Battle Report: Valyria

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Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
On the 20th of January, Valyria attacked four factions. 9thlegion, Arthain, Argonia and Yggdrasil. This bold attack led to the largest counter raid the server has ever seen. Valyria had wronged far too many factions, and today, the factions struck back. The famous overthrowing of FHFDooM loomed over everybody's heads, as the attackers (Credits to monmarty) built a huge statue of FHFDooM, with laser cannon eyes. Valyria's seemingly endless supply of god apples killed several of the gallant soldiers that day, but I would call this a victory. See for yourself.

Unfortunately Valyria filed complaints about the length of the raid, and we were forced to leave. It just goes to show that some people can't take what they dish out.

Factions that were present:
- TheOldMan
- Argonia
- Invictus
- Halyconia
- 9thlegion
- Renegade
- Kayolin
- Alamut
- Falnyr
- Auxillian
- Osai
- Athiktos

The FHFDoom Cannon makes it 100x cooler
obviously coming from a biased opinion and ready to start a flame war, I will give my perspective. I was not present at the argonia raid, but I arrived at the Arthian raid just in time to see valyria beat back, and was obviously in the hectic battle in the 9thlegion's city Roma where valyria brought 3 allied factions. With the deaths of many legionnaires and allies, we did manage do beat them out of Roma in under an hour of fighting. The counter-raid then followed was a huge raid, which left many valyrians dead and most of their allies nowhere to be seen. The FhFdoom statue was rebuild as we trapped them in their palace and in the end, I believe, that the battles of the day were all defeats of valyria.
The best an most fun killing I have ever been in. I called it a killing because alamut did not take sides until later on, and before we were just watching and killing people who would come try to attack us randomly from where our seats were. I believe hamcheese is posting a video for all who didn't see it.
The best an most fun killing I have ever been in. I called it a killing because alamut did not take sides until later on, and before we were just watching and killing people who would come try to attack us randomly from where our seats were. I believe hamcheese is posting a video for all who didn't see it.

Don't twist facts, both you and disturbed actively participated in the fighting directed against 9thlegion and Argonia, I would even suggest Disturbed is the reason why Valyria managed to beat the attacks back every time. By far he and Relentless made the most kills.

more pictures:
No it was world war.

And monmarty I was not online when disturbed enemied 9th legion so I was just told what happened after I left. While I was there we would just kill the ones who would attack us.
I never enemied 9th legion get yo facts straight gurl, I only enemied Argonia.
If that was directed at me, monmarty said u attacked 9th legion , so again I am just going off of what I heard after I left
I would even suggest Disturbed is the reason why Valyria managed to beat the attacks back every time. By far he and Relentless made the most kills.

Can't be mad at Distdurbed then...
I have to admit I enjoyed myself.

I actively watched over the raid of Arthain (Not getting involved in the battle, merely watching) and then, later at 9thLegion, took up arms against Valyria. We then managed to outnumber them at 9thLegion and pushed them back to the erm.. citadel? of Valyria and continued the onslaught. (Unfortunately, I had to leave half way through xD)

I also had a friendly conversation with Grixer after the attack on 9thLegion. Talking about computers and stuff... Yeah it was rather weird.

I found it humorous most of all because I am Truced with everyone in the battle, except Valyria and Yukuro. So, I simply swung my weapon and hoped it would actually hit someone, and not spam my screen.

Good battle though guys! I look forward to next time ;)
(Hopefully my FPS wont be 3 throughout the battle)
Funny how earlier grixer told me in pm that we better not report harrasament when they raid us and that is exactly what they did :I
I am not sure who's side to take. lol. Perhaps I will stay neutral. o_o
-Ahem- Miztorga please.
Yesterday those wars started at arthain, went to 9th legion, and twelve hours after the first raid on arthain the battles ended. Had to be the longest ongoing fight in massivecraft history.
Yesterday those wars started at arthain, went to 9th legion, and twelve hours after the first raid on arthain the battles ended. Had to be the longest ongoing fight in massivecraft history.
and the most chaotic... amidst the fighting, alamut and kayolin seemed to be having a minor war of their own :P
Don't twist facts, both you and disturbed actively participated in the fighting directed against 9thlegion and Argonia, I would even suggest Disturbed is the reason why Valyria managed to beat the attacks back every time. By far he and Relentless made the most kills.

If you watch the video Disturbed only kills Qeusk, who attacked him first, and Falnyr. I'd say Ham probably had most of the kills
auxillian was there *sqwee* thtas how you know there was a fight *Not including argonia, 9thlegion, alamut, others*
If you watch the video Disturbed only kills Qeusk, who attacked him first, and Falnyr. I'd say Ham probably had most of the kills
This is only 35 minutes out of 9 hours lol. We have most of the 9 hours recorded we will be posting some of it soon so you can see our side of the battle. However I don't think we will post all 9 hours... No one would watch it.
the best part is were when i would get trapped inside the base with about 8 of them lol... i would just run in circles stabbing everyone and killing a few now and then :P
This is gonna sound weird but when the fighting was going on i was siting on top of the Citadel of Eve eating popcorn... ^-^ :P[DOUBLEPOST=1358715372][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is only 35 minutes out of 9 hours lol. We have most of the 9 hours recorded we will be posting some of it soon so you can see our side of the battle. However I don't think we will post all 9 hours... No one would watch it.
Id watch it over and over and over again... also off topic lovely gun you have on your avatar.. :P
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