Considering Taking Over


Jun 10, 2015
Reaction score
Hi All,

I go by Mafro and I'm considering taking over.

Whilst on a search for Factions servers I found and started playing on MassiveCraft 1 week and 2 days ago (according to /seen). I'm having lots of fun with this relatively unique experience. I'm used to Factions with hybrid cannons throwing sand and TNT against water-covered walls, ugly betrayals and insider raids, and finally the more immature of the bunch threatening DOS attacks and whatnot.

MassiveCraft is none of those things. Ergo it is thoroughly refreshing. Ergo I'm considering taking over.

Oh. Allow me to clarify that last part. By "taking over" I really mean "taking over everything".

You see, I am generally known for being a SUPER NICE GUY, and so a roleplaying experience where I'm the bad guy (who is obviously trying to take over everything...which is what bad guys do...duh) sounds like a hoot! xD We'll see if I get that much into it. ;)

I am a reasonably experienced builder, redstoner, and rules lawyer. As a designer I'm hopeless. Everything I build ends up being boxes, and if I'm lucky some of those boxes might end up different colors. If I'm lucky.

In other Factions experiences I am known for using too many ellipses whilst typing...and for organizing contests of various sorts. Maybe I'll do one or both of those on MassiveCraft.

I currently head up a faction of some 35 members on an, er, other large Factions server, where I am also a member of the staff. I've told my faction I'm playing hooky for a bit, but haven't told them where. At some point I may invite them to MassiveCraft, in which case a good number of them will probably join the server.

It's natural to ask if me being a staff member on another Factions server might somehow cause a conflict of interest. I don't think so (else I probably wouldn't have mentioned it!). The gameplay experience on MassiveCraft is night-and-day different from what I've found on "typical" Factions servers. I honestly don't even think MassiveCraft competes with's really apples and oranges, and I'll probably explain why in a future video.

Which reminds me...I sometimes muck about with YouTube. You can find my channel at, soon to contain videos on and about MassiveCraft. Don't go there yet! I have yet to publish any MassiveVids! That said, I am currently scheduled to record an interview with some members of the MassiveCraft staff this weekend, which I'm very much looking forward to.

Well, that's my intro...if you made it his far, you deserve some cake! However, as I don't have any cake at the moment, have a cookie instead.


Welcome. 1 week and 2 days and you're already waist deep in our little world. I'll keep an eye on your YouTube channel and I hope to see you around.
Maybe this could be the home for my much delayed MassiveLord videos! (yes, I'm still making them but I got overwhelmed with homework and my uncle's computer was taken away so I'll have to use my subpar, 9 year old original MacBook)
You. Will. Never. Leave. This is massivecraft , its a massive trap.
Welcome to Massivecraft. Those differences you spoke of between this and other servers is exactly why Massive has been my home for well over 3 years. Should you or your faction members need help setting up your first base, feel free to let me know and I'd be happy to help.
Welcome! If you need anything, throw me a mail in game and I'll see what I can do. :)
Mhmm~ (Also, good luck taking over when me and my friend are thinking of turning Regalia into a hydrogen bomb XD )