Archived Hardcore World

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
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A loooong time ago, the staff released a list of worlds they planned to release. One of those worlds was the Dark World, for the Leoid. I'm not sure what the lore behind it is yet, but can you make it so that world has this suggestion implemented into it? If not, just make another world for it. This suggestion has to do with multiplayer servers making Minecraft easier to survive. I dunno about you, but I started playing minecraft for the challenge of survival, and there's no challenge now, with MCMMO large amount of materials. Here's what I suggest to satisfy those people like me, who seek the thrill of surviving a night in Minecraft.

Make a world which has a short day, and at night spawns "excessive" amounts of mobs. I'm talking about hordes of hundreds of zombies, which I know is possible based on servers I used to play on. Make it so zombies can break blocks in order to get to someone, which I also know is possible. Make it so it's only certain blocks, such as wood, glass, cobblestone, or maybe make it so everything can be broken by the zombies. This would turn night into a truly terrifying time, where hordes of zombies roam the land looking for prey. I suggest you disable MCMMO on this world, to prevent it from becoming too easy or from it becoming a giant grindfest for people that want to level their skills. This is the base idea I have, now I'll move on to tidbits that I would like to be added into the world.

1. Make it so the zombies or other creatures are "diseased". This refers to my disease plugin I suggested. If you get hit by ANY kind of mob you may get a disease. There will be several diseases, some specific to certain mobs. This would make any encounter with the mobs in this world potentially deadly.

2. Make it so the diseases contracted on this world would still be in effect if you travel to another continent. This means travelers could bring diseases to Regalia or other worlds, then start an epidemic!

3. If you could implement the freezing system on that continent J-something, that would be nice. Make it so it only happens at night, which would make it more fun. However, it might make the world a bit too difficult.

4. Maybe if you were killed in this world, you were kicked out of it for an hour or so?

That's all the ideas I have regarding this world right now. Now you may be asking, "this seems fun, but isn't the intended audience for this world a bit small?" I would reply to that with "Nonsense!" Think about it, the people who manage to survive this harsh world would be highly respected as survivors! Also, this inhospitable world would make perfect training grounds for armies! It would be even more important to military factions as forts or castles! Any enemy that would want to attack a faction in this land would have to go through hordes of disease ridden mobs! It would form a perfect shield, as long as the zombies don't get the castle....
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Or they can possibly make another world with normal survival, to give minecraft its main purpose.
*snorts*, Why have a normal world when you could have a world that tries to kill you every second of the day?
_-puts corks in fav's nostrils to prevent any more snorts-_ well, it would be nice to do some normal survival with some people on here, instead of prepping for war/defense
Normal survival can just include hiding in a base and have crops inside.

Going to "Oblivion" <- sick name would be for the epic to tread. Bringing a group of friends would be allot of fun hear.

Idea to throw in : Zombies destroy torches they find.
Normal survival can just include hiding in a base and have crops inside.

Going to "Oblivion" <- sick name would be for the epic to tread. Bringing a group of friends would be allot of fun hear.

Idea to throw in : Zombies destroy torches they find.
Is there a Plugin for zAmbies to destroy torched they find or is this another ClientSide idea?!
"Make it so zombies can break blocks in order to get to someone, which I also know is possible. Make it so it's only certain blocks, such as wood, glass, cobblestone, or maybe make it so everything can be broken by the zombies."

- would imply that you are not "able" to build nice things which sucks - at least for me..
I'd rather suggest to make things like: Glass, Doors (both), Trapdoors, Fences (wood) destructible
I really like this, and I would totally go to this world often if it was implemented.
"Make it so zombies can break blocks in order to get to someone, which I also know is possible. Make it so it's only certain blocks, such as wood, glass, cobblestone, or maybe make it so everything can be broken by the zombies."

- would imply that you are not "able" to build nice things which sucks - at least for me..
I'd rather suggest to make things like: Glass, Doors (both), Trapdoors, Fences (wood) destructible

Saints, your buildings are amazing but a hardly think that anyone in this world would be outside of a large stonebrick and such fortress like that Fort Mecharic made.
The zombie should be able to break anything just take longer to break stronger stuff.
Unless you are building out of obsidian.... That is freaking tough.
SaintDemon, while I do recognize your point, the point of this world is not to build, it's to survive. Those are two very different things, while I do understand your buildings are impressive, I take it they are not immune to zombies. Buildings on this world should be functional, and nothing else.
I think that it should not matter if you can go their to skill grind because Their will be plenty of danger to even it out.
Also having it so you can skill grind their will encourage other players to both get stronger and others to hunt week players in their that are trying to get stronger.
I think it will be very popular and exiting.

It is not like you will be able to survive long in their without very expensive armor so the rewards to loot and the valuables that could be lost is rather high.
The thing is death has no negative penalty on MCMMO, which means you could easily grind with skull splitter and serrated strike on large hordes.
I think that it should not matter if you can go their to skill grind because Their will be plenty of danger to even it out.
Also having it so you can skill grind their will encourage other players to both get stronger and others to hunt week players in their that are trying to get stronger.
I think it will be very popular and exiting.

It is not like you will be able to survive long in their without very expensive armor so the rewards to loot and the valuables that could be lost is rather high.
Yay! A world that's basically a naturally generated dark room!! :) On all seriousness, if their were tons of players using this world to just grind their pvp skills. It would mean the following factions: Alamut, Magnanimus, Invictus, Saun, TheOldMan, Valyria, PariahFolk, Auxillian, 9thlegion and more with members with High McMMO would just camp the crap out of the world, making the world worthless to any player in any other faction. So yes, it would be popular and exciting, to the strongests factions on the server
lol, Lord just took the words out of my mouth. Yeah, that's what I was trying to imply with my last post. Its also why I had MCMMO turned off, so it would be actually DIFFICULT and require more skill than getting your MCMMO skill extremely high then one shoting everything.
Perhaps nether mobs are structural damage by explosions could also be enabled in this world if it is added.
Either way it sounds like a good idea.

It will also be funny to watch masses of skeletons shooting each other and running through a hoard of creepers with a cat and watching them run away.

Another use for a world like this will be pvp fights where people want to test 'skill' rather than mcmmo levels.
The reason I did this suggestion was because I used to play on a server that had very similar features to what I'm suggesting, except it was only zombies. I had a blast on that server, fighting off hordes of zombies and trying to find shelter... I remember there was once a horde of over 200 zombies, all surrounding one castle. The defenders were holding them off until this one noob opened the front gate..... Anyway, as I said the server was great fun, and I would love to recreate that feeling of constant fear and danger on Massive.
What if We had your leveled pitted at 0 when you are their though you can still lvl your skills up.
This would make it more encouraging to visit yet match every player at the same difficulty to kill the mobs and on the same playing field their for the stronger factions could try and take it over but they really would not have any more chances than any other faction in their.
I will stand my ground on this. I want this world to be based on skill, not MCMMO. We have enough MCMMO power gods already, I don't want to create more with this world.
I will stand my ground on this. I want this world to be based on skill, not MCMMO. We have enough MCMMO power gods already, I don't want to create more with this world.
Sading more McMMO Power god are being created as we speak, considering the major amount of dark rooms :P
What if We had your leveled pitted at 0 when you are their though you can still lvl your skills up.
This would make it more encouraging to visit yet match every player at the same difficulty to kill the mobs and on the same playing field their for the stronger factions could try and take it over but they really would not have any more chances than any other faction in their.
Dworvin your faction has the potential to become strong by mining out dark rooms and using it, there is no excuse on how you're McMmos is low. Stop complaining because people with high McMmos skills worked a thousand times harder than you have, grow up and quit winning.
The correct term is 'whining'. Also, I think he means it would be interesting to start mcmmo from 0, I mean, it would seem exciting watching the reactions of the mcmmo tops from 15,000 to 0 :D
Sorry about my misspelling, due to the fact that I am not a native English speaker
We have to give people a reason to go there, and a reason to go outside in the world. Make crops grow only in sunlight or something too.

Make going outside often a necessity to survive.
The correct term is 'whining'. Also, I think he means it would be interesting to start mcmmo from 0, I mean, it would seem exciting watching the reactions of the mcmmo tops from 15,000 to 0 :D

I don't think it would be funny to see anyone freek out like that :(

I just think that your current level should not have an effect inside the realm even though you can lvl up in their.
While that would make it more difficult, it wouldn't be nearly as exciting as a zombie horde trying to eat you/ infect you right?
yea, but the zombie horde might only be good enough for higher-end PCs, because the zombies can really lower FPS, and connection might not be as good.
SaintDemon, while I do recognize your point, the point of this world is not to build, it's to survive. Those are two very different things, while I do understand your buildings are impressive, I take it they are not immune to zombies. Buildings on this world should be functional, and nothing else.

As many have demonstrated, functional can be beautiful. I would pay an extra dollar on my premium to have a world like this, but only if either everyone gets prem perks or no one gets prem perks. Would add to the challenge not to have prem perks, and would keep the world evenly populated if everyone has them.

But seriously make it so this world is only allowed to people with a character intro and breaking blocks that aren't player placed, naturally occurring ores, or blocks, you'll get a constant 24/7 RP siege, every day, any day. This would be more addicting then crack....

But seriously make it so this world is only allowed to people with a character intro and breaking blocks that aren't player placed, naturally occurring ores, or blocks, you'll get a constant 24/7 RP siege, every day, any day. This would be more addicting then crack....
Why character intro's? What if somebody plays on the server but doesn't want to use the forums? A friend of mine is a heavy RP'er, I helped him design his character when I told him about Massive. He roleplays quite well but he doesn't wish to make a character introduction because he would rather play on the server, and he mostly roleplay's in his own faction. He roleplays more often than many people with character introductions (Including me, I sometimes break character, and he is pretty much always in character except private chat), so why should he be denied access? How are those two things related, anyways? That's like saying only someone who has made a post in the general forum can go to Daendroc.
Why character intro's? What if somebody plays on the server but doesn't want to use the forums? A friend of mine is a heavy RP'er, I helped him design his character when I told him about Massive. He roleplays quite well but he doesn't wish to make a character introduction because he would rather play on the server, and he mostly roleplay's in his own faction. He roleplays more often than many people with character introductions (Including me, I sometimes break character, and he is pretty much always in character except private chat), so why should he be denied access? How are those two things related, anyways? That's like saying only someone who has made a post in the general forum can go to Daendroc
Your friend is the 1 percent..... Lets be honest even I haven't found time to make a character intro and I actually want to. (yet) This would make it so noobs don't randomly come there and RP is rampant.
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