Archived No More Screamers.

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Within the hour I wake up in the morning, I ended up clicking on a screamer which made me scream/yell in TS. Which is very annoying because then you end up waking up your parents or siblings in the morning because of the horrendous noises that we all make when we are scared. Not only that but while it's dark and early in the morning. Not only that, but you can probably cause other things like.

"Photosensitive epilepsy (PSE) is a form of epilepsy in which seizures are triggered by visual stimuli that form patterns in time or space, such as flashing lights, bold, regular patterns, or regular moving patterns."

"In order to potentially cause a seizure by users with photosensitive epilepsy, a flashing image or multimedia must:

  1. Flash more than 3 times per second (note that Section 508 specifies 2 times per second).
  2. Be sufficiently large. A very small flashing image, such as a cursor, will not cause a seizure.
  3. Bright. There must be significant contrast between the flashes"

Not only does posting screamers affect the way people think of you, it also gives the chance of you causing harm to other people whether you didn't intend to, or if you actually did intend to. Seizures can be dangerous, and also life-threatning. Think the next time you decide to scare the shit out of someone for fun. So don't be the one responsible for it.

Since screamers that are posted on statuses get deleted anyways, I was thinking if it was possible to make a rule of not to post screamers. They certainly don't do anything good to people except scare them, or cause other things.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
i totlay agree, i have a friend with epilepsy and he nearly died twice of a seizure, both times he survived becouse he had a helmet on and people were nearby to help him, but wenever i see something flashy i think of him
+over9000 suport from me
I have very minor epilepsy so don't think it doesn't effect anyone here.

I give all the supports in this and also for showing logic and reason you have hosted my faith in humanity by one. Thanks!
I'm pretty sure forum staff is handing out warning and such for screamers, but I think it's a brilliant idea to add it to a rule list of some kind.
๖ۣۜI remember having a 'screamer' status at one point; And dear lord, did I regret that not longer after people got clicking at it. A bit hypocritical for me to agree because of my stupid action, but I certainly learned my lesson through it. Which was terrible. I ended up making people pissed and got them yelling at me over Skype. It hurts the people whom post the screamers itself, too... I'm up to support that rule you suggest.
Yes. People should not be allowed to post that stuff, man. It's not cool at all. It just causes people harm.
๖ۣۜI remember having a 'screamer' status at one point; And dear lord, did I regret that not longer after people got clicking at it. A bit hypocritical for me to agree because of my stupid action, but I certainly learned my lesson through it. Which was terrible. I ended up making people pissed and got them yelling at me over Skype. It hurts the people whom post the screamers itself, too... I'm up to support that rule you suggest.

Well. At least you aren't doing it anymore.
*Slowly backs away, removing "Anne" from his signature...*

I must say, I got owned by @Colonel_Connor one time, and ever since then, whenever I open a link I don't 100% know the location of, I simply press the easily pressable "mute" button, and cover the screen partially.

The bit regarding epilepsy, I would agree with, but computers and electronics themselves come with epilepsy warnings ._.

It's like me saying "You should remove the flashing laser pointer in Battle Field 4, because it could trigger a reaction in some people, despite there being a warning on both the console, and game."
A rather bad comparison, but still my opinion nonetheless.

Should you suffer from Epilepsy or the likes, I'm sure you'll have a screen filter, and lowered brightness settings (As a friend of mine had~), and perhaps fabulous sunglasses. 8-)
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Pft, I remember this from once in Ameba Pico when I was 6, I accidently clicked an Url that got me to a screamer. I did scream, but then I laughed because I got scarred. And complained to him. yeah.

But the thing is, we never know when a screamer is coming. It could be a few seconds, months, or even years. Humans don't be like:

" Oh I think can feel a screamer in the future let me just turn the brightness down. "

And if they know it's a screamer before they click it, they should not click on it. But, some people don't know what a screamer is, or never recognize the links before they click on it. Especially when there are a few people on the forums saying that it's not a screamer and lying about it for their daily " Shits and giggles ". Most of us don't even read the warning labels on the computer.
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I remember two days ago I was on teamspeak and a bunch of people with similar names joined my channel suddenly, all in succession. One of them blasted an air horn while they were all joining and I was afraid that I would get in trouble and lose Minecraft. It was 1 AM. ._.
I fully support this, but I also must add that sudden loud noises played intentionally shouldn't be on ts, as well.
didn't mean to whine but I feel that this must be said
I only post Screamers to My sister over skype in the early mornings, but I know she doesn't Have epilepsy. So yeah, 1 Very Rare Supporter called Camel.
I personally don't mind them any more since I now have little to no reaction to screamers anymore, but I can see how many people may react and handing out these links to people as a joke is horrid, I completely agree with this rule being added to the forums and Massivecraft, screamers and other content posted just to get a reaction out of people should not be allowed. Support.~
Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a screamer? It seems to be a link to a scary video/gif with lots of flashy lights, but I'd like more details please.
I don't want to hear that someone died because some sick prick decided to post a screamer and cause a seizure.
I saw people have seizures multiple times, like in the fourth grade (I never saw it directly, the teachers rushed us out and called 911), and very recently, in a local store.
They fell with a loud thud, and were violently seizing up, and because of this, bleeding from the mouth. I happened to be right there when it happened, and I nearly fainted.
Seizures are very, very serious things, and can be triggered by the simplest of flashing lights. I myself do not have epilepsy, but I know that the condition can be life threatening. Before you post a screamer, think of this: "Do I really want to risk hurting/killing this person? Is it really worth the risk?" The answer should of course be no. If you answer yes, you want to take that risk, then I'm sorry, but you must be screwed up or something. Nothing is worse then harming/killing another. Nothing. So please, think twice before posting that stupid garbage, possibly endangering another's life.
+1 Support
I actually kinda know how to help someone who's having a seizure now. It's just something you should know, for those what if situations.
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Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a screamer? It seems to be a link to a scary video/gif with lots of flashy lights, but I'd like more details please.

"A image or video that appears to be a game, a test or a still image. The point is to get somebody to concentrate on the program for a period of time and then all of a sudden a loud scream is heard. Often these screams are coupled with a scary flashing image. These programs are meant to be jokes to scare the hell out of people. These often work because the person is often so involved in the program or concentrating so hard they are totally taken by surprise when the scream and scary image come on. Most of the times though, the moment they immediately click on the link, the scary flashing image will pop up." - Urban Dictionary
Please tell me, my nephew has seizures.
Like, I know basics (I'm no expert ;_; ) Keep the airway clear, never lay them flat on their back, try to keep them still <- Nope don't do that.
Oh, and call an ambulance.
My mum taught me this, she like, works in a hospital.
(Please do t attack me with negative ratings! ;_; )
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Wow. I would never want to put somebody in harm, or maybe kill them. Doing such is a horrible thing. I completely support this. This subject is more serious than any other rule on the server/forums. Having this rule implemented could save lives.
+1 Support
Screamers can not only cause seizures, but heart attacks in certain people(scared to death anyone?). I don't think they should even be legal, they could be used as a murder weapon in some (Special) cases...
But if you're like me most of the time, you think they're cute and just laugh.
Is it possible to give a +10 support?
I thought posting links like these go under the alt f4 rule. If anything is toxic to the community the staff are generally good at sniffing it out and cleaning it up.

If it goes under the rule, then why haven't staff take it more seriously? (They do but I mean it in a different way since they only give out warnings and take it down). People still post it anyways in their signatures or statuses. Otherwise, I see it as it doesn't fall under that rule. Since people still do, I feel like that the No More Screamers should be a rule so people can actually recognize it and not post it.
If it goes under the rule, then why haven't staff take it more seriously? (They do but I mean it in a different way since they only give out warnings and take it down). People still post it anyways in their signatures or statuses. Otherwise, I see it as it doesn't fall under that rule. Since people still do, I feel like that the No More Screamers should be a rule so people can actually recognize it and not post it.

I think the problem is the staff didn't know how big of a problem it was. Which is why you made this post. I am assuming now the staff will most likely take action since it is a very toxic thing.
Also, please keep in mind that screamers with physical screams and gore content can also be potentially triggering to those with PTSD or other such conditions.
Seizures are very easily triggered. And while some people may have less serious epilepsy that won't threaten their life, others do. You should not have to limit your contact with technology because some douche posts a screamer and twists it into your faul if you get a seizure, saying you should have taken precautions and been more responsible. This is the wrong attitude to have, as it is not the victims fault. Ever.
This rule should be brought in, and I very much hope that there is a big punishment for those who break it.
Wait, computers have warning labels?

Anyways, despite them not bothering me, I support.

I'm not sure if they actually do have warnings. But hey, if Nintendo puts warnings on the DSI, then I'm sure computers would have warnings on the manuals.
Let me give some insight.

I'm mildly epileptic, what i have affects the temporal lobe areas. Seizures feel awful and while they are not the physical convulsions that are commonly associated with epilepsy, they consist of immediate migraines, visual blind spots, heavy dejavu and nausea (this part is the worst, sometimes its so bad I vomit. Imagine dejavu so intense it makes you physically sick),
audio hallucinations, intense feelings of dread, feelings of weakness and slowed cognitive processes/struggle with memory.

If you want more of an insight as to what it physically feels kinda feels like.... imagine being sat in an office chair and spun around disgustingly fast for ten minutes. It's awful.

I'm very sensitive to flashing gifs. That is what screamers do to me.

It's like me saying "You should remove the flashing laser pointer in Battle Field 4, because it could trigger a reaction in some people, despite there being a warning on both the console, and game."
A rather bad comparison, but still my opinion nonetheless.

There is a difference between features in a game and a user sending a screamer with malicious intentions.

Let me give some insight.

I'm mildly epileptic, what i have affects the temporal lobe areas. Seizures feel awful and while they are not the physical convulsions that are commonly associated with epilepsy, they consist of immediate migraines, visual blind spots, heavy dejavu and nausea (this part is the worst, sometimes its so bad I vomit. Imagine dejavu so intense it makes you physically sick),
audio hallucinations, intense feelings of dread, feelings of weakness and slowed cognitive processes/struggle with memory.

If you want more of an insight as to what it physically feels kinda feels like.... imagine being sat in an office chair and spun around disgustingly fast for ten minutes. It's awful.

I'm very sensitive to flashing gifs. That is what screamers do to me.

Oh lord, I had no idea it could feel like this! My poor friend. Nari, you have my support all the way with this, Screamers bother the hell out of me. I utterly hate them and tend to give me headaches, it's rather silly that people do not consider this sort of thing, seeing as things like epilepsy are not as rare of a condition to have. I understand that people do not consider these things first up, but people have had the time to think about what they are to post and have had the time to type it to realize and think of things like this. It's better to be safe and not post them than to trigger unfortunate physical/mental irritation and pain. Besides, depending on the content, do realize that not all people can handle things as well as you may. I know I can't, things that are rather gory and involve a fair bit of blood makes me want to be sick.
Let me give some insight.

I'm mildly epileptic, what i have affects the temporal lobe areas. Seizures feel awful and while they are not the physical convulsions that are commonly associated with epilepsy, they consist of immediate migraines, visual blind spots, heavy dejavu and nausea (this part is the worst, sometimes its so bad I vomit. Imagine dejavu so intense it makes you physically sick),
audio hallucinations, intense feelings of dread, feelings of weakness and slowed cognitive processes/struggle with memory.

If you want more of an insight as to what it physically feels kinda feels like.... imagine being sat in an office chair and spun around disgustingly fast for ten minutes. It's awful.

I'm very sensitive to flashing gifs. That is what screamers do to me.

There is a difference between features in a game and a user sending a screamer with malicious intentions.
Oh my god... That sounds horrible.. I never knew it was like that.Q_Q
The next time I find someone who sends out screamers, they're gonna get a nice backhand slap from me. (Cause I'll never forget the way this was described.)