Our Planet Minecraft Reputation


Magical Assistant
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
Since we are expanding to sharding and more and more player slots, we also wanted to start working on our online reputation/presentation.

Most servers have this "vote and get stuff" mentality which we do certainly not share, but indeed:
Votes are what makes a server known on pmc.

As of now, we updated our server presentation and are working on a new trailer for it.

What I personally would like to see from our community is an honest feedback on the comment page of the listing. People read through these comments to see if the current player base is happy with what the server offers and other information. Of course, we/I am also very happy about a diamond if you want to give one.

Please feel free to discuss any question you might have and feel free to show me a few server lists that you know off aswell.

Have a massive day.
Who says we can't get to the top list? It'll be harder for us than other servers who offer bonuses, but we can still tell EVERYONE on Massive to vote!
Well by as far as I can see non of the server outside is like Massivecraft by that means I mean Every other server in the Top List is those who are not that OP and also have Kind staff so Massivecraft Could be in the TopList like any time xD
Good initiative, even though we do not care for PMC and there way of doing stuff (They removed our texturepack from the website after 1000 downloads in 24 hours) is it still a good way for easy advertising massivecraft, thanks for helping, all of you! The community makes massive what it is, so if we want to get to the top, we all need to help out :D
I have a planetminecraft account. How do you give a diamond to the server?
Cayorion think it's dumb to ask the players for votes in exchange for free shit.

I agree with him, but I won't complain if people want to make our server more known than it already is.
Cayorion think it's dumb to ask the players for votes in exchange for free shit.

I agree with him, but I won't complain if people want to make our server more known than it already is.

I absolutely love this mentality.

If someone forces me to buy something, I might buy it, but if someone gives me the option to pay or not, I will pay, just because of the option that was given to me.

Same thing here, if you had given me something as a "reward" for voting, I would not have done it.
Guys remember that you can vote more than once though, so we can all really show our support and vote a couple times this week. :)
Cayorion think it's dumb to ask the players for votes in exchange for free shit.

I agree with him, but I won't complain if people want to make our server more known than it already is.
Realistically, the ability of giving free items for single vote is nothing more bribing the players to vote for free items.
On the server called whateveritwascraft that my brother became.....obsessed with, if you voted once each day on their website, you got a few "pop-tarts" (which was the currency).

Mod-Edit: changed the server name a little.[DOUBLEPOST=1370881295,1370863378][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey!!! Who changed my post???!!!
Remember to vote! We are right now top 24 on RP servers in the world on PMC. We can do better! ;)
Voting is reset at the beginning of each month, remember to vote in July.
I shall be voted daily. 0_0 Now that I have nothing better to do. I can't even play the server due to my currently nerfed multiplayer, but I shall nonetheless vote!
Also, I find it disturbing that you vote for items. I found this on a faction server once:
"Vote for us and get 3 sets of diamond god armor, a god bow, a god sword, and 32 god apples!"
I immediately left.
I've been on servers that give items for voting as well. They're dumb, because some servers aren't even that good, but they get voted up by people who are greedy and want items. I'm glad MassiveCraft isn't giving out rewards, but honestly, not everyone is going to vote without rewards. Let's face it, people don't see the importance of helping a server, even though they get nothing in return. As for me, there is a reward: The more votes, the more noobs. The more noobs, the more people who I can train to do my bidding >:)
and then that mentality evaporated and left us with voting for a chance at god armor.

And people don't like the god armor bit... but everything else is fine. Mostly. I mean, having pink pajamas doesn't really give an advantage, but it is interesting and funny.

Good initiative, even though we do not care for PMC and there way of doing stuff (They removed our texturepack from the website after 1000 downloads in 24 hours) is it still a good way for easy advertising massivecraft, thanks for helping, all of you! The community makes massive what it is, so if we want to get to the top, we all need to help out :D
Why did they remove the texture pack?
Stress that the server has Orcs. We will be number one in a couple of weeks.