A Major Naga Religion: Nagrecian

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
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Mar 22, 2013
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Naga of this server, here is a religion that you can follow! After spending 4 months in discusion, several other Naga (including me) made this religion as a major one of the Naga. You can worship these gods if you wish.

Namisaki: A wise and powerful sea serpent, Namisaki has been many places, looking to help those who would listen. She likes the Naga, particularly the Slithers do to their like appearances. She tends to travel a lot, though she will stay in certain areas for a period of time before moving. While she spends most of her time deep in the ocean, rumor is that she will come up to the surface to talk to those who are true followers in her path. Where she does this, or who she meets is unknown. What is know is that Namisaki teaches her "Children" to be swift and cunning, using their speed to avoid and deflect all threats. Namisaki's true appearance is unknown, but it is said that she has smooth scales, and sapphire blue eyes. There have been stories from the Miair about the battles that Namisaki and her brother Ilkarno have had. The stories state that Namisaki weaves and avoids all of Ilkarno's attacks, however she cannot harm him in return.

Ilkarno: A massive and powerful sea serpent. He spends most of his time hunting and fighting with his sister Namisaki. When Ilkarno learned that his sister was training others in her arts of defense and evasion, he decided to train followers of his own, believing himself to be the superior being. He found a lone warrior on the shores of a volcanic island, and taught him all he knew. He then commanded the warrior to seek out the best and strongest Naga warriors out in the world, and teach them as well. Those who take Ilkarno's teachings to heart are cunning warriors, masters of finding and destroying their enemies. In combat they are power houses, beating their enemies by their shear strength and skill. Off the field they are tactical master minds, working to hunt and destroy. Ilkarno's followers are overly skilled at defensive warfare, and some ignore it completely. Legends state that Ilkarno has rough and jagged scales, like the volcanic vents he dwells by. He supposedly has eyes that burn brighter than the fires of the volcanoes that dot his domain, and his scales are blacker than the soot that fills the water around him. There are a few stories from some distant maiar who have seen Ilkarno and Namisaki fight. Ilkarno supposedly would destroy thing in his path, but could never destroy, or hit his sister.

Amasolua: Legends of Amasolua often speak of shipwrecked souls finding a small but lush island in uncharted waters, only to find that it was in fact the back of the great serpent. Indeed, in some depictions it would be hard not to make the same mistake. Upon her back grows many long grasses, and her great jade head is circled by a frill of seaweed. She moves through the waters of the world gently, bringing peace to both the waters and the inhabitants of those waters through her mere presence. Amasolua's influence can be found wherever Nagan farmers tend to some sort of crop, from paddies and fields to orchards and seaweed works. It was said that Amasoula intervened back in the earliest days to teach the workings of agriculture to the then nomadic Naga, freeing them from a great famine caused by the overhunting of their islands. Legends say that the first crops were harvested from her back, their secrets and numbers divided equally amongst the tribes so that no Naga, in times of strife and sorrow, need ever go hungry again if they have the right tools. Farmers often give a small tithe in thanks to her, and bonfires can be seen burning up and down the isles post-harvest in sacrifice to her.

This mercy reflects Amasolua's second aspect, that of love. Seeing that the people had become hardened by their times of strife, she took it upon herself to cultivate in this rocky field the seeds of compassion and love. It matters not wether it's the love a mother feels for their child or lovers feel for each other, the blessings of Amasolua can be sought readily to bring harmony between the Naga. It is said the great green serpent has a soft spot in her heart for the children of the Naga, and most schools and mothers have some small way of saying thanks to her. In regards to romantics, it is often said that Amasolua acts as a regulator to the wild passions of Harkiinara, something that the latter has never particularly enjoyed, but this regulation ensures that most Nagan relationships are taken up with a degree of commitment. Amasolua is something of a small god amongst the Naga, being a martial species, but she is one that can always be turned to in times of strife. Wherever there is fear or hunger, the great green serpent is always waiting to embrace those who need her most.

Vaile: Possibly one of the more active "Nagan Gods", this cunning sea serpent has never been seen. Always hiding, either within storms or large deep sea clouds, none have ever seen Vaile and returned to tell the tale. While no one has ever seen him, that is not to say that he has no influence on the world. Vaile's disciples sail out to the middle of the ocean alone, and wait for his directions. Some times he instructs them to destroy others, while other times he directs them to help. It is hard to tell which side Vaile may take, if any. Those who follow in his foot steps tend to be cunning, and almost all are liars to some degree. Vaile teaches them to be uncaring of those around them, instead preferring his followers to only care about the plans he creates.

While Vaile enjoys the chaos and destruction his plans and followers create, he is uncaring as to the fates his followers suffer due to his actions. Those who are cunning and smart tend to last longer than those who follow him blindly, and these intelligent few are the ones that Vaile trusts the most. Not out of any sense of honor, but because they have proven able to carry out his orders. Vaile has a particular pleasure in thwarting the actions of the other "Nagan Gods", finding them to be beneath him. Due to this, most of the others hate him with a passion. However, Vaile does not care about them, so long as his own ends are met.

Harkiinara: Serpent Of Evil And Sex. She represents the Naga's evil side, and also is a symbol of sin. Apparently, half of her face was torn off within a battle which was believed to happen long ago, as she had fought down an entire army, just to get to their king to seduce and torture. She has violet/red coloured scales going down her entire body, and on her wrists lay golden shackles. Her hair is an unnatural green, as though the colour of moss. She lives down where the Naga are, believed to be hiding within them whenever they make a bad decision or are attempting harm to someone. She is told to seduce her prey and then simply just eat it, constantly in need for feed more and more often. She supposedly slithered out from the fires of the Earth. She often lives within the mind of a child, as they are easiest to turn and twist into a devilish fiend. She simply hates the light, constantly avoiding it, due to her one eye that is extremely sensitive to it. You can obviously see her scaled skull on the right side of her face, which has teeth and part of the lower jaw missing.

Schreika: Perhaps the most active of the serpents and simultaneously the one who is sighted most often. Schreika though not very powerful dislikes death and does all she can to help those she finds lost at sea during the night, by guiding them to land. She acts like a living lighthouse warning sailors of dangerous rocky beaches and shallow waters by emitting light near the object of danger. Being a minor serpent the others don't notice her that much as she really doesn't do anything to bother them. Occasionally she accidentally thwarts Vaile's or one of the other major serpents plans and they attempt to stop her. She makes no effort to fight back and instead runs away and hides giving that she can sense them far further than they can sense her. She tasks her followers with becoming guides of men themselves and leading them out of danger the best they can without conflict.

Kariden: This Goddess of Healing is said to have saved the entire race of Naga. Long ago, when she traveled around the islands of what would be know as Hadar, she trained many of the Naga tribes to strengthen their muscles to repel the many island threats. Not long afterwards, she returned to find that nearly all of the Naga were terribly sick with a deadly plague. During her travels around the islands, she had learned many things, one of which being how to combat various ailments. After studying the plague she then rushed around the isles, collecting all of the items to cure it. Once she done that, she spread it across the islands by jumping into the sky. Afterwards, the Naga worshiped her as their Healer. Her scales said to be a purple color and stronger than diamonds. After the gathering of the materials for the cure, it's also said that her immune system became very strong creating the cure, making the scales immune to all illnesses. Her followers are mostly healers and scholars who devote their lives to her by living in temples by the sea.

Jaridaen: This sea serpent's migration has sparked a massive following, many pilgrims of the moon following in the strict pattern that Jaridaen follows. Most myths state that Jariden is black, with shimmering scales almost like stars. Many follow Jariden's following, ranging from simple thieves to Captains that rely on the stars to find their way in the waters of Aloria.

It is said that Jariden and Namisaki had a close relationship, though how close is unclear. Followers of Namisaki often also pay homage to Jariden, and the inverse is also true. Many followers of Jaridaen follow intricate worship practices based on the Moon's cycles, and the patterns of stars in the night sky. These rituals can often be mistaken for darker rituals in the untrained eyes of those not familiar with these practices. Jaridaen is said to have been noble in heart, but capable of great destruction and violence. There are several accounts where dark and blood thirsty Nagan War lords lost their entire fleet to a sudden attack in the middle of the night, and these events are attributed to Jariden's wrath. He is said to protect all who need the darkness to survive, as well as those who truly revere his night. Out of the faith, Jaridaen can be one of the more intimidating, and one of the kinder Nagan gods.

There are rumors of a cult of assassins and warriors that fought in the name of Jaridaen, and worked to kill off the enemies of the Naga. Curiously, this cult did not discriminate against the subraces of naga, unlike the rest of the nagan culture. Whether or not this Cult is the group responsible for the attacks on the Kades, or has survive to this day is not known, and many historians speculate on what could have lead the Cult to form in the first place.

Kakoniad: Definitely one of the most sinister looking serpents in the Hadar oceans, Kakoniad is the Nagan god of Death. Like many gods of death, he is seen as the 'Reaper' of souls, as well as the ferryman for the dead to the afterlife. He is also the protector of said souls, and many of the naga who have become undead since the Chrysant Wars look to Kakoniad for guidance and protection.

Kakoniad is unique to the other gods as he doesn't have a set gender, though most use the masculine pronouns for simplicity. All depictions of him show him either being a large serpent or when in 'Mortal form' being a hooded slither, his face and gender obscured from view. Regardless of form, his scales are a dull gray, with darker patches across his body. He is said to harvest the dead with a single long blade, which is a master at wielding. Whether this is based purely off legends, or a follower who was a skilled fighter is unknown. It is also said that no matter how much damage one inflicts upon Kakoniad, he can never be destroyed, only delayed. This likely spawned from the fact that one cannot out run death.

Those who follow Kakoniad tend to have a very balanced view of the world, as death does not pick sides. They show extreme respect for both life and death, and do their best to revere both the nature around them, and others around them. Similar to certain followers of Jariden, followers of Kakoniad tend to judge the other subraces of the Naga less harshly, and in certain cases will even treat them equally. This has lead to conflicts between followers of Kakoniad and the Drakkar in the past, but recent events have brought an end to the clashes. With the amount of death that occurred in the wake of the Chrysant War, many revere Kakoniad and his followers more than ever before. Those who follow Kakoniad are all trained in the art of using a long blade, though many find other weapons to compliment this skill set. Mages are not common within the ranks, as they represent the 'one true evil' within the Followers beliefs.

In the 'Eyes of Kakoniad' the Veil is the greatest threat to all life, not only in Hadar, but in Aloria as well. Daemons are the greatest foes that the Followers of Kakoniad face, and they are willing to use any means needed to fight them. However, their balanced views on life tend to complicate this goal, for while mages are connected to the very evil they despise, they are not necessarily evil. This 'gray' area varies between various sects, with some not allow mages to others openly seeking them. Regardless, despite their training for combat, most of Kakoniad's followers prefer to avoid combat but will not shy away from it when needed. They make large celebrations for both new births, and for deaths. They honor the seasons, specifically winter.
omg yes! Hark needs to be a god! XD
Spartan, you aren't a Naga. Why did you say you were a Naga who didn't like it?
Well, not sure about the name and all, but yay for Naga having a religion.
Helios will be following Namisakism from now on.
What would you like it to be?
Personally I don't really care, which is why I only say that I am not sure instead I think it is wrong. I think that maybe a following for each particular deity should be called something independent, but that's just me.

Given that there are a significantly lower number of naga left in Aloria, it could be referred to as the "Old Gods" like the Norse did when Christianity rolled around. Just my thoughts on the matter.
Personally I don't really care, which is why I only say that I am not sure instead I think it is wrong. I think that maybe a following for each particular deity should be called something independent, but that's just me.

Given that there are a significantly lower number of naga left in Aloria, it could be referred to as the "Old Gods" like the Norse did when Christianity rolled around. Just my thoughts on the matter.
That's name's taken by the Church for the "Old Gods" of man.
Well i meant actually calling them 'The Old Gods" but whatever works I suppose. Glad to see all the hard work pay off in the end, and I suppose that's the part that matters.
Details I perhaps should've mentioned previously:
Ozgho TechPac
Yes, we do know there is a female character named Raechyl Harkiinara,
Harkiinara's character specifically dresses the way related to the goddess, mainly as a way to spook people, kinda like the face of Anonymous. Let alone, if you know Hark's character well enough in RP, you would learn her last name isn't even Harkiinara. It actually is Honkiinaru, but she decided to pull a loophole on her name when she entered Regalia, after learning about the Nagan gods/goddesses.
Still gonna kill her.
I have to ask, why are almost all the gods serpents? To me it sounds like slither favoritism. Other than that, I like it!
Locking thread as it has been necroed.
Oh god, sorry, I thought it was a vote on which races you liked to see how popular Naga and their new religion were compared to other races. I am not a Huagelfor. I just voted for those races. Sorry!
IC: Let these Heretics burn! The only true god is the Emperor! How dare you dishonor the Holy City!
OOC:Nice religion, I like the detail and it seems great for Nagas.
Bumping this due to Religion awareness and a question, do people believe this should be added to the Religion Page?
:( Well, time to update my halloween skin.
Added Jaridaen after we realized we forgot it.
Revised Jaridaen.
Naga religion is now my favorite religion.

Question. Are all sea serpents gods? And if yes, which gods died during the Chrysant war?
Since I have been helping, I think I can answer this. Roleplay staff feel free to call me stupid if I am wrong.
All of the gods are large sea serpents which the naga have decided to make their gods, and thus the mythos behind them has grown with the Nagan Race.
As for whether or not any have died, I find it unlikely for this to happen. Sightings are extremely rare, so it would be hard for the Regalian fleets to find these sea serpents. Plus they would actually have to know that they exist in the first place. As far as I can tell, or at least guess, while nagan mages were able to control these massive beasts, I don't think any would've have the sheer ability, or guts, to try and control the 'gods' of the nagan empire. The serpents listed here are massive, truly snakes so massive that a religion was formed around the largest. Trying to control something that big would likely kill the mage in question.
Since I have been helping, I think I can answer this. Roleplay staff feel free to call me stupid if I am wrong.
All of the gods are large sea serpents which the naga have decided to make their gods, and thus the mythos behind them has grown with the Nagan Race.
As for whether or not any have died, I find it unlikely for this to happen. Sightings are extremely rare, so it would be hard for the Regalian fleets to find these sea serpents. Plus they would actually have to know that they exist in the first place. As far as I can tell, or at least guess, while nagan mages were able to control these massive beasts, I don't think any would've have the sheer ability, or guts, to try and control the 'gods' of the nagan empire. The serpents listed here are massive, truly snakes so massive that a religion was formed around the largest. Trying to control something that big would likely kill the mage in question.
It is said in the lore that Empress Mikuni had control of these Great serpents and used them on her side during the war. Regalia was struggling until they managed to kill all of their powerful serpents and then used their now superior fire power (or only fire power) to take down the Naga's. Only the oldest sea serpents were left to live in the depths of Hadar's oceans.
Another way we know that they were used in the war is that the Maiar fled only "during" the Chrysant war because of the serpent's viscous feeding frenzy.

I wanted to know if those serpents are now considered dead or defeated gods.
These serpents are not necessarily the same ones that the Naga used during the war. These gods are the 'Oldest' sea serpents. While I will not speak for the gods that I did not help write, I know that Namisaki, Ilkarno, Vaile, and Jariden were not used during the war, and it would be easy to say that none of them were simply because the Gods were so rarely sighted that it would be hard for the Naga to find them, never the less control them.
I am not saying that the Naga didn't use large sea serpents, I am just saying that I find it unlikely that we would have been able to control the largest of them (aka the gods).
As for whether or not they are considered dead or defeated gods, they are neither. There is a very nice in game shrine to Amasolua, and they treat her as the naga there treat her as if the Naga were still a large race. Helios continues to follow Namisaki, and Jariden, and views both as important parts of his daily life. He believes both of them to be alive and well. And I am sure that there are other examples across the community of naga that exist on the server. This is their religion, and while many would've given it up, just as many would hold onto their beliefs.
So in short, the naga used big sea snakes during the war, but they did not use the Nagan Gods as far as I am concerned.
Understood. Two more questions
  1. How big are the nagan gods?
  2. What is their life span?
I'd expect their average life span to be around 50 years if you compared them to whales.
Well, since I have started responding, I will continue, unless you would prefer me to take a long walk off a short pier.
1) Big. No one has had a long enough time to study one of the gods.
2) Honestly, faith aside, they have likely been dead for some time if they are limited in their life span. Though I would imagine that other sea serpents might look like them, and could be mistaken. Faith wise the Gods never die, but take that as you will.
Added Kakoniad, God of Death and modified Jaridaen.
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