Archived The Ability For Vampires To Seem More Human (/v Hide)

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Every footstep you hear without a source...
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
your nightmares.
I've had this idea for a long time now, please do keep in mind it's ONLY an idea and suggestions are welcome. Anyway, proceeding...

My suggestion is one for the vampires plugin: the ability to hide your vampiric nature (as a vampire). Recently, I've had trouble pretending to be human because all someone has to do to tell if you're human is watch you jump or stand in the sun. Now, my idea is that using the command /v hide a few things will occur. A: Your jump-boost is removed and set to the default, so people can't see it and tell, B: When in the sunlight, you still burn, but don't give off the smoke and particles until 10% away from actually burning, and C: When you die, it doesn't make the ghast-shriek sound or smoke, so your true nature is kept secret.

Personally, I thought this would be cool to have, as in most vampire-stories vampires could hide their true nature unless in the sun too long. And
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Dammit, it cut out and I can't edit for some reason... =P[DOUBLEPOST=1354381342][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1354382603][/DOUBLEPOST]I appear to lack the ability to edit, so I'll just put my idea here...
...And bloodlust cannot be used while /v hide is being used. If attempted, if will simply reveal the vampire as such and toggle off /v hide. My last idea, when a vampire uncloaks (toggles off /v hide), the vampire should make a huge smoke-particle cloak and a dramatic shriek :D
Actually sounds like a cool and useful idea.
For a sec I was readying my facepalm for some noob's op sugesstion, but this seems fairly well balanced and has a good roleplay application.

It has my support.
I agree with this. Especially with Regalia coming... Vampires who want to be above ground and not in the under city need away to disguise themselves...

If I could add something:

How about when a vampire drinks a fire resistance potion, they do not have particles with that either, Meaning they would not burn, and no particles would show when It is in effect.

Just a suggestion...
I agree with this. Especially with Regalia coming... Vampires who want to be above ground and not in the under city need away to disguise themselves...

If I could add something:

How about when a vampire drinks a fire resistance potion, they do not have particles with that either, Meaning they would not burn, and no particles would show when It is in effect.

Just a suggestion...
I was heavily considering adding that to my idea, but realized as the smoke particlaes are ADDED, and not already there, it's wouldn't be difficult to remove them. On the other hand, the potion swirls can be made faint, but unfortunately not invisible to my knowledge.[DOUBLEPOST=1354592515][/DOUBLEPOST]
For a sec I was readying my facepalm for some noob's op sugesstion, but this seems fairly well balanced and has a good roleplay application.

It has my support.
OP noob's suggestion?! I see how it is xD
The 'Not so much...' answer to the poll still implies a 'Yes' just not as much... Plug it in: 'I don't like this suggestion so much'
It's not a 'No' :D
Someone appears insecure about their vampirism. :p

Vampire smoke particles are created by simulating a certain kind of damage. Potion swirls will have the swirls generated on everyone's client, unless the plugin were to hide the fact that the person was under the effect of a potion from everyone's client.
Vampire smoke particles are created by simulating a certain kind of damage. Potion swirls will have the swirls generated on everyone's client, unless the plugin were to hide the fact that the person was under the effect of a potion from everyone's client.
Thanks, Illogical, I wasn't quite sure how that worked :P
I generally don't read who posted the thread until I've read the opening post in it's entirety. I did not mean to imply you were inexperienced. You are probably more experienced than I am.
I know, I know... just messing around :D[DOUBLEPOST=1354657334][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks, by the way.
I actually like this idea...
I'll mention it in the team meeting :)
I'm not a vampire, but I do really like this idea - it fits perfectly with the admin idea of what a vampire should be (an entity in hiding that makes up a small number of people), and it does fit perfectly with Regalia's anti-vampire Role Play nature. For people who are vampires solely to avoid the affects of fall damage or just so that they didn't need to eat or breath, this is perfect.

You have another supporter :)
Thanks for all the support guys! I had this idea a long time ago, but never thought it'd actually get many supporters... you guys are great :)
Will be considered during the next large vampire update.
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