people. And to those who don't like it: you have poor taste o-o
I have been working on a project of my own for quite some time now, the project itself is huge and you could expect it to take many many hours, aaaaand sadly i can only work on it a few hours now and then due to well, i have a lot to do okay!

The project is to Make a Musical theme for Massivecraft, not only a song, but a full collection!
It will consist of everything from heavy war marches to easy listening violin songs and dark choir songs of the Agni's and Regalians.

And now, ladies and gents, i have started to get some BETA music ready for you to hear! I have added the link to the soundcloud collection!

The point is to create soundtracks that YOU players can use while playing, for your youtube movies and so on(as long as im credited, ofcourse ;))!
Perhaps the music will even be ingame as own discs in the future. (perhaps!)

It is right now 12 minutes of BETA staged cinematic music, let me know what you think!

Would I be able to use any of this music for a cinematic of regalia?
I'm planning on doing multiple massivecraft video's and some of this music might just fit them ^_^
Oh, and I will credit you and link them to the soundcloud.
I love these! They sound fantastic, and make me feel so much more immersed in the roleplay.

May I suggest something kinda scary, if you didn't have that in mind? Perhaps for undead or vampire? Not like, dramatic scary like I imagine war music, but more... send shivers down your spine and make you swallow your heart kinda scary. >:D Because that. Would be super amazing.

I also really, really like the Maiar song. It makes me wish I were a dolphin, and it reminded me so much of underwater castles and the like. :D I kinda imagined the Little Mermaid, only much more grand and awe-inspiring.
Would I be able to use any of this music for a cinematic of regalia?
I'm planning on doing multiple massivecraft video's and some of this music might just fit them ^_^
Oh, and I will credit you and link them to the soundcloud.

Sure thing!
I will make the songs downloadable directly from the Soundcloud page :)
There is a new song in the workings! Though this time i will finish it before posting it up, no Betas this time!
So just hang in there ;)
Would I be able to use any of this music for a cinematic of regalia?
I'm planning on doing multiple massivecraft video's and some of this music might just fit them ^_^
Oh, and I will credit you and link them to the soundcloud.

Great news to you then!
I have now enabled downloading, directly from SoundCloud! So just grab what song you like for free!
Just remember to credit me if it is used in a production :)
Nice, I listened to all of these songs! Really cool igel! Just a note though, "conserning" should be "concerning".

igel_son wouldn't it be possible to add these songs to music discs In-Game with the official resource pack? we could just replace the sound files in the resource pack :D

EDIT: Maybe we could even replace these songs with the default ones that play in the backround randomly :D
Yea, im no Hans Zimmer. My piece is not ment to be a "war theme" though, it's ment to be a march, still needs some work of course :)
I just finished listening to the song, and I'm still amazed your managed to find such inspiration in my character. I'm truly honored to have that beautiful piece named after her and added to the Massivecraft Music Project!

-insert much more poetic and coherent praises that are impossible at the moment, due to state of awe, shock, and general ksdjfsdfa!ness-
I have been working on a project of my own for quite some time now, the project itself is huge and you could expect it to take many many hours, aaaaand sadly i can only work on it a few hours now and then due to well, i have a lot to do okay!

The project is to Make a Musical theme for Massivecraft, not only a song, but a full collection!
It will consist of everything from heavy war marches to easy listening violin songs and dark choir songs of the Agni's and Regalians.

And now, ladies and gents, i have started to get some BETA music ready for you to hear! I have added the link to the soundcloud collection!

The point is to create soundtracks that YOU players can use while playing, for your youtube movies and so on(as long as im credited, ofcourse ;))!
Perhaps the music will even be ingame as own discs in the future. (perhaps!)

It is right now 12 minutes of BETA staged cinematic music, let me know what you think!

Hm, apparently you can't mention some faction names without getting post removed, interesting.

Hey folk! New teaser out, you can find it on my soundcloud on the normal link :)
Been some weeks since my last update, so wanted to give a taste of what im working on at the moment!
Great news!

More songs from my MassiveCraft Music project is being entered into the next version of the Resource pack!

Songs in the pack right now:
Concerning maiar (Random walking song)

Soon to come:
Tales of Faewyn (As random walking song)
Agni Mountain (As a music disc)

Stay tuned for the release.
The idea with my Music Project is not to implement other artists, but to make my own music for MassiveCraft, when i have time over to do so :)
Perhaps a Naga song? Since the Naga have this epic tale of losing the war and being butchered to the last 5%
Hmm... Maybe a tune that goes well with the Noble District? That would help me feel the environment better. Haha.
I would like to apologize the the lack of new content lately, been busy with work, my orchestra and, well, Skyrim.
Since i have not finished any new songs yet i though hey, why not share a new teaser that you are considering for the Music Pack!

This is my first take on something a bit toned down, listen in, see what you think and leave a comment. Is this stuff you want mixed into the music pack? :)
I like it. Not sure if you meant for it to sound dark, but it does and I like it. Keep up the excellent work.