Archived Different Initial Spawn Town/'noob' Town

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
I'm not sure how well this will be received, as I personally have mixed feelings over it... but at least read this through before judging it.

The Problem: Noobs. Noobs everywhere. You go into Regalia and all you see are noobs stacked on top of noobs RPing as batman, asking where the docks are, complaining "I can't build, where do I build?" I don't think theseare stupid questions, but I do think that in the roleplay capitol of the server is NOT the place to be asking them. It interrupts roleplay, annoys the heck out of people, and isn't handled well in a giant city where it's easy to get so lost you starve to death and die.

The Solution: A small town built in a world that has only minimal world-edit (basically, Ithania jr.) where noobs have their initial spawn. This world would serve multiple purposes: introducing new players to server mechanics and features, providing a buffer zone for world grief, and weeding out the 'online for 20 minutes then never again' players. It would allow noobs to start on the server without getting lost in a giant city they can't edit surrounded by houses they can't rent while being disliked by players they don't know.

This world would have some features to make it more noob-friendly:
  • Lower rate of aggro mob spawning.
    • No MassiveMobs spawn here
  • Series of beginner quests to get them supplies while teaching them how to use the server.
    • I suggest quests that give them food, wood, iron tools and chain mail armor, as well as a dab of roleplay and a quick explanation of the server's mechanics.
    • Also something that shows off premium to new members so they end up wanting to donate.
  • Smaller town than Regalia (something the size of Valaen) with another port town (about the same size) the the quests eventually get the player to. From that port town a ship to Regalia.
  • Once you leave you cannot go back, so no powerful premiums can slaughter noobs at whim. I suggest having an NPC quester there who tells them that they won't be able to return "So gather your things and come back when you have them."
    • "Storms are brewing, we can't make port there. Sorry buddy."
    • "There's a group o' pirates haunting the passage, it's not safe."
    • Different excuses each time you try to use the ship back.
    • Cannot take the initial ship out if you have a chest in the beginner world.
  • No portals enabled in this world.
  • MCmmo levels double for all members (helps them not suck when they get to Regalia).
  • Drops them off right in the harbor when they reach Regalia, so no lost noobs lol.
  • When a player leaves this world all of their stuff resets to the original world (prevents world grief).
The Result: New Players won't be noobing it up at Regalia, will gain stats, supplies, experience, and knowledge in the beginner world and won't be starting with nothing at all, would create a buffer world for generic griefers, and would help new members not suck when they start looking for factions.

Final Word: I personally think this idea has merit, if only to help new players learn about the server without wiping out worlds to do it. I'm not even sure if all of the parts of this world are possible, but as many should be used as can be used. So, lets hear the replies.
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YESSSSSSSSSView attachment 21797
This is a nice idea. I've seen noobs talking to the purple named NPCs asking if they were admins lol

Why I think it's good:
- When first joining, and seeing the message about the awesomeness of the medieval world, I didn't even bother to read the information in the info hub. Having a place set to guide players would be better than let them free to choose between going directly into the medieval universe or the info hub.

- The game mechanics aren't really explained in the info hub. I just found out about McMMO in my second week I think. Having a place to let people discover the plugins might be a really good idea.

- Making people identify NPCs as NPCs will be a good start as well. This way, they will be able to recognize who is a player and who isn't, and not spend an entire hour flaming a NPC because he doesn't want to talk to him.

Some problems:
- If the world is free for grief, having a plugin to restorate everything will be something troublesome to make(my guess).

- People who already joined Massive wouldn't be able to enter it. The server would need to reset in some way, making all players go through it so that a "new" player can join in that world.

- I think that the main problem about the noobs is the meta gaming and God-rping. Yesterday I had an imortal vampire king from the underworld following me, saying that he would eat my soul if I didn't become his slave. RP isn't actually something you can teach in a tutorial world, as there will be mostly noobs in it, but it may be a good start if the quests are made in a way to teach some Role Play.

That's all I have to say so far, but I would like to see this implemented after all .-.
and make it so where the noobs have to reach a power lvl of something like 5000 to come back.

I've been on the server for over a year and a few months and I don't have 2,000. That just encourages them to grind and pvp instead of roleplay, so roleplayers will be LOT less common when coming in.
and make it so where the noobs have to reach a power lvl of something like 5000 to come back.

I only reached 5k like 3 months ago... if that... I've been on the server for over 2 years... no. There shouldn't be a min stat, but the town SHOULD cause their overall powerlevel to be around 200 when they leave, if they do it right.
I like the idea of a buffer world but most of the rules and server info is clearly written in that initial spawn place. A lot of the problem is people refusing to read or simply not caring enough to do so.
I like the idea of a buffer world but most of the rules and server info is clearly written in that initial spawn place. A lot of the problem is people refusing to read or simply not caring enough to do so.

You're a noob who just got dropped into a magnificent city filled with other players. You're probably like 12-15 years old. Are you going to read some optional signs or are you going to jump in and check this server out?

This new spawn town would make it so that new players are much more well guided towards understanding the server, and in such a manner that is interactive and useful towards them. They learn to use the server features and actually get supplies, skills, and tools out of it, rather than just reading signs that give them nothing and have no interactive ability.
@Mecharich I hate the idea of them being introduced to a noob friendly area with easy players then seeing what the server really is, your argument about them not knowing what to do, instead of blocking them out you should be friendly and help them, noobs would be wandering around this world asking other noobs what to do, people don't read instruction books/signs. No support.
Very good idea!! My only problem with this idea is: What if you have an alt?
If you have gone through it all and want to harass noobs in that place, staff will only ban you I think. Wasting an alt doing it isn't something I think everyone will do.

Not wasn't what I was thinking ._. what if you have an alt that you need to go to your faction base?
@Mecharich I hate the idea of them being introduced to a noob friendly area with easy players then seeing what the server really is

Fair enough. Maybe set it up so that it gets harder as you get closer to the ship to Regalia, at which point it is as difficult as the rest of the server?

, your argument about them not knowing what to do, instead of blocking them out you should be friendly and help them, noobs would be wandering around this world asking other noobs what to do, people don't read instruction books/signs. No support.

It wouldn't be instruction book/signs, it would be quest givers that ask you to help them and then reward you for doing so.
ex: "We have a zombie problem, but if you kill the Warrior Zombie the others will go away! Please do so, and you will get a reward!" - Teaches them about the MassiveMobs plugin, MCmmo lvls up a little, and they get a reward which entices them to learn about the server.​
I don't expect them to just read signs, I expect them to end up wanting to learn about the server because they get stuff out of it.

As for noobs helping noobs, perhaps experianced players could apply to be allowed in to help these new players. The pros to helping are that these older players get more influence, possibly more members in their faction, and can help guide the future of the server. The cost is that they have less time for other stuff.

Would alterations like this help make this world more balanced and useful?

Very good idea!! My only problem with this idea is: What if you have an alt?

Then the alt wouldn't have any stats and thus wouldn't be a threat to new players anyway? And you *can* just go right through this world, if you know the way.
Well, the tutorial is there for the noobs. I think that if you managed to complete all the thing before, you may already know where to go to get to the ships leading to Regalia. If you don't want to complete the tutorial again, just jump into each ship and go to Regalia.
@Mecharich I hate the idea of them being introduced to a noob friendly area with easy players then seeing what the server really is, your argument about them not knowing what to do, instead of blocking them out you should be friendly and help them, noobs would be wandering around this world asking other noobs what to do, people don't read instruction books/signs. No support.

But you gotta think for a little bit-
No tutorial, they are going to have to wing it. How can someone learn all this lore, know how to roleplay, or accustom themself to the massivecraft factions? Without any instruction, what's going to happen? They will join the server entirely new, if they try to roleplay, they might accidentally get themself jailed because they don't properly know how to do it. They might join a faction and grief, and they must have taken the PVP aspect the entirely wrong way. It just discourages people from coming back, making such mistakes and then getting in large trouble for it when you haven't even taught them right from wrong.
But you gotta think for a little bit-
No tutorial, they are going to have to wing it. How can someone learn all this lore, know how to roleplay, or accustom themself to the massivecraft factions? Without any instruction, what's going to happen? They will join the server entirely new, if they try to roleplay, they might accidentally get themself jailed because they don't properly know how to do it. They might join a faction and grief, and they must have taken the PVP aspect the entirely wrong way. It just discourages people from coming back, making such mistakes and then getting in large trouble for it when you haven't even taught them right from wrong.

How are they even going to get instruction, from higher players? Oh wait, they will to busy in Noob town. Most players are used to faction servers as long as they understand the no grief aspect, this is obvious around this server, the majority of people banned for griefing are trolls that already know that they will be banned. Learning lore is from visiting the website, which is frequently advertised around the server, it would be just as easy for new players. Most new players do get jailed in role play do to the fact they do not understand the lore yet, it's a learning process.
How are they even going to get instruction, from higher players? Oh wait, they will to busy in Noob town. Most players are used to faction servers as long as they understand the no grief aspect, this is obvious around this server, the majority of people banned for griefing are trolls that already know that they will be banned. Learning lore is from visiting the website, which is frequently advertised around the server, it would be just as easy for new players. Most new players do get jailed in role play do to the fact they do not understand the lore yet, it's a learning process.

But the thing is, how many ACTUALLY visit the forums right when they join? people are insulted by more professional roleplayers if they aren't very good at it, even when just starting. I see it ALL the time, and then the new player leaves because they are being denied of acknowledgement, and most are just /ignored or insulted.
Sounds good to me. It'd be good to have less players call me by my nickname even though they've never even met or heard of me in roleplay, and just bad roleplay in general.
About the noobs who don't get respect due to bad grammar, meta gaming etc., they should just bloody try. When I first started RP, I was the same as them, and not to toot my own horn, but I became RP staff and a pretty well known person here. They have to put some bloody effort in to get respect.

Barbas Rant Status: Over.
May have already been said but this screams tutorial island from runescape haha.

I kinda like that tbh, I had an idea similiar to this based around the races where youd play out a series of quests based on each race so you got to know how they act/speak/live etc.

Overall this is quite a good idea and kits people out with some basic knowledge and gear.
Rohghash approves
May have already been said but this screams tutorial island from runescape haha.

I kinda like that tbh, I had an idea similiar to this based around the races where youd play out a series of quests based on each race so you got to know how they act/speak/live etc.

Overall this is quite a good idea and kits people out with some basic knowledge and gear.
Rohghash approves

What happened to Imborings suggestion which was almost exactly like this one?
SacredTrout Adding to what Toxiclord said, I myself first entered the server about 8 months ago I think. I read the introduction and went to the medieval universe. I actually was way too shy at the time, and got scared of interrupting Role Play and being jailed, so I just logged out. I returned in December and decided to learn everything. The first three days were hard, as I was lost in Regalia, dying from starvation every time.

I then learned about the ships, which led me to another area where I couldn't build, but I explored a little and found a place to build. I got raided a lot, and got robbed as well. I was almost quitting, then decided to try entering a faction first. I only got to really learn stuff about MassiveCraft there. The races, the plugins, everything actually.

The main problem of people these days is not looking for information, and a dislike for trying new things. Having a noob friendly space to make people interested in factions, in Role Play(maybe even a place to explain the races) and in the Lore will be a good start for people, as you need to make one interested in something first, so they look for the information themselves.

I never cared much for the links in the chat until I joined the faction, so inviting people to the forums and to the Massive site during the tutorial would be good as well, maybe as a complementation at the ending, where people would already be interested in everything.
I like this idea, and I have a few additional suggestions that I think might be interesting. Basically, there's an opportunity to turn this "starting" world into basically an epic story that would guide noobs through their first hours of Massivecraft. Here's the main idea's.

- Add some randomized spawning area's into the world. Now, I'm not talking about spawning noobs in completely random places in the wilderness, I'm talking about having around 12 different "villages" in the world, one for each race(except maiar and dakkar). Each one would be pretty small, with around 5-10 buildings and a few NPC's. New players would immediately pick their races after they join which would actually dictate which village they spawned in. If a player picked Naga, he would spawn in a marshy desolate village, while orcs would spawn in a desert tribe, etc. These villages would basically provide some background and some lore about the Alorian universe. If the player was COMPLETELY new to faction servers, he could undergo a bunch of quests in the village, teaching him the basics of multiplayer servers. If the player was interested in lore, he would talk with the NPC's and hear them gossip about Regalia, its effect on their race/village, demons, etc. However, if the noob simply wants to get through the tutorial, he would approach the main quest in each village: Go forth to the great city of Regalia, and make your legacy.

-Make it so factions cannot be created in this world. We want noobs to avoid getting overly attached to the starter world, this would cause some rather unfortunate complications. The only factions on this world are the villages, which noobs automatically join when they pick their race.

-Make it so each village would have a road to a port town which would have a boat going to Regalia. These roads would all connect at a specific spot, around 3/4 the way to the port town. This would introduce the concept of pvp for a short while. Of course, to avoid any ragequitting the new players should be warned as they take up the main quest to watch out for bandits along the way. There are a few other options to make things easier for newer players.
A) Make it so diamonds cannot be found in the starting world, so we don't have diamond armored godpvpers roaming around.
B) Make it so the starting NPC's give you a speed potion as well as an enderpearl "in case you meet some unfriendly individuals among the way".
C) Make it so in the world players will only drop their hotbar when they die.

-Make it so the mobs get steadily more difficult as the new players advance on the road, until they're facing minimobs named "Bandits" or something.

-Make certain safepoints along the road, such as taverns, etc. These would not only serve as a safe place to rest, but as a way to build up the "hype" about Regalia. Players would constantly hear NPC's talking about Regalia with fear or respect, and they would become interested in their journey's destination. This is where players would also be introduced to the concept of vampires, as rumors coming from Regalia of red-eyed demons.

All these idea's together should create a great experience for noobs, getting them excited to venture forth into Regalia and the other worlds.

You're a noob who just got dropped into a magnificent city filled with other players. You're probably like 12-15 years old. Are you going to read some optional signs or are you going to jump in and check this server out?

This new spawn town would make it so that new players are much more well guided towards understanding the server, and in such a manner that is interactive and useful towards them. They learn to use the server features and actually get supplies, skills, and tools out of it, rather than just reading signs that give them nothing and have no interactive ability.
Um well I'm kinda 15 and I read before I played... Just saying :/ but anyways I agree completely
Ive been in this server for at least 7 months and my power lvl is 4000 so... I disagree with you good sir.
Someone had to say it, and you did in a perfect way. rates winner
For people to be out in there, maybe someone could report noobs, and the mod could teleport them to noob ville? I dunno, just be thinking about. +1 SUPPORT/BUMP

That's really nice, as a player chooses a race at the beggining, and gets to know it. Spawning in a custom village for each race seems good s well, as people will get to know a little of each race culture, see some NPC skins for each race and maybe even follow the architeture and behaviour later.

I don't understand why not have a dakkar and maiar village though. It doesn't have to be a place completely filled with water/lava. The maiar can be a tunnel system underwater, and the dakkar just homes inside a volcano, with some lava around.

Well, I only started trainning recently, and I am nearly capping some skills already, but there's the need to look the other way. I read a lot of posts of strict Role Players, who spend so much time on it, they have almost no actual skill, and are actually homeless, as they don't build or earn money with any activity.

This server isn't just for PvP and developing the McMMO skills. The McMMO is actually a base for Role Play, which isn't needed in order to have RP fights or anything else. This way, I can have a character that is an excelent swordman having only 12 skill with swords in game. People don't have to train in order to RP, and also don't need to RP in order to be PvPers. The server lets everyone follow their own ways.

I met people who only build, people who only RP, people who only PvP, people who like to change between one another some times, and even crazy people like myself who do everything :P
That's really nice, as a player chooses a race at the beggining, and gets to know it. Spawning in a custom village for each race seems good s well, as people will get to know a little of each race culture, see some NPC skins for each race and maybe even follow the architeture and behaviour later.

I don't understand why not have a dakkar and maiar village though. It doesn't have to be a place completely filled with water/lava. The maiar can be a tunnel system underwater, and the dakkar just homes inside a volcano, with some lava around.

Well, I only started trainning recently, and I am nearly capping some skills already, but there's the need to look the other way. I read a lot of posts of strict Role Players, who spend so much time on it, they have almost no actual skill, and are actually homeless, as they don't build or earn money with any activity.

This server isn't just for PvP and developing the McMMO skills. The McMMO is actually a base for Role Play, which isn't needed in order to have RP fights or anything else. This way, I can have a character that is an excelent swordman having only 12 skill with swords in game. People don't have to train in order to RP, and also don't need to RP in order to be PvPers. The server lets everyone follow their own ways.

I met people who only build, people who only RP, people who only PvP, people who like to change between one another some times, and even crazy people like myself who do everything :P

Well its mainly due to the fact that making an epic journey would be difficult as dakkar or maiar. Just imagine this:

The brave dakkar strides down the path, beating back bandits and thieves with his bare fists, determined to make it to- starts raining- OH MY GOD I'M MELTTTTTTTTIIIIIIINGGGGGGG
Ive been in this server for at least 7 months and my power lvl is 4000 so... I disagree with you good sir.

My post had no way to put "disagree on it"...
I was stating my personal leveling experience.
I never said that It wasn't possible. I think a "read more" is in order on your part...
Well, that can be a problem, but i'ts better that people find out about it at the start, and not become general haters like:

"Gawd, the maiar sucks!!! Can't wait to change my race!"

"What's with with the dakkar, they suck! I just died."

"Maiar/Dakkar suck!!!" comment x1000

Also, some Role Play can be used, like the way from the dakkar village to the ship to Regalia is mainly a cave, and is only open in the end, where the dakkar have to watch out for the weather already. Maybe a river for a maiar, instead of a rock path ;)
I suppose that could work, but its just that from my experience maiar and dakkar are the worst races for new players to play. Mostly because both require so much dedication to play.
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