Archived Able To Take Pow's *improved*

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Cake Master of Alamut
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, so here is the improved version of the POW plugin, if we decide to incorporate it. Please post your comments here, not on the old post.
People may only be captured if the faction they are in is set for roleplay and if they have 3 hearts of health or below.
An item will be used as shackles - item TBA - (think of a good, practical suggestion and post it in comments)
An item will be used as a key, but a player must be an ally to use the key on other people, not themselves - item TBA - (think of a good, practical suggestion and post it in comments)
The shackles will last for 4(changed from 5) days and have a cooldown of two days.
Prisoners can not die or have less than 1 bar of hunger but they can not gain health.
There could also be a /surrender option for people who choose to surrender. A message could display in chat saying they will surrender, but the message would only be revealed to neutral players and enemies.
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i dont like the only premium player idea, think of small factions or even the factionless. they probably havent even made friends on the server let alone know a prem willing to help them out
Why do I see someone with 2 pairs of shackles available keeping someone on POW lockdown by swapping the pairs out when one is in cooldown... Unless you meant the player is in cooldown and can't be POWd again.
Surrendering in a POW fashion is a roleplay choice, I see no reason to make a plugin for this.
yeah but this way it makes it more official and can make life a bit more interesting for factions who choose to roleplay[DOUBLEPOST=1357686509][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why do I see someone with 2 pairs of shackles available keeping someone on POW lockdown by swapping the pairs out when one is in cooldown... Unless you meant the player is in cooldown and can't be POWd again.
And yes, I did mean that they can not be POW'ed again.
I believe that the shackles should only last for an hour, preferably even less. Most strict roleplayers dont often pvp, and when they do they obviously do not want to be locked up while doing it! I think this is a cool idea but it seems very... abusive, maybe incorporate it into the war plugin, and have them POW'd for the match, being able to be rescued? I dont like the fact of having to stand in an enemy base for days. e_e
yeah, but I would still want a faction member to want to rescue another member, waiting four days isnt that long
try not to talk to other players, when you cant do something, it seems forever until you can do somethin, one day or less would be best, and the shackles would need to be really expensive so it doesnt cause trolling...
The thing about role play is most will not do it unless
1. they know about this
2. It is simple to do so and not to elaborat
3. their is a bit of gain to it
4. they could be forced into it

If someone said "Watch out! Their is a mob of angry endermen approaching!"
I would look for them because enderman will not attack the person that did not engage them or look their way.
Once I realize that their is no mob of enderman, I just look at my friend like he is being a fruit.
Same diff if someone said that they are cursed with some diseases in massive and I had to help them with a cure (Their are no #$@$ diseases in massive, stop wasting my time)

Role play is fun but pretending to role play is childish.
Staying in character is cool.

The above is why I think that agreeing to go to jail just for roleplay reasons is garbadge (Do you see people doing this?)
I think that the POW (Prisoner Of War) plug in should be implemented but have some changes.

1. If you fight someone till he is week enough to put him in iron you can. Dose not matter where and they follow you where you go.
2. If a player is in iron, he can logout and be free of his shackles when he returns (You should not be able to prevent people from logging out)
3. If an enemy is being held in your prison (anywhere in your faction) and they are trying to warp out, a message will say do /surrender to escape and not return. Once they do this they are moved to the uspawn and can do as they please from their but they will no longer be able to walk in enemy territory until the war is over, Instead be warped to uspawn if they try.
Surrendered players will also not gain the 30% more damage power in their own faction until the war is over.
4. You can free prisoners in a radius no matter what side you are on by typing /FreePrisoner and waiting their for 10 seconds without being attacked.

Many faction will just enemy another faction and just leave the status but if prisoners where involved and eventually all their fighters would not be able to step in enemy territory or get the 30% more attack in their own faction I would bet they would ask for a truce and in turn surrendering.
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