The Great Lore Misconception Thread

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Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Lately some lore and roleplay misconceptions have been blown out or proportion, so I'd like to spend some time writing the big ones down and explaining the thought behind them and the actual proper context.

This race segregation is unfair, we demand equal rights for all races, even vampires!
What is essentially wrong with this statement, is the historical context. MassiveCraft's Medieval universe is focussed around an era which roughly relates to 1450-1550 in our real life history. The mindset of the people back in those times was extremely narrow and obedient to authorities. In a religious feudal society, the commoners didn't have time to think about life lessons and preach about how everyone should have equal rights. More so, they would be joining in on the religious prosecution out of fear of their own god. Enlightenment and especially human rights movements as we call them present day, did not pick up untill early 1800 and the latter even late 1870-1890 in the great waves of socialism. We are not saying it would be impossible for freedom fighters to fight for their own rights, in fact many of them could exist in isolated races. It would however be nigh impossible for a pan-race rights group to exist in the Alorian universe. So what is the proper way to roleplay this in the Alorian setting? The majority say, 95% of the humans would be in line with Regalian policy, "humans are superior end of story". What remains could be sympathetical to the wails of the elves or dwarves living in the slums, like there are some in Dragon age, but they would be severely outnumbered and not have the stomach to share the same sympathy for things that are not humanoid, like Dakkar, Vespid or Maiar.

I am strong, therefor I will draw my sword in front of the tavern and start a fight with this guy that insulted me.
Stop right there criminal scum. Just because Regalia has no guards, does not mean you should roleplay their absense. Regalia is a tightly controlled military state, it's army is large compared to it's civillian population, and the guards are well disciplined and trained. I always maintain "roleplay that there is at least 1 guard on every street". In the future there will be actual guards, ran by players who hopefully know the rulebook on Regalian policing well. Don't just ignore these guys. You wouldn't realistically walk into a city and start beating up a guy in front of a police officer because you think you could take on the police officer as well. Even if your character is an expert fighter and can take on 5 guards at the same time, Regalian numbers will eventually overwhelm you and convicts and criminals will not be able to leave Regalia since it is an Island.

The rules say you cannot kill my character without my permission, therefor I can just jump around in your face screaming stuff and you can't do anything.
Technically this statement is both right and wrong, but it is important to understand the context of the situation. For example, if two strangers meet in the wilderness and engage in a fight, it is fair to assume that both have to give permission for permanent if not semi permanent wounds or death. If however you are say, a vampire in Regalia, surrounded by 5 Crimsons and you are screaming obscenities at them while saying you are a vampire and they should all die, this protection expires. Effectively, the rules protect proper conduct of Roleplay, if you break the base of the proper conduct by behaving like an idiot, the person who you are offending or annoying gets the right to inflict death or wounds on you, as long as this is logically possible and reasonable. If you are a vampire that hides in the shadows, does not show his affliction, does not openly oppose the crimsons and suddenly finds himself cornered on a street, then the other party may not forcibly kill you. If you are a glitter vampire that runs in open daylight on fire, screams for equal rights and the evilness of the crimsons, stalks crimsons threatening them with death and suddenly find yourself cornered on a street, the crimsons may kill you. Reasonability and common sense are very important to use, as are they to many other players. It is not reasonable for a player to rambo around acting and thinking of himself as some unstoppable god and then scream foul play when he/she gets killed by the Regalian Guard or the Crimsons. After all, shitty roleplay annoys everyone who is the subject of it. We believe roleplay should be enjoyable for all parties involved, which is why we punish "win-rp" with death or server punishments.

I saw a group of 10 people protest against Regalia last night, The Regalian people are against the Emperor, it is time for a revolution!
Just, no. Regalia as an entity existed way before the destruction of Silveredge and Ceardia. Regalia as an entity dates back 300 years in our current lore setting, which technically even predates the server's official opening date by hundreds of years. Regalia as an empire, covers 80% of the Human population of Aloria, which covers millions upon millions of people. Regalia itself is the most densely populated metropolis of Aloria, it is inhabited by a roughly estimated 1.5 million Humans and assorted other races. The refugees from Ceardia, while populous, do not even cover more than 100,000 of that number. It is reasonable to assume roughly 10% of this population is anti monarchic and against the strict control of the state, but again, the lore is based around 1450-1550. It is also reasonable to expect the majority of the population simply accept their fate and work with the system. Regalia is not only populated by players.

I may add upon this later when I come up with new points, or I may cover points suggested by players. If any of you would like something highlighted, mention it in comments below and I will get to it.
Well.......that was detailed and interesting.
does this rule against revolutions extend to the crimsons? because while i understand regalia not being revolutionized i do believe that such a "revolution" (more of a rebellion) against the crimsons should be allowed, it's a newer organization, it has been reformed three times and while having staff members working in the organization is still a player run movement and a equally run movement against them would be interesting for role-play purposes and also make sense, you can't run a movement like the crimson inquisition in without gaining quite a few enemies. Though i am happy you have put these guidelines up here, it really clarifies things and will most likely help newer players understand what is and is not allowed.
does this rule against revolutions extend to the crimsons? because while i understand regalia not being revolutionized i do believe that such a "revolution" (more of a rebellion) against the crimsons should be allowed, it's a newer organization, it has been reformed three times and while having staff members working in the organization is still a player run movement and a equally run movement against them would be interesting for role-play purposes and also make sense, you can't run a movement like the crimson inquisition in without gaining quite a few enemies. Though i am happy you have put these guidelines up here, it really clarifies things and will most likely help newer players understand what is and is not allowed.

The crimsons are meant to invoke strong emotional reactions from players, that is what makes the events so engaging and interesting to players. There have been many player ran anti crimson organizations, in fact we encourage them. All of them fell apart due to internal issues or contracting shitty roleplayers thus lowering the overall value of them.
So if I understand correctly, a vampire that has committed no crimes, no annoyance and they have not exposed himself/herself to the public as a vampire. Then blurts and screams against the crimsons and saying stuff about the demons and banshee, that would call for execution? (and roleplay character's death) :I
Very glad something like this has finally been posted.
I do hope everyone who is a part of the Scarlet Revolution reads this. A lot of what's said here can pertain to our organization.
This needs to be read by everyone. I chased a vampire through the tavern for about 15 minutes today, asking everyone we passed for help after saying that he was a vampire, and the only person who even expressed interest was a philosophical loon saying there was nothing wrong with vampires. I gave up the chase because I was so utterly frustrated by the lack of roleplay from the bystanders or from the vampire himself, who just kept running the same route, admitting he was a vampire, teleported away at one point, and is now even jumping behind me as I write this to taunt me. It's ridiculous :@
The crimsons are meant to invoke strong emotional reactions from players, that is what makes the events so engaging and interesting to players. There have been many player ran anti crimson organizations, in fact we encourage them. All of them fell apart due to internal issues or contracting shitty roleplayers thus lowering the overall value of them.

Or due to the Crimsons collapsing three times... :P

May I ask, are there any other human nations, inhuman nations, or other entities that predate Regalia? Or are as old as Regalia? Also, in many many books and ideals Dwarves and Elves are NOT homeless bums living in the slums of human cities. Races usually live apart from one another, is that the same for MassiveCraft or do all the races generally melt into a single empire (Regalia)?
Thank you....
Or due to the Crimsons collapsing three times... :P

May I ask, are there any other human nations, inhuman nations, or other entities that predate Regalia? Or are as old as Regalia? Also, in many many books and ideals Dwarves and Elves are NOT homeless bums living in the slums of human cities. Races usually live apart from one another, is that the same for MassiveCraft or do all the races generally melt into a single empire (Regalia)?

Other political entities have not yet been openly explored, but they will soon.
Monmarty, please explain to the server how there are no "good" vampires.
Haha, Eb's a vampire supporter, but not to like those newbs who flail around screaming "I'm a vampire! Save me!" Makes me want to facepalm, (facepalm) There, just did. Thank you for this thread, makes my character not look like a total idiot when she fears the Crimsons.
Monmarty, please explain to the server how there are no "good" vampires.
I agree. I kinda get the idea of this, but I'd love to see some elaboration so I can do more thinking about my own character.
As far as I am aware, a vampire's mere existence gives power to MrsBaver. Whether they want to or not, that is what happens. There is a cure for Vampirism, it is readily available/easy to obtain. If they choose not to take the cure, then they will have to deal with the consequences.
The crimsons are meant to invoke strong emotional reactions from players, that is what makes the events so engaging and interesting to players. There have been many player ran anti crimson organizations, in fact we encourage them. All of them fell apart due to internal issues or contracting shitty roleplayers thus lowering the overall value of them.

MonMarty I believe the Scarlet Revolution is being held by Ryciera I trust her to keep things strict maybe this Revolution might go somewhere...
So if I understand correctly, a vampire that has committed no crimes, no annoyance and they have not exposed himself/herself to the public as a vampire. Then blurts and screams against the crimsons and saying stuff about the demons and banshee, that would call for execution? (and roleplay character's death) :I
Being Arrested not executed. Trash talking crimsons or guards like a lot of vamps do will result in death.
I am strong, therefor I will draw my sword in front of the tavern and start a fight with this guy that insulted me.
Stop right there criminal scum. Just because Regalia has no guards, does not mean you should roleplay their absense. Regalia is a tightly controlled military state, it's army is large compared to it's civillian population, and the guards are well disciplined and trained. I always maintain "roleplay that there is at least 1 guard on every street". In the future there will be actual guards, ran by players who hopefully know the rulebook on Regalian policing well. Don't just ignore these guys. You wouldn't realistically walk into a city and start beating up a guy in front of a police officer because you think you could take on the police officer as well. Even if your character is an expert fighter and can take on 5 guards at the same time, Regalian numbers will eventually overwhelm you and convicts and criminals will not be able to leave Regalia since it is an Island.
I really hate those people who that outside the tavern. I mean just last night this guy demanded everyone give him all their silver or he would kill a zombie and give them all aids. WTH? I mean every night I log on, there's always some sort of barfight. I just wish people stopped doing this, its cliché, annoying and repetitive.
This needs to be read by everyone. I chased a vampire through the tavern for about 15 minutes today, asking everyone we passed for help after saying that he was a vampire, and the only person who even expressed interest was a philosophical loon saying there was nothing wrong with vampires. I gave up the chase because I was so utterly frustrated by the lack of roleplay from the bystanders or from the vampire himself, who just kept running the same route, admitting he was a vampire, teleported away at one point, and is now even jumping behind me as I write this to taunt me. It's ridiculous :@

There really needs to be some kind of system to report harassment in the game like that. (Forgive my ignorance if there is.)
In the sanguine curse lore book it states they can be morally good. I think someone needs to update those. Also in the races book is states only humans can become undead, yet there was a book written by monmarty claiming there was an undead naga. Those things really confuse me, what about anyone else?
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, i am going to go ahead and state everything i see as "wrong" with this. Now please not that this is simply my opinion and should not be taken as fact in any way shape or form.

1: I have a dream!

Now, while it is true that this universe is based into a medieval world set in a time of great narrow mindedness, this doesn't represent the players, their mindset and how the world evolves around people. Sure the world was created with this idea in mind, but, it is now something different from what it was started as, simply because of the situations presented and how they now are affecting the world. The world back then was filled with chaos, religious zealots, and had limited access to any knowledge (due to the fact that it was mainly kept to religious texts and was greedily guarded by monks and "scientist". The world of Aloria today is going through a boom in technology, with the beauty of a industrial revolution (thanks to the introduction of redstone into the world) on the horizon. The world of Aloria might have started as trying to fit the timeline of the 1450-1550, but since new circumstances have arisen that were not present in the medieval ages, the results that we have seen come from that period of time most likely will not stay the same as those of the control (this being a term used in experiments to represent a entity used in the experiment that would stay the same [ex: Your testing how lilies react when put in water with different food coloring added. You have 4 cups 3 filled with food coloring and one just filled with water. The one filled with water is the control, because it wont change without a outside presence effecting it.]).

2: Veni,Vidi,Vici:

There are "guards" everywhere, and if you expect to get away with a crime then buddy...your in for one hell of a fight. Regalia is a military state with countless guards everywhere, this is just a fact. Now, if your smart about how you fight, where you fight, and how you plan it, this means you can and probably will get away. I'm not saying that you are going to be able to kill every single military personnel in Regalia, but, you might be able to kill enough. It all really depends on how you fight and how they fight. If you fight like a monster and are one of the best fighters (i'm meaning this as the be RP fighter meaning you are actually good at rp combat, it's just silly to say "I'm the best fighter NA huehuehuehue" and expect to the world spins.) then you could potentially get out of the situation. Plus, even if it is a military state, you have to expect that they aren't going to send a unlimited amount of guards to come find, hunt, and eventually kill you. They will more then likely just send 20, but if you can kill those 20 then a interesting branch in paths arises. Either they will classify you as a high priority and send 50-75 men to hunt you, or they will write you off as a "unfortunate loss". Now, while it is possible for Regalia to send 50-75 men, they more the likely won't, because who would dedicate such man power to getting one man? Just doesn't make sense.

3:Cnt kil meh scr00b!

I actually agree with MonMarty on this one, though i feel in my opinion require a tiny bit of tweaking, but otherwise i have no problem with this.

4: Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battlesta....I-I

It is said that a kingdom is only as good as the people who inhabit it. It might be true that there are a million people who believe that Regalia is OK how it is right now, though, i don't see them throwing rocks at protesters or joining in the Anti-Government rallies, for that matter. The people of Regalia (players) that actually act, need to have a voice. Otherwise, what is the point in having a opinion if there is no way you can act to support it because a Entity (invisible npc's) has the opinion that goes directly against yours? Everyone is entitled to their opinions and people who hear them, whether they be swayed to support or condemn it, still have the opinion. Saying that the invisible population is all one way and there is no way to get them to the other side is a bit....extreme. Sure, you won't be able to get all of them, but, that's not to say that you won't get enough to make a actual difference.

Just as a reminder, this is simply opinionated, and you are more then justified if you believe that all of what i said is a complete and total crock.
What about the other thing?
Don't know, maybe MonMarty's brain shut down while he wrote it or something. You'll have to ask him about that.
Beowwulf FALSE. They can have good natures, but they can't ever be considered "good". They're still evil creatures that feed on blood.

Well, just feeding on blood isn't enough of a sin to be jailed and arrested. After all, most of them 'feed on animals'.

This might help a bit on the Vampyre aspect...

  • Vampyres are never truly, morally, good. Mainly because not only do they feed on the blood of living things, but also because if they CAN'T FEED WITHIN THE TIME THEY NEED TO, they basically go insane, the the level of homicidal tendencies and movements. Not only that, but when they feed, they most of the time need to drain the entire subject, usually or almost killing them. As good and handsome Vampyres act, they don't think enough about their stomach, whereas in reality, they would be. Let alone, they are a disease, and every time they kill a person of light, it leads Baver closer to walking amongst Regalia.
This whole explanation is great, but as it has been said, the people that need to read this page will probably never read it.
Whoever rated my post offensive, I was JOKING. Seriously, I didn't actually think MonMarty's brain shut down while he wrote the book. If you actually read my post, I said after that I wasn't sure about that, and that he should ask MonMarty, because he'd the one that would actually KNOW.
As far as I am aware, a vampire's mere existence gives power to MrsBaver. Whether they want to or not, that is what happens. There is a cure for Vampirism, it is readily available/easy to obtain. If they choose not to take the cure, then they will have to deal with the consequences.

Actually in the lore book it states that it was thought that their existence was to power MrsBaver, yes in fact they do, but also according to the book, they were created by the Archdemon for unknown reasons. This conclusion was drawn from the fact MrsBaver has very little regard for vampires herself. It is hinted to the fact however that it was meant to cause further conflict in man.
I always maintain "roleplay that there is at least 1 guard on every street". In the future there will be actual guards, ran by players who hopefully know the rulebook on Regalian policing well. Don't just ignore these guys. You wouldn't realistically walk into a city and start beating up a guy in front of a police officer because you think you could take on the police officer as well. Even if your character is an expert fighter and can take on 5 guards at the same time, Regalian numbers will eventually overwhelm you and convicts and criminals will not be able to leave Regalia since it is an Island.

Actually, I know that some forms of expert coders can do that, not just with need of actual players. With the NPC plugin, I've seen some servers *NOT ADVERTISING* Actually use something along those lines, where when you pull out a certain item, or spell out a certain word whilst near them, they will actually respond to you.
  • -Draws out his blade- "Sire, sheathe your blade, or you shall be placed under arrest!"
Or when you actually pull out the item,

  1. *Moves to slot one, pulling out an axe* "Sire, sheathe your axe, or you shall be placed under arrest!"

The entire bother with this is this would take a good long while to code, let alone, the guards can't do too much but threaten to arrest you. I understand on expert coders, (again) there is also a way to actually make it attack a player, but Cayorion/Staff/Plugin Creators for Massive really must be a god that everyone calls them to be able to do it.
Actually, I know that some forms of expert coders can do that, not just with need of actual players. With the NPC plugin, I've seen some servers *NOT ADVERTISING* Actually use something along those lines, where when you pull out a certain item, or spell out a certain word whilst near them, they will actually respond to you.
  • -Draws out his blade- "Sire, sheathe your blade, or you shall be placed under arrest!"
Or when you actually pull out the item,

  1. *Moves to slot one, pulling out an axe* "Sire, sheathe your axe, or you shall be placed under arrest!"

The entire bother with this is this would take a good long while to code, let alone, the guards can't do too much but threaten to arrest you. I understand on expert coders, (again) there is also a way to actually make it attack a player, but Cayorion/Staff/Plugin Creators for Massive really must be a god that everyone calls them to be able to do it.

I have seen plugins like this as well, and if something like this was added to massivecraft, with guards, npc citizens, or any sort of npc at all, then massive would take a massive (har har) leap forward in my love for it. That would add so much to the immersion of roleplay :)
Perhaps it could alert guards when someone was breaking a law like that on their street. Obviously when guards are on every street.
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