Archived Horses Go Back To The Stabels.

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Basicaly Horses don't behave like dogs or other things they don't fast travel to where you go but that would be less RP anyway.
What if you just did /horse return and the horse went back to wherever you did /horse checkpoint.
Same for donkeys ofcourse.
Would like to use horses more offen but you alwaise loose your horse say you need to use the ships at /wspawn
so you ride their like a pro but then you go to the other map and come back and your horse is dead.. or you had to log out due to something or had to go do somethign for a friend well in all cases you loose your hors.
hell why not do it like zelda and have /horse call as well as /horse claim and /horse unclaim
the two last ones work like chests horses only obay the user who claims it.
you could borrow a horse and do /horse claim ride it over to wherever then do /horse return then do /horse unclaim and voila.
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This is interesting...not sure how I feel about it.
I would travel with horses a lot more as well if this was possible. It is especially annoying when you go to the spawn of a world, wanting to travel to a specific point, but have to go all the way by foot or by boat. Doesn't Massivecraft encourage travelling? Well, this addition would encourage it a lot more.

Soo, yes. I like the idea.
To the logging out bit, horses do "log off" with you when you are on them.
How would they code this? Doesn't seem like an efficient use of their time
I think it would simply be like warping the horse to a certain X Y Z position in the same world since you would not bring your horse on the ship (guess just because)
so you would do /horse sethome/checkpoint while sitting on it and it would set that horses Checkpoint and if you did /horse return while riding it it would say the horse cannot go back home while somone rides it. and you would get off of it and do /horse return and it would just send the last horse you sat on's ID back to its X Y Z home which would be saved in a TXT file.
I think it would simply be like warping the horse to a certain X Y Z position in the same world since you would not bring your horse on the ship (guess just because)
so you would do /horse sethome/checkpoint while sitting on it and it would set that horses Checkpoint and if you did /horse return while riding it it would say the horse cannot go back home while somone rides it. and you would get off of it and do /horse return and it would just send the last horse you sat on's ID back to its X Y Z home which would be saved in a TXT file.
To get the horse back you would do /horse call and the last horse you sat on would warp back to you.
This can be abused and be weird some times though so adding a lock on a horse to allow certain people to access its commands might help.
How would they code this? Doesn't seem like an efficient use of their time
Just teleporting the horse to the coordinate points where the user typed /horse checkpoint. I guess you'd have to probably name the horse or something, and then once it was named it would registered as yours. Then you can /horse checkpoint it.

Back to the main topic: I like this, don't really see any downsides, because:
1. Horses aren't really used in PvP, so no worries for this being OP there or something.
2. I can only see pros for this in RP, and this might encourage more travel by non teleportation methods.
maibe if you call the horse it takes x amount of time for it to get back because it could be use to run away from battle maibe just not be able to call them wile pacifist false.
Bumping and adding @Cayorion to this post.
Sorry your awesomeness though I've got no negative feedback from this yet and keep running into the issues somethign like this could help with.
This code can be dumbed down I am not a great codder like you so I am unsure of how you would implement this.
Where's old cowboys when ya need a plugin coded that isn't worth cays time? xD
This seems like an ok idea. I don't think naming idea would work because name tags are a premium item.
what if the horse could be turned into a spawn egg or something? then you could put in in your pocket?

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