Archived How The Economy Works, And How We Can Affect It.

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Jun 30, 2012
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Economy can be very complex, i will try to make this post as simple as possible,
The prices are (almost) always falling. Many people complain about that. I make this post to tell people how the economy works, and ideas on how to make prices raise.
Remember minecraft economy, and IRL economy, doesn't work the exact same way.

This is an OOC document written by madus from The Bank of Cissa

Money inflation
Money inflation is when the amount of money raise. As an effect of that, most prices raise.
Commonly refereed to as "inflation".

Money deflation
Money deflation is when the amount of money fall. As an effect of that most prices fall.
Commonly refereed to as "deflation"

Item inflation
When the amount of some items raise. As an effect of that the prices on those items fall.
Commonly refereed to as "Item inflation" or "Resource inflation"
Item deflation
When the amount of some items fall. As an effect of that the prices on those items raise.
Commonly refereed to as "Item deflation" or "Resource deflation"

Money sources
This is where new money comes into the economy. This cause inflation.
  • New players. By completing a starting quest, new players gain 200 regals.
  • Returning players. People who have money, the rejoins the server.
  • Voting. By voting you can get money. Read more here.
  • Premium. Premiums get 750 regals per month. THIS IS REMOVED
  • MassiveTickets. Team members can gain some money by completing tickets. read more here.
  • Killing mobs. Killing mobs can give you money. Read more here.

Money sinks
This is when money gets removed from the economy. This causes deflation.
  • LWC. It costs 10 regals, to protect a chest door etc, using LWC.
  • Faction cration. It costs 2000 regals to create a faction.
  • Rent. Is costs money to rent a house or market stall in regalia. Read more here.
  • Creating, faction warzones. Read more here.
  • Players leaving. When a player that has money leaves the server, he/she can't spend money.

To read more about these money sinks and sources. Check the official documentation.

Item sources
This is when new items/resources come. Causing item inflation.
Making a complete list on this will be hard. But a few common things is.
  • Mining
  • Fishing
  • Excavating
  • Woodcutting
  • Farming
  • Killing mobs
  • Voting

Item sinks
This is when new items/resources gets used. Causing item deflation.
Making a complete list on this will be hard. But a few common things is.
  • Using tools.
  • Eating food.
  • Throwing thinsg out.
  • Drinking potions.
  • Armour getting used in combat.
  • Building
  • Crafting, especially useless things such as name tags.
  • Smelting
  • Feeding pets.
  • Things getting used/broken/lost in RP.
Frozen money
This might not be the correct term. But i like to call it frozen money
Frozen money is money that could potentially be used, but won't.
Example: I have a friends, who has 15.000 regals or more. He is leader of a faction with nice buildings, and he would never just leave the faction, because he cares about the members. He earns his money through a shop. He can even get the most items him self. Therefore he has nothing to use his money at. So the money is in the economy but won't be used.
Demand and supply.
Demand and supply works, by prices changing, based how wanted/needed, a thing is, and how easy it is to get. The only, way to get stuff, is to get it yourself, or buy it from other players. The only way to sell it is to other players. In other words here is no admin shop.
This kind of free market has it pros and cons. Everyone can sell and buy thing easily. Through trade chat. Some people even have a market stall. But this high competition, combined with the few items in minecraft, at almost everyone can get. Does mean they you can always just buy it elsewhere.
Higher demand == Higher prices/Inflation
Lower demand == Lower prices/Deflation
Higher supply == Lower prices/Item inflation
Lower supply == Higher prices/Item deflation

How does demand change
  • The more money people have, the more they can buy. Meaning higher demand
  • The less items cost the more people can buy. Meaning higher demand
  • The more uses the items has. Example new redstone device gives redstone more uses, therefore more people can and want to use redstone. When prices are too low, this won't happen. Because it would require a high price change. Example, if a stack of redstone costs 2 regals. A price change would be 1 regal more 50%
  • People can get it themself. If people can get it themself they won't buy. Decreasing the demand. So if everyone on the server had their own wood farm, prices on wood would fall a lot. But if nobody got their won wood, the price would rise a lot.
How does supply change
  • The more things cost. The more people will try to make it and sell it.
  • The easier it is to make. The easier it is to get a lot. Therefore more people will try to make and sell it.
  • The harder it is to start, the less people will start to make it. Lowering the amount of potential suppliers. Even if it is easy.

I have certainly forgot, some Supply and Demand aspects. Tell me what i forgot.

How can we/the team change the economy.
These things will change the economy, so things cost more, because that is what most people want.
  • Making it harder to get, everything. It might encourage people to specialise, and people may not be able to get everything themself. (The last thing can heavily boost the economy).
  • Add more item sinks. Name tags, creative gates and such could cost more. especially now when everyone might be able to create them.
  • Adding more money sources or increasing the existing ones.
  • Remove money sinks, or lower how much they sink.
  • Expensive crafting recipees, to useless things. Such as custom blocks that only has aesthetic functionality.
  • New items, to the market. So people can't create everything themself.
  • Replace money sinks with item sinks.
  • Replace item sources with money sources.

What happens if things cost more and inflation happens
  • It will be easier to get lots of money. Because the things you sell gives more money. (Number wise, the money is worth less)
  • Server sales like factions. Will cost less, the actual price won't change (maybe the team decides to do so), but it will be easier to get the money. Therefore owning a shop is more profitable, because of low rent.
  • Small changes in the economy, can happen more frequently. And the market will respond to even the smallest changes in supply or demand.
  • You can't earn money just by not spending them (because 1 regal is more worth today than a year ago). Actually you can earn money just by keeping your diamond (That is much harder than keeping money, if you go inactive).

What happens if things cost less and deflation happens
  • If i leave the server for a year. My money is more worth when i coma back than when i left
  • The market, can't easily respond to minor changes in supply and demand. Because a price change on 1 regal would be a huge price change.
  • Server side sales, like factions, is a huge amount. Owning a shop is less profitable, because of high rent.
  • It will be harder to earn lots of money. (Number wise, the money is worth more)
Piketty phenomenon
The Piketty phenomenon. Is when money and wealth is centralised on a few spots. Instead of everyone being almost even. The rich tend to get richer, and the poor to loose money. A great example of this it some people having 100.000+ regals. So even if e average amount of money is high. The money is just in a few spots, and the average person won't spend more.
This combined with frozen money can cause some issues, related to money flow.
Even if we succeed to add money sources, if this and frozen money happen. Not much is going to change. Therefore I suggest that new items, creating new markets is what we need at the moment.

That is about it. Feel free to say what i missed, or ask questions. If you have suggestions how to make the economy better or more interesting. Fell free to post a link. I would prefer discussing, specific ideas in a seperate thread.
Instead of just flaming or blaming anyone. I would prefer people to come with constructive feedback, telling what was wrong and why. Or telling why something should be added also be considered.
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You have a wealth of information and I like that. You have earned a new follower!
You have a wealth of information and I like that. You have earned a new follower!
Thank you. It took some time to write. But if people on the server will understand economy better now. It was so worth it. But in the end, all of this is just math. BTW what does followers do?
You did a good job explaining this all. It made me think of a movie that we watched in school about supply and demand.
That is most interesting ! I have a question for you : what do you think would be the long term impact of adding a direct money source/item sink such as a Massive Money command to sell gold to the bank for a fixed price, like 1 gold ingot for 200R ?
On short term, I suppose people dire for gold will sell theirs, or even buy cheap gold and sell it, making gold disappear and raising drastically its demand, then with the added money I suppose there would be money inflation. What is your guess ?
That is most interesting ! I have a question for you : what do you think would be the long term impact of adding a direct money source/item sink such as a Massive Money command to sell gold to the bank for a fixed price, like 1 gold ingot for 200R ?
On short term, I suppose people dire for gold will sell theirs, or even buy cheap gold and sell it, making gold disappear and raising drastically its demand, then with the added money I suppose there would be money inflation. What is your guess ?
If we could sell our items for them to disappear, and get money. Item sink and money source Inflation. It would also stop stop the prices from falling behind that point.
It could really affect the economy If not used with Care.
Ah, I remember our good old days in Endaria, you little smart boy yu
Like 2 weeks ago? Youve want the smart little kid back?
Awww, yu so cute, I lo ve how you've gotten into RolePlay And The forums, but don't worry we will cross paths later in our journey thru MassiveCraft, I don't really have a place for you to stay as I am working on The Nexus, but soon enough we will re-unite as I have a proposition for you.
I'm not sure where I will stand on the economy at the moment as I make self-sustaining bunkers.

But, does the majority we have of each class effect the economy as well? You know:

Noble Class.
Common Class.
Worker Class.

I just feel if there were a lot more Nobles than Workers it would effect it dramatically, and so forth. Also, are you saying we should try inventing new products? Such as airships, and more aesthetic ideas? That definitely seems it would work. As, maybe not everyone could build an airship or such.

This also reminds me of cotton production in the United States, back when the southern region depended on cotton production for money. Cotton was in high demand, and supplies were low. But, Ellie Whitney invented the Cotton Gin which made production for one man go from: 1 lbs or so a day, to 50lbs or so per day. Or, something in that general area. Then with cotton in high demand, and production increased. The need for slaves increased, driving the slave market to have a higher demand, and need for higher supply. Such a tiny change as the Cotton Gin made a dramatic change in supply, and demand.

Also, I think Ellie Whitney never got really rich cause everyone invented it as well, and he went bankrupt. Or, was that another invention? I can't remember.
I'm not sure where I will stand on the economy at the moment as I make self-sustaining bunkers.

But, does the majority we have of each class effect the economy as well? You know:

Noble Class.
Common Class.
Worker Class.

I just feel if there were a lot more Nobles than Workers it would effect it dramatically, and so forth. Also, are you saying we should try inventing new products? Such as airships, and more aesthetic ideas? That definitely seems it would work. As, maybe not everyone could build an airship or such.
To the history things. Yes you are correct (i can't remember names or such. But the production raised 50 times. The amount of slaves went from 700.000 to 4million).

No there isn't nobles, workers and such. In RP there is. But when it comes to gameplay. Almost everyone are even, and almost everyone can get the same items. To that point i must say no. But yes new items can change gameplay and economy on the server a lot.
People find this complicated? I understood real economics since I was twelve, this is nothing. :P
Cayorion replied to my thread yay. Now let's get to my point.
Even if the average amount of money is the same. Did you think about these things?
Piketty phenomenon.
Frozen money.
Item inflation/deflation.
Especially the last one can affect prices a lot, but MassiveMoney doesn't track it (from what I know).
Cayorion replied to my thread yay. Now let's get to my point.
Even if the average amount of money is the same. Did you think about these things?
Piketty phenomenon.
Frozen money.
Item inflation/deflation.
Especially the last one can affect prices a lot, but MassiveMoney doesn't track it (from what I know).
Do you think that the economy will recover from diamond inflation?
Awww, yu so cute, I lo ve how you've gotten into RolePlay And The forums, but don't worry we will cross paths later in our journey thru MassiveCraft, I don't really have a place for you to stay as I am working on The Nexus, but soon enough we will re-unite as I have a proposition for you.
But Sisley D: You should offer things to me bby
Isn't this old and outdated? LWC no longer costs 10r and its only 100 r to create a faction and you only get 100r from the Starter Quest you also get items
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