Archived Cannons Saving Angles

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Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey
Now that the lag is a bit better I have started playing around with cannons more and I've found them quite awesome! The one thing that disappoints me is that the angles the cannons are put at are reset upon restarts. I didn't really think about it much for a while but an idea just popped into my head: place a sign on the side of the cannon with the angles. The up/down angle on the top line and the left/right angle on the second line. This would make it easy for the players (no typing commands in any way to save the angles.) and easy to add to the plugin (it doesn't have to save any extra information to a file.) I'm really excited about this and hope you guys read this :)


  • 2012-12-30_20.11.09.png
    402.7 KB · Views: 25
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The poll does not seem to be allowing me to vote on it, but I think it's an interesting idea. If you defensively set up a lot of cannons throughout your base, you can't really prepare appropriate angles in advance to defend unless you go around and adjust the angles following every reset. If this idea was implemented I know I would personally use it, and it sounds like it would not be difficult to add, so this gets a yes from me.
I had thought that this was a plugin by Cayorion, but it seems it is not. However it is open source so he can still try it. I'm trying at the moment too to modify it as I know some Java.
Ok, I successfully modified the plugin. [user]ninjabaver[/user] if you see me in teamspeak talk to me and i'll show you on a test server :)
Might i add to your post, that it be great if we non premiums could load, aim, and fire the cannons too. But not be able to build them...

Currently we non premiums can only aim, and fire, but not load any sulphur (gunpowder). Which makes it really of no use to us. Which takes a way the fun and defensive capabilities of a cannon...[DOUBLEPOST=1357872006][/DOUBLEPOST]If you wish for me to give an example of this on why non premiums should be allowed almost the same rights to a cannon as premiums do, except allowing us non premiums the ability to build cannon, I can.
Thing is shambling is that this has already been suggested... And rejected.
Cowboys1919 , if the plugin is opensource you should make a pull request on github. I'm sure other users might enjoy that.
I'm new to github, so I didn't even know about pull requests until now, but I have been talking to the author of the plugin with private messages on bukkitdev and he is going to include my code in the next update :D
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