Archived Brawl Plugin

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factionleader 98
Jul 2, 2012
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When I read a thread about the (roleplay disturbing) ahimsa in Regalia considering the vampires, I suddenly had the idea of this little plugin.

So my idea was, to have a little plugin, that allows players, who cant hurt each other, to hurt each other.
No matter in what safe zone or whatever they are.

It would run this way.
-PlayerX would send a brawl request to PlayerY.
like /brawl request playerY
There would then be a little local chat message, telling something like:
"PlayerX challenges PlayerY to a brawl!"
-PlayerY would then have the choice, to either type in
/brawl accept PlayerX
local chat message would be "PlayerY accepts PlayerX's challenge!"
/brawl deny PlayerY
local chat message would be "PlayerY refuses to brawl with PlayerX."

So, if both players agree to the brawl, they will be vulnerable.
-> This means also, that other players, not involved in the brawl can hurt them.
If a player does so, he will be involved in the brawl too and the brawl will become a massive-brawl.

Why do I think, that this would be a good idea for massivecraft?
1. It would give players the freedom to fight, wherever they want. Arenas wouldn't be that needed anymore.
2. It would support roleplaying. If you want to defend your honor, you can do that on the streets, where everybody will see it.

There may be a few more resons, but Im too stupid to find them right now.

But I already came up with a little background story.

Since Silver Edge and Regalia merged, the population of Regalia increased daily. With every ship, that landed in Regalia, more new citiziens started a new life in Regalia. But Wolffram didn't expect that many people to come to Regalia. The city is now a overpopulated. This caused the upcoming of slums and crimes everywhere in Regalia. Everywhere on the streets you can see drunk people solving their conflicts in "their way". A wave of brawls has come over Regalia.

Aaanyways. This was just a little idea I had and I felt like sharing it with you.
If you want, leave your opinion about this in the thread.
There are no wrong opinions about this and I won't get offended if you say, that this is a crappy idea.
If you maybe have an addition to this idea, feel free to share it with us.

[edit] In case I forgot anything, I will just edit it later and mark the line with "[edit]"
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I would really like to see this. Over watching a Brawl would be very interesting. (nod)
I don't like the idea of accepting a brawl and then having anybody that wants to attack me. I would like there to be a multibrawl command so that others can join in the brawl and expand it. Because there are some who just want to fight alone with somebody, and I don't want random noobs bloodlusting in my face.
Im with ImBoring, it would be a nice add-on but the fact anyone could join kinda defeats the purpose. If the one issuing the command could set wether its a free to join or not would work better, over all nice idea.
I love this idea, it would add a whole new dimension to Regalia and a purpose for Regalian guards :D
I don't like the idea of accepting a brawl and then having anybody that wants to attack me. I would like there to be a multibrawl command so that others can join in the brawl and expand it. Because there are some who just want to fight alone with somebody, and I don't want random noobs bloodlusting in my face.
You sound like you think regalian citizens WANT you to have a brawl and will support your right to do so. If you don't want to be interrupted, go into a back alley somewhere.
You! You dere on thah strit! -hic!- I... I wanna vite gou! -hic!-
It could be set up so there are 2 ways to fight in a safe zone. Brawls and dules. Brawls would allow anyone to join and to be able to take part you need to type /brawl start then a chat msg will be sent out saying something like (player X wants to fight) to join a brawl you must first type /brawl start. To stop brawling you need to type /brawl stop and stand still for 10 second like teleporting. Dules would be different. In a dule you would type /dule challange player y. A chat msg would be sent out and player y could type /dule accept player x or /dule refuse player x. Another chat msg would be sent out depending on what player y typed. Random people could not join dules. This would also allow for faction leaders to challenge one another in a fair enviroment.
Golivan clenches a fist. He turns around immediately, arm lifted. He swings it straight into the face of the drunkard.

Mecharic ducks, falls forward unstably, and takes out his targets legs entirely by accident. They go down in a pile of swinging fists and flying feet.
Awesome! They really should put this in! That would be SO cool :D
This would be great, and would also make the city seem more real. For example if I am roleplaying as a vampire hunter, and I see a vampire lurking in an alley(who is also roleplaying), roleplay would drive me to attack the vampire, resulting in a fight to the death. However, the safezones in Regalia and other cities would prevent this from happening. This kind of reminds me of duels in actual MMO's, which is good! After all, this is the minecraft RPG server, your supposed to get that feel from it. So anyways, that vampire and I could use the duel commands, (although in the roleplay it would just be that the hunter attacks the vampire).

One concern that does arise is the brawling. It's an interesting concept, but a few things arise.
1. What if someone gets cheated? For example, there is a brawl, but as soon as it starts, one of the brawlers has 5 guys that were hiding, and they all jump out and team the other guy?

2. What if a noob freshly joining the server pops into spawn right as a brawl is starting, and, not knowing what he is doing, begins to punch a participant? He is now part of the brawl, and will probably die. He may be unfamiliar with brawls, so he will probably think that pvp is enabled at spawn, which will cause him to be mad, most likely.

3. This applies to brawls and duels. Will the player actually die when they get 'killed' in a brawl or duel? I think that in a duel, you should die but not lose your stuff, and be teleported to spawn. In a brawl, when you "die", you just respawn right when you were standing, and you are considered no longer in the brawl, but just perhaps knocked out or defeated, and you can't join the brawl again, and you also shouldn't lose your stuff for brawls.

the duels sound like a great idea to me, but even if all my ideas got implemented into this suggestion, the brawls worry me, sure, they sound cool, and maybe in an enclosed environment like a pub or a restaurant, it would look cool and fun. However, lets be realistic. If this was implemented, there would be 1 or 2 brawls going on right at spawn at all times, and that would come off as generally unattractive if there were always like 10 people having a go at eachother at the spawnpoint. I definitely think that duels should be implemented just as they are, and as quick as possible, because this is one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a long time. However if brawls are going to be implemented with the duels, I think all of these points should be considered and ironed out, to provide the best experience for players.
This would be great, and would also make the city seem more real. For example if I am roleplaying as a vampire hunter, and I see a vampire lurking in an alley(who is also roleplaying), roleplay would drive me to attack the vampire, resulting in a fight to the death. However, the safezones in Regalia and other cities would prevent this from happening. This kind of reminds me of duels in actual MMO's, which is good! After all, this is the minecraft RPG server, your supposed to get that feel from it. So anyways, that vampire and I could use the duel commands, (although in the roleplay it would just be that the hunter attacks the vampire).

One concern that does arise is the brawling. It's an interesting concept, but a few things arise.
1. What if someone gets cheated? For example, there is a brawl, but as soon as it starts, one of the brawlers has 5 guys that were hiding, and they all jump out and team the other guy?

2. What if a noob freshly joining the server pops into spawn right as a brawl is starting, and, not knowing what he is doing, begins to punch a participant? He is now part of the brawl, and will probably die. He may be unfamiliar with brawls, so he will probably think that pvp is enabled at spawn, which will cause him to be mad, most likely.

3. This applies to brawls and duels. Will the player actually die when they get 'killed' in a brawl or duel? I think that in a duel, you should die but not lose your stuff, and be teleported to spawn. In a brawl, when you "die", you just respawn right when you were standing, and you are considered no longer in the brawl, but just perhaps knocked out or defeated, and you can't join the brawl again, and you also shouldn't lose your stuff for brawls.

the duels sound like a great idea to me, but even if all my ideas got implemented into this suggestion, the brawls worry me, sure, they sound cool, and maybe in an enclosed environment like a pub or a restaurant, it would look cool and fun. However, lets be realistic. If this was implemented, there would be 1 or 2 brawls going on right at spawn at all times, and that would come off as generally unattractive if there were always like 10 people having a go at eachother at the spawnpoint. I definitely think that duels should be implemented just as they are, and as quick as possible, because this is one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a long time. However if brawls are going to be implemented with the duels, I think all of these points should be considered and ironed out, to provide the best experience for players.
1. have a duel to prevent that, or bring your own gang :D
2. post signs in the spawn that are very clear, describing brawls, and that are easily seen on the way out of the spawn building.
3. maybe for brawls, if you are "killed" it sends you back to spawn and a chat message pops up saying "playerx has been knocked out" and for duels I think you should actually die.
1. have a duel to prevent that, or bring your own gang :D
2. post signs in the spawn that are very clear, describing brawls, and that are easily seen on the way out of the spawn building.
3. maybe for brawls, if you are "killed" it sends you back to spawn and a chat message pops up saying "playerx has been knocked out" and for duels I think you should actually die.
Those are some good fixes, I guess it is better if you get tele'd to spawn for brawls, because it could get confusing when you were fighting someone in a brawl, and then they stayed there, you might not know that they were dead.
Another thing that i thought of could be a bet for the fight. So say the command was /challenge (player) 5s
You would be betting 5 silver on the fight, and you get 10s if you win. The minimum number to bet would be 1s. This would help with random people challenging you 50 times and spamming you with this player has challenged you to a duel. Also would help so people don't go around challenging everyone and trolling. Another thing is, this would be more rp so the winner gets more then the other players weapon, or if they fight unarmed they will still be gaining something.
Another thing that i thought of could be a bet for the fight. So say the command was /challenge (player) 5s
You would be betting 5 silver on the fight, and you get 10s if you win. The minimum number to bet would be 1s. This would help with random people challenging you 50 times and spamming you with this player has challenged you to a duel. Also would help so people don't go around challenging everyone and trolling. Another thing is, this would be more rp so the winner gets more then the other players weapon, or if they fight unarmed they will still be gaining something.
I agree with the betting, however I don't think that any items should be lost in brawls, maybe in duels, but definitely not in brawls. Because not all duels and brawls result in deaths, in fact many don't, and even if I get defeated and sent to spawn, I'm most likely going to roleplay that I was just knocked out if it was a brawl, or a severe wound that crippled me if it was a duel. While duels are more intense, these brawls should be lighthearted and fun, that would take place in a tavern when we are all drunkenly roleplaying. I don't want to risk my inventory in a little bit of roleplay violence.
Is there an actual brawl plugin in existence already? Probably would need to be written specifically for this server, maybe Cowboys can mess around with it.
There is no plugin existing, that has this features.
I already asked Cowboys, if his awesome programming skills could do that.
Very good Idea, I especially like the ability to not lose inventories. However I think in Duels that you could say /RandomroleplayerX challenge
RandombloodlusterY for (Insert number here) so you could roleplay as a dueler and make money from it. This would mean that you could put in 0 so you do not have to lose money for dueling if you want to as well.
that sounds cool, would even help with vampire hunting RP :D
Yes. Yes just yes. This would be great! But one downside...
Random annoying failing rp bloodluster noobs could just reject the challenge. Vampire lives, guard can't do anything.
Yes. Yes just yes. This would be great! But one downside...
Random annoying failing rp bloodluster noobs could just reject the challenge. Vampire lives, guard can't do anything.
I guess that would be a bit of a problem but this plugin would not just be for hunting vamps (we have the inqusition for that). It would be for RP ing drunken bar fights and for having faction leaders fight to end wars with out others being able to help.
I guess that would be a bit of a problem but this plugin would not just be for hunting vamps (we have the inqusition for that). It would be for RP ing drunken bar fights and for having faction leaders fight to end wars with out others being able to help.
This would go really well with the Inquisition. Say... they have a 'brawl accept bypass'.
This would go really well with the Inquisition. Say... they have a 'brawl accept bypass'.

A duel accept bypass is probably what you mean. Maybe there could be another command /accuse player
the inquisition could use this it would be like a duel between the accuser and the vampire but the vampire could not refuse.
Or maybe inqusition members could attack vampires at any time in regalia
Or the /accuse player could still be active but when used it lets everyone attack that vampire for 5 minutes or so. only members of the inquision could use the command
That sound's really good
Im gonna start so many bar fight's xD
I would love to have fights with other players. (( I find your profile image slightly disturbing Kapry since the image shows you stabbing a Templar when I was once a Templar myself, remember? lol.))
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