My Dual Anthologies

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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Here are my dual anthologies that I shall publish as books on MassiveCraft. ALL PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO POINT OUT ERRORS. YOU CAN ASO PUT YOUR OWN DOWN YOUR OWN SUGGESTIONS IF YOU THEY ARE LORE COMPLIANT Here we go!

An anthology of know animals of Aloria.

Bat: A small brown and furry mammal. This animal has two webbed wings, two large ear, two small clawed feet and two small eyes. They hang upside down to sleep but when disturbed, they wake and fly into a frenzy and squeak in a high pitch. They are blind, though itʼs widely believed by researchers that they use the squeak sound that they emit from their mouth to navigate. Donʼt know how they do it though.......

Blaze: A creature that is always surrounded by small pillars of fire. The sounds they make are terrible and are compared to the rasp of some rusted machine. They have two small eyes on a small body that always looks like a little fire ball. They always billowing smoke and once angered, they fly into the air and move about randomly. They then launch a series of three fireballs at the aggressor. Once killed, their only remains are rods of energy that can be used in a verity of potions. It is believed they may be
magical creatures, but this is uncertain.

Cave Spider: The smaller, blue cousin of the mutated Vespids that has not developed the intellect of itʼs larger relatives, these highly poisonous arachnids dwell in ancient mine shafts and are moderately intelligent creatures. They have eight blue on light blue stripped legs, four emerald green eyes and a pair of mandibles. They make many cobwebs and can wriggle their way through small spaces, namely fences and 1 meter by 1 meter big holes. They can also swim and hold their breath for 16 seconds underwater.

Chicken: A small, white feathered bird that was domesticated long ago. It has two three- clawed toe yellow feet, two small wings, two little black eyes, and a yellow beak. These animals can flap their wings to slow their descent to the ground to save themselves. This also allows them to swim. They are used solely for the production of meat, feathers and eggs. Some keep them them as pets. Why would you do that?

Clownfish: An orange and white striped fish, they have two small fins, a small ridge and a simple tail. They are rarer to be caught and are a delicacy of many a good chef.

Common Grey Fish: Small aquatic animals, they are caught in the tens of thousands (more if you count the mysterious Maiarʼs eating habits) to feed the masses every day. They have two small fins, a small ridge and a simple tail. The larger schools migrate in their millions around Regalia, Daendroc, and New Ceardia, but are found in virtually every single body of water there is, every one. How do they do that?

Cow: This black and white mammal is rather dumb. It has four legs, a small tail, two small eyes and two horns on either side of their head. Their most prominent exterior feature is their utters, four small pink...finger looking appendages that hang by the back legs under the cow. When squeezed, they product milk, one of a cowʼs main products. The other is beef, produced when the cow is butchered.

Creeper: A bizarre amalgamation, this pale green creature is a walking explosive. With four small stubby legs, a skinny torso and a head with a permanent wail of pain plastered on itʼs face. They seem to be terrified of ocelots for some reason. Through examinations and estimations by researchers itʼs believed that once they are close enough to an annoyance (all the Alorian races), a chemical reaction occurs inside of them involving sulfur, sand, and various other substances that makes an explosion that destroys itself, and harms the threat. I wonder if anyoneʼs ever not annoyed a creeper before?

Dog: See Wolf

Donkey: See Mule

Ghast: A monstrous thing, it has glowing purple eyes and a odd crinkled mouth. It looks like a a giant dirty-white cloth with 9 tentacles emerging from bottom half. Itʼs bizarre wail can be heard throughout the Nether and when it attackʼs, it shots special fire balls that can be rebounded back at it. Once dead, the creatureʼs tears and (for some odd reason) gunpowder can be found were it died.

Horse: This majestic creature is the ultimate riding machine with 4 powerful legs and a strong heart. They can be black as night, white as light, brown as dirt or grey as wolves and all can be with white spots. It can take many to few rides to tame this great beast, and their loyalty is so great, that it takes a lead attached to a fence post to keep them still. Tough you need a saddle to ride and armor to protect it. There are rumors that horses can rise from the dead and ride with their undead masters.

Magma Cube: This is very simply a cube of magma thatʼs protected by a membrane with two large yellow eyes. Once they are hit enough, they split into two small slime cubes and then once more. They are very annoying.

Mooshroom: A bizarre creature, it is amazingly similar to a cow but mushrooms and toadstools grow on itʼs back. Itʼs skin is red and white and itʼs eye are solid black. Instead of milk though, you can milk mushroom soup out of them. Sailorʼs have told tales of isles of with grey grass with giant mushrooms and toadstools dotting everywhere. These isles have many different sizes. Most have the creatures on them.

Mule: A near horse creature, there are a two minute differences. Firstly, they are always grey, and secondly, they have large ear that are always erect. These mammals are pack animals, and small chests are normally attached to their saddles. There are the same rumors as with the horses, that they rise from the dead. But, the undead mules enter into a ghostly caravan of undead traders.

Ocelot: A cute little mammal that is very skittish. It has a small head, a small and skinny body, four legs and are patterned in small beige ovals. They also have two green eyes, a little pink nose, and a black stripped long tail. They can dig a meter underground in

dirt and creepers are terrified of them, so ocelots repel creepers. They can be domesticated into cats by being feed fish.
Cat: A domesticated ocelot, of which there are threetypes. In order for them to not run after you, a lead must be secured to a fencepost. Their collar can be dyed different colors by using dyes.

Pig: Aren't they cute? With pink skin, four legs, an adorable snout, two little ears, two small eyes and a cute little curled tail, these little scamps are also delicious. They themselves eat carrots and grass, and were domesticated long ago by the races. They were long used to carry the movers and shakers to the peasants and poor of Aloria. Until we discovered that horses are much better to ride. Why did it take so long?

Pufferfish: A poisonous fish, they puff up with spikes when surprised. They are yellow with light blue fins. They are poisonous if eaten but they can be used in potions of water breathing.

Salmon: A longer, red fish, they are normally found in rivers or lakes. They are red, have a grey head, and pink fins, and tail. They are very nutritious and good once cooked.

Sheep: These mammals are fluffy balls of fun. In all seriousness, they have four legs, two soft ears, a small tail, and are covered in wool. In the wild, their wool can be white, dark and light grey, and black. They were domesticated long ago for their wool, which is used in the making of bed sheets and banners (among other things). But, very oddly, they be dyed different colors by using dyes. It is suggested that shepherds discovered this by trying to mark their herd to separate them from normal sheep.

Silverfish: Little annoying insects, they travel in small groups and attack all those who threaten them. They are small, have twelve 2 jointed legs (six on each side), and on their rear, a pair of antennae-like.....things. They are grey and are named silverfish because they look like fish swimming on the ground. They normally infest libraries, therefore they are this authorʼs most hated creature.

Slime: Similar to a Magma Cube, these are large cubes of slime with dark green eyes surrounded by a light green membrane. who can be found in swamps. Once they are hit enough, they split into two small slime cubes and then once more. They are very annoying.

Spider: A mutated Vespid that has not developed the intellect of itʼs larger relatives, they live in forests and cave systems. It has eight brown and light brown stripped legs and a pair two mandibles. They make many cobwebs and can wriggle their way through small, 2 meter by 1 meter holes. They can also swim and hold their breath for 16 seconds underwater.

Squid: A nearly useless animal, the squid is killed for itʼs ink sacs. It is a pinkish creature with eight tentacles with a beaked mouth in-between them. They have two yellow eyes and are found in swamps, lakes and oceans.

Undead (Malevolent): (I am trying to find the book that describes the undead)

Wolf: A four legged mammal, they are dangerous yet docile.They have grey fur, two ears and a bushy tail. They normally live in packs of 2-8 and can be found in cold forested areas. If the pack is attacked, they will team up to kill the attacker. They also hunt mainly wild sheep and if given enough bones can be tamed into a dog.
Dogs: If given enough bones, a wolf will become a dog. They will then follow the one who trained them around and attack what they attack. When they are unharmed, their tail in straight. The more they are hurt, the more the tail will go down.

An anthology of all known giant, mythical and magical creatures of Aloria

Basilisk: A terrible serpent, its victims range from ocelots to Orcs. A large serpent ranging in colors, they turn those to stone who look upon their visage. They live in caves and are surrounded by their stone victims. The only thing that can defeat a basilisk is the head of another basilisk or you can try to hack off itʼs head. Though they are highly agile and itʼs at your own risk. Only one is thought to still be alive on Snowfall Isle to- day, but NO ONE is going to see if it is or not.

Daemon: Horrible magical monsters, they are the largest threat to the Regalian Empire. Tall creatures due to their long legs and arms, they have black skin, have two yellow eyes and are surrounded by a faint veil of purple particles. They are divided into three tiers. Tier one are the foot soldiers, the weakest and are seem all across Aloria during the night. Tier two are the lieutenants, though they only stay in The Void and have not been physically seen since the Void Wars. Tier three are second only to the Archdaemon. They have their own free will and are highly complicated by all accounts.

Dragons: These great creatures once lived in all the Alorian lands, but have unfortunately died out. The Naga hunted the Great Elder Dragons to extinction due to their religion and worship of dragon body parts. Elves killed the wyvren dragons for sport, and the Qadir believed the red dragons were the enemies of their holy Sol.

Giants: These are giant humans, thus they are "giants". They apparently live in the clouds and can only get down if magical beanstalks are grown up into the clouds. That sounds very far fetched, even for magic.

Giant Bats: A rumor that has come from an explorer of New Ceardia. There are supposedly giant bats in a large cave very deep underground with a long winding cave

system that leads to the entry point in the Northern Mountains. Iʼm very skeptical about it though.

Giant Scorpions: These are similar to Vespids except magic made them gigantic and powerful. They have been reported in the deserts of New Ceardia and Fendarfell and lurk beneath the sand. Vespid hives capture youth from the back of their mothers and rain them to defend the hive in case of attack. A report from Hadar says when a large group of looters attacked a new hive, 6 young giant scorpions killed them all. Very dangerous. Some of the wilder Qadir are said to ride these creatures.

Great Stags: These creatures are magnificent and magical. An above average sized stag, their antlers are huge and carry as many as 40 birds. They have only been seen thrice in confirmed Elven history. They are revered as the personal animal of Estel and are said to be found in "beauty clearings", places of natureʼs beauty and harmony. The last one was seen 130 years ago, suggesting their demise.

Ice Bird: The reverse of the phoenix, they exude blue fire that freezes anyone it touches. No one quite knows where this bird roosts but sighting have been made close to the tops of mountains, suggesting they live on the top of certain mountains.

Kraken: They are the only creature known that can defeat Sea Serpents. The Maiar have witnessed their great battles and recorded the creatureʼs names such as in "The Stoneclaw-Strangle Tablet". They dwell in the deepest depths and rarely come to the surface. They have silver skin, can have up to 72 tentacles, two yellow eyes and a massive beck under those tentacles. They are normally hit by ships whenever they do come to the surface. Only 6 Regalian ships have even been know to escape a kraken attack with minimal damage. Who knowʼs the official number of all the races, for the Naga itʼs zero. We simply summon a Sea Serpent to attack the kraken and then we sail away...well, we once did, a long long time ago.

Phoenix: A great and magical bird that will burst into brilliant flames when threatened. They are large birds and roost in nests on ancient trees in Daendroc. Their plumage is prized by all, leading to their excessive hunting and egg capturing. Emperor Medui had a flock in his Fire Gardens but they are assumed to have died when the Orcs set off the bomb at the base of the Tower of Rie. They can also apparently, if they have never mated, be reborn when they die. When they burst into flames and turn to ashes, it leaves behind an egg or a small helpless phoenix chick.

Sea Serpents: The holy creatures of my race, they lay in a state of hibernation until the war with Regalia. We woke up approximately 5 of them, which was enough to wake all of them up. Ever since then, they have been ravaging the seas around Hadar and have chased the Maiar to rivers, lakes and coastlines. They are very long (40 to 100 meters, but we donʼt know exactly), have colored scales based on where they hibernated, two eyes, a head frill and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Some have been said to have arms of sorts but no real proof has surfaced of this.

Wargs/Worgs: A dangerous beast, their natural enemy and prey is the Tigran. Giant wolves with often dark grey, white or black fur, they lived in the north of Ithania before "all were driven into the mouth of the Eater, all died and none remain."(quote from a North Tirgan text). Rumors say that the Elves exported some away to New Ceardia and other places before their empireʼs collapse. They have been seen in the Dark Forest of New Ceardia and in the north of the continent. They are offen trained by Orcs as mounts.

Wraith: They are known as "The Shadow Men" in human lore. Creatures with the capability of shadow travel, their bodies are black and their eyes are often slits of white, red or yellow light. It is said these are violent souls were caught it the tears during the Void War, which ripped their bodies away and leaving the souls to wander forever upon this world. They have been seen in the jungles and swamps of Daendroc, the Dark Forest of New Ceardia and the volcanos and mushroom forests in Fendarfell. They are often blamed for the kidnapping of children.

Unicorn: Another magical creature, these are similar to horses expect that they have a horn coming out the front of their head. It is said they are the steeds of Estel and only she could ride one without being thrown off. They only exist in elvish lore but some elven hunters have sworn that they see them while ranging.

Tell me what you think!
Now, I am clueless when it comes to lore. However, I'm just gonna throw those two words out there that we all hear too often:
Lore Compliant?
Like I said, I'm not saying it's not, I'm just not sure if it is. Ya get me?
Now, I am clueless when it comes to lore. However, I'm just gonna throw those two words out there that we all hear too often:
Lore Compliant?
Like I said, I'm not saying it's not, I'm just not sure if it is. Ya get me?

So you are saying in your opinion it is lore compliant but you don't fully know yourself?
So you are saying in your opinion it is lore compliant but you don't fully know yourself?

I'm saying I have no idea, but it is something to be considered. As far as I'm aware MC mobs aren't particularly mentioned in the lore, so you may want to check that out for yourself.
I'm saying I have no idea, but it is something to be considered. As far as I'm aware MC mobs aren't particularly mentioned in the lore, so you may want to check that out for yourself.

Well, spiders are wild vespids, endermen are daemons, skeles and zombs are undead and god knows the lore of the nether mobs.
In the voting poll at the top, it says 'defiantly' when it should be 'definitely'. You said that we could point out errors, love~.

Look, can someone please give me feedback that isn't grammatical in nature???
I like it, if it is compliant it would make a great addition to the general lore
I would much rather see original creatures then ones from other myths, lore, etc.
I would much rather see original creatures then ones from other myths, lore, etc.
And I would like that MassiveCraft didn't Elves, Dwarves and Orcs, those are all from other lore, myths, etc. but we can't get we want, can we? Also, have you ever heard of an Ice Bird or Great Stag?
And I would like that MassiveCraft didn't Elves, Dwarves and Orcs, those are all from other lore, myths, etc.

Don't take my comment too harshly, merely trying to improve your suggestion.

Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Maiars, Elves and Undead all stem from other lore but the Massivecraft lore gives them new life with new ideas. As well, this is the reason why there are other races such as the Dakkar, Naga, Vespid, Tigran, Yanar and eventually Urs, Pravden, Avarr and more. It is fine to have a few of the more common beings that are entombed in most lores, but it is much more interesting to have other beings that are original and go beyond what has been done in the past
Don't take my comment too harshly, merely trying to improve your suggestion.

Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Maiars, Elves and Undead all stem from other lore but the Massivecraft lore gives them new life with new ideas. As well, this is the reason why there are other races such as the Dakkar, Naga, Vespid, Tigran, Yanar and eventually Urs, Pravden, Avarr and more. Why it is fine to have a few of the more common beings that are entombed in most lores, it is much more interesting to have other beings that are original and go beyond what has been done in the past
Let us close this door...

And open a new one.

Are any of these things wrong, lore staff?
I like how detailed you got. This is very nice.
Only thing is...
I've never heard of a Warg outside of LOTR. Dunno if Tolkien invented them or not, but I'd stay as far away from LOTR as possible when writing lore.
I feel like this should be sent through the Lore Staff for approval before writing. OR, you could change it up a bit. Write a book in a biased form of your RP character. For the most part you have made most of this up as it hasn't all been stated as Lore Compliant. So, make this book a kind of propaganda. Have "In my adventures, a Pirate put a name to the beast that other sailors have told me about after washing ashore. A Kraken, he said it was." Tell it more of a first person point of view, and state the facts then outline the rest in what your character views of the world.

In other words, for what you don't have confirmed, turn into a narrative of sorts told from your character's perspective. And take all animals/ creatures that haven't been mentioned in up- to- date lore out. TBH, it'd be nice to see you become part of the Lore Staff as you are very descriptive and this would expand the universe so much. I'd like for most of this to become lore compliant, though it seems unlikely.
I like how detailed you got. This is very nice.
Only thing is...
I've never heard of a Warg outside of LOTR. Dunno if Tolkien invented them or not, but I'd stay as far away from LOTR as possible when writing lore.
I feel like this should be sent through the Lore Staff for approval before writing. OR, you could change it up a bit. Write a book in a biased form of your RP character. For the most part you have made most of this up as it hasn't all been stated as Lore Compliant. So, make this book a kind of propaganda. Have "In my adventures, a Pirate put a name to the beast that other sailors have told me about after washing ashore. A Kraken, he said it was." Tell it more of a first person point of view, and state the facts then outline the rest in what your character views of the world.

In other words, for what you don't have confirmed, turn into a narrative of sorts told from your character's perspective. And take all animals/ creatures that haven't been mentioned in up- to- date lore out. TBH, it'd be nice to see you become part of the Lore Staff as you are very descriptive and this would expand the universe so much. I'd like for most of this to become lore compliant, though it seems unlikely.
Talk to Barjuk then, they have a warg pen. And thank you for your comments! I would love to be lore staff soon, and I will edit this so that it can be made if it doesn't already. Again, Lore staff, is their anything not compliant here???
You are really bad at taking criticism. No offense, and sorry for derailing the topic here(I won't post again), but I don't believe you should be lore staff if you can't handle constructive criticism.

~ Imboring56
You are really bad at taking criticism. No offense, and sorry for derailing the topic here(I won't post again), but I don't believe you should be lore staff if you can't handle constructive criticism.

~ Imboring56
...where am I like that?
Since this is a direct question, I'll answer it:

1. I saw his point, but I was going off topic there so I "closed that door" to get back on track.

2. Grammer is not why I posted this. I did so because I wanted confirmation on these creatures to see if they could be in the lore.
The Shadow King,
The point that Bsavs was trying to make wasn't off-topic at all. He wanted to connect/relate one topic to another, and share ideas from both. If that wasn't the case, it very likely seemed that the way you resented it was a response to the negative criticism.

Grammar does have a big role in lore. After all, if nobody can read it, what's the point of writing it? Staff look for perfection in publicly written and advertised items, so if you aren't willing to put in the extra time and effort to go turn on spell-check or to proof-read it once more, maybe with a partner, then you shouldn't be writing this or hoping for it to get in. Grammar and spelling can also make you sound more professional and knowledgeable if you know how to use it properly, but it can also hurt you a lot if you fail at the concept.

~ Imboring56
The Shadow King,
The point that Bsavs was trying to make wasn't off-topic at all. He wanted to connect/relate one topic to another, and share ideas from both. If that wasn't the case, it very likely seemed that the way you resented it was a response to the negative criticism.

Grammar does have a big role in lore. After all, if nobody can read it, what's the point of writing it? Staff look for perfection in publicly written and advertised items, so if you aren't willing to put in the extra time and effort to go turn on spell-check or to proof-read it once more, maybe with a partner, then you shouldn't be writing this or hoping for it to get in. Grammar and spelling can also make you sound more professional and knowledgeable if you know how to use it properly, but it can also hurt you a lot if you fail at the concept.

~ Imboring56

1. I said "I" was getting off-topic

2. Once again, grammer isn't my MAIN reason that I put this on it. I will edit anything people find but I am looking for any lore issues.
This is good. I'm not sure if unicorns, giant bats, and giants are lore compitent though.
I believe we sorely needed this

There were even creatures I didn't even know were in the lore, thank you.
This is all and all interesting but I have some problems with the wording on some of the myths/magical/giant creatures, the word myth or legend would be more appropriate than "lore" as many people might confuse lore with the server lore which is canon, where as many of these creatures are not lore compliant at all and are in-fact just legends/myths until proven otherwise.
My second problem correlates with this as some of the entries make the legendary creatures seem real such as the warg one, since wargs aren't really a thing so you can't state they are. Same with the Kraken, Ice bird, Basilisks, giants, etc. Write them in a way that they are all speculation or rumor, as they do not exist currently, if you wrote them so the rp staff and lore staff could see them and decide if they were lore compliant then you should've perhaps asked us directly in conversation. Soooo either re-write them in a way that they sound more like myths/legends, things people believe in or tell stories of but aren't actually real, or perhaps make a conversation with the lore/rp staff and perhaps we can discuss this more thoroughly.
Dragons: These great creatures once lived in all the Alorian lands, but have unfortunately died out. The Naga hunted the Great Elder Dragons to extinction due to their religion and worship of dragon body parts. Elves killed the wyvren dragons for sport, and the Qadir believed the red dragons were the enemies of their holy Sol.

So... now I have a hit list. Thanks! :)
This is all and all interesting but I have some problems with the wording on some of the myths/magical/giant creatures, the word myth or legend would be more appropriate than "lore" as many people might confuse lore with the server lore which is canon, where as many of these creatures are not lore compliant at all and are in-fact just legends/myths until proven otherwise.
My second problem correlates with this as some of the entries make the legendary creatures seem real such as the warg one, since wargs aren't really a thing so you can't state they are. Same with the Kraken, Ice bird, Basilisks, giants, etc. Write them in a way that they are all speculation or rumor, as they do not exist currently, if you wrote them so the rp staff and lore staff could see them and decide if they were lore compliant then you should've perhaps asked us directly in conversation. Soooo either re-write them in a way that they sound more like myths/legends, things people believe in or tell stories of but aren't actually real, or perhaps make a conversation with the lore/rp staff and perhaps we can discuss this more thoroughly.
Thank you! Finally, a lore staff opinion! I will do that in all haste, though my brother just took the laptop with the list on it. Although you may wish to know that Xskill said I could do this as long as the creatures weren't audacious BboyMVB
...the warg one, since wargs aren't really a thing...

You lore people really need to straight yourselves out BboyMVB! PickAccess said they did, and there is a "warg pen" in Barjuk.

Note: Another reason I did this was to get a list of all mythical animals or creatures that exist because it seems you people haven't considered this at all.
The Shadow King

Well, I did but Bboy does also have a point. It's sort of okay to imagine up creatures, since we don't really have an compendium for Alorian wildlife, so long as they are well within the bounds of possibility. However, leaving things as myths and legends is much easier and more or less 'safer' for not running into any lore snags.

This whole ordeal makes me have to consider starting some sort of encyclopedia for Alorian wildlife... hmm.
As a note, feel free to add the "Leafwing Bird". It was approved in my Introduction, seeing as it was within the bounds xSkill mentioned.
It has a nice songbird call, and has a small orange beak and dark, leafy wings from which it gets it's name. It is quite docile and many Lotharian Elves keep one or two as a pet. They are often used to represent peace or love with the forests.
As a note, feel free to add the "Leafwing Bird". It was approved in my Introduction, seeing as it was within the bounds xSkill mentioned.
It has a nice songbird call, and has a small orange beak and dark, leafy wings from which it gets it's name. It is quite docile and many Lotharian Elves keep one or two as a pet. They are often used to represent peace or love with the forests.

Yes, thank you! A non-mythical bird!
If you're still looking for Undead lore, I believe what you want is 'Thesis on the Undead' By Alex Kade. It should be in the science section of the library.
Seeing as how some of those creatures don't exist in the Aloria Lore, I don't think it is Lore compliant. Best you work with the Lore staff + admin on this one, lad.

....did you not see bBoy's comment?
I beg your pardon? I was asking if you had seen it, I did not mean to be rude or anything like that! It was an honest question because even you just admitted that you did not, and I would like an apology, sir.

Came across a bit Arrogant. ''...Did you not see bboy's comment?'' over ''Have a look at Bboy's comment." - I think it was more a matter of the form in which you say it.
Anyway, I deleted the comment if that makes you feel better.
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