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Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Viva La Republic!
When I joined this server, there was one particular group I despised. The mods.​
The Team.jpg

They were high and mighty. They always said no when I asked them to tweak something and they seemed to think they were always right. I recall fondly making a thread to complain about how a guy in diamond armor tried to kill little non-premium me and whenever I smacked him down, he kept coming back in his god armor. I was killing him every time, but how was it fair that paying 6 pounds irl gets him a better advantage then me? Why won't the mods listen to me, why won't they understand I am right and fair!?

This is really how I felt a year ago, and this is how many (and by many I mean 6 or 7 forum posters) feel right now. But what I think these people (whom I shall name "Steve") lack is perspective.

Look at the server from the mods perspective.

Why are they here? To create and stabilize a community of people that can enjoy themselves, correct. Have a cookie.​


What do they need to do this? Beyond there own free-time, they need Money. Moolah. Cash. Dough. Pelf. Currency. Purse. Shekels. Without money, they can't pay to keep the server up. What a lot of you may not know is MonMarty is not the "creator" of this server. The creator of this server is a crazy bastard called Cayorian. This guy's job is to code and mod and he does it well. Most of his time he spends working on Massive, making it bug-free and enjoyable for us all. And to make a living, to do what he loves, he needs money. That is what premium is for.

Enjoying that cookie? Good. Now, if every premium feature was removed, or some of the better ones, or even given to all, I would still donate. I would. But I represent a small percentage of people that give money to the server out of respect for Cay and the Team. More then 75% of premiums would not. They donate now because they get features, such as diamond armor, which has sparked such wonderfully chaotic posts as of late. The reason why the mods want to keep such features is simple: they need it to keep the server alive, not to fill there pockets.

They have created arguably the greatest MMORPG minecraft server of all time, with several maps of custom worlds, custom plug-ins, and next to no lag. But much much MUCH more importantly they give a damn. That's what shocks me, they give a damn about your problems. Most minecraft server team members wouldn't give your problems the time of day: Massive has an entire command for it. They want to hear your feedback. Can they get to it right away? Not always, but that's because they listen to everyone whom can present themselves properly.

Look at Mecharic, he posted about a topic that the mods would rather not talk about, because they know it will not change. But they did anyway, because they wanted to validate him with an answer. They wanted to explain themselves. They gave a damn. They do there best.

Look at it from there perspective. They need money to create this wonderful community. To do that, they need people to pay them. Non-premiums, you can go train, you can use your environment to kill a god armor premium. I killed one in my first week, by luring him to a large ocean. As he swam to catch up with me, we ended up in the middle of said ocean. I shot him to death with a fupping power I bow, with only 50 in archery. Tactics, that is the word of the day. Diamond armor will not make or break you.

I will admit, I have criticized a server feature more then once. I feel Massive can be better, so do the team. But to make it better, they need money and to get money they have to give something to donators. Hell, I intend to make a thread soon about why God Apples should be banned, but I would NEVER make a post claiming the Team doesn't listen to our problems. They do. But some things outweigh others; would you rather have equality for all or no server whatsoever?

This by no means is what the mods think. This is my own perspective on them from my year on the server. I don't really care if this stops the complaining, or the feedback. The team needs it. But do NOT claim this team doesn't care about this community, or they are doing this to line there pockets. Because I was wrong a year ago, you'd be wrong today and I'm sure a lot of people will continue to be wrong in the future.

To leave you with something far less ranty, here is a song I just discovered I really like.

Have a massive day (H)​
I should also note that in the current structure set-up, it is illegal for staff members besides Cayorion to earn money in any way from MassiveCraft. This is part of the anti corruption set-up. Even if I wanted to sell my art for MassiveCraft players in exchange for real life money, I could not.

Additionally, besides waking up in the morning spitting trough the forum topics and staff sections, until the nights where we theorize and discuss future options and decisions, I wake up and go to bed with MassiveCraft. I don't have a job, I don't have an income, and I get premium for free from the server, but I still donate to it, for someone else.
I should also note that in the current structure set-up, it is illegal for staff members besides Cayorion to earn money in any way from MassiveCraft. This is part of the anti corruption set-up. Even if I wanted to sell my art for MassiveCraft players in exchange for real life money, I could not.

Additionally, besides waking up in the morning spitting trough the forum topics and staff sections, until the nights where we theorize and discuss future options and decisions, I wake up and go to bed with MassiveCraft. I don't have a job, I don't have an income, and I get premium for free from the server, but I still donate to it, for someone else.

Don't worry Marty, the work will come to you. Just keep your eyes opened :)
I agree with this posting.

All except for that song at the end. Lindsey Stirling has WAY better stuff than just a cover of a song that's been overplayed. Go look up Shadows, or Crystalize. SO much better.

But seriously. Yes. Awesome posting. And thanks for the cookie!
Though i agree with the entirety of the OP post, at least in sentiment (I spent a large portion of my workday thinking of ways to kill god-armored Premiums with neat traps involving pistons and lava...) the way the post its self was presented is atrocious.

I know this is your point of view and in all honesty, it's right, but the last thing a person should do when they're lashed out at is lash back, especially if they seem to be in a position of power, even against a tiny minority. Because someone with a different colored name than the norm made this thread both it and the way it was presented could easily be misinterpreted as the entire Mod groups sentiment and feeling toward the non-premium player base, particularly if those people hadn't seen the complaint threads before hand.

I'm not saying a response was unwarranted, it most certainly was, but pointing a finger and going, "YOU'RE UNGRATEFUL FOR OUR EFFORT!" is never an action that should be taken and by the tone of the OP, is exactly how this comes off as.
From what I gathered on the other thread, it's not so much that people feel the mods are money grubbing, or that they don't care. It's more because they admitted the Premium feature WILL NOT change, even when logical reason for it to, and logical basis for it not to be feared, has been provided. Though I could be wrong, I could have misunderstood the feeling of a lot of posts.
I know I personally never thought staff didn't care. I've thought staff to be close minded (intentionally or otherwise I do not know.) as they hide behind the concept of the vocal numbers on the forum not being enough of the populace to "take seriously" (for lack of better term atm). Has there been a time that a topic came up on the forums that the staff didn't agree with, but "enough" people stood up for so the staff made a change? I haven't been around since day 1 so I don't know and am honestly asking. Because if not, I (and probably many others) believe no amount of support exists, short of getting every single account to join the forum and vote, all 2k+ of them, which everyone knows will never happen. And thus it's the perfect shield for the stubborn to hide behind.
IF such things have happened in the past though, and I (and others) are simply unaware of it, then that topic becomes moot.
Regardless, I'm aware they care. But caring can still be blinded, and it can still be wrong. The staff is good at making themselves appear infallible, and that's probably a large part of why players get disgruntled.
I can't say I've ever despised the mods so much as was extremely disappointed in the manner of their posting in the other thread (even after this it greatly annoys me that an admin would basically say "go away"). Regardless, thanks for the cookie and the OP, it was... helpful.

I would have put this song at the end myself though:
I can't say I've ever despised the mods so much as was extremely disappointed in the manner of their posting in the other thread (even after this it greatly annoys me that an admin would basically say "go away"). Regardless, thanks for the cookie and the OP, it was... helpful.

I would have put this song at the end myself though:

Ohmygosh that song, I haven't heard it in years xD
''To leave you with something far less ranty, here is a song I just discovered I really like.''
*cough* 'discovered' *cough*
Your welcome ;D
I should also note that in the current structure set-up, it is illegal for staff members besides Cayorion to earn money in any way from MassiveCraft. This is part of the anti corruption set-up. Even if I wanted to sell my art for MassiveCraft players in exchange for real life money, I could not.

Additionally, besides waking up in the morning spitting trough the forum topics and staff sections, until the nights where we theorize and discuss future options and decisions, I wake up and go to bed with MassiveCraft. I don't have a job, I don't have an income, and I get premium for free from the server, but I still donate to it, for someone else.

True dedication right here folks. MassiveCraft and it's team are awesome (inlove)
People who want to paint the roses because it's not the perfect color for them will, in the end, kill the roses if they have their way.
Too bad you can't do more than one rating. I would've put all of them on this one post. :3
When I joined this server, there was one particular group I despised. The mods.​

That's what i thought a almost 2 years ago... but when your on the server it begins that it doesn't matter... no matter how much you hate them, they don't care XD... they are doing their job, sometimes to do the job people need to be abrasive XD

... Overall love the post and agree 110%
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