Archived Inflation Or Deflation

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Jun 30, 2012
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Simple question, what would you prefer happened to the economy inflation or deflation.
If you don't understand it or want to know more about economy. Read this.
The reason I ask is because I care about the massivecraft economy. But if I should suggest any changes I should know what the community wants (which I guess is inflation).
Remember: Most of the time I have been on the server the economy had deflation. So if we don't do anything deflation will problary happen.

Best Regards Madus

EDIT: If you leave a comment more people will see this, and we can get a better understanding of what people want.
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Inflation, it's harder to get money now that premiums don't get 750 per month.
Looking at the poll, the answers is spread out.
I am just confused that some people want the prices to fall even more.
Link is fixed. Now there is a link to info about economy (it was in my signature anyways)
i vote for inflation. you need capital to make capital right?
@Jack_The_Unseen can you not negative rate me over a joke please? :3
Hey, Evil's not negative, it's neutral :)

Not to mention you're the "Demon of Raptum" And;

i vote for inflation. you need capital to make capital right?
Yes, you need money to get a shop (the rent). And maybe some money to get e goods you sell. Unless you get it yourself.
I would, but that would lower its value ;)
Ghost is correct. But look at it this way, if you get money from learning people to earn money. They might lower the value of that method a bit. But you have earned more than lost. If you take a reasonable price for it.
So all this talk is good and all I would love to have some to a lot of inflation but how would you suggest it actually happening?
So all this talk is good and all I would love to have some to a lot of inflation but how would you suggest it actually happening?
That is exactly why I made this post. I couldn't say everyone wanted deflation if they wanted inflation or vice versa. Now my suggestions can be much more accurate. It will get it's own post, but first when I am home from holiday.
I don't want Inflation, and I don't want Deflation either. Those are both considered negative occurrences in a societies economy. I'd rather have stabilization, or something that "fixes" the economy rather than "destroying" it. Fighting Deflation with Inflation is like fighting a red fire with a blue fire. Any good outcome from that will be completely coincidental.
I like fire, but on a serious note laach do you really like the economy the way it is now? I sure don't and I'm pretty sure others will agree that it needs a change
I at least don't want it to be forced but maybe a gradual thing; although I'm not and don't claim to be an expert at economy or anything of the like so meh.
With many recent changes having deflation as effect. I guess you want, some changes giving inflation to make it equal.
And as I said.
Simple question, what would
Remember: Most of the time I have been on the server the economy had deflation. So if we don't do anything deflation will problary happen.
Another thing that means we should, work for inflation.
If I am true on my statements in this comment. I would say voting "Some inflation" would suit best. Because you would support more changes giving inflation.
EDIT: Another thing you might want, is new items to make the economy more interesting. Just a thought.
Now what do you mean by new items? like new voting items or what?
I just want my money to be worth something useful, so... inflation for the win?
You have this backwards. If you want your money to mean something you want deflation.

I'm all for deflation. I see absolutely no reason to support inflation. Furthermore, the economy isn't broken and doesn't need to be fixed. There is no unobtrusive way to alter an economy anyway without delaying the natural course of the determinants of the economy.

Supporting inflation is supporting sloth. It neutralizes the challenge of doing well and makes winning meaningless. It's akin to an invincibility cheat code to beat a game.

I also argue that there is only regional deflation/inflation and that reciprocal changes in the market have made it relatively neutral. This enhances the challenge of an economic win and should be PROTECTED and not attacked.
@Gilmania There is no natural way. All changes make difference, mcmmo makes it easier to gather resources. Regalia takes money out of the system. There is a lot of things that change the economy, the question is just which changes we want.
And why is supporting inflation sloth? And what do you mean by winning, here is no way to win minecraft, it's a game with endless experiences to be tried.
If I have 10.000 regals, and the server has deflation. I leave for 1 year. When I come back my regals is worth more. So I got richer by doing nothing, is that fair?
Someone who has 10,000 regals is winning more than someone who has 10. Inflation is never equal, and will inevitably lead to the increase in prices of small, useless items as compared to big, valuable ones. This is the source of most of the "omgzzzz the economeeeeee! tis broken!". Really, it is usually about people who are upset they are not getting more god weapons for their stacks of cobblestone, or the equivalent of such.

Inflation means that those who are not talented at obtaining truly valuable items can still be as successful as those who are. Therefore, supporting inflation is supporting the continued lack of initiative, work ethic, and determination of these individuals. It is MassiveWelfare.

As a successful merchant, I cannot support the success of the dirty proletariat!
Why would you want to make the game easier? This is supposed to be a challenge, not 4th grade soccer where everyone gets a trophy regardless of how talented you are.
@Gilmania How does inflation make everyone equals. Have you heard of the Piketty phenomenon, we have that IRL and we have deflation.
Inflation just means that prices raise. So you have to invest instead of keeping your money, to be richer.
Pleas explain to me how raising prices make people richer. Well yes their goods is sold for more money. But he goods they buy has also raised in price.

If I change the price on something, let's say a stack of arrows. I have to do a massive change ATM I sell me for 4 regals, but if he price should raise I have to do a 20% increase.

The only good deflation does is making rich people richer.
To get stabilisation we need things that have inflation as effect. Because we have always experienced deflation, and giving premium features to everyone, will cause even more deflation.
I think you've got this backwards...
Putting more money into the economy causes inflation. Inflation causes prices of goods to increase and the value of money to decrease.
But I don't really want to get into this kind of discussion.
IMO the economy isn't really broken, people just need to learn how to save money.
I think you've got this backwards...
Putting more money into the economy causes inflation. Inflation causes prices of goods to increase and the value of money to decrease.
But I don't really want to get into this kind of discussion.
IMO the economy isn't really broken, people just need to learn how to save money.
I know, money sources cause inflation. But the recent changes to premium features cause deflation.
I will now quote myself. I think you know something I forgot, could you please point that out?
What happens if things cost more and inflation happens
  • It will be easier to get lots of money. Because the things you sell gives more money.
  • Server sales like factions. Will cost less, the actual price won't change (maybe the team decides to do so), but it will be easier to get the money. Therefore owning a shop is more profitable, because of low rent.
  • Small changes in the economy, can happen more frequently. ANd the market will respond to even the smallest changes in supply or demand.
  • You can't earn money just by not spending them (because 1 regal is more worth today than a year ago). Actually you can earn money just by keeping your diamond (That is much harder than keeping money, if you go offline).

What happens if things cost less and deflation happens
  • If i leave the server for a year. My money is more worth when i coma back than when i left
  • The market, can't easily respond to minor changes in supply and demand. Because a price change on 1 regal would be a huge price change.
  • Server side sales, like factions, is a huge amount. Owning a shop is less profitable, because of high rent.
  • It will be harder to earns lot of money.
I know, money sources cause inflation. But the recent changes to premium features cause deflation.
I think that you don't want either deflation or inflation at the moment, the problem is that the money is unbalanced throughout Massive's economy. If anything circulation is what you want right now.
Hey @Madus pm me IG. I think we could become friends or business partners. I like the way you think, it is like I do.
I think that you don't want either deflation or inflation at the moment, the problem is that the money is unbalanced throughout Massive's economy. If anything circulation is what you want right now.
I do agree with you, but changes leading to deflation has to be followed up with changes leading to inflation.
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