Preserved Sheet John Sasindota

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • John Kalerius Romanique Sasindota is a 29 year old Male Ailor Human
  • Mary-Anne Remela-Mother, 49, Alive
    Pericles Sasindota-Father, 48, Alive
    Sunesta, Orchallia, and Hannah Sasindota-Triplet Sisters, all 19, Alive
    Adrian Sasindota-Uncle, 43, Alive
    Domonique Remela-Aunt, 46, Alive
    Adeline Remela-Cousin, 24, Alive
    Garret Sasindota-Cousin, 26, Alive
  • A room in the Common District of Regalia
  • He hopes to one day become a master chef
Visual Information
Body Description

Body Description has 3 main bullet list points, follow the template below. These bullet points should give the reader a good mental image of what your character looks like.
  • A lightly built, 6 feet tall and 183 lbs man who is quite strong in his arms while his legs are weaker. He poped his left arm out of it's socket once and sustained one broken leg bone in his travels.
  • He has a skin tone of 4 however has a curious light rash on several parts of his body
  • He has very little to speak of except a little in his crotch area
Head Description
  • He has a rounded face with a simple nose, with very average features with nothing popping out. Medium sized ears, mouth, eyes, nose, he looks quite normal and insignificant to most as he passes them by.
  • His eyes are light blue and he normally has a clam and measured look on his face
  • He has short messy brown hair which he normally keeps under his chef's hat and is very difficult to get under control; he has no facial hair other then the occasion grizzle that he immediately shaves off
  • He has no facial accessories
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing and accessories has 2 main bullet list points. This point is optional, but still recommended. This list should give the reader a good impression of what your character usually wears.
  • He normally wears a white cotton tunic with a slit in the front and brown trousers with sturdy brown leather boots. His work clothing is similar to this, just with the added small chef's hat and brown leather apron (over time though, most of his whites have become discoloured into a beige). For those rare combat situations, he has a pair of armoured gauntlets, a chain mail shirt and a sallet along with a quiver for his crossbow bolts
  • He only carries with him the essentials of a small dagger, a coin purse and his wits
Behavior Information
Personality Traits

  • Joyful- He a joyful person with little hate in his life normally, mostly choosing to let negative things go
  • Fierce- In contrast to his joy, he can be very fierce and over the top if he is severely insulted or believes in a cause enough
  • Overcautious- He does not like to rush into things, preferring instead to take a step back and look at the whole situation before proceeding
  • Stubborn- He is a very stubborn person and dislikes to compromise with most things, especially his cooking
  • Compassionate- He is a kind soul, giving to those who have little, a trait he quickly adapted while on his journeys and was seen quite a bit in the Poor District where he once ran his Bakery
  • Reserved- He says little, only sayings things essential to the task at hand and does not beat around the bush when saying so
  • Direct- He is often very direct when he speaks, getting the point across and not caring if he offends anyone in the process
  • Loyal- He is loyal to his homeland, his fellow Ithanians (when they are in the right), the Emperor and to those who earn his trust, no one else
  • Puzzles- In his younger years, he enjoyed and became fascinated with puzzles, developing a wealthy of knowledge in his mind about a number of them
  • Fine Ithanian Food- What kind of Ithanian would he be if he didn't like his own people's cooking?
  • Good Aromas- A fine flower, a beautiful fragrance, he loves the good smells of the world and hopes to always wake up to some lovely smell (although that isn't really an option in his current living conditions)
  • Other Ithanians- He is overjoyed when he meets some of his fellow countrymen and they don't ask stupid questions about what he is saying
  • Orcs- He dislikes Orcs as he finds they have no refined pallet and are the rudest of all the races
  • Felines and Tigrans- He is allergic to cats
  • Over-Complication- Simple plans are the best, get your priorities in order, make a simple goal and try the quickest way there. No grand, over the top, micro-managed plans
  • Robbers- He hates those who are stupid enough to try this against him and other shop owners, begging would be more helpful then wasting the time of the Violet Order and Brute Squad
Abilities and Disabilities

  • Cooking: He is an excellent cook and has his own spins on various common dishes that make them quite fine indeed. As such, many have complimented him on them yet he still has yet to gain a significant patron
  • His Kindness: He has made many a friend overseas and in the city from amongst the poor of Regalia when he had his Bakery there
  • Puzzle Solver: Since he was little, he has always enjoyed puzzles, solving and learning about many of them. As an adult, he is always looking for a challenge
Weaknesses works the same way as Strengths, in that it requires an Physical oriented weakness, a Personality oriented weakness and a combat oriented weakness. You can however add more.
  • His Legs: Due to weak bones, they are rather weak and a major weakness in combat, easily damageable
  • Overcautious: He is highly prone to retreat if the odds aren't enough in his or his group's favour; if in a group he will make the suggestion to run and if not heeded will begin to tackfully withdraw from the majority of the fighting
  • Little Hand to Hand skill: Very little hand to hand combat skills, other then stabbing and parrying
Combat Styles
Avoidance: He tries to avoid direct fights as he is trained in long-ranged combat and is very weak in hand to hand. If attacked from short range, he will try to simply punch them away, deflect the bows with his wrist gauntlets or retreat

Weapons of Choice: His crossbow "Fer-Feu"

Nelfin Talar Ranger Maeglin Séregon (NPC): A ranger whom he met in the wilds of Daendroc whom he occasionally receives contact from. They were together until he reached Daenshore when the Ranger left him and several other travellers to continue his previous mission.

Nelfin Isldar Singer Caranthir Lossëhelin (NPC): A female companion from his time in Ellador, she followed him for the last leg of his journey as they had a common destination.

Torof Anvilcrafter (NPC): A dwarven warrior whom he met during his earlier travels of Ellador, they became friends through their shared liking of puzzles.

Life Story
Birth and Childhood

A child born into the loving and well-off Sasindota Family of Havenreach, he grew up surrounded by the love and joy of his parents and relatives. At age 5, he was given his first culinary instrument, a wooden spoon which he used to help his mother make cookie dough. As he got older, he became more skilled in the kitchen, specifically with baking pastries and the like. He also exercised much, his father and uncle urging him to do so. They were both quite athletic themselves as they were Ex-Marines in the Imperial Navy. They made the young John understand that in order to have a better chance out in the world, you needed to be fit and ready for anything (They were slightly paranoid about the world). It also didn't hurt in the romance department...

Teenage Years
His mother and aunt taught him to bake and cook while his father and uncle taught him to exercise and fight. He also started going to culinary school at age 17 and quickly began to excel. After 5 years at the culinary school, he graduated and soon developed wanderlust to see the rest of Ithania and the world. His family gave him food, supplies, a good horse and a crossbow for his journey. In the beginning of his journey, he first travelled across The Arodine Strait onto the Ithanian plains and studied the many foods made in that area before moving into the North. He then journeyed down to the swamplands before entering the desert. He learned of many interesting a quirky foods found there and he turned 23 a few days before he entered the lands of Daendroc.

Young Adult Years
He rode down through the jungles and swamps of Daendroc, learning about the many things swamp dwellers, Elves and even some Yanar eat. He arrived in Daenshore and decided against going to Talad Methen, for he was yearning to see his family again. When he returned via boat, he then stayed for several months, playing with his little sisters, catching up with old friends and taking a rest from his journey. He then went out travelling again, quickly skirting through Jorrhilder (during summer, thank Gods) before journeying through Ellador, learning some of the food and culinary techniques of the Dwarves, Thylan and Northern people along the way. He then decided to go and conquer his greatest challenge, learning about Regalian food and society in the holy city itself. He settled down in the Poor District and opened up a bakery in order to pay the rent. He then returned home back to Ithania to complete his training and became a chef after several months of intense studying his has returned to the city and his opened his own restaurant, The White Sun.
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Greetings @The_Shadow_King3 ! Thank you for your patience.
  • It's quite interesting to see a chef character in Regalia, very original!
  • Overall, the character design is solid and I see no lore inconsistencies. However, I feel that more detail could be added to the introduction. Perhaps you could go into more detail about what makes the character tick, and how he views certain things. Other than that, lovely work.