Archived Magic Plugin Ideas

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The Catalyst ♛ Aeson Hinnoron / Daeron Arveldir
May 4, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
Jin-Tao Death Squad
As you know, @Cayorion attempted at creating a Magic Plugin with the server.
I would be dying to know if this project could be revamped and made reality. With more and more magic users popping up, it would be wonderful if some game effects, particles and role-play affecting magic spells could be added.

However, I was playing my Air Mage and I had a few brilliant ideas for the plug-in. If the staff listen, perhaps the project will be revamped. I can't wait to see this in reality, no matter how long it takes.

  • Bound slots: If a user wants to cast a spell, they will need to have the slot number on their hot bar selected that they bound through the GUI or command port. They can specify a slot number from 1 to 9 as there are 9 slots of the hot bar A player doesn't need any objects for this execution, but depending on how they specify to cast spells, will need some objects that they use in their inventory.
  • Spell objects: If a user wishes to have their character use spell objects, they will be given a special object present in their inventory when magic mode is on. They must use this item with their selected Hot bar key to cast.
  • Incantations: Similar to the original pitch, when a mage casts a spell, they can use a verbal incantation, for example: "<Elvish> May the light of the void assist me now", in the GUI or command port they are able to select their Incantation line based on their character's preferred line. This must be specified in Character Applications.
  • Actions: If a player wants to cast with an action instead of a specification, they can assign an action command, without using a / command in entire, they can instead do an emote, For ex: "He raises his hand and with that done he waves it and he is shadow melded to the void.+" they can assign that, but must use the + sign with it, so it appears as emote, and then the spell is cast.
  • Spell lines: If a spell is cast, a local chat announcement will be made specifying the spells effects via the user and plugin. The user can change how they wish to describe it or can choose a default description, if they wish to change the effects of their spell slightly or manipulating.
  • Particle effects: For each element, a particle effect should be assigned, for example, if a fire mage wants to cast fire, he says his summoning action and then a trail of the fire particle effect is cast, and the person who is hit takes role-play damage. People can dodge spells normally with emote if they move.
  • Spell-mode: If a mage doesn't wish to use spells, they can turn spell mode off, this should be toggle able via GUI or command port. To turn it on enabling their settings they do the same.
  • Spell messaged: For example, hex doesn't have a special form of particle or real effect, just a mind magic, when casted on someone they target, they say their incantation and right click them, A message then will appear on the users screen saying whatever they hexed them to remember or do.
  • Game Mechanics: If an Air mage decides to gust something, or anything the person will move back or in the direction they choose or if they are blocking projectiles it will do that too, if a storm bringer makes a storm, a circle of a small storm should be spawned.
  • Energy: Similar to the mana idea suggested by @ZehGhost a player will require to have a certain amount of energy saved up, in order to assimilate this to role-play, it would be a good idea to add an energy meter viewable in a GUI or command, in this display, it would also show your physical effects using advanced coding, if you go beyond your powers and casting level, you will face several effects such as, Slowness, Weakness, Nausea, and more, your traits do not affect these defects. Energy will be regained on time and based on your physical state, or magic choice.
  • Permissions: To prevent abuse, Hidden Magic forms will have to be given via staff member due to abuse.
  • Spirit Magic complication: If a player casts spirit magic, they will be disguised into their selected animal like DisguiseCraft.
  • String Magic complication: If a player wants to use their dolls, I was thinking of spawning NPC Armour stands to replicate the effect of marionette magic, or if a player wants to use the other form of String magic, they can use something similar to blood bending from the Bending Plugin. For String magic, particles will be summoned up to the Armour stands or player, moving the player or armour stands will be done via looking at the places to move them, allowing the player to control or attack their enemies.
  • Special permission use: Players can only use the magic plugin inside of Regalia to prevent abuse, if they are roleplaying outside of Regalia they must request that for the world somewhere.
  • Shadow Magic complication: Players can meld into the void via particles, they will be given invisibility for as long as they can stay in the void, and then their invisibility will dissolve once they tear out. Players will be given Blindness inside of the void to replicate the lore.
  • Particle variations: To replicate particle magic or elements such as Ice or Stone, they can use manipulation similar to the Bending plugin.
  • Light magic complication: Depending on the spell, for blinding light players in a block radius will be given Blindness I and Slowness II. Where as the caster suffers tiny surges of blindness until they get away but are not given Slowness, Barrier light will summon particles and will block people from going in. Healing Light will have some particles and will announce on a player's screen what they intending to heal via the GUI message, players can set up different healing message variations for this form.
  • Antimagic: Anti magic will block spells simply, and dissolve the particles, and write an announcement on players screen's saying "Your spell has fizzled due to anti-magic".
  • Sight Magic: Will tell the player the info gained via private message from Sight Magic IC.
  • Ethereal Magic: Will summon an Ethereal weapon or object inside their inventory, cannot drop and if a target is hit (IC) they will take the effects based on the weapon.
  • Beast Magic: Will summon the beast they need based on Mobs.
  • Slither Magic: Will poison the target with a message on their screen and will suffer Nausea for as long as the mage can hold, after they drink the plugin item infused with the Toxic.
  • Chrysalis Magic: Will have the effect via particles infused with webs and such.
  • Evergrowth Magic: Plant blocks will be manipulated by the mage.
  • Magic Reset: Magic plugin should bypass all building claims, but should reset the effects after Max 5 minutes, so if someone uses magic to change the setting, it should remain for 5 minutes allowing role-players to feel the presence, but to prevent grief to reset all build effects after 5 minutes.
  • Battle cries: Magic plugin should allow mage battle cries, displaying large effects of their power before entering battle, not physically doing anything, but displayed by particles.
  • Energy Recharge: You should be able to use a trait that adds Energy back faster, or if you select your race in Magic Plugin and they have prowess and specialty in magic, they recharge x2 faster by default. Or add Meditation, it would restore energy and effects quicker.
  • Race selection: Due to some races having magical prowess, people should be able to select their race, for example, if Talar, they receive x2 power in prowess, If Ch'ien-Ji, they receive x3 boost in prowess. Allowing their spells to be bigger in particles.
  • Level selection: To prevent incompliance abuse, people should select between Trainee, Student, Caster, Mage, Expert, Archmage (Permission only), doing so would affect the way they cast spells. For example, a caster of shadow magic couldn't stay in the void no longer than 2 minutes, but a mage for 5 minutes, depending on lore.
  • Seraph Incantation: Basically, you cast spells by typing in Seraph words into the chat, of which you must find these words. Though, when you say it, it comes out obfuscated (like Baver's text). The colour of the word also dictates what 'element' it is, eg, red for fire. credit to @Onzo Possibly usable on everything, toggle-able via GUI Or command.
Idea Boxes:
Ideas from commenters will be displayed here, therefore I can simply 'copy and paste' their idea into a spoiler!
There is a special item in your inventory.
When said item is right clicked particles are generated and a message is displayed in local/emote chat.
Certain spells would require a person to be looking at another player.
Other perhaps the ground
Potion effects could be applied to nearby players if logical.
Possibly minor temporary terrain fluctuations if logical.

A positive of this is that the quantity of these items is easily limited, and for obvious reasons distribution of them would be, 'strongly discouraged'
Each item could pertain itself to a specific form of magic/spell



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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I love the ideas so far! While thinking on my own, I thought of a way to that would try to make it so that someone could use magic outside of Role-Play. I really liked the idea of "binding" magic to a certain hot-bar slot, and to keep the idea of it being "magic...y" what if the player specialized in a certain type if magic and that magic was bound to an enchanted book. How you would use spells in combat by a combination of left click-right click-left click, this would immediately cast a spell that is called an "Instant", after the player uses a spell they would have to wait to gather more energy or mana. To "re-charge" quicker, the player would have to say some prayer thingy mah bobber which would call upon some power that would help them regain their strength. Other types of spells that are passive, like a buff before battle would be called "Buff" (Thinking of name) these spells would have to be said aloud in the form of a long sentence such as "Help me now! Oh powers of the great beyond, let me strike fear into my enemies hearts!" this spell would give the player some affect before a great battle. Going back to the enchanted books, instead of the clicking what if you had to type out a basic word or phrase that had something to do with the spell type, for example I wanted to cast a fire ball; I would click right click-left click-left click to select fire ball and then the message "I feel the need to shout Ferno-Cinder" would appear. The player types out Ferno-Cinder! and casts a fire ball, each time the player wanted to cast the fire ball spell the words would change to prevent an easy Ctrl + C , Crtl +V the next time the player casts the fire ball spell the message "I feel the need to shout Char-Flames!" and like the time before, a fire ball spell would be cast. This form of magic would not be practical in an hand-to-hand combat situation, it would mainly be used to "Buff" your allies or provide them with covering fire as they run across the battle field!

I really like this post, I will be editing it more in the future.
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Hhh. My only personal concern is some unforeseen circumstance where this system could be Abused somehow. Abusing things is not good.
I remember seeing an idea float around. Basically, you cast spells by typing in Seraph words into the chat, of which you must find these words. Though, when you say it, it comes out obfuscated (like Baver's text). The colour of the word also dictates what 'element' it is, eg, red for fire.
I really like this post, I will be editing it more in the future.

Thanks for your feedback, I will be editing in some of your ideas as I think they are really good.

Hhh. My only personal concern is some unforeseen circumstance where this system could be Abused somehow. Abusing things is not good.

That is absolutely true, and I've thought of an idea to help prevent that.

I remember seeing an idea float around. Basically, you cast spells by typing in Seraph words into the chat, of which you must find these words. Though, when you say it, it comes out obfuscated (like Baver's text). The colour of the word also dictates what 'element' it is, eg, red for fire.

Sounds great, I'll add that to a variation of casting.
Finished First edit

  • Energy: Similar to the mana idea suggested by @ZehGhost a player will require to have a certain amount of energy saved up, in order to assimilate this to role-play, it would be a good idea to add an energy meter viewable in a GUI or command, in this display, it would also show your physical effects using advanced coding, if you go beyond your powers and casting level, you will face several effects such as, Slowness, Weakness, Nausea, and more, your traits do not affect these defects. Energy will be regained on time and based on your physical state, or magic choice.
  • Permissions: To prevent abuse, Hidden Magic forms will have to be given via staff member due to abuse.
  • Spirit Magic complication: If a player casts spirit magic, they will be disguised into their selected animal like DisguiseCraft.
  • String Magic complication: If a player wants to use their dolls, I was thinking of spawning NPC Armour stands to replicate the effect of marionette magic, or if a player wants to use the other form of String magic, they can use something similar to blood bending from the Bending Plugin. For String magic, particles will be summoned up to the Armour stands or player, moving the player or armour stands will be done via looking at the places to move them, allowing the player to control or attack their enemies.
  • Special permission use: Players can only use the magic plugin inside of Regalia to prevent abuse, if they are roleplaying outside of Regalia they must request that for the world somewhere.
  • Shadow Magic complication: Players can meld into the void via particles, they will be given invisibility for as long as they can stay in the void, and then their invisibility will dissolve once they tear out. Players will be given Blindness inside of the void to replicate the lore.
  • Particle variations: To replicate particle magic or elements such as Ice or Stone, they can use manipulation similar to the Bending plugin.
  • Light magic complication: Depending on the spell, for blinding light players in a block radius will be given Blindness I and Slowness II. Where as the caster suffers tiny surges of blindness until they get away but are not given Slowness, Barrier light will summon particles and will block people from going in. Healing Light will have some particles and will announce on a player's screen what they intending to heal via the GUI message, players can set up different healing message variations for this form.
  • Antimagic: Anti magic will block spells simply, and dissolve the particles, and write an announcement on players screen's saying "Your spell has fizzled due to anti-magic".
  • Sight Magic: Will tell the player the info gained via private message from Sight Magic IC.
  • Ethereal Magic: Will summon an Ethereal weapon or object inside their inventory, cannot drop and if a target is hit (IC) they will take the effects based on the weapon.
  • Beast Magic: Will summon the beast they need based on Mobs.
  • Slither Magic: Will poison the target with a message on their screen and will suffer Nausea for as long as the mage can hold, after they drink the plugin item infused with the Toxic.
  • Chrysalis Magic: Will have the effect via particles infused with webs and such.
  • Evergrowth Magic: Plant blocks will be manipulated by the mage.
  • Magic Reset: Magic plugin should bypass all building claims, but should reset the effects after Max 5 minutes, so if someone uses magic to change the setting, it should remain for 5 minutes allowing role-players to feel the presence, but to prevent grief to reset all build effects after 5 minutes.
  • Battle cries: Magic plugin should allow mage battle cries, displaying large effects of their power before entering battle, not physically doing anything, but displayed by particles.
  • Energy Recharge: You should be able to use a trait that adds Energy back faster, or if you select your race in Magic Plugin and they have prowess and specialty in magic, they recharge x2 faster by default. Or add Meditation, it would restore energy and effects quicker.
  • Race selection: Due to some races having magical prowess, people should be able to select their race, for example, if Talar, they receive x2 power in prowess, If Ch'ien-Ji, they receive x3 boost in prowess. Allowing their spells to be bigger in particles.
  • Level selection: To prevent incompliance abuse, people should select between Trainee, Student, Caster, Mage, Expert, Archmage (Permission only), doing so would affect the way they cast spells. For example, a caster of shadow magic couldn't stay in the void no longer than 2 minutes, but a mage for 5 minutes, depending on lore.
Finished First edit

  • Energy: Similar to the mana idea suggested by @ZehGhost a player will require to have a certain amount of energy saved up, in order to assimilate this to role-play, it would be a good idea to add an energy meter viewable in a GUI or command, in this display, it would also show your physical effects using advanced coding, if you go beyond your powers and casting level, you will face several effects such as, Slowness, Weakness, Nausea, and more, your traits do not affect these defects. Energy will be regained on time and based on your physical state, or magic choice.
  • Permissions: To prevent abuse, Hidden Magic forms will have to be given via staff member due to abuse.
  • Spirit Magic complication: If a player casts spirit magic, they will be disguised into their selected animal like DisguiseCraft.
  • String Magic complication: If a player wants to use their dolls, I was thinking of spawning NPC Armour stands to replicate the effect of marionette magic, or if a player wants to use the other form of String magic, they can use something similar to blood bending from the Bending Plugin. For String magic, particles will be summoned up to the Armour stands or player, moving the player or armour stands will be done via looking at the places to move them, allowing the player to control or attack their enemies.
  • Special permission use: Players can only use the magic plugin inside of Regalia to prevent abuse, if they are roleplaying outside of Regalia they must request that for the world somewhere.
  • Shadow Magic complication: Players can meld into the void via particles, they will be given invisibility for as long as they can stay in the void, and then their invisibility will dissolve once they tear out. Players will be given Blindness inside of the void to replicate the lore.
  • Particle variations: To replicate particle magic or elements such as Ice or Stone, they can use manipulation similar to the Bending plugin.
  • Light magic complication: Depending on the spell, for blinding light players in a block radius will be given Blindness I and Slowness II. Where as the caster suffers tiny surges of blindness until they get away but are not given Slowness, Barrier light will summon particles and will block people from going in. Healing Light will have some particles and will announce on a player's screen what they intending to heal via the GUI message, players can set up different healing message variations for this form.
  • Antimagic: Anti magic will block spells simply, and dissolve the particles, and write an announcement on players screen's saying "Your spell has fizzled due to anti-magic".
  • Sight Magic: Will tell the player the info gained via private message from Sight Magic IC.
  • Ethereal Magic: Will summon an Ethereal weapon or object inside their inventory, cannot drop and if a target is hit (IC) they will take the effects based on the weapon.
  • Beast Magic: Will summon the beast they need based on Mobs.
  • Slither Magic: Will poison the target with a message on their screen and will suffer Nausea for as long as the mage can hold, after they drink the plugin item infused with the Toxic.
  • Chrysalis Magic: Will have the effect via particles infused with webs and such.
  • Evergrowth Magic: Plant blocks will be manipulated by the mage.
  • Magic Reset: Magic plugin should bypass all building claims, but should reset the effects after Max 5 minutes, so if someone uses magic to change the setting, it should remain for 5 minutes allowing role-players to feel the presence, but to prevent grief to reset all build effects after 5 minutes.
  • Battle cries: Magic plugin should allow mage battle cries, displaying large effects of their power before entering battle, not physically doing anything, but displayed by particles.
  • Energy Recharge: You should be able to use a trait that adds Energy back faster, or if you select your race in Magic Plugin and they have prowess and specialty in magic, they recharge x2 faster by default. Or add Meditation, it would restore energy and effects quicker.
  • Race selection: Due to some races having magical prowess, people should be able to select their race, for example, if Talar, they receive x2 power in prowess, If Ch'ien-Ji, they receive x3 boost in prowess. Allowing their spells to be bigger in particles.
  • Level selection: To prevent incompliance abuse, people should select between Trainee, Student, Caster, Mage, Expert, Archmage (Permission only), doing so would affect the way they cast spells. For example, a caster of shadow magic couldn't stay in the void no longer than 2 minutes, but a mage for 5 minutes, depending on lore.
Looks great! love the ideas <3
Monday Revamp.
Eh, I think @MonMarty the great knows a bit more about this than I.
So from my limited knowledge on the workings of plugins and all related coding stuff here is my idear...

There is a special item in your inventory.
When said item is right clicked particles are generated and a message is displayed in local/emote chat.
Certain spells would require a person to be looking at another player.
Other perhaps the ground
Potion effects could be applied to nearby players if logical.
Possibly minor temporary terrain fluctuations if logical.

A positive of this is that the quantity of these items is easily limited, and for obvious reasons distribution of them would be, 'strongly discouraged'
Each item could pertain itself to a specific form of magic/spell
Second Edit Made

  • Idea Box. Player Ideas will be condensed into Spoilers titled their Usernames, Simply allowing me to copy and paste into the spoiler, thus simplifying the process leaving the main ideas uncluttered.
Too bad the server would lag even worse than it already does if this was implememted.
We were actually told that a magic plugin was going to be able implemented in the future back in 2014. I really hope this gets implemented in some way or another, and I'm really liking these ideas everyone is having. ~
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