Preserved Sheet Ludwig Theodor Fuchs

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Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Ludwig Theodor Fuchs is a 32 year old, Regalian male human.

  • Ludwig originates from the town of Lauenburg in the southern Mountain Chain of Regalia. More information about his family can be seen here.

  • Ludwig currently lives in the Fuchs Manor of the City of Regalia.

  • It is Ludwig's main life goal to have a steady and long-lasting relationship with the woman he loves, and to eventually start a family with her. By the way, he is interested in having his life as exciting and versatile as possible, while also serving his empire as well as he can.
Visual Information

Body Description

  • Ludwig is 6 feet and 2 inches (187.96cm) tall and has a total body weight of 192 pounds (87.09kg). His body build is rather toned due to his daily physical exercises His muscles are almost equally strong in his entire body, making no part more or less strong than another one.
  • Ludwig's skin tone is rather pale, almost appearing white in colour, coming from a naturally pale bloodline in addition to a preference of staying out of direct sunlight. He has a few barely visible freckles on his upper cheeks, and does not possess any tattoos. However, Ludwig has two scars on his body caused by the bites of Fallisma: One on his left hand, the other one on his right lower leg.
  • Ludwig carries a fairly average amount of body hair, yet nothing too prominent or distracting. While most of it is apparent on his legs, less can be found across his arms and chest, with no hair on his back whatsoever.
Head Description

  • While Ludwig's upper half of his face is fairly round, it grows more angular at the bottom and chin area. His nose is of medium size and flawlessly straight, and his lips are small to medium sized, just like his eyes.

  • Ludwig has hazel brown eyes which tend to give him a rather bothered looking expression.

  • Ludwig has middle long, naturally straight, dark brown hair. It ends about 1-2cm below his ears and forms a fringe on the left forehead. Most of the time, Ludwig can be seen with slight to medium sized stubbles, trimming them before they grow too large.

  • Ludwig's face is completely natural with no modifications and no special marks. It lacks any tattoos, piercings, scars, or anything alike.
Clothing and Accessories

  • Ludwig can always be seen wearing his family colours, his most common outfit consisting of a maroon colored jacket with steel shoulder plates over a dark brown shirt and dark gray pants. His boots consist of leather with additional steel modifications. It is also not uncommon to see Ludwig wearing dueling gloves in this outfit.
  • Ludwig rarely carries items of personal value with him, as those often lose their meanings to him after an undefined period of time.
Behavior Information

Personality Traits

  • Quiet: Ludwig prefers only to speak when being asked, when absolutely necessary, or at other rare exceptions. He possessed this trait since his childhood after often being told to think first before speaking, and due to his dislike of receiving large amounts of attention. One could say that he has the role of the silent bystander in most scenarios. Even when speaking, he usually has a rather calm, smooth voice independent from his feelings.

  • Unstressful: Ludwig can handle stress perfectly, and commonly lacks the ability of showing any signs of stress. This is a completely natural trait he had since his birth, which makes him an ideal candidate for many stressful or busy jobs.
  • Cold-Hearted: Ludwig usually shows no feelings for people unknown to him, such as deceased or injured soldiers he has never spoken to. This is a natural trait as well with no special background, often causing him to take large risks or dangers which might heavily influence the lives of others. To his close friends and family however, Ludwig is the complete opposite.

  • Jocular: Being a common trait in his family, Ludwig enjoys bringing a joke or a reference at any time he sees fit. Although he has a quiet nature, he often tends to interrupt his own silence by speaking out something funny. He does this independent from the scenario he is currently in, even should it be a time of mourning or during an intense battle.

  • Tactical: Ludwig has a good tactical understanding, always thinking ahead of plans and the possible good and negative outcomes of such. Although being of natural origin, Ludwig rapidly developed this trait as soon as he begun to aid as a tactician in the Qadir war, eventually having caused him to climb up to the position of the Grand Commander.

  • Irreligious: Although being loyal to his empire, Ludwig does not follow a religion like the ones close to him. He sees little point in praying and worshipping, but should he be asked however, he would always claim to be a loyal Unionist. Only the ones very close to him know of his true irreligious nature. He has no problems with religious people, as long as they do not attempt to bring Ludwig into a conversation about religious matters.

  • Sneaky: Ludwig has always been a rather sneaky person, making use of unfair ways to aid himself in various scenarios. He prefers to stay on the winning side and rarely ever values honor in battle. His ways may seem treacherous and cunning to most people, but he considers those as normal and would openly suggest anyone to do the same. One way to notice this trait would be by paying attention to the large amount of feints and backstabs he uses in a fight, or his military tactics.

  • Patriotistic: Ludwig loves the Empire of Regalia and would do anything in its favor. Ludwig developed this trait after often being told of the countless glorious stories in the past of the empire. This causes him to be highly motivated when it comes to warfare and rulership.

  • Loyal: Whether it is about the empire he is serving, his close friends, or his current lover, Ludwig would never give up his loyalty towards those. Although he may be sneaky in terms of other topics, loyalty to the ones who are close to him and to those he serves, is highly important in his eyes.

  • History and Myths: Ludwig has a high interest in history, always willing to hear something new from people. He has a high knowledge of the historical backgrounds of nations, especially when it comes to Regalia.

  • Swordsmanship: Since his eighth year of living, Ludwig had a big passion for swordsmanship in general, performing training exercises frequently. His great reflexes and body strength make him an excellent fighter, in addition to the large amount of first-hand experience from his time as a city guard and during war times. He favors the bastardsword over any other blade.

  • Ballroom Dancing: Although Ludwig might not seem so, he always loved dancing in a ballroom. He took lessons shortly after he moved to the capital city of Regalia, after having been introduced to such by a friend of his, and had this hobby ever since.

  • War: Ludwig usually denies the fact that he adores the sight and times of war. He takes great pleasure from watching ongoing battles and fighting in those himself, and enjoys the adrenaline, the risk, and all the glory he receives from such.

  • Silence: Ludwig adores complete silence, as he almost always finds himself in a loud and busy environment. It gives him time to relax and to concentrate his thoughts on certain topics.
  • Shyness: Shyness, social awkwardness and a display of confusion and naiveness are traits in women Ludwig finds a great deal of attraction towards. He would always favour someone possessing these attributes over a lustful, outgoing and straight forward person.

  • Ithanian Culture: Ludwig has a strong dislike against the culture of Ithania. This includes the behaviour of its people, their looks, the language, the architecture, and almost anything else about it. There is no background behind this extreme dislike, but many say this is natural for patriotistic Regalians like Ludwig.
  • Womanizer/Prostitution: Ludwig despises those who treat women like toys and keep switching their partners. He strongly believes a relationship is something somebody should value and maintain as long as possible. Hypocritically, he often finds himself again in such scenarios.
  • Sewers: After an incident in the sewers involving hordes of vampires, Ludwig occasionally gets nightmares of said place to this day. He almost lost his life during an incredibly painful experience there, and how he got out alive is still a mystery to him.
  • The Sun: Compared to those with tanned skin, Ludwig finds those who are pale much more beautiful. Besides this, Ludwig dislikes the natural heat of the summer and the blinding light of the sun. With the religion of the Qadir being centered around the sun, Ludwig's opinion on it has only shifted to the worse.
  • Qadir: The events of the Qadir war and the Qadir occupation caused a great distaste towards the brown skinned race in himself, only strengthened by the Hadravian War which followed afterwards. There is nothing he detests more than Qadir, viewing them as utterly evil and disgusting.
Abilities and Disabilities


  • Agile: Ludwig is a fairly agile person with naturally great reflexes and a physically trained body, making him an advantaged and talented swordsman. He performs physical training and exercises frequently to school his abilities further.

  • Calm: Ludwig always had the opposite of a short temper, the ability to keep calm and maintain the control over himself in almost any situation, as well when being put under a great deal of stress.

  • Observer: Instead of speaking, Ludwig often prefered to stay quiet and observe people. It is an ease for him to discover someone's weak spots. Realizing if something is wrong with someone or if they are hiding something, is also a thing Ludwig achieves with little effort.

  • Tactical: Ludwig has a good tactical understanding, always thinking ahead of plans and the possible good and negative outcomes of such. He schooled this skill even further as he aided as a tactician during the Qadir war, and eventually earned the promotion to the Grand Commander after proving his abilities.

  • Non-swimmer: It is one of Ludwig's biggest secrets, but also biggest weakness that he can't swim. He is afraid of entering deep water and usually always attempts to find an excuse not to do so.
  • Heroic/Addicted to Glory: Ludwig has experienced a lot of situations where he saw himself forced to play the hero. Examples of such would be scenarios during the wars he fought in, from his time as a city guard, or during the Fallisma purge. He does so mainly to satisfy his need for personal glory, and often brings himself into dangerous and risky situations this way. However, he would never sacrifice his life for the one of someone else, except for a few special individuals like his lover or the Emperor.
  • Fear of Fallisma and Sewers: After an incident in the poor district sewers where Ludwig was entirely overwhelmed by Fallisma and crippled for weeks, he developed a major fear of said creatures and would most likely refuse to fight them again in the future, just as he would refuse to enter the dark sewers once more.
  • Cold-Hearted: Ludwig is almost entirely unable to show any sort of affection or feelings for strangers. He often completely disregards them and cares little for their lives and well-being. Only the closest friends and family members are safe from his cold-heartedness.
  • Weak Left Arm: After the Fallisma incident in the sewers, Ludwig's left arm was badly broken and never properly healed. Quick motions, as well as lifting heavier objects can still be a pain to him.
Combat Styles

  • Offensive (Main Fighting Style): Ludwig favors the bastardsword for this fighting style, but he may also combine this with a slightly lighter or slighter larger weapons, like a longsword or a claymore. His right foot is directed forward, the left one pointed slightly sideways while squatting a small bit to give a comfortable yet stable pose. Ludwig has a large variety of postures when it comes to wielding the blade, constantly switching inbetween them during the fight to confuse the opponent, always using one which seems most appropriate at the situation. He usually attacks first, trying to push the enemy backwards and putting pressure upon them. Commonly, he either lets his first attack be parried intentionally or performs a feint, before striking for a mostly deadly second strike. After the fight, should his opponent be defeated, he usually leaves the body behind and doesn't care what is going to happen to it.
  • Defensive (Secondary Fighting Style): This fighting style is very similar to the offensive one, only that instead of attacking first and pushing the enemy behind, he focuses more on parrying incoming attacks and waiting for a good opportunity to strike, observing the enemy as they make their moves. He rarely uses this fighting style, usually only in 1 vs 1 duels.
  • Unarmed: When being equipped with no weapons or when he doesn't see a need to use weapons, he makes use of a fighting style which consists of basic punches commonly directed to face and abdomen, the footwork being similar to the footwork of his previous combat styles. He constantly covers his face with his fists and forearms, the right one positioned a little higher than the left one to provide a better sight, and due to his right arm being the by far stronger one. Ludwig usually uses his legs in combat fairly rarely, only to direct a straight and sudden kick towards the abdomen to push back the enemy. He wouldn't hold himself back from beating an enemy which is already on the ground, until it is eventually defeated. In the rare case of wishing to murder someone when being unarmed, he usually attempts to bring the enemy to the ground until they are too weak to continue fighting, after which he would attempt to wrap his right arm around the neck to eventually break it. He was educated in this technique from his time in the city guard.
Weapons of Choice

  • Bastardsword
  • Fists
Relationships (This needs some serious updating)

Friendly/Positive Acquaintances:
  • Nerys Typhonus - "Friend": Ludwig first met Nerys at the Typhonus Burgh, where he was escorted out by her when taking his leave. The two had a brief, friendly talk, where they decided to step out and try to be more social together. They spoke again at the noble lounge about all kinds of topics, and Ludwig sees her as someone close to a friend by now, despite still knowing fairly little about her.

  • Daniel de Blouscher - Somewhat of a Friend: To the outside, Ludwig respects Daniel as a friend, knight and ex-fiancee of his cousin, although the Ithanian heritage of the man and a few other features slightly disturb him. He wouldn't hesitate sacrificing Daniel for his own advantage, unlike with his other, true friends.

  • Christopher Black - Friendly Acquaintance: Out of the entire nobility, Ludwig comes across Chris more often than with the majority of the rest. The two upkeep a friendly relationship, and aim to keep it that way.

  • Tristan Kade - Friendly Acquaintance, Co-Fighter: During the Qadir Occupation, there were large hostilities between Tristan and Ludwig as they discussed the concept of the Crownguard Rebellion. With the Hadravian War however, their old disputes came to an end as they were eventually fighting against the Qadir together. Since then, they upkept a rather positive relationship, despite no longer talking as much as they used to. Still, Ludwig sees him more as a brute than an honorable lord.

  • Max Typhonus - Friendly Acquaintance, Fellow Guard: Ludwig has little to say about Max. Although he respects him for being well versed on military tactics and for assisting Ludwig in the Violet Order, Max's past marriage is something he would rather not think about

  • Faustina Walerius - Friendlier Acquaintance: Although Ludwig is not as much of a wine lover as she is, Ludwig enjoys the presence of the Regalian woman in a way, moreso than many others as he has yet to find a reason to hold a grudge of some sort against her.

  • Jared Silverhand - Friendly Acquaintance, Co-Fighter and Fellow Guard: Ludwig likely first saw Jared patrolling the streets of Regalia, and little have they interacted until times of war and Ludwig's return to the Violet Order. Although he appreciated his helpfulness in the city guard, Ludwig keeps getting surprised by the lack of respect he shows the Duke. But on second thought, he told him to treat him like any other recruit, after all.
  • Helena Fuchs - Past Lover, Ex-Fiancee, Adopted Sister: Originally having been adopted into the family at a very young age, Ludwig spent countless hours in Helena's presence, often helping her in personal matters and growing to be one of the closest people to her. In 302AC when Helena followed Ludwig to Regalia, over a course of many weeks the two developed a romance, which soon followed by a marriage blessing by the Emperor himself. Unfortunately with the Qadir war however, and with Ludwig being on the constant verge of death, after a series of personal occurrences Helena called off the marriage, unable to deal with the emotional burden. At this point, the two remain as close, valued friends.

  • Harald Fuchs - Cousin, Ex-Co-Fighter: Ludwig and Harald have spent little time together, and rarely have they talked outside of social gatherings and events, or war. Most of the time they went separate ways, and thus knew little about each other. Harald took in a valuable role during the Qadir War, the time where the two got to know each other better. As the war came to an end, Harald disappeared on a supposed temporary journey to Daendroc, never to be seen again. He is assumed to be dead or shipwrecked as nobody has managed to find any hints of his whereabouts.

  • Pepin Fuchs - Cousin, Friend: Outside their childhood, Ludwig spoke very little to Pepin until she recently decided to follow the rest of the family to the Holy City of Regalia. The two often engage in smalltalk and have a rather positive relationship, especially thanks to how Ludwig gave his uneasy approval for the marriage with Daniel de Blouscher.

  • Klara Fuchs - Sister, Neutral Relationship: Ludwig and Klara's conversations more often than not consist of playful teases and mocking, but rarely do they speak in a friendly manner about something. With Ludwig's strict denial of her marrying Aron Santorski, their relationship only shifted a bit more to the worse.

  • Carina Fuchs - Cousin, Positive Relationship: Although the two quiet individuals speak very little with each other, they find little to argue about, and Ludwig usually enjoys her quiet, innocent company.
Enemies/Negative Acquantances:
  • Couldn't think of any :0

Life Story

Ludwig was born in winter of the year 270AC in the Regalian town of Lauenburg on the southern Mountain Chain. He grew up with his younger sister Klara Fuchs and his adoptive sister Helena Fuchs. When he was six years old, Ludwig entered a local private school with financial aid of his father Björn Fuchs, a rich merchant and real estate agent. Two years later, he received private education in swordsmanship by a hired teacher. When Ludwig learned about the history of Regalia, it did not take long until his patriotic spirit awoke. At the age of 12, Ludwig meanwhile became the apprentice of his father and begun to learn more about business and the real estate trade.

When he was 20, the young Fuchs moved to the capital city of Regalia to expand the company of his family, Fuchs Real Estate. He lived in an apartment and worked as a servant for various noble houses as a side job for additional income. Multiple months later, the first Fuchs Real Estate office in Regalia was established. The years passed and the family business grew, while Ludwig never stopped to train his skills with the blade. Having tried a multitude of blades, he begun to favor the bastardsword over anything else. Ludwig got more involved with the local nobility, forming friendships with many of those and eventually, it was not uncommon for him to receive invitations to noble parties and balls. This inspired him to take lessons for ballroom dancing for a few months, in addition to his already busy life as a real estate agent.

At the age of 29, an incurable disease struck Ludwig's father Björn, leaving him alone fully in charge of the company. With the so far raised money and profit the company brought in, more staff were hired to assist Ludwig in performing his job. At the age of 31, Ludwig's life took a lot of sudden twists. He fought at the Elven War where he saved the life of Ulric Typhonus, participated in the Typhonus-Consortium War, the biggest battle in the history of Regalia, survived the vampire horrors of the sewers together with a Qadir air mage friend, and became a city guard for a couple months. More members of his family followed Ludwig to Regalia, including his adoptive sister Helena Fuchs who found themselves in a romance with each other as a few months passed. As the last remnant of the Segers family, close relatives and ancestors of House Fuchs, deceased, the earldom of Säbelsberg was given to Christian Fuchs, who however passed the title to Ludwig due to his efforts for the family and his set of skills.

Soon after his 32nd birthday, Ludwig proposed to Helena and received a generous blessing for their marriage during an addition with the Emperor of Regalia, who recited a poem for them in their native tongue and ordered the imperial gardener to create a large orchidee to celebrate such. Soon, the Qadir war erupted and Ludwig saw himself forced to send Helena and the other members of the family, who couldn't fight, to Säbelsberg and eventually to Lusits where they would be safe. Ludwig participated in the Qadir war as a tactician due to a lack of those, where he put his knowledge on tactics to use for the first time. More prestige and honor for the family was gained due to his actions, and he was eventually promoted to be the Grand Commander of the Grand Imperial Host.

As the Qadir occupied the city, Ludwig refused to pledge allegiance with the brownskins of the east, and thus was permanently jailed. After three months have passed, rebels storming Greygate released Ludwig, after which he granted the Crownguard Rebellion his support. Luckily however, he was never accused of operating with them when they were declared traitors, despite Ludwig having technically been the co-leader. As the Qadir were finally driven out of Regalia, Ludwig was granted a second earldom due to his past efforts at war and thus became the Duke of Dragenthal, and Lord Commander of the Third Army during the upcoming Hadravian War where his tactical and combat expertise was schooled further. Near the end of the war however, the marriage between Ludwig and Helena which was planned and postponed over a course of many months, eventually called off after personal conflicts with his fiancee at the time, emotionally striking Ludwig greatly for the coming weeks.

Months later after the battle of the Curag Field, where Ludwig commanded the second central column of the Regalian Forces, Ludwig re-joined the City Guard to further his skill in combat against the fog beasts. After various conversations with specific individuals, personal conflicts and reflections on his past courtship, Ludwig gave in and decided to keep himself out of any upcoming larger battles, and instead, decided to shift most of his attention on researching military land tactics and maneuvers.
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I am reviewing this character!

  • I would add one more weakness to balance his 6 strengths, as "Bad at weapons he's not good at" is a bit iffy.

Progress: Pending!
Finally got around to updating Ludwig's relationships. These are just a few ones I could think of right off the bat, and there's likely soon to be added more. Also, I'm currently on the lookout for updated character art of Ludwig. I removed the art section for now as most of it was horribly outdated.
Likes, dislikes, life story as well as appearance updated with the events of the past months. Also fixed a variety of grammar mistakes here and there.