Archived Aura Traits~

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Mithrilian Navy and Knight Of Mithril
Sep 23, 2013
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Lets explore a whole new idea to player versus player combat. An old perk we had in Massive was a race called Vespid. The ability it gave was a very unused perk and no one played with it. Vespid's trait was that for every other Vespid within 30 blocks you gained 3% more damage, maxing out at 30% increased damage.
This has giving birth to all new kinds of ideas in my head, especially the aura traits. Since I had always wanted to play a support role, here is my idea!

Some factions do not have very many good pvpers if not at all.. Most starting factions are just a group of friends who aren't trying to pvp.. But what if they have to? This is where the Aura traits come in. Quite a few factions, new ones mostly do not have enough money/materials to supply themselves in a war. The aura traits would lightly fix that, at a cost though.

Speed One Aura.
Be within 16 blocks of an ally or faction member and they get a speed one effect.
80 Trait points.

Regeneration One Aura.
Be within 16 blocks of an ally or a faction member and they get a regeneration one effect.
100 Trait Points.

Fire Resistance Aura.
Be within 16 blocks of an ally or a faction member and they get a Fire Resistance One effect.

This seems like a lot of + with no -, but here is the kicker.
The person holding the 'Aura' does /NOT/ receive the aura buff, which makes it so not everyone can run the buff. Only certain designated persons can.
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So, you could have people running heavy builds with health boost2 and the likes, and then a "Medic" style guy following them with escape traits, such as speed and jump?

I like the sound of that! It'd be a very interesting addition to PVP~
Basically, a big PvP faction could pay others money to have these traits and run right behind them. So if you have a lot of money you can now be even better at PvP (if someone would like to earn some regals by helping you).
That is maybe a flaw, but it sounds interesting, I think tis should be tested.
I've always entertained the idea of a support role via support traits. In the future I would like to see people who run support traits specifically that focus on granting aura buffs and channeled heals. The counter to this would be that if someone wants to be an effective healer, they wouldn't have the slots or points to run defensive traits, making them extremely squishy to the average offensive fighter.
That is exactly what I tried here, the con is that you don't get the buffs yourself.. Which gives you even less points to spend on defense...

Prehaps you can only have a set number of players say? 5 players who receive the buff of the person who gives it's choice? Just a suggestion.
I think 150 points would be more suitable for some of these, since those could be sort of OP, at least looking at it now, not having used it. It might not be. Good idea though, just increase the trait points and you have my support.
I think 150 points would be more suitable for some of these, since those could be sort of OP, at least looking at it now, not having used it. It might not be. Good idea though, just increase the trait points and you have my support.

Here, I will explain why /IMO/ ((In my opinion)) Why it is not op. The person who has it does not get the buff, so thats already one trait. As well as speed 1 being 50 to have yourself. The aura would be 80!
Here, I will explain why /IMO/ ((In my opinion)) Why it is not op. The person who has it does not get the buff, so thats already one trait. As well as speed 1 being 50 to have yourself. The aura would be 80!
Well, at least there needs to be a limit for how many get the buff, then it would be less OP.

Also, I could see this causing server lag, since it has to calculate a radius of however many it is around the player every time they move. I am no programmer, but I think it would.
Well, at least there needs to be a limit for how many get the buff, then it would be less OP.

Also, I could see this causing server lag, since it has to calculate a radius of however many it is around the player every time they move. I am no programmer, but I think it would.

See you say this... But when vespid was around it did the same exact thing and I dont remember ANY lag.
This has already been pushed to Cayorion to look at it, Im just hoping he is interested and takes a glance.

I'll tip my fedora to this.
Speed One Aura.
Be within 16 blocks of an ally or faction member and they get a speed one effect.
80 Trait points.

Regeneration One Aura.
Be within 16 blocks of an ally or a faction member and they get a speed one effect.
100 Trait Points.
Might want'a fix that.
... No one ever used it.
I beg to differ.
Sadly, I could only get a maximum of two players to become Vespids with me. There was no lag with three players being Vespid at once. I doubt there will be if these traits become a thing.

Yes. Traits need to have more support variety in their system. Though almost no one used them in the old races system, I believe they still have potential.
I'm supporting this, because this would mean that I could ACTUALLY kill someone now. Cause I suck at PVP.
I beg to differ.
Sadly, I could only get a maximum of two players to become Vespids with me. There was no lag with three players being Vespid at once. I doubt there will be if these traits become a thing.

Yes. Traits need to have more support variety in their system. Though almost no one used them in the old races system, I believe they still have potential.
Just because three people tried to use it doesn't mean a meaningful amount of players did (A large amount of the playerbase). You know what I meant :P
Abused? When did I say that Vespid will be abused? All I said was I thought it could cause lag, but many people have testified that it won't.
Abused as in overused to the point where a large player base has that trait and it could potentially cause lag.
It won't be abused, just like all the other crap in Massive isn't being abused by pvpers!
What crap? Are we referring to those big factions who like raiding everyone? If so, then you have nothing to worry about. Support abilities have never been popular among powerful factions. They work better for weaker ones who don't have the necessary potions for those buffs themselves.
Abused as in overused to the point where a large player base has that trait and it could potentially cause lag.
I doubt it, since it didn't happen with Vespid. I do think it will be more prevalent if a lot of opportunities are given for players to play a support role with lots of different kinds of aura traits, though.
Abused as in overused to the point where a large player base has that trait and it could potentially cause lag.

What crap? Are we referring to those big factions who like raiding everyone? If so, then you have nothing to worry about. Support abilities have never been popular among powerful factions. They work better for weaker ones who don't have the necessary potions for those buffs themselves.
Yes, because no one at all uses the same set of traits because they're the most OP. Not at all. <-- Sarcasm

And Support Abilities? Since when have support abilities been in traits? You cannot determine how much they would be used. They would seem a better buff as they do not require people to redrink potions to maintain their buff.
Yes, because no one at all uses the same set of traits because they're the most OP. Not at all. <-- Sarcasm

And Support Abilities? Since when have support abilities been in traits? You cannot determine how much they would be used. They would seem a better buff as they do not require people to redrink potions to maintain their buff.
Support abilities existed back when the race plugin existed. No one used support races like Yanar or Vespid during war because they were under-powered compared to the alternatives. Having traits that give you buffs is like the poor mans alternative to potions. And with the economy deflated, poor is hardly even a word in the dictionary.
You can't abuse the benefits because the only thing that it benefits is your wallet. I'd choose a speed boost 2 potion over a speed boost 1 trait if I had the money.
I'd choose a speed boost 2 potion over a speed boost 1 trait if I had the money.
do i sence a potentional source of money while getting rid of 3 doublechests full of speedII pots (can make splash):^)
and now back in topic before i derail this
i (Y) this idea, in combat it's more natural for me to take on a suportive role.
Support abilities existed back when the race plugin existed. No one used support races like Yanar or Vespid during war because they were under-powered compared to the alternatives. Having traits that give you buffs is like the poor mans alternative to potions. And with the economy deflated, poor is hardly even a word in the dictionary.
You can't abuse the benefits because the only thing that it benefits is your wallet. I'd choose a speed boost 2 potion over a speed boost 1 trait if I had the money.
And It would be speed boost 1, and limited to it because? oh wait....
Yes, because no one at all uses the same set of traits because they're the most OP. Not at all. <-- Sarcasm
It won't be abused, just like all the other crap in Massive isn't being abused by pvpers!
And It would be speed boost 1, and limited to it because? oh wait....

๖ۣۜEither make your point or don't at all, if you have nothing of value to say or have no nice way of saying it, then don't say it. It helps everyone's mood, it helps people support your argument, and it helps prevent flame. Come on, man. Be mature if you disagree. Use less sarcasm. :/

Now, with this in mind and going back to topic, the person holding the buff not having it can quickly be changed around by having two people with those traits. However, due to the seeming of people with it, I can certainly doubt heavy-scale PvPers will not hold these form of traits and that the two "Squishies" as @Alj23 described are a weakness that in a way can be removed and quickly size down your opponent once captured. The price of points are also great, as it balances it out a ton by restricting the wielder of the 'bubble' traits itself. I support this idea. Also, other traits can give you buffs you normally recieve from potions anyways. Having these 'bubble' traits aren't exactly too much of a step up.
Actually @Chronicler_372 I can justify his actions. Think of it as if he's playing the devil's advocate, but at the same time literally role-playing the devil's advocate. It makes debate much more interesting as long as you don't fall for his manipulative rage inducing comments.
(Read commandment one of rational debate in the spoiler)

Back to the argument...
And It would be speed boost 1, and limited to it because? oh wait....
Well how would we know what features it would include with it? It hasn't even been implemented. And even if it were, why do you think arguing about it now would change the future? You've made your point, and we've discussed on possible ways to avoid your doomsday prophecy. So unless you have another point to make...
Personally I think 16 blocks isn't large enough. Perhaps 20 or so, because it gets hard to fight with everyone all around another in a spot.
Personally I think 16 blocks isn't large enough. Perhaps 20 or so, because it gets hard to fight with everyone all around another in a spot.
Make a snake pit. Then put all of your players inside it.
Proceed to watch and laugh as the enemy drowns in a pile of randomly buffed players.

Or if you're a Maiar, make it a shark pit.