Preserved Sheet Elizabeth Mahina

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When virtue is preyed upon.
Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
The Glitter Freeze
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
The Hammers of Holmganga
Basic Information
  • Elizabeth Mahina is a 49 year old female Ailor.
  • Elizabeth was born to Conrad and Orchid Mahina. Only one sibling remained part of her tribe while Elizabeth was growing up, and this was Lloyd, who is three years younger than she is. The other three siblings were, respectively, left on the doorstep of an unsuspecting farmer who was coincidentally investigating three missing goats, sold as a package deal (or in compensation) with a broken carriage, and mysteriously "taken" by a pack of wolves in the night. Liz has also had two suitors and two children between them: Amaryllis Caro (26) and Avery Cuevas (24). As far as Liz is aware, her father, mother, and Amaryllis have all perished, but she is uncertain whether her other siblings or Avery have as well.
  • Elizabeth originally comes from a Chyga caravan that frequently traveled between Ithania and Lusits. When a tragic accident struck them, Elizabeth fled to Regalia and has spent the last few months there. Liz currently stays in the tailor shop of Salvatore Valente, offering to model his wares for a roof to sleep under.
  • Liz is the host to the vice demon Malice. Malice once craved for the destruction of Behesael, but with his disappearance she's become a bit more complacent. Her newest long-term goal is to find a way to infest demonically-possessed individuals with vampirism--one she couldn't hope to achieve in a single lifetime. In short-term goals, the demon takes childish delight in watching or partaking in acts of cruelty, and constantly seeks out ways to bring about paranoia, humiliation, and pain on others.
Visual Information
Body Description

  • Liz has a thin and short body build, standing at 5'4" and weighing in at about 120 lbs. The skin along her body is borderline translucent, and pulls tightly around her bones, giving her a nearly skeletal shape. Burn scars encase Liz's left arm up to the shoulder, and her right leg has healed improperly after being broken, which gives her a limp whenever she walks. While she can put weight on it, it's very uncomfortable. Excessive weight or force will cause her pain.
  • Elizabeth has an incredibly fair skin tone. Aside from the occasional bite mark that didn't heal properly, she bears stretch marks across her stomach, wrinkles on her face, and burns along her left arm.
  • Elizabeth has no reason nor capability to shave.
Head Description
  • Elizabeth has a mousy face with a jawline that curves steeply toward a pointy chin. Sharp cheekbones are big indicators of her age, followed by smile lines at the corners of her lips and the corners of her eyes. With deep set eyes and a down-turned nose, her face has, overall, a circular look that draws focus mostly to the eyes.
  • Elizabeth's eyes are a dull hazel color and her expression is typically one of delight, which ranges between earnest, child-like joy, to the kind of smirk often reserved for people who pull the wings off flies.
  • Elizabeth has medium hair that falls in wild waves down to her collarbone, where it flares out neatly from her head, frames her face, then begins to ripple madly back and forth once it passes her chin. Her hair is a faded auburn color.
  • Elizabeth has no distinct facial scarring, freckles, or tattoos, though it should be noted she does have both sharpened incisors from when she was a Chyga, as well as sharper, larger canines (upper and lower) from her recently-cured Fallisma infection.
Clothing and Accessories
  • Elizabeth isn't known for formal attire, instead typically donning layered or ratty clothing akin to the style gypsies are known to wear. If it can fit, she'll wear it. When she came to Regalia, she originally found herself clad in flouncy skirts, a form-fitting corset, and a ruffled shirt underneath. One staple in her attire always involves a sash or a hat firmly upon her head.
  • Elizabeth holds no items of importance. The only item of importance Liz once carried on her was a coin attached to a cord around her neck. When prompted by others, she'd tell them it was sentimental and it determinate of fate. While this previously was the case, upon infestation she kept it as an inside joke–an amusing reference to Charity.
Behavior Information
Personality Traits

  • Sadomasochistic: She can't help herself. She gets a rush from physical pain, and a similar one from inflicting it, and mental pain, upon others. While Elizabeth might not always be believable in her accusations, she loves to dig in her nails and really get under people's skin. She gets the greatest joy when she's managed to either convince another to (often attempt to) take their own life, or when she can take her own life and relish in those last few moments of their frustration before moving on.
  • Victimizing: Always playing the weak one, Liz is notorious for drawing attention to how frail she is, how crippled she is, how little she is, et cetera. She habitually takes her weaknesses and overemphasizes them, partially out of her falling into the "little sister" role to the other vices, and partially to use it to try to blindside those she intends to hurt.
  • Long-Term Thinker: While her plans aren't always thought through, she doesn't see her existence as a span of a single lifetime, but a series of lifetimes and little people she can take to satisfy her whims or accomplish her greater goals. This makes her incredibly reckless when it comes to her own well-being. While it's a huge inconvenience for her to move on, and something she'd usually rather wait until the last minute to do, she very rarely thinks about her own demise, assured in her ability to develop new goals to replace the memories she can't quite grapple and keep ahold of.
  • Upsetting: Prone to provoking others into irrational thought or action, Liz loves getting under people's skin. She can't help but dig her nails into someone and really rip and scratch if they let her. She loves towing people along, confusing them, and making them second-guess their own instincts.
  • Vice Collapse: Malice's collapse isn't nearly as powerful as the other vices, as what she has to lose from being a vice is very minimal. When put in a situation of utter helplessness, where she doesn't even have the option to take her own life, she becomes a pitiful mess, prone to weeping, muttering, and infrequent delusions or hallucinations. Her knowledge of alchemy and past lives and relationships become unfathomable to her, and she's known for commenting on them without fully understanding why.
  • Apathetic: Liz is unable to feel empathy toward others, seeing them less as friends and loved ones, and more of mere playthings for this short span of time. Liz loves people like a child loves collectible cards--they're unique, they're rare, and they're hers.
  • Possessive: Part of the "little sister" complex Liz has in relation to the other vices makes her somewhat possessive of her own playthings. Liz constantly deals with the fact that everybody else is stronger than her or better than her in some way. As a result, she needs to claim things as her own to feel as if she has some sort of upper hand in comparison to the other fifteen vices and virtues.
  • Disconnected: A bit disconnected from reality and from herself, Elizabeth doesn't particularly see herself as a person or a living being, but a set of ideals and goals she needs to maintain instead. Her body is more like a vessel to help her accomplish what she needs. Names she's been given over time mean about as much as the name of whoever she's possessed--something she'd be referred to by, but not something she'd be attached to.
  • Unreliable and Manipulative: Rather, Liz cannot be counted on for anything. If she makes a promise, she'll usually work to find a way around it. She's notorious for twisting orders to her own liking, changing the wording of deals and promises so she can weasel her way out of it, or going so far as to taking her own life if it means she doesn't have to follow through with something she doesn't like.
  • Crypticism: Liz gets a certain delight from being cryptic herself, or being around cryptic people. She loves the air of mystery and the frustration that comes from a well-kept secret at the tip of a person's tongue. Confusing people gives her a real kick.
  • Puzzles: Liz loves solving problems and working out solutions. While she struggles to look at the bigger picture when it directly involves her, she flourishes with experiments and riddles in general. This is partially why she enjoys alchemy as much as she does.
  • Alchemy: Every vice has a certain knowledge they keep ahold of and continue developing through every lifetime they possess. Malice's is alchemy. Her understanding of brews and mixtures could rival even the most erudite of Naylar. She's notorious for experimenting when boredom overcomes her.
  • Pain: Believe it or not, the vice demon of Malice really enjoys pain. A lot. Like, a whole lot. In the heat of the moment, if she's in pain she'll suffer like the rest. Yet she can't help but take a heart-fluttering delight from a certain amount, in turn. Yet even Liz has a certain amount of tolerance. She's known for forcing laughter to try to relieve or distract herself from any excessive pain inflicted upon her.
  • Patronization: If somebody stands in the ways of her goals, talks down to her, or underestimates her, she can't help but get defensive. Ironically, Liz is known for trying to garner sympathy and pity, but that's different in her mind. That's her trying to weasel her way into getting what she wants. She still resents it, but to a less extreme degree than when she's not trying.
  • Excessive Pleasure: Perhaps it comes from the possession, but Liz does not enjoy seeing others take too much pleasure from a person or action. A part of her can't help but want to take that away somehow, by either depressing or aggravating the offender.
  • Hex Magic: Hex magic muddles a clear mind, and Elizabeth hates when something has forced a choice from her. When falling victim to sensation hex, she becomes frustrated, and occasionally distraught. While she can't help but provoke hex mages as she does anyone else, she often comes to regret it immediately after they cast.
  • Listlessness: Boredom, nothing to do, or feeling without direction really gets to Liz. She often gets antsy, and needs something with which to occupy herself at all times. Liz doesn't mind taking time to relax or reflect, but if an opportunity to be entertained ever comes her way, she can't help but jump it.
Abilities and Disabilities

  • Insightful: Liz understands how people work very well. She's excellent at reading people and seeing what makes them tick, and while she may not always stand out at actually succeeding in provoking them, when she can't get under their skin they become another puzzle to solve. And Liz is very confident at solving puzzles.
  • Resolute: Liz can handle pain, handle depression, handle a mixture of emotions that can negatively affect her and those around her. She's durable in the sense that she's not overly concerned about detriments to her physical state. She's very goal oriented and excellent at keeping these goals in mind, even if she's not incredibly stellar at keeping promises.
  • Puzzler: Solving puzzles is what Elizabeth prides herself in. Alchemy comes naturally, and eagerness to answer questions or create something new are some of the most human emotions she feels. She loves solving riddles, playing mind games, and learning new alchemical mixes to add to her extensive knowledge.
  • Weak Cripple: Her leg has not healed properly, giving her a limp, and her body is short and twiggy. This further debilitates her when it comes to either combat or stamina. Walking long distances takes more effort, stairs are a challenge, and she's often a bit shorter of breath as a result.
  • Realistic Thinking: Liz struggles to think about consequences and implications--at least when it comes to her actions, and things that will directly affect her.
  • Inexperience and Weakness: Going hand in hand, Elizabeth has never been in heavy combat in her life, and Malice rarely dabbles in combat or combative hosts, finding them utterly exhausting. Her petite build, almost constantly weakened state, and typically addled way of thinking, make her a terribly pathetic opponent in combat.
  • Unlikable: Because of her malicious demeanor, and because of the way she treats those around her (berating them, scorning them, hurting them, et cetera), she's not very likable. In fact, most people she knows rather dislike her. She has no positive relationships and faces constant ostracization for her cruel behavior. Elizabeth can't help but be a bad person.
Combat Styles
Combat depends on whether or not she has fangs. Without fangs, Elizabeth doesn't engage others in combat, yet in a self-abusive way, can't help but provoke others into combat anyway. She will very rarely try to run or dodge any hits sent her way, taking them bluntly and relishing in them instead.

If fighting for her life, she usually changes to evasive tactics, trying in any way to distract, manipulate, or debilitate the opponent so she can escape. Only when she's infected with vampirism, will she try to use her feeding implements (fangs, claws, et cetera) to either provoke the opposing party or defend herself against life-threatening situations.

Weapons of Choice
  • Teeth: Or other feeding implements, Liz will often defend herself or provoke an opponent with her teeth if she's been infected or recently cured from the Sanguine Curse.
  • Other People: It's almost amusing how many times, in a crowd, people will turn against each other when having mixed opinions about the woman and how she should be treated. Almost as if she intentionally goes for that sort of approach.
To be added.
Ott Keppkuula -
Jaak Keppkuula -
Salvatore Valenti -
Joseph Mercer -
Flynn Sinclair -
Alenaushe Kearney -
Nijad Al-Assar -
Yen Wyman -
Casper Durante -
Rowena Veres -

Life Story
It chose her because of the circumstances in which she existed. It chose her because she was infected. She had an appreciation for knowledge and knew it could use that to its advantage. It chose somebody who could enact change on a community without as much protection as one in her position could. It practically chose her on a whim.

When Conrad and Orchid Mahina bore their first child, the Chyga gave their blood slaves an ultimatum; if the girl was pretty enough, she'd be allowed into the ranks of the Chyga, and if she wasn't, she'd remain a slave. It was a rather tantalizing deal for the teary parents, and they eagerly agreed to the offer. Unfortunately for them, their child remained soft and doughy for most of her younger years, with too much roundness in her cheeks and a belly that just wasn't shaped right. While children weren't exempt from blood-slavery, the vampires almost always used Elizabeth as a last resort, and her life as a blood slave was shaping out to be one of relative security from vampire feedings.

Along with her less-than-satisfactory appearance (something very important in a Chyga commune), Elizabeth was also notorious for her short temper and difficulty to get along with. While she generally avoided most interaction with the vampires, she was well known for playing cruel pranks on the other slaves, scorning them, or throwing them under the metaphorical carriage if trouble ever came her way. Consequentially, her parents mostly kept her indoors, focusing on educating her as much as they could in hopes of improving her abhorrent personality. By the time Liz was twelve, she spent most of her waking hours in their family's caravan, spilling over books and manuscripts they continuously cycled through in their travels.

It wasn't until Elizabeth reached her seventeenth year did her childish body change, with startling suddenness, into that of a woman. The flesh on her limbs fell more softly than before, her stomach smoothed out, and her face hollowed considerably. The transformation from child to adult was impeccable, and the Chyga noticed. Of course, she wasn't perfect. Her limbs were still a little too short and her cheekbones were rather sallow. Not to mention the dreary colors her hair and eyes had retained. Nevertheless, the Chyga began feeding off the girl. Indecision went on for years, allowing Elizabeth to begrudgingly marry two men, and bear and nurse two children in that span. By the time she reached her late twenties, she was ready to accept the Sanguine Curse.

It was then that she was welcomed further into the community--far more than she had been before. She was cordially invited to walk and talk with the gentlemen, and the ladies treated her as they should have: like one of their own. While she still relished in her books, her new acceptance in the community flourished an interest in Chyga superstition and mysticism. She dabbled in tarot and astrology, and caught herself sinking into the habits that were caused by the typical Chyga paranoia. Regardless, Elizabeth still remained more aloof than the other vampires, taking less interest in other people and more in her own devices. Her blunt and aggressive personality only helped solidify her self-imposed exile.

Only recently did the vice demon of Malice slither its way into Elizabeth's soul, latching on like the disease it was and gradually consuming her over the span of a few months. In that time, Elizabeth became simultaneously more outgoing and more bizarre. The way she started speaking to people was off kilter, and the way she behaved aroused suspicion. By the time they were ready to confront her, a tragic fire consumed most of the caravans, and Elizabeth vanished.

With her she carried a trunk full of clothes and money she'd squandered from the late gypsies, and into Regalia she sailed. There, she involved herself with a number of schemes, including run-ins with a mad tailor, romance with a troubled skyrate, agony with the king of strings, harmless fun with a group of slavers, and constant fuckery with the other vices in town.

And when Elizabeth's story ends, another story will begin. And that is the cycle followed by our fickle friend, Malice.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • I would suggest you give her one more personality related weakness; yes she's a vice demon, but giving her a trait that you would find truly detestable may help you see her as even more flawd, as at the moment her weaknesses are mostly of her physical status. Perhaps her relationship with other vices? Do that, and tag me when you're done @Ryciera
Progress: Pending!
I am reviewing this character!
  • I would suggest you give her one more personality related weakness; yes she's a vice demon, but giving her a trait that you would find truly detestable may help you see her as even more flawd, as at the moment her weaknesses are mostly of her physical status. Perhaps her relationship with other vices? Do that, and tag me when you're done @Ryciera
Progress: Pending!
How's that? Added "Unlikable."