Archived Pvp Changes Suggestion Thread.

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ThunderQueen of MassiveCraft
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hello. As most of you know i have taken on the project on trying to improve and change pvp to be more balanced. I am sure this is going to make some people angry and others happy but we are aiming for pleasing the majority and step on as few toes as possible.

To do this i need you to list what is wrong with pvp in YOUR opinion, and how/what to change.
If you suggest we fix archery then you need to propose a fix to archery not just buff archery plz...
Make a well formulated suggestion and post it in this thread.
What you want fixed:
How do you suggest we do this:
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
Will this benefit more then just you?

I want to keep this thread respectfull and with no flame. Dont comment on others suggestions, they are allowed their opinion as you are allowed yours. If you dont agree with them then make your own suggestion.

In the end i want you to look at your suggestion and think is this something that will benefit more then me? If the answer is "no i just want it because i want to be super good and i dont care about others" then you have come to the wrong place.
I am looking for what will benefit as many as possible and make it more fair to everyone not just the high powerlevel players but also the little guy.

Thank you and i reserve the right to remove flaming posts that dont follow the instructions.

~Edit By JP~
Here is the default config of Mcmmo (Thanks Nray: ). Give this a look to make certain that what you want done is actually possible, then tell us exactly what needs to be changed in the config.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just gonna copy/paste my idea from the other thread here.
What you want fixed: Counter Attacks
How do you suggest we do this: Nerf the chance of getting a counter from 30% to around 3-5%
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) The chance to get a counterattack
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) from 30% - 3-5%
Pro's: Pvp more involved than just right-clicking. Allow axes back onto the battlefield. Doesnt take 1 hit to die. Require more skill to Pvp than just right clicking.
Con's: None I can think of other than pissed off people who grinded for 600 swords.
Will this benefit more then just you? Yes. I have seen tons of pvpers, big names or not, on both sides of the battlefield get killed in no time at all by this feature. The video I provided in the other thread shows how I was able to use this to turn the tide on a much more well geared and healthier Pvper. It has also been used against me, so I know how it feels to get killed by someone who isn't even on potions just because he held right click. This is very frustrating and I am sure that other Pvpers will appreciate the change.
Thank you gridiron1024 this is something i can actually work with and have a look at.
What you want fixed: Sword-counter attack/Bows and arrows(archery)
How do you suggest we do this: Simply, I think, since mostly swords are on the battlefield, I think there should be 3,5% of counterattack, but you don't need to block, to get counter attack, that would make axes and swords equal.
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) The chance to get a counterattack,and simply add to swords that you don't need to block to get counter attack. + Make bows more compatible to the lore(So bows can do more damage)
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) Like gridiron said 30%-3,5% but with addition of removing "only block to get counter" which means no need to block to get counter.
Pro's: More strategy in combat then just right-clicking, more bow fights + swords and axes equal
Con's: Everyone is Happy :3
Will this benefit more then just you? Well of course, there are tons of PvP-ers who are agreeing with nerfing counter attacks+bows will make me weaker because I don't have it trained xD
Thortuna did you already take a look at the files from the previous forums I posted or shall I repost them here. (Your format looks a lot like mine).
What you want fixed: Archery damage
How do you suggest we do this: As stated below, we nerf the archery damage up a bit depending on lvls
What should we alter? (I'm talking about mcmmo config here btw) Perhaps altering the bow damage in mcmmo, due to how little damage they do now.
What should we alter it to? (I'm talking about mcmmo config here btw) Depending on the lvl increase the percentage of damage to what it should be, seeing how someone with 1000 axes does a certain amount of damage, perhaps make it more "fair".
Pro's: -More people would use bows, making want to pvp more -It could help lvl pvp against people with high axes, and add some variety
Con's: -Might be abused if made too high -Might get a few complaints from others
Will this benefit more then just you? This would benefit many archers whom even with high archery do little damage, and encourage more people to level archery.

If you disagree with this, instead of rating it, please tell me why below.
What you want fixed:
Unarmed disarm chance ; Sword counter chance ; Iron grip chance
How do you suggest we do this:
-Change disarm chance to 10% or 5%
-Cap iron grip at 90% or 95% (reached at level 900 or 950 respectively)
-Change sword counter chance to 10% (with lowered requirement to 500) .
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of disarming other players
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to disarm is reached
# AntiTheft: Determines if only the disarmed player can retrieve disarmed items
ChanceMax: 1.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
AntiTheft: false
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of disarming other players
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to disarm is reached
# AntiTheft: Determines if only the disarmed player can retrieve disarmed items
ChanceMax: 10.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
AntiTheft: false

# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of preventing being disarmed
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to prevent being disarmed is reached
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of preventing being disarmed
# MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance to prevent being disarmed is reached
ChanceMax: 95.0
MaxBonusLevel: 950

# RequiresBlock: Determines if blocking is required to trigger counter attack
RequiresBlock: true
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering a counter attack
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to Counter will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 30.0
MaxBonusLevel: 600
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager
DamageModifier: 2.0
# RequiresBlock: Determines if blocking is required to trigger counter attack
RequiresBlock: true
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering a counter attack
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to Counter will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 10.0
MaxBonusLevel: 500
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager
DamageModifier: 2.0
-Disarm becomes possible again (with 1% you have punched to death in godarmor before this effect even triggers once)
- Even 1k players can get disarmed.
-Swords counter becomes less overpowered and the pure block only strategy loses its value, encouraging using more diverse tactics.
- Lower requirements to reach counter cap and iron grip cap.

- More disarms
- Swords might get underpowered with this (it would require extensive field testing of the community to find a good balance).

Will this benefit more then just you?
Yes this will benefit other people then me too.
The lower requirements (which I have already passed) allow others to reach the bonuses I get a bit faster. Additionaly the cap on iron grip would make it possible to disarm everyone inlcuding me (I reached 1k so atm it is impossible to disarm me).

# RequiresBlock: Determines if blocking is required to trigger counter attack
RequiresBlock: true
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering a counter attack
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to Counter will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 30.0
MaxBonusLevel: 600
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager
DamageModifier: 2.0
changes to
# RequiresBlock: Determines if blocking is required to trigger counter attack
RequiresBlock: true
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of triggering a counter attack
# MaxBonusLevel: On this level, the chance to Counter will be <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 30.0
MaxBonusLevel: 600
# DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager
DamageModifier: 1.0

EDIT: SAUCE (in case you want to see what CAN be changed via config):
What you want fixed: Sword McMMO counters
How do you suggest we do this: Go to this link, and go to line 395. Change the value for damage modifier to 2.0, back to the default setting. I'm pretty sure it is currently at 0.5, which means that it is multiplying the damage received, and doing four times the damage than normal.
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) The amount of damage returned from counter attacks in the sword McMMO skill. Go to line 395 on that link above.
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) 4.0
  • This will greatly reduce the damage returned from counter attacks while still making them at least slightly useful.
  • It stops people from being two shotted or even one shotted by counter attacks.
  • For people that use counters, this might make their strategy less good.
Will this benefit more then just you? Yes, this will benefit more than myself, just look at all the other posts about people who want something similar.
I see two sides of the unarmed debate.
Side 1: Nerf Iron Arm, but retain disarming, and tweak max iron grip; This would make unarmed a stat used just for disarming, and not anything else since the damage with a strength 2 would be negligible. The idea behind usage of this would be someone with high unarmed needs a weapon so he runs into battle disarms someone and starts using it for more damage. However trolls would abuse this by just running and snatching weapons.

Side 2: Buff Iron Arm, but nerf disarm and iron grip; This would make unarmed a stat used to damage people equal to damage of a weapon, but adds a slight chance of getting a weapon every now and then. The idea behind this usage would be to use unarmed as a way to fight the enemy head on, however the usage is a bit unrealistic because you shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight.

If we nerf both sides then the stat becomes useless, and will most likely enrage people who have trained it

What I will say, despite my usual support to the point of agreeing with being unrealistic. Although you have a great point to not bring a knife to a gunfight, if someone swung a sword at you and it were to bounce off your armour, if you can actually get a hold of their blade, you could actually be able to pull it out of their hands. It is not as easy as you think to keep your hands on the hilt of a sweaty, heavy, and slick sword. In medieval times, knights often had a chain glove (If they normally used bare-hands, that is) and the chain glove would be used to grab the mace/war axe/blade for if they got too close and missed. Some thing goes with duels, sometimes they would bring daggers or a small shield as a protection during the duel. However, there is a reason I said if throughout the entire thing. Although it certainly happened, it wasn't very often they actually pulled it out of their hands. Usually they just repelled it long enough for them to stab. Speaking of such...
What you want fixed: Unarmed Iron Grip Chance
How do you suggest we do this: Lower it's chance as to prevent disarming.
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) Lower the extremely high chance of preventing a disarm.
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) I am not as much a tech-genius as others here, but when lowered, I would suggest it go down to at least only 50% chance to blocking. With only 1% to disarm chance for level 1000 people now (Last I checked, at least), if someone realistically grabbed your blade and tried taking it from you, you have a pretty even chance to either drop the sword or have it taken. It would mainly depend if you were ready for them to do so or not.
Pro's: Members of factions that are somewhat recent would still have some ability to be able to disarm someone, even if whom they are fighting is extremely powerful. Someone who has 1000 unarmed versus someone who doesn't, you might as well just delete the person's ability without the 1000 unarmed, because now their disarm is completely useless. Not sure about you, but that is actually one of the reasons I like to go and train unarmed... This would help tilt the scales for new players.
Con's: There would be more weapon dropping, and the God-Classed PVPeanuts would be thrown a bit lower on the totem pole than before.
Will this benefit more then just you? Heck yeah it will! The pro says just as above, not only would I stand a chance (Although not much) against raiders who horrendously out-match me as I usually RP and not PVP, but noobs who just start and can barely leave their faction/world spawn without getting attacked would finally be able to stand a bit taller. Let alone, the lower of disarm chance down to a measly 1% at max certainly would be able to be used and actually have an effect. If you get that rare 1%, you at least want it to have a chance to work. Although some players call this OP, think a bit on the data:
1 out of every 100 hits with the fist will cause a disarm+50% chance to be negated
So if you miss that one disarm, you would probably need to hit a good 100 more times before the disarm. Not over-powered, and not as weak as before.

{{ Did I do this right? I feel like I messed up somewhere... :w; }}
Since I have not posted it here yet, and I have made some updates to it I will post my MPET (Mikey's PvP Equality Theory)
The MPET.txt is the theory and the Advanced.txt and Config.txt are the McMMo configs it is based around.


What you want fixed: Axe mastery bonus damage
How do you suggest we do this: lower it to 1 (1/2 heart)
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) Axes: AxeMastery: MaxBonus, MaxBonusLevel
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
MaxBonus: 4.0 -> 1.0
MaxBonusLevel: 200 -> 0
- Axes and swords will have the same base damage.
- As the damage dealt by an axe gets lowered, the damage thrown back by a counterattack does too.
- As the damage dealt in fights falls, fights will become longer, because it will be harder to kill someone (idk if this is good or bad, Id rather suggest swords to make more damage, but there is no option for that in the mcmmo config).
Will this benefit more then just you?
This change would benefit anyone, who doesn't want to depend on an axe to attack people. Axes will still have the chance to deal more damage with critical hits, therefore swords have the chance to throw some (see below) damage back.

What you want fixed: Counterattacks
How do you suggest we do this: Lowering the counterattack damage aswell as making counters possible without blocking.
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) Swords: Counter: RequiresBlock, DamageModifier
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
RequiresBlock: true -> false
DamageModifier: 2.0 -> 6.0 or 8.0

#DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager

- Counterattacks will be less lethal as they won't throw back that much damage. (This is only necessary due to the fact, that the damage dealt by counterattacks completely ignore armor.)
Con's: /
Will this benefit more then just you?
This will benefit anyone, who wants fights to be more than just people standing somewhere and rightclicking.
-Archery Suggestion-

I'm just going to make this a little more specific as it pertains to the MCMMO config, if that's OK with you. I'm just going to say that I don't know what it is at the moment, but it can be altered as needed. Please note that I'm not a hardcore PvPer and these stats may well require changing.

What you want fixed: Low archery damage, a power V bow used by someone with 1000 bow skill does around 1 damage against God armour; I'm referencing thor5648 on this.
How do you suggest we do this: Increase the skillshot bonus.
What should be altered: advanced.yml/ lines 58-61
What it should be altered to:
I would suggest that,
[Line 60] MaxBonus: 4.0
[Line 61] MaxDamage: 18.0

And then either,
[Line 58] IncreaseLevel:50
[Line 59] IncreasePercentage:0.1

Please note that while some may be very minor or even irrelevant, I probably already know.
+ A more varied PvP environment where bow fights are much more common, making the experience more enjoyable.
+ An increase in arrows and bows bought, hopefully increasing money flow.
+ More people will run out of their [/fix] power, meaning that they will have to find other ways to repair gear. (Could be a con to some, or just totally irrelevant)
- Bows would be very powerful where not being used against God armour.
- There would be, where infinity bows aren't used, an increase in arrow usage, meaning higher dependency on feather farming and thus a greater amount of chickens causing lag (that one may be a little far-fetched).
Will this benefit more then just you?
To be totally honest, it would benefit me less than many. I do not posess high level archery, though I would love to see an increase in its usage. It would primarily benefit those high level PvPers who are fighting players with God armour.
What you want fixed: Axes
How do you suggest we do this: Cap axes at 1000 (It is possible, had done it earlier today)
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
  • Turn the max durability damage (Advanced.yml) down so it can only do a maximum of what ever percentage of the armor piece. Diamond chest plates have 500 durability meaning if Max Percentage Durability Damage was 1.0 (Just an example), someone can do only 5 damage of the armor piece. Personally I would turn this to about 5.0 or 7.0.
  • Cap axes (config.yml) to 1000 which limits the critical hit chance to 37.5% which can also be customized (Advanced.yml) and I would turn that to whatever chance counter attacks would be.
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage: 5.0 or 10.0
cap: 1000
  • Stops armor being destroyed fast.
  • Gets rid of 100% Critical hit chance at level 2000.
  • Armor will all be destroyed at the same time.
  • Fights will be longer as insane damage to armor will not be there anymore meaning people can fight much longer without leaving the fight to repair the armor.
Will this benefit more then just you?
I think this benefits the server as then it gives other players who do not do crazy damage with axes a chance to survive against them without being robbed from repairing armor.
Would you just cut it out? Thortuna specifically said
I want to keep this thread respectfull and with no flame. Dont comment on others suggestions, they are allowed their opinion as you are allowed yours. If you dont agree with them then make your own suggestion.
Don't debate other peoples suggestions, make your own. This thread is for Thortuna and the team to give feedback, if the poster wanted player feedback, they can go make another thread.
The real cause of lack of PvP is because of lore staff and the bull shit rule that you need a RP reason to raid.

I've come to find out, that Lore staff did not create the "RP reason to raid." They in no way have any say over pvp, if anything, that's game staff. You can stop going around saying "It's the Lore staff's fault, hur hur hur." because it isn't. They had no involvement with it. If I remember correctly, the rework on the raid rules was put into place before Lore staff were included in the lineup of in-game staff. Hell, have Thortuna confirm this.
You guys clearly cant read can you? I strictly posted that you should post your suggestions and NOT comment on others. Let them have their views and you can have yours. If you cant follow simple instructions on a thread i will simply close it and figure it out on my own.
Change the value for damage modifier to 2.0, back to the default setting. I'm pretty sure it is currently at 0.5, which means that it is multiplying the damage received, and doing four times the damage than normal.

Im pretty sure it already was at 2.0 so your gonna have to rethink.
I've come to find out, that Lore staff did not create the "RP reason to raid." They in no way have any say over pvp, if anything, that's game staff. You can stop going around saying "It's the Lore staff's fault, hur hur hur." because it isn't. They had no involvement with it. If I remember correctly, the rework on the raid rules was put into place before Lore staff were included in the lineup of in-game staff. Hell, have @Thortuna confirm this.

Totally true. Lore staff had nothing to do with it, we didnt even have a lore staff at that time and lore staff does not handle any pvp related issues ingame unless they also have a game rank and are trained.
Some of these suggestions are very good and very well explained and is pointing us in the right direction i feel. Keep up the good work and keep it coming if you have anything else to suggest.
What you want fixed: Swords, well Counters in particular
How do you suggest we do this: Nerf the chance of counters/Remove them/Nerf the amount they reflect back.
What should we alter? Depending on the solution you choose, change what is needed in the config such as for Remove, then just set chance to 0%
What should we alter it to? Again, this depends on the solution you choose.
Pro's: PvP will be back (At the moment it's just Right click fest)
Con's: I can think of none, except for the fact many people who exploit counters will complain.
Will this benefit more then just you? Yes, as I said PvP is broken and non-existant due to people just countering every fight.
What I want fixed: Counterattack
How I suggest you do this: Reduce counterattack to 5%, but only while pacifist false
What you should you altar it to: Change it so you only get a 5% chance of counter attack when moving, so you can't just sit around only holding RMB to kill your enemies
Pros: Cowards who only use RMB while in pacifist can go hide in the corner. People with the courage to defend their home can go outside and fight.
Cons: None that I can see, except that people who previously used RMB to kill their enemies will have to change strategies
Will this benefit more than just you?: Yes, as I have heard even the top Pvper's complain about this matter.
Thortuna Do you know when any of these changes could be implemented? I'd really like to see counter attacks fixed at at whenever the next server restart is, since all you would have to do is change about 1-2 numbers in the config file. I don't want to rush you or anything, and I mean no offense.

Thanks for doing this, I really appreciate having such a useful thread :)
What you want fixed: Counterattacks
How do you suggest we do this: Lowering the counterattack damage aswell as making counters possible without blocking. Lowering counter chance to 20%.
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw) Swords: Counter: RequiresBlock, DamageModifier
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
RequiresBlock: true -> false
DamageModifier: 2.0 -> 6.0 or 8.0

#DamageModifier: Damaged caused by the damager will get divided by this modifier and dealt back to the damager

- Counterattacks will be less effective on the battlefield and will only suit to slightly unnerve your attacker but continue the fight. Virtually defenseless players now had a single method to fight back and that is swords.
Con's: Bigger stronger factions will be able to steamroll over small factions. Good PVPers will have to get new methods to pvp.
Will this benefit more then just you?
This will benefit many people who are virtually helpless on the battlefield and not be steamrolled every fight by a strong faction. Counters can allow small, weak factions with a little defense mechanism. If you die to counters don't get mad, learn to pvp with new methods.
I have no idea when we can implement anything and i still haven't said what i am planning on changing yet. There is alot of suggestions that are being taken into considderation at the moment and we are working as fast as we can.
We did nerf armor damage and the chance to do armor damage. We also changed disarm so you now have a 33% chance again but iron grip is not the same and if you disarm someone only they can pick their weapon back up.
We did nerf armor damage and the chance to do armor damage. We also changed disarm so you now have a 33% chance again but iron grip is not the same and if you disarm someone only they can pick their weapon back up.

I was disarmed in a fight yesterday, the enemy beat me back with knockback, picked my weapon up and ran away with it... So I don't think that system works 100%
I tested it and it works fine for me. That it doesnt work every time may be a bug wich we cant fix, we tried to nerf it without taking it entirely out wich you guys wanted and almost had my head on a spike when we disabled it for a while.
I was disarmed in a fight yesterday, the enemy beat me back with knockback, picked my weapon up and ran away with it... So I don't think that system works 100%

If it is a bug, it's not necessarily bad. It adds some variety to being disarmed. It's the same with real life. Knock a weapon out of an opponents hand, either you get it or the enemy gets it back.
If it is a bug, it's not necessarily bad. It adds some variety to being disarmed. It's the same with real life. Knock a weapon out of an opponents hand, either you get it or the enemy gets it back.

That's how disarming was before the first nerf ._., if they're going to change it I'd prefer the change to be effective everytime so no one is at a loss because of a glitch
What you want fixed: disarm pick up bug
I have seen a couple of instances where people could pick up the item and times where they couldn't pick up the item.How do you suggest we do this: Take it back to the old way where everyone can pick the item up. In real combat if you drop your weapon your enemy can pick it up. Look at any action movie/scenario ever. If a man broke into your house and drew a gun on you and you knocked it out of his hands would you say oh that's your gun I cant pick that up? Probably not but I will not say no because some of us have strong aversions to guns.
-allows people to strategically disarm and take enemies out of the fight.
-Makes disarm useful again *(currently you disarm someone with a weapon and they just pick it up and start hacking away again)
-gets rid of the situations where an attacker drops his weapon flees to get pacifist and then runs back to pick up the weapon without consequence.
Con's: This would allow nice weapons to be lost without dying again. (But to be honest if your going to be fighting you have to assume the risk of losing your equipment)
Will this benefit more then just you? To be honest this would benefit a lot more people than it would hurt. It allows attackers to be neutralized easier. (Yes I know some people are still scary with just their fists but not as many.) It would dissuade some from going out and yolo raiding because its another way to lose their nice equipment. It also seems more role play friendly as well. On massive there is a strong drive to make things realistic, fair, and flow with the lore and I feel like anyone being able to pick something up that was knocked out of someone's hand vs everyone looking at the god sword and thinking "what a nice sword wish I could pick it up.... wait why cant I pick up the sword on the ground that was dropped by an enemy?" while the enemy stands on a rooftop waiting to pick it back up after pacifist is up is more relevant.
What you want fixed: Archery
How do you suggest we do this: Change the DAZE bonus damage
What should we alter? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)[In Advanced.yml]
# IncreaseLevel: Every <IncreaseLevel> the skillshot bonus will go up by <IncreasePercentage>
# IncreasePercentage: This is a percentage value, 0.1 = 10%
# MaxBonus: When the <MaxBonus> has been reached, the bonus percentage will not go up anymore. 2.0 = 200%
IncreaseLevel: 50
IncreasePercentage: 0.1
MaxBonus: 2.0
MaxDamage: 9.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of causing daze to opponents when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level of Daze, when a player reaches this level his chance of causing a daze will be <ChanceMax>
# Modifier: Extra damage for arrows that cause a daze (2 damage = 1 heart)
ChanceMax: 50.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
Modifier: 4.0
# ChanceMax: Maximum chance of retrieving arrows when on <MaxBonusLevel> or higher
# MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level for Arrow retrieval, at this level the chance of retrieving arrows from mobs is <ChanceMax>
ChanceMax: 100.0
MaxBonusLevel: 1000
What should we alter it to? (im talking about mcmmo config here btw)
6.0 or 8.0 depending on how much damage it will do (on a foe wearing "God" Armor)
Archers will be able to do damage that actually hurts a "God" Armored foe.
Won't be as overpowered as heightening the regular bow damage multiplier.
Will not activate all the time since Daze maxes out at 50% chance.
Archery in low level PvP won't be overpowered as the regular bow damage will not be heightened.
PvP will be more varied and not just "charge and hit"
A high level archer will most likely kill someone in regular armor quickly (though he already does that)
Will this benefit more then just you?
Yes I have seen many discussions about how people think that Archery is underpowered and i think this is the most balanced way to do it.

A link to a suggestion post I made before finding the config file: LINK
[*]Cannons can destroy blocks - (unless they already do) destruction/entry was the primary use of cannons back in the day, unlike how they are used now to kill one measly human life. This would also add on to the reasons of why to become a premium, giving more money to the server
The only way I would support this is if the only cannon ammo that could break blocks is an expensive one like a diamond or emerald block, that damage should then be repaired 20ish minutes later by a plugin like creeperheal.
Otherwise there would be too much griefing and factions that are constantly attacked would end up a crater and might not be able to recover.
I am getting alot of requests about when and what will be changed. These are the suggested changes i am wanting to implement:


Chancemax: 30
DamageModifier: 2

Chancemax: 15
DamageModifier: 8


Skillshot MaxDamage: 9
Daze modifier: 4

Skillshot MaxDamage: 16
Daze modifier: 6

I expect these to be implemented the next time the server is restarted.

Chancemax: 30
DamageModifier: 2

Chancemax: 15
DamageModifier: 8

I'm unfamiliar with MCMMO coding/configurations, but does this new change mean that the chance to counter will be lower, but the damage dealt as the counter strike will be higher? People can already be killed with two counter hits.
I'm unfamiliar with MCMMO coding/configurations, but does this new change mean that the chance to counter will be lower, but the damage dealt as the counter strike will be higher? People can already be killed with two counter hits.
I am pretty sure it means damage will be divided by 8 and deflected, not 2. In that case, counters would essentially be nerfed quite a bit.
as far as counters go, I would recommend doing something more like
DamageModifier: 4
Chancemax: 20

My reason for that is ever since the iron grip nerf, counters have been beatable without any problems as long as you were smart enough to switch from an axe to unarmed to fight the counterer.
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