Preserved Sheet Lance Valium

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Particular Pirates
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Regalia, Southside
Roleplay Guilds
Black Family Household
Basic Information
  • Lance Elijah Valium is a twenty-nine year old male Ceardian Ailor.
  • Lance is the son of Glenn Valium and Karrie Augusta, born in a small trading town on the coast of Ithania. After a failed abortion, Karrie gave full custody to Glenn. His stepmother Natasha and step sister Clarice quickly bonded with him. Natasha has passed and Clarice currently lives in Ithania with her husband. His father has dropped off the face of the world and yet to reappear.
  • Lance doesn't have a current place of residence since he has just returned to Regalia.
  • Lance's main goal is to find honest work in Regalia, but is currently trying find out to discover what happened to his father.
Visual Information

Body Description
  • Lance stands at 5'10" and weighs around 190 lbs. He has a smaller frame and has a healthy physique. Even after his time as a sellsword, Lance keeps his sturdy figure of his youth. His broad shoulders look larger in comparison to his tiny waist. His arms are naturally strong from fighting rather strong competitors. His body is toned in an athletic fashion.
  • Lance's skin is of a deep tanned hue, almost Daendroque in color. The tan has been received from long days of work in the sun as a sellsword. Upon his upper left chest right over his heart a tattoo of The Viridian Legion rests. A claw slash marks the lower abdomen from an encounter with a large Thylan. A burn mark on his back right shoulder serves as a constant reminder of his abuse filled childhood. Multiple minor cuts and scratches make up the rest of his body from numerous bar fights and skirmishes as a sellsword.
  • Lance has a thin layer of red hair covering his torso and arms as are his legs. His golden red hair contrasts against light skin tone. He doesn't posses any extreme amount of hair on his body besides from his head.
Head Description
Lance Valium.jpg

  • Lance's head is squarish in nature with a highly defined jawline. His cheekbones aren't highly noticeable. Most of his other features are average in proportion. His eyes rest in center on his face. A thin laugh line marks the sides of his mouth, but is covered by the red stubble covering his face.
  • Lance's eyes are a deep shade of olive but tend to adopt a lighter hue when in a brighter mood. His eyes are nearly identical to his father's. They lack any round features, being rather narrow height wise. He has a lively, caring air around him.
  • Lance's head is filled with golden red hair. His full head of hair has a thick strand jutting outward to his right. It is wavy in nature and made of thick strips of hair. A thin layer of red stubble covers his face, often kept at a short, manageable length.
  • Lance does not have any markings or piercings on his face except from a long scar starting on his right forehead stretching to his cheek. Surprisingly he hasn't accumulated any other major scars on his face during his time in battle.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Lance's choice of clothing is that of an adventurer. He wears rugged leather boots and tan tunic with shorter sleeves. He prefers to keep light armor on hand around his wrists and shoulders. He has leather belts strapping across his chest and waist.
  • The only true item of meaning to Lance is a iron shoulder guard. This piece of armor was handed down to him from his father. He doesn't have many accessories that he wears on a regular basis.
Behavior Information

Personality Traits

  • Brave: Lance will fight to defend anyone who he calls friend with his life. If he see someone getting attacked for no good reason, Lance will intervene and protect. Lance doesn't approve of pointless violence and will fight against it. He will more often then not think of others before himself.

  • Kind: Lance always have a reassuring and friendly smile when talking to a new face. He tends to keep a good natured friendship with others. His kindness seems to radiate off and acts as a easy friend. He acts in a more friendly nature when approaching an new person.

  • Social: Lance has formed plenty of friendships in his life. There is no reason for there to be a stranger in the room when you can go and introduce yourself. They histories and cultures of all the different people of Aloria absolutely fascinates Lance. He will go out of his way to start an conversation and when one ends he will go out and start another.

  • Protective: Lance is protective in nature. He cannot bring himself to harm women, children, or the innocent. When he spots someone who is in trouble, Lance can't help but give an helping hand. This helpful stance can anger others who are trying to do the other harm. He will put another at an higher priority than himself.

  • Independent: Lost. Lance is absolutely terrified of the idea of losing another person who he holds close. After losing his parents and Alyssia, Lance is hesitant to care someone for more than just a friend. He fills this void of lost love with many and more friends and acquaintances. This makes him scared to form any deep bonds.

  • A Hopeless Romantic: Lance is constantly falling in love with beautiful woman he spots in the tavern. He is easily toyed with when a charming woman approaches him. He treats women with respect, but can easily falls head over heels. This makes him easily manipulated to do as they bid. He will often get lost in thought when staring at a woman of great charm.

  • Impatient: Lance is one to jump head first into a situation without much knowledge of what is happening. Waiting and doing nothing are impossible for Lance to do for long periods of time. He will start up a conversation to get things happening if there is a lack of action. He can also be called an thrill seeker, opting a battle whenever it is an option.

  • Guileless: Lance more often than not will speak his mind on the subject. His reforming moral compass sometimes forgets the fact that others may be sensitive to certain topics like death and lost. This insensitive is a problem when talking in conversation. Whenever he notices that he may have said something to displease another, he will struggle for a way to apologize.

  • Brash: The other half of his braveness. Lance's brashness will often get him into difficult situations. This brashness is an effect of being too hotheaded. When ever he has to make a heat of the moment decision, it is often the wrong one.
  • Fighting: Either from his rebellious nature or his sellsword past, Lance will never say no to a fight. However he won't go attack unless provoked or defending someone else. Fighting is a way to vent anger.

  • The Sea: The soothing rhythm of the waves is enough to calm any soul. The presence of the open water clears him of all pent up anger. He was taught by his father how to skillfully operate a hook-and-rod, and can fetch himself a meal whenever a open body of water is near.

  • Alcohol: The quickest way to Lance's heart is through a pint of ale. Alcohol calm his nerves and resolve. He probably gets this tendency to drink from his borderline alcoholic father. He has an iron stomach built for alcohol and he can chug down many glasses before he feels tipsy.

  • Socializing: Lance will never turn down good company. He is quick to start up a conversation with anyone nearby. Silence and brooding doesn't suit well with him. He surrounds himself with those he cares about.

  • Adventure: The thrill of setting out to faraway lands to fight unknown foes fills his veins with pure rush. Whether it be hiking across deserts or mountains or spelunking in the sewers, Lance will not turn down an exciting experience.

  • The Wilderness: The faint chirping of birds and crickets, the beaming sunlight shining through the leaves of overhanging trees, and the song of the flowing rhythm of trees swaying in the wind. These qualities of natures are all what draws him to the outback of society.
  • His Mother: Any and all mention of his mother makes him sore. He rarely mentions how he is the son of a seductress. He hasn't spoken with her since the day in Havenreach when he left with his father.

  • Silence: The absence of sound can give Lance an anxious feeling, straining his neck to listen to even the faintest of sounds. The chirping of crickets or the rustle of trees is enough to put the restless soul to ease.

  • Cruelty: Why people go out of their way to cause people harm has always been a question to Lance. If someone is being overly harmful to someone, Lance will intervene to protect the victim. He can't stand seeing a woman or child being harmed and will place their safety over his.

  • Storms: Storms are ill omens at sea. One over powerful storm can doom an entire voyage. The sudden flash of lightning and rumble of thunder makes Lance anxious to say the least. Opting for cover from the pounding rain, Lance will usually keep to indoors when a storm is thundering outside.

  • Slavery: Slavers are more often than not cruel to their slaves. Doomed to a lifetime of servitude is a crueler fate than death. People should not be treated as property but as actual people.

  • Abandoning: Many people who Lance cared about have left his life. Glenn, Natasha, and mostly Alyssia. The idea of losing another loved one terrifies Lance more than he shows.
Abilities and Disabilities


  • Fortitude: The nimble redhead has taken several beatings. His body has gotten so accustomed to pain that he can undergo much more pain than another man. His fighting style is tailored around this with a slightly more aggressive stance.
  • Brave: Lance is rather confident in his own actions. He will jump into action to protect anyone in trouble. He doesn't think the actions through more times than not, leading him to even more trouble.
  • Witty: Lance can produce quality wisecracks for comebacks. Along with this he can be perceptive on the ongoing situation. He is fairly educated, for a common born.
  • Unintimidating Size: Lance's small frame leaves much to desire. When standing toe to toe with one of the many strong men of Aloria, his opponent won't be too afraid to start a fight. This isn't much of an problem though because he is eager to fight with anyone who's wanting to mess with him.
  • Hotheaded: As his hair color suggests, Lance is hot tempered. He is quick to put up a fight if insulted. His fiery attitude goes along with his fiery red hair. He'll take to most insults thrown at him, delivering an equally offensive insult back.
  • Temptation: Woman and alcohol, the two temptations that control his life. Lance has fallen head over heels for a woman more times than he cares to admit. If a beautiful woman were to flaunt herself to him, Lance would fall into her hands and do whatever to please her.
  • Small Frame: As said above, Lance's small frame leaves much to desire. If he were to go head to head with someone with pure strength, Lance would lose in a few heartbeat. Lance prefers polearms for this reason, keeping them away where strength doesn't matter.
Combat Styles
  • Lance adopts a more offensive stance in combat. His style is a combination of his evasiveness and endurance. He keeps his opponent at an range with his polearm or whip. With small jabs and stabs, Lance wears down his opponent. He takes an more reckless approach when sights of fatigue are shown. His high pain tolerance allows him to take more hits before he falls down.
Weapons of Choice
  • Ashrune: A sturdy, trustful spear made from an ash tree tipped with steel. Lance's prefer weapon of use. He is highly proficient with any long polearm however, being taught by his father from a young age. His time as an sellsword has made this skill even greater.

  • Tide Breaker: A simple metal lightweight buckler shield that he matches with his spear.

  • Whip: A long, durable whip that he stole off a slaver he slayed. It's leatherwork is marvelous in looks, though worn from years of use. Lance has become quite skilled with this slaver's tool, putting it to better use than its past owners.

  • Fisticuffs: Lance is quite capable in a fight himself. He isn't one who could be easily pushed around in a fight.


Glenn Valium(Father @Kelpsy )-Lance has a rather strained relationship with his father. Glenn did not approve of his leaving of the den. Lance still holds his father at a high regard, but grows rash when ever he applies his logic on Lance's life choices. With his sudden disappearance, Lance has set out to Regalia in search for him and discover his fate.

Karrie Augusta(Birthmother )-Lance's relationship with his mother is even more strained. Abuse and abandoning haunts all memories of his mother. He was left alone many nights as she worked her dishonest profession. He hasn't seen her since leaving Havenreach and doesn't plan on doing so anytime soon.

Natasha Valium(Stepmother )-Lance adapted averagely well with his stepmother. The ideal version of an mother. This religious nomad taught Lance the ways of exploring and living off the land.

Clarice Valium(Stepsister )-Clarice always looked up to Lance. Her older brother was her watchful protector. Clarice is his only living family besides Sawyer. He trusts no one as much as his little sister.

Alyssia Hughes(Lost Love )-Lance's old flame. He doesn't know why she left him and is plagued with trying to find out why.

Sawyer Valium(Son )-Lance's own blood. Lance has never been given such responsibility. He has no knowledge how to raise a child, so he gave him to his sister to watch over.

Life Story

Glenn Valium and Karrie Augusta had a week long fling resulting in Lance on a summer night in the Regalian docks in 274 AC. As soon as Karrie realized this she cut her ties with Glenn and fled home to Ithania. His seductress mother attempted an abortion with her primitive tools and lacking skills. She paralyzed herself from the waist below. When Lance was finally born, Karrie was already on her next fling. Karrie was more than unfit to take care of a child. What little time she did take raising the child, it was of poor attempts.

Karrie's latest boy toy, Aaron, was even more abusive than her. As Lance started to grow up, Aaron and Karrie would come home drunk and lash out their sorrows on Lance. Their maltreatment continued throughout his entire childhood. It was during this time that Aaron threw Lance to the ground in a fit of rage. On the ground what the remnants of a fire was burning, meant to provide the child with what little warmth it could muster. The child's high pitch screams echoed through the small town. A burning mark scarred the upper half of his back right shoulder. When Karrie discovered this, she left town leaving Aaron to his drunk sorrows.

They arrived in Havenreach shortly after their departure. Karrie was adapting well to city life, getting much more profit from her less than lucrative job. Lance was spending more time by the docks, seeing it fit to explore the city now he was growing of age. He could often be seen working as a dock hand carry packages from ship to ship. The young redhead grew into a athletic teen when a mysterious blonde came into his home one day. When he saw Karrie under his shoulder, Lance simply thought he was another one of her patrons here to enjoy her talents. Lance was more than surprised when Karrie revealed him as father. Lance knew he was some man's bastard, but he always hoped it was some famed adventure or charming pirate. However Glenn Valium was a caring man, a different kind of person than Lance's have ever known. All of the men Karrie has brought home had abused him in some kind of way. Glenn was nothing like those other men though. This affectionate man took full custody over the young redhead and took him away from the cold hearted seductress.

Lance, Glenn, and his love Natasha sailed back to Regalia. Shortly after the two were married and had a blonde girl, Clarice. They lived a relatively happy life in the Poor District. Glenn took multiple jobs to provide for his needing wife and child. Glenn trained Lance in the ways of combat, spear and shield by custom. He grew extremely proficient with the polearms. Lance was more independent however. He would be gone at days at a time roaming the holy city. He acted as a roguish young man, taking less than honest jobs dealing opium to the needing people of the Poor District. It never occurred to his family that the majority of the funds the family had was from Lance and not Glenn. When the guards increased their presence in the slums of the Poor District, Lance subtly suggested to his father that they take a change of scenery. Glenn moved them up to the Common District. Lance continued his dishonest work, acting as a common thug. He fought in dozens of bar fights before he needed a change of scenery himself. He said his farewells to Regalia and sailed towards Ithania.

Immediately after arriving back home in Ithania, Lance was approached two men who appeared to be recruiters. Sellswords by the looks of them. Lance sensed immense amounts of adventure with them. He eagerly signed up for The Viridian Legion. The familiar lands were a welcome sight to him. Lance and the other sellswords grew fond of eachother fast. He had the symbol of the legion tattooed to over his heart, a viridian clover in the mouth of a wolverine. Lance consumed many a drinks, proving his iron stomach to alcohol. He also picked up a few things on how to brew his own ale and other drinks. Lance fought in several battles during his time as a Legionnaire. They came upon a band of Qadir slavers enslaving a village of helpless farmers. When they intervened, Lance got his first taste of death when a raging Thylan guard tackled him. Being thrown into a wall, the unarmed brute slash at Lance's gut. The slash cut through his leather armor. Luckily Lance was able to reach for his dagger and inlodge it in the Thylan's chest. The Thylan fell to the ground dead. With his spear in hand Lance attacked the nearest slaver who was trying to flee the battle. His spear caught him in the calve and he fell to the ground. Lance restrained himself from killing the man though, not seeing the purpose of killing the now harmless man. A finely crafted whip caught his eye, taking it as a prize. The battle was mostly over and the Legion received compensation for their rescue of the small village. The fought several more battles as they traveled across the continent of Ithania. Lance was a greenboy no longer, being bloodied to the true dangers of life.

After the large battle in the farmer's village, Lance met a farmer's daughter. Her bewitching grin and enticing body caught Lance's eye from across the field. Lance fell for Alyssia on first sight. The two spent the better part of a year together before they discovered Alyssia was pregnant with their child. History seemed to repeat itself because when their son, Sawyer, was born, Alyssia left town. With even more knews stacking on, Lance got word that his father has been missing for more than a year. Heartbreak washed over him. He sent his son to his sister to raise with her family. Lance sailed to Regalia to seek out Glenn's fate.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • Good job on physical description. Personality traits could use some touchin' up; lengthen them all to 4-5 sentences each, look at it from an objective standpoint, and describe Lance's decision making process given his traits.
  • Props for 4 weaknesses, 3 strengths. Always good to have more flaws than strengths; it makes rp infinitely more fun.
  • Beyond the personality traits, no complaints here. well written. Tag me when you're done @Bounden
Progress: Pending!