Archived Some Faction Additions

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Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
After the increase in idea proposals about various things, one such thing being the faction plugin, I have created this thread so people can propose ideas in a organized fashion concerning the "faction plugin."

Thread rules:
  • Post ideas concerning only the factions plugin
  • Please keep all your ideas proposed in one post. If you come up with another idea at a later date, edit your original first post on this thread. This will help avoid clutter.
  • Please provide only constructive criticism. While you are allowed to disagree with someone's idea, follow it up with how you would change it, and try to compromise with them.
Let the brainstorming begin!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Well, I guess I shall start.
  1. Additional Commands-I feel that there are a few commands that should be added to the current plugin, mainly because they would be extremely useful for faction leaders. /f mute so they can keep spam in check when needed. /f ban to prevent certain players from entering their faction, that way if someone betrays you, then you do not need to worry about them joining your faction ever again. Adding in an addition f chat for moderators would be extremely useful for larger factions, and I would love to see /f warps for those larger factions as well, so one can have a couple cities and still get to them.
  2. Raised Price- Given the amount of factions in play at this time, I believe an increase of the price to create a faction should go up to 300s, but that is only a suggestion.
  3. Empires & Nations- I think it would be for the benefit of the server if there was a way to create bonds stronger than alliances, and truly forge nations and empires. It would make it so when wars break out between nations, all of the factions are aware of said war. It would also limit in fighting to some degree, and given some players more of a goal after they make a faction.
Alright, I might as well post. I'll make this post mostly about the concept of attaining an empire, at least for now.

How to Attain an Empire:
Make it an extremely hard task. I'm not just talking about paying 500 silver then automatically getting an empire. With the addition of the premium benefit of 75s per month, I think everyone agrees that if we made empires 1 time silver payments we would have over 50 of them within a year. Here's my idea of what should be required.
-1000s upfront
-100s a month.
-At least 4 factions that act as "founder factions".
-The faction is encouraged to make an announcement post on the forums, giving a brief lore background to their empire.
-Empires must create a forum application, which will be checked by roleplay staff for lore compliancy.

These are just some starting requirements, feel free to criticize to your liking or to suggest.
The original post seemed to work fine:

Band, Town, City, Kingdom

  • 2+ individuals - Bands of fellow fighters, travelers, singers, merchants. They are fairly common and easy to organize.
  • 75s to create - It's cheap to purchase traveling gear and some tents.
  • Claims 1 chunk per player - They don't need to farm, they live off the land through hunting and foraging.
  • Cannot ally other factions - because since when did a small band of freelancers have allies?
  • Simplified Leadership - Everyone is an officer, no faction leader exists. Bands are often friends or traveling companions, they vote (or fight) over what will be done. Only the collapse of the bonds that bind can these bands be broken (if everyone leaves the band disbands). (Officers, Recruits) "Everyone has a voice in this Band of Brothers"
  • /f create band <name>
  • 12-40 individuals - Towns are small entities that do not house large populations, but need to sustain themselves with various small families.
  • 150s to create (75s to upgrade) - It is more expensive to trek out and settle a new town due to resources and paperwork. Ah, paperwork...
  • claims 4 chunks per player - Towns need to feed themselves, thus, farms are needed for food, and space is needed for the town hall and warehouses for food storage.
  • Cannot Enemy Higher Class Factions - Towns don't make enemies. That would be silly. Since when has "Winter Village" waged a war against "City of the Gods" eh?
    • If they join a city they get the cities enemies and allies, but keep their own original allies/enemies.
  • Medium Leadership - All members are officers, except for faction leader. Towns of this size often do votes on what they must do, if they argue at all which is rare. (Leader, Officers, Recruits) "Do today what you did yesterday, and all will be peaceful."
  • /f create town <name> | /f upgrade town <name> | /f join City <name(of city)> [become protectorate of city]
  • 40+ individuals - Cities are not small hovels sitting inside a measly porticus. They are large entities with populations far greater than a mere town, there isn't a practical limit to their size really. They are often surrounded by walls of stone, with castles or at the least forts/holdfasts.
  • 300s to create (150 to upgrade) - It is common knowledge that cities do not build themselves - they need a massive amount of resources and supplies in order to become a great city. They are centers of trade, and often have loads of money.
  • 8 chunks per player - Cities need to feed large populations. The vast majority of their territory is generally made up of farmland with a number of small or medium sized farming towns scattered through them. The city itself is usually very dense, with up to 4 people in a single chunk.
  • No Enemy/Ally restrictions, can join Kingdoms/Empires, can take on protectorates - Cities are forces to be reckoned with. They can take into their care small towns, often setting a tax on them or using them as farming communities and military outposts. They can also build or break an empire depending on the way they swing.
    • Notice: If they join a kingdom, all protectorates join that kingdom. City loses ability to make enemies on it's own. Cities take on the enemies of towns they protect.
  • Complex Leadership - Cities have a Lord or Lady leading them, with many lesser nobles and military leaders and merchant princes that help organize the entire mess. While the Lord or Lady posseses final power, the city cannot run with their strength alone. (Leader, Officers, Members, Recruits) "Lords and Ladies would be nothing without their people's support."
  • /f create City <name> | /f upgrade City <name> | /f accept protectorate <name(of town)> [accept a town as your protectorate] | /f join Kingdom <name (of kingdom)> | /f leave Kingdom <name(of kingdom)> (will cause auto-enemy of Kingdom and all member cities).
  • City-State Chat - /ch S(state): Allows chatting between the various protectorates of the city and city members.
  • 40+ individuals - Kingdoms are lead by the capitol city. The capitol city is merely the city in which the crown sits upon their throne.
  • 900s to create (600s upgrade price) - Roads must be built! Bribes Paid, Armies Hired, Fleets Constructed, Weapons Forged! Kingdoms are not cheap things to make!
  • 100s MONTHLY payment to remain a city - Similar to above, Roads must be Maintained, Armies Fed, Fleets Supplied, Weapons Upgraded, Officials Bribed, Thrones Built! Maintaining a kingdom is very expensive.
  • No Enemy/Ally Restrictions, can add cities to the Kingdom - Kingdoms are not forged from a single city, they are built out of many cities! They must protect those cities however, and take on any enemies those cities get. Likewise, cities protect the kingdom, an enemy of the kingdom is an enemy of all the cities.
  • Complex Leadership - Kingdoms are MUCH more complex, but the capitol is the same as an ordinary city. (Leader, Officers, Members, Recruits). The King must balance politics with member cities on his own, as a true king can.
  • /f create Kingdom <name> | /f upgrade Kingdom <name> | /f accept City <name(of city)> | /f kick City <name(of city)
Here's how it would work in practice:
Faction Nations.png

Translated to Forum Talk: Kingdom Factions can control City Factions, and share enemies. Enemy a Kingdom (or be enemies by one) and all of it's cities enemy you by default. Their protectorate towns ALSO enemy you by default. Likewise, ally a Kingdom (not joining, allying) and all of your Protectorates, Cities, and Towns will ally them by default. They will be unable to enemy any cities or towns that are part of the other kingdom ("Your kingdom forbids enemying this <town/city> because you are allies!"). This will cause wars between "Coalitions" and "Empires" and "Kingdoms" to be REAL. All towns and cities that are part of the Kingdoms involved will be enemies of each other, and thus at war. They will be able to kill one another and fight. Empires/Kingdoms/ext will be able to organize without allies knowing via Kingdom Chat, as will City-States and their protectorates. Thusly, there are different levels of government/organization that work similar to how the real world works. Naturally, actual numbers have been altered due to this being a game, real cities have tens of thousands of people in them. Good luck with that though!

Newest Addition:
Since there were complaints that this forced people to follow a specific set up, I've added this idea, which would just be the original faction plugin and would have no special talents and would cost 200s to set up.
  • Created using /f create other <name>. Can be upgraded/downgraded into any other form of faction.
Obviously the "Other" option doesn't need any explaining because it's just the current faction abilities with no addons or aditions to allow for complete flexibility.
With new advances in npc quest givers, I was thinking maybe faction leaders and officers could use the faction bank to summon npc's. These npc's would have 2 classes, archer and warrior. These npc's would also be in tiers, with ranging equipment and tools. These tiers would be:
Tier 1- leather armor, wooden tools(non-enchanted bows), 5s to summon
Tier 2- Chain armor, stone tools( power 1 bows), 7s to summon
Tier 3- Iron armor, iron tools(power 2 bows), 10s to summon
Tier 4- Diamond armor, diamond tools(flame 1 bows), 15s to summon
(the prices are right off the top of my head, they could be altered as needed)

Essentially an npc could be summoned, and it would do a task. The tasks would be:
Archer- Uses a bow, stands in one spot while firing arrows at any enemy faction members
Warrior- Uses a sword, stands in one spot until an enemy comes close, from which the warrior moves closer to attack

To summon an npc, one could type /f summon [class] [tier]
When the command is typed, and sufficient money is deducted, an npc would spawn in the block the command was typed in. To remove an npc, one could type /f remove npc, and any npc's within the block the command was typed in would be removed, giving back a 1/2 refund.

As well as deducting money, each npc would require 1 power, meaning that a faction can't have unlimited npc's.
Npc's could also be used in large raids, by an officer of the faction typing /f npc follow
This would make an npc within the block the command was typed in have a wolf effect, making them follow the player. While following, these npc's would auto attack any enemy faction members. This could even add roleplay value, as this could lead to realistic large-scale battles.

This is just an idea, and I really have no idea whether this is possible or not. This is just my 2 cents worth of suggestion to the thread.
With new advances in npc quest givers, I was thinking maybe faction leaders and officers could use the faction bank to summon npc's. These npc's would have 2 classes, archer and warrior. These npc's would also be in tiers, with ranging equipment and tools. These tiers would be:
Tier 1- leather armor, wooden tools(non-enchanted bows), 5s to summon
Tier 2- Chain armor, stone tools( power 1 bows), 7s to summon
Tier 3- Iron armor, iron tools(power 2 bows), 10s to summon
Tier 4- Diamond armor, diamond tools(flame 1 bows), 15s to summon
(the prices are right off the top of my head, they could be altered as needed)

Essentially an npc could be summoned, and it would do a task. The tasks would be:
Archer- Uses a bow, stands in one spot while firing arrows at any enemy faction members
Warrior- Uses a sword, stands in one spot until an enemy comes close, from which the warrior moves closer to attack

To summon an npc, one could type /f summon [class] [tier]
When the command is typed, and sufficient money is deducted, an npc would spawn in the block the command was typed in. To remove an npc, one could type /f remove npc, and any npc's within the block the command was typed in would be removed, giving back a 1/2 refund.

As well as deducting money, each npc would require 1 power, meaning that a faction can't have unlimited npc's.
Npc's could also be used in large raids, by an officer of the faction typing /f npc follow
This would make an npc within the block the command was typed in have a wolf effect, making them follow the player. While following, these npc's would auto attack any enemy faction members. This could even add roleplay value, as this could lead to realistic large-scale battles.

This is just an idea, and I really have no idea whether this is possible or not. This is just my 2 cents worth of suggestion to the thread.

This could mean that a person like FHFdoom could make an invincible army if he recruited like 10 non premiums. This has such a potential to be abused.
Thalan79 So I want to expand on some of your Ideas ....
  1. Additional commands: With the command /f mute, I could see some abuse, such as an officer who mutes members and recruits for petty reasons. I have no opposition to the /f ban or extra faction chat commands. Some things to say about the /f warp, as I feel it could be abused and overused.
  • Allow only leaders access to the /f mute command.
  • Put a max mute time limit of 5 minutes. To avoid excessive mute time. If a member needs to be muted more than once and for longer than 5 minutes, I think it is time to reconsider their place in the faction.
  • Allow only faction leader and officers to create /f warps.
  • Put a max limit of 3 warps (Negotiable)
2. Raised price: I support this fully. A faction should be something you work for.
3. Empires/Nations: I wholeheartedly support some form of empire/nation feature and recognition. As of now, you can only declare yourself an Empire through text. I feel that if this feature is implemented though, heavy restrictions need to be placed so not just any faction can declare themselves an empire. Things such as...
  • Faction existence length
  • Silver cost
  • A min. number of factions needed to declare an empire
Great ideas all around!
Just wanna know, are the people disagree with the ideas of Tiers against anything that creates multiple types of set faction or just against certain parts of a tier system? Plz do explain WHY you disagree with posts, if you haven't already :)
Just wanna know, are the people disagree with the ideas of Tiers against anything that creates multiple types of set faction or just against certain parts of a tier system? Plz do explain WHY you disagree with posts, if you haven't already :)

I disagree because paying a monthly faction fee is simply annoying and these tiers are simply complicated, demanding and annoying.
I disagree because paying a monthly faction fee is simply annoying and these tiers are simply overly complicated and demanding.

Fair enough on the complications. I'd like to argue my point on the monthly payment:

You are running an empire that can have as many cities as you can convince to join. You could have just two cities or you could have 200. And those cities have protectorate villages to boot. What right do you have to claim such a massive organization if you can't even afford 100s a month? Most pvp players make that much in a single day of darkrooming. So for an ENTIRE EMPIRE made up of at least 2 factions consisting of 40+ members... making 100s between them over the course of a month shouldn't be too hard, you just need 2 premium members, or to have everyone darkroom for like a half hour over the month. I try to keep my payments within a realistic value because I understand how hard it is to make money, but when you look at it from the perspective of a medium sized kingdom consisting of 3 cities and 8 towns (a min population of 216 members) if they can't get a solid 100s in a month they don't deserve to be a kingdom.
favoured I like this idea. I fully support the need for an upfront cost to start an Empire, as well as the monthly cost to keep it. It might just be the reason the leaders in the empire start adding some depth to running the empire, through things such as taxes, etc. I do feel however that having a set capital city is something the founding factions can decide on, if you intended it to be something that has to be inputted for empire creation. I also lime the idea for forum approval, but maybe change it just to announce it on the forum? I feel that if someone made an empire simply for the purpose of trolling, a high upfront initial fee would discourage any trolls, and I feel the staff should reserve the right to delete troll empires.

Great ideas everyone!

(Trying my hardest to reply to everyone. Being on tablet not the easiest.)
favoured This is actually a piece by piece assessment of your post, so yeah.
I Like that cost for an empire.
I am not sure if I like the idea of taxing per month. However, if the point of the tax is because of the premium silver gain, then it would have to be more than 100 because two premiums would be an empire alive forever. However, that is not to say that I agree with the tax in the first place.
At least 4 factions that act as "founder factions".
Within the founder factions of the empire, there needs to be at least 150 members(When someone states "I rule an empire", I imagine a huge population and numerous cities, not 20 guys living in a small town.)
Disagree. If I want to make a nation or empire of nagan war bands, that could wind up being 70 to 80 people. Getting four factions alone to work together would be difficult enough. Furthermore, that is a vast amount of people, almost more than what one sees online at any given time. Sure there would be vast and large empires, but I would not want to restrict it to those with large numbers only. What if a group of small bandit clans wanted to team up to take on an empire (like the huns)?
The empire must maintain at least 50 members at all times (once again, if 99% of your empire dies off, its not exactly an empire anymore is it?)
Disagree, again I do not feel that we should limit based on members. If someone wants to troll empire, they could just use alternates.
One of the founder factions must be designated as the capital of the empire, which must have at least 50 members at the time of creation of the empire.
Disagree, based on two issues. One, the whole limiting base on numbers thing again, and two the idea that a nation require a capitol faction. Sure, with an empire one would assume there is leading faction, but we cannot limit a change such as that to empires only. Some groups may be looking to create a simply to consolidate power, and not wanting to be ruled.
The empire must make a forum application. This is to make it so we don't have a rare case of the "trolololol empire".
Disagree, mainly because I do not think that is something we should throw onto the staff. If a group can get the resources and people to make an empire/nation then I think thy deserve to make it. Not all factions are Lore Compliant, and I suspect that if the empires thing happens, then not all empires will be lore compliant either.
Disagree mainly because of the same reason as before with your proposal
Liking the ideas guys! Once we get a couple pages of ideas, I'll compose them into a final list with credit to the respective people and then tag MonMarty and Cayorion so these ideas can hopefully be implemented into what I hope will be a new, updated, version of factions with 2x the fun!
Because I did not just say Empires when I suggested my idea. I said
Not all Nations are going to be massive. Thats why I liked the restriction of numbers coming from the number of factions being the requirement and not total people.
Thalan79 I think he deleted the post in question. I'd suggest you do the same with your most recent one, at least the part directed at his "flame."
Thalan79 edited the member limits, in hindsight they do limit what an empire can be quite drastically. The capital faction thing didn't really have a use as well. However, I do believe Empires should be Lore Compliant, as an empire is going to be presumably a extremely large organization, with only around half a dozen max on the server at the same time. I think that they should make an application that gives a good roleplay background, and that the roleplay staff/forum staff could check it in a relatively short amount of time, considering there aren't going to be more than 10 empires on the server at the same time probably.
This is my input towards Aaron's idea. I think that with a few modifications it might be feasible. At the current state it needs to be nerfed quite heavily. For the prices of the NPC's, try tripling all the prices. As for the power requirement of each npc, you could try making it 5 or 10, just to make sure there aren't factions that gather a couple of hundred NPC's and hide behind them.
Suggestion: Empire and Nation as different classes. Other classes added.
Empire/Kingdom: Empires are immense organizations consisting of 10 or more cities (factions) bound by a single leader and single central faction or organization.​
  • All member factions have the same allies and enemies as the control faction, and cannot leave the empire without declaring war on all member factions.
Nation/Federation: Nations are smaller than empires (usually), but are also more relaxed in leadership.​
  • Member factions can ally anyone they want, but share an enemy list. Factions can leave at will, but will end up in a neutral state towards all other member factions.
  • Coalitions are large organizations of nations/factions that work together of their own free will. Members can leave at will, but will be rendered merely allies of all factions in the Coalition.
Conclusion: Factions can be Empires, Nations, Coalitions, or Lone Factions. Individual factions can be whatever they want to be, but when organizing into groups they must follow those three generalized ideas for simplicities sake.
I'm not trying to be a prick, nor just stir up conflict, But I cannot agree to this. One of the things that makes factions so amazing is how versatile it is. If a nations/empires addon was created, it should be just as versatile. Restricting in and trying to contain it only weakens it. By making it open ended, and simple at the same time, it makes it easier and simpler for people to work with it. The only advantage an empire would (and should have in my opinion) is power through number of people. They would not have addition claims, or faction power. All an empire/nation/whatever would have is the backing of their members.
So, point in case, factions can be whatever they want. This should also be true for nations. We should not limit them based solely on what you or I can think of, no matter how organized or generalized we think it is. By making it open for interpretation on what a nation is, we allow others to grow and create. Some will want nations for RP reasons, others will want it for pvp reasons. And some will want it for the lolz. Factions caters to all three, and so to should a nation addon to the plugin.
Mecharic Dude, take a breath and relax. You have yet to offend me, and even if you did, it wouldn't matter. its the internet! We shouldn't let ourselves become emotionally affect by it. Just relax. Now, i don't see how you can be offended by my posts, but okay. Sorry for disagreeing with you. But guess what. I disagree with you. Deal with it. I'm not going to call you names, I'm not going to assume that the other party is offended, hell I'm not even going to stoop to calling your ideas irrational, because neither your ideas nor mine are irrational. I will continue to treat you with respect, so please do the same.
Onto why I think your wrong. Your post doesn't make it open ended, it restricts the possible plugin based on how you perceive what a nation or an empire is. A nation plugin can be open ended and simple at the same time, with restricting and quantifying what people do with it. What should be restricted is how someone makes a nation, by making it so they have to have several factions and a lot of silver to do it. You want a coalition, make a nation and call it a coalition. Want a nation, then do the same and have a capitol. Want an empire to rule them all? Then get a king and be huge. By making it so one plugin services ALL of those desires, we make it truly open ended without restricting it one persons opinions on what something is.
Everybody is crapping out ideas, I should too!
Basically you have to earn your way to the top from a group to an empire. You can't buy an empire, you have to start with a group.
Group -
Requires at least two people, has a fifteen person limit to population. Has one leader and everyone else is a member. Groups can ally other groups, but not settlements or above. Groups can enemy anybody, including other groups (for banditry). Groups are ten silver to start. If Group has only 1/8th of maximum power then it's disbanded. When you reach 1/8th power you have 3 days to raise it or use the /f assimilate [faction name] command. The assimilate command adds all your group members to a bigger faction such as a town or settlement etc. Groups can't claim land, but can set faction homes.
Two-Fifteen people
One leader, all others are members
Can only ally other groups, enemy anybody.
10 silver to start
1/8th power is assimilate or disband within 3 days

Settlement -
Requires at least ten people in your faction, has a twenty-five person limit. Upgraded from Group by having at least ten people and spending 125 silver. Settlements can ally other settlements and form small alliances. Settlements can't enemy other settlements, but alliances can enemy other alliances. Settlements are basically towns but are new towns. Each member adds five power to your faction. Has a leader and members since it's still developing.
Requires ten people, twenty-five person limit
Upgraded from group with 125 silver.
Can form alliances and enemy other alliances.

Town -
Requires at least ten people in your faction, has a forty person limit. Upgraded from Settlement by having a Settlement be a Settlement for over a month. Upgrade doesn't go through unless 250 silver is in the faction bank and the owner receives a message asking if he wants to upgrade when he logs on. Towns are developed Settlements that can hold more people. Towns can ally and enemy other towns. Each members adds eight power per member. Towns can't enemy cities unless they have at least 1/2 the members a city has. Has a leader (mayor, if you will), his officers, and members.
One month old Settlement and costs 250 silver to upgrade from Settlement.
Towns can ally and enemy other towns.
Something here.

City -
Requires at least thirty-five people in your faction, has a sixty person limit. Upgraded from Town by having the Town be three months old (or be sponsored by a nation/empire) and paying 400 silver. When the owner logs on he gets a message asking him etc. Cities can ally, truce, and enemy other cities and towns. Cities get ten power per member. Cities have the leader (Lord Mayor or King), his officers, members, and recruits. When a city wins a war against a town or another city it can have that city or town be added to it's domain. The king of the city that rules the domain can control the factions under the domain. It's basically a leader over a leader.

Domain -
Not quite an empire or nation yet. A domain is a collection of towns and cities that are spearheaded by a single city. It has to be a city. The leader of the capital city has complete control over the conquered factions. A domain can only be composed of CONQUERED cities/towns. A domain can have any limit of players to it. Moving on...

Nation -
A nation is a collection of cities and towns that have allied each other. The leaders of each city (towns don't get a say, heh.) do /f vote [presidential candidate name]. The president has to get the majority (50.1% or more) and the voting keeps going until a president is decided on. The president makes all decisions for the nation such as allying, adding other cities/towns, declaring war, settings taxes, etc. It's kind of like getting a new pope. But it's not for life, it's only for three months until he is demoted to a regular old city leader. If 3/4 of the faction leaders do /f impeach [president name] then he is demoted to a normal city leader and the election can happen again.

Empire -
An empire is a collection of conquered cities and towns that exceed 3 cities and any number of towns. The leader of an empire is the Emperor. He can manage any faction in the empire and kick the leaders of any faction. An empire is a domain until it exceeds 3 cities and any number of towns. The difference between an empire and a domain is that an empire's factions get 40 power per leader, 30 power per officer, and 10 per member. The total population of a domain must exceed 120 players or it's a domain. Huge amounts of land can be claimed by empires and empire land can be right next to other empire land which is considered a border. The land between one empire's faction and another must be three chunk, those chunks are borders. Build walls there to shoot invaders. Empires can enter alliances, truce, and enemy other empires.

Also, with a quick once-over by an RP staff, an empire can get it's very own Regalian embassy. If you're in trouble with the guards and part of an empire just flee to the embassy. You're safe there.

Command List -
Leader Commands -
/f create [name] (makes a faction.)
/f upgrade (upgrades the faction if requirements are met.)
President Commands -
/f war [nation/empire/city name] (Different from war, war is a prerequisite to surrender.)
/f surrender [nation/empire/city name] (Surrenders to a faction.)
/f kick [name] (sends a message to the leader of the faction asking certain member to be kicked. When leader logs on next he sees message: /f kick accept or /f kick deny)
/f p currency (Basically all the currency commands the Emperor has except the shoptax, that is set by each faction leader and is local to the faction.)
Emperor Commands (Same as Domain-er commands :P)
/f kick [name] (kicks faction member of any empire-controlled faction)
/f claim [faction name] (Claims land under certain faction's name that is controlled by empire. Leave name blank to determine closest faction.)
/f war [empire/nation/city name] (declares war on a certain faction.)
/f currency create [name of new currency] (Names the currency of the empire. I.e Pounds. When you use /show it says say 1000 silver and then 2500 pounds. Useful if you want to create your own economy.)
/f e currency print [amount] (Be careful with this, it may inflate your economy. Prints that amount of currency and puts it in your /show.)
/f e currency shoptax [percentage] (Trust in your Emperor to not screw you over. Makes a shop tax so every amount of money exchanged is removed and placed in the Crown's pocket. Or just do Mecharic's tax command lol.)
/f e magnacarta (Turns Empire into a nation. Demotes you to President until you're put out of office. Usable by Emperor.)
More to come!

Hopefully that wasn't confusing. If I made any errors or need any elaboration just ask. If you think that the population limits or requirements are high, not everybody is on at one time. They are all on at different times.
Generally speaking, nations have five different characteristics that make them who they are:
  1. Some sort of government or leader
  2. Some sort of defense system or military
  3. Some sort of civilian population
  4. Some sort of infrastructure
  5. Some sort of economy
This is just my own interpretation of basic things that a nation needs in order to be created.
A trend I'm seeing. People are trying to create "groups" or "bands", essentially levels of government from the creation of your group to Empire. I envisioned keeping the current faction basis, but adding in that one feature that would make working on your faction and making it bigger and more complex worthwhile, declaring yourself an empire.

I've also seen a lot of post concerning empire/nation creation. Maybe some ideas for some new commands?
Ok, new commands, I can do this... I hope:

/f merge into <name> - Merges your faction into another faction. With this command the leader making the command becomes an officers in the faction they are merging into and all claims, allies, and enemies are lost. The officers of the faction that is vanishing become officers in the faction they are merging into.
/f merge approve <name> - Approves a faction merging into your faction.
You have no idea how often I wanted this command. It would make so much possible, like the creation of real, Aloria wide superfactions. That said, it would also be limited because who wants to give up faction leadership eh?​

/f tax <amount> <repeat> - Creates a tax that all members pay. Also allows the leader to set how often the tax is collected (from weekly to quarterly, aka, from weekly to every 3 months). If you don't pay the tax the leader is made aware and will likely talk to you.

This *should* help create faction economies as people gather resources and sell them to each other and at the /warp market. Leastways, that's a goal.​
It would also help factions pay tributes in the case of a war.​
A trend I'm seeing. People are trying to create "groups" or "bands", essentially levels of government from the creation of your group to Empire. I envisioned keeping the current faction basis, but adding in that one feature that would make working on your faction and making it bigger and more complex worthwhile, declaring yourself an empire.

I've also seen a lot of post concerning empire/nation creation. Maybe some ideas for some new commands?

Done. Check my post again. Mecharic you always end up posting it before me. But my post is above yours, so I guess I get it.
I think that a less complicated version of the same empire idea could be something along the lines of an extended faction chat.
Similar to ally chat, multiple factions would participate, but it would be more negotiable. Factions would be added into this new chat by a leader or officer of a faction, ensuring good communication between sub factions or factions warring together. This would take casual talk between sub factions out of ally chat, and into a more accessible, communal chat. Not only would this allow increased communication, but also the general feeling of an empire, what with multiple leaders being able to chatter back and forth.
NO NO NO NO NO We are not doing this fking upgrading like towny shit all of this sounds like a horable idea
One thing I've noticed a lot during my time, building for people is I've seen a lot of rude gestures or ignorance one could say. The idea of a Jail would be to put these people in the jail. The command quite possibly could be /f jail [name] by Officers+ inwhich the player would not be able to move on their own but follow the Officer and be place inside the jail. Now I know you're thinking "well the person could just mine out" but I've already thought that through, An Officer+ of course would use a command kind of like /he tool, you would click the jail dimensions making it so faction member cannot destroy these blocks nor open any doors. This feature could also work alongside Roleplaying. To remove someone from jail the command could be /f unjail [name] and the prisoner would be able to leave. Meanwhile still being the prisoner, you cannot use /home or any sort of teleporting commands. Of course this would get out of hand by irresponsible people and before jailing someone within a faction, the Officer must contact an admin/mod and give a brief reasonable explaination before going ahead with the jailing.
This is basicly just replacing the faction plugin with the towny plugin ive seen pvp servers with towny and it just stuped if you want here is some of my ideas

We increase the silver to 350 so less newby factions
No pesidents ect ect this is a medieval RP server not a modern server
i could see merging happening but it wouldent work out verry good
/f jail = good
Officer channel = good but there should be a allince officer channel
/f warp could just be abused like hell But setting 3 warps a faction could be good
i dont like the idea of a empire ect ect :/

Now to wait for the hate comments and negetive ratings to come in becus Everybody hates my ideas D:<
Ok ill make some quick notes on my thoughts:

Faction tiers: No, too complicated, abuse. Maybe get some bonuses for bigger factions like a power multiplier or something.

Officer channel: Yes

Empires/ New forms of Alliances: Yes, Bond different factions closer together, make Sub-Factions or vassals actually a viable option. New Chat, Empire bank, Power bonus for claiming land, unified diplomatics, maybe shared officers, other good ideas?

Merge command: Great idea!

Tax command: Good idea!

Buying a new Faction: My suggestion is to need at least 4 people and 500s to form a faction to make them more unique and epic. (Critique was: Making money through lending founding members, in my view to expensive)
Here are my suggestions, I may add more when I think of some.
It seems that a lot of suggestions on here have to do with faction tiers or some change involving relationships, but I feel that there is a lot of potential within the faction permissions and other internal affairs. I am listing my current suggestions and will be expanding as I think of more.

Also, just so you see these, Alj23

I would suggest adding a command that would disable the ability to talk in ally chat for recruits or any rank the leader would want. They could still see ally chat, but not talk in it.

It would be in the f perm list and would look like this:
/f perm (Faction) Allychat (rank) True/False

This command would clean up ally chat and keep new players from budding into ally chat with uneeded comments or from saying something they shouldn't. This could also create stronger ties with between faction members as recruits could depend upon their own leaders to help them.
Have animals within a faction's land only killable by that faction's members.

This could take the form of a command like /f mobthreats true/false, or it could be a permission so recruits or members can't harm animals upon joining said faction preventing greifers and trolls from doing harm to a faction, at least not directly.

We will no longer need to hide our animals underground or in vaults or barns all the time. We don't have to sacrifice our decoration and style for security and farms look better with pastures and such.
Have toggleable mob spawning in faction land.

The command would probably look like this: /f mobspawn true/false

Let's face it, when your in a city surrounded by a wall you don't want a zombie hoard appearing because you wanted an allyway to look gloomy or your dwarven kingdom is overrun at all times with undead. Now I say toggleable because not every faction is like that, some factions could be instances or vampire hidouts and want monsters to spawn within their catacombs. This command would add more flexibility to the faction plugin, leaving more opportunities for the players and enriching the RP experience of massive.
I propose adding the option to the f access commands that allows you to turn on PVP in choice chunks. I feel this would both add to the RP immersion for factions and allow the creation and use of faction buildings like coliseums. I'm aware for PVP training you can go to remus but it would be a nice option for factions to have should they want for whatever reason to enable friendly fire in certain chunks. Maybe the chunk could give a warning similar to "decreased access" "Faction PVP Zone" or something of the sort.

Thoughts on this?
One thing I've noticed a lot during my time, building for people is I've seen a lot of rude gestures or ignorance one could say. The idea of a Jail would be to put these people in the jail. The command quite possibly could be /f jail [name] by Officers+ inwhich the player would not be able to move on their own but follow the Officer and be place inside the jail. Now I know you're thinking "well the person could just mine out" but I've already thought that through, An Officer+ of course would use a command kind of like /he tool, you would click the jail dimensions making it so faction member cannot destroy these blocks nor open any doors. This feature could also work alongside Roleplaying. To remove someone from jail the command could be /f unjail [name] and the prisoner would be able to leave. Meanwhile still being the prisoner, you cannot use /home or any sort of teleporting commands. Of course this would get out of hand by irresponsible people and before jailing someone within a faction, the Officer must contact an admin/mod and give a brief reasonable explaination before going ahead with the jailing.

The /f jail command has been proposed many times before, and I think always fails either due to how abused it could be, or the amount of intervention the server staff would have to do. I was hoping for /f commands to be proposed that the leader/officer can run and be done, without having to have any approval from server staff. With that being said, I think the jail command could work, only after being thought through a lot more and having strict restrictions placed to avoid troll jails, etc, etc. But good idea and spin on a proposed idea.
This is basicly just replacing the faction plugin with the towny plugin ive seen pvp servers with towny and it just stuped if you want here is some of my ideas

We increase the silver to 350 so less newby factions
No pesidents ect ect this is a medieval RP server not a modern server
i could see merging happening but it wouldent work out verry good
/f jail = good
Officer channel = good but there should be a allince officer channel
/f warp could just be abused like hell But setting 3 warps a faction could be good
i dont like the idea of a empire ect ect :/

Now to wait for the hate comments and negetive ratings to come in becus Everybody hates my ideas D:<

I'm not going to hate your ideas, I'm going to expand on them and provide constructive replies...
  • I personally agree with raising the price of factions as stated before by multiple people. The amount though, will take some more thought.
  • I imagine you are referring to who would lead created empires when you mention presidents. The word president was just used to describe the leader, and I doubt they meant president in the literal sense. I would guess it would be up to the factions in the empire to choose the leading faction.
  • I think merging would be cool. It would make it so every member of a faction moved when two factions merged.
  • /f jail: Already stated in an earlier post that it needs some work.
  • I like the idea of an officer channel, but for officers in your faction only. I think an alliance officer channel would be a bit confusing.
  • I talked about the /f warps earlier. My fear is that too many warps would begin taking the place of portals, which we don't want to happen.
  • I feel that an empire feature/interface would allow for so much more expansion on the factions plugin. It could open so many doors to things that would make this server even more fun than it already is
Thank you for all your replies and ideas. :D
(See.. no hate.) :P
I would suggest adding a command that would disable the ability to talk in ally chat for recruits. They could still see ally chat, but not talk in it.

It would probably be in the f perm list or become its own command.

I'll think of more things later today.

I really like this idea. It would take new recruit spam out of ally chat, and I think it's just kind of a given that new recruits shouldn't be talking in ally chat. I imagine the commands being something of the sorts - /f perm [factionname] allychat [rank] yes/no
This is basicly just replacing the faction plugin with the towny plugin ive seen pvp servers with towny and it just stuped if you want here is some of my ideas

We increase the silver to 350 so less newby factions
No pesidents ect ect this is a medieval RP server not a modern server
i could see merging happening but it wouldent work out verry good
/f jail = good
Officer channel = good but there should be a allince officer channel
/f warp could just be abused like hell But setting 3 warps a faction could be good
i dont like the idea of a empire ect ect :/

Now to wait for the hate comments and negetive ratings to come in becus Everybody hates my ideas D:<

This is an RP server, just noting, not a pvp server. That said, what about the whole towny/empire idea is stupid? Like, what specific parts?


As for commands, I can't believe I didn't suggest /f jail! It would demote the player to "prisoner" which would prevent them from building or talking in Alliance chat (god, I can see thee rage there) and would make it so they can't leave(?) the faction to prevent them trolling. The faction leader would need to create a designated jail chunk (/f access f jail or sumsuch) and the player would be teleported to that chunk.
Ok ill make some quick notes on my thoughts:

Faction tiers: No, too complicated, abuse. Maybe get some bonuses for bigger factions like a power multiplier or something.

Officer channel: Yes

Empires/ New forms of Alliances: Yes, Bond different factions closer together, make Sub-Factions or vassals actually a viable option. New Chat, Empire bank, Power bonus for claiming land, unified diplomatics, maybe shared officers, other good ideas?

Merge command: Great idea!

Tax command: Good idea!

Buying a new Faction: My suggestion is to need at least 4 people and 500s to form a faction to make them more unique and epic. (Critique was: Making money through lending founding members, in my view to expensive)

  • When I first thought about expanding on the faction plugin, I thought about what would be after factions, like empires, not before and on your way to becoming a full fledged faction. So yes, I share your concerns.
  • Officer channel is a yes.
  • That's the point I've been trying to make! I want factions to be bonded close together, in more ways than just by being allied. I want founding factions to feel the bond of ruling over smaller sub-factions, or the sub-factions to feel the protection that they are in a large empire. As of now, you only declare yourself an "empire" through text, and you don't even have to prove it in-game. I want the server to recognize empires. To expand on the things you proposed...
  1. New chat: An empire chat. So like E: which would put you in your empire chat. "Now speaking in Empire chat"
  2. Empire bank: An extension on the faction bank idea. Where all the tax money would go, and only accessible by the leaders of factions within the empire.
I'm liking all these ideas!
I propose adding the option to the f access commands that allows you to turn on PVP in choice chunks. I feel this would both add to the RP immersion for factions and allow the creation and use of faction buildings like coliseums. I'm aware for PVP training you can go to remus but it would be a nice option for factions to have should they want for whatever reason to enable friendly fire in certain chunks. Maybe the chunk could give a warning similar to "decreased access" "Faction PVP Zone" or something of the sort.

Thoughts on this?

I like. This would allow faction members to practice their fighting skills against other members without having to leave the faction or go to a public arena and worry about being killed by someone else. I imagine the command would go like - /f access pvp true - This would be on a chunk by chunk basis like normal, and would allow members in the same faction to fight each other. When you enter the chunk, like you said, a warning would pop up, "Faction PVP Zone."

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